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Nancy Spywareonya

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7 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

I would erase the Collective Unconscious, a hub of electricity connecting human brains but in a negative way, keeping us in fetter making as think in circle like stereotypes

Then humans would be free to think in new, free and enthusiastical unconventional ways





Later, I would demonstrate to everybody everything I already know, so to make people know what to do AFTER MY SUPERPOWERS EXPIRED

Indeed, it would be stick to Scientifical and Psychology exploration, to embetter life, and stop to look for materialistical bullshit preferring (careful now, I LOVE this joke on words) LUST over LUXURIES



After that, Humanity would be ok, then it's time to have a little fun you know?


I would gather all humans of the world in a single place and start a HUGE PISS ORGY!!!

But before I would kill all motherfuckers of the world

Then I would sculpt a personal Rushmore Mount WITH MY ASS and with "Nancy" written on it HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA




Then I would turn into a dolphin and laugh like they do, I ALWAYS WANTED to laugh like they do!!!

Then I would become a flower with my own face and take selfies HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA


Then I would grow one thousands hands and cuddle contemporarily just as many puppies!!!


And then I would invite aliens on Earth to explain to them piss fetish ahahahah and have their Emperor joining the forum

With all those money Admin could secure the forum's future FOREVER!!!


Then it would become to be a problem Peefreak, because Witches have knowledge about the WHOLE of Existence and thus I could say what we theorically would do in a billio of billions of years and it may become less silly

I mean, our destiny is to use science to upgrade and ascend to become made of energies and become four-dimensional beings, and then restart all anew (civilizations, wars, and so on) until our science would allow us to become 5-dimensional, and so on until we transcend existence (10 or 11 dimensions), then becoming one with Primordial Chaos and its inhabitants: if I had UNLIMITED POWER I would blackmail ALL ENTITIES of the universe into being indebted to me for not killing them while I was ALLPOWERFUL, so that when we will ascend to their level they won't try to eat us

Elsewhere they will

Existence in the upper realms is more honourable, yet less tranquil and more

That would be great 

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Nancy, if you were made President of Europe for 10 years with full powers, what would you do? How would you lead? What sort of society would you create?

Can I be cheeky and ask another question? You have said before that you are an anarchist. How does this political stance fit in with your witchcraft beliefs?

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4 hours ago, spywareonya said:

I would erase the Collective Unconscious, a hub of electricity connecting human brains but in a negative way, keeping us in fetter making as think in circle like stereotypes

Then humans would be free to think in new, free and enthusiastical unconventional 




After that, Humanity would be ok, then it's time to have a little fun you know?


I would gather all humans of the world in a single place and start a HUGE PISS ORGY!!!








Sounds like heaven to me lol. Just imagine if we all thought for ourselves and not thinking and doing what governments tell us to do

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3 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

Sounds like heaven to me lol. Just imagine if we all thought for ourselves and not thinking and doing what governments tell us to do

I have always done that, eg decided for myself what laws were valid and what not. I long ago decided that laws to protect people from the actions of others were valid. But laws telling us what to do for our own good - how we should run our own lives - are not valid. They are repressive.

If I wanted to smoke a spliff in my own home, why should that be any business of the state? Likewise if I wanna watch pee porn.

I have never accepted the government's right to tell me what I can and cannot do.

Repressive laws I hold in utter contempt.

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8 hours ago, steve25805 said:

On a much lighter note, Nancy. What is your favourite alcoholic drink?


on the same level stand the highest qualities of Scotch and Rum

I have bottles in my collection which are almost 20 years seasoned, they could cost 1/10 of the monthly salary of a full-time emplyee



If for drink you meant a synonym of cocktail, than Moscow Mule and Tequila Sunrise!!!!

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2 hours ago, spywareonya said:


on the same level stand the highest qualities of Scotch and Rum

I have bottles in my collection which are almost 20 years seasoned, they could cost 1/10 of the monthly salary of a full-time emplyee



If for drink you meant a synonym of cocktail, than Moscow Mule and Tequila Sunrise!!!!

I love Moscow mules. When I make them I only use kettle one vodka. Gotta use good stuff lol

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8 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

I love Moscow mules. When I make them I only use kettle one vodka. Gotta use good stuff lol

Moscow Mule prepared without great vodka just taste like unwashed arses

No thanks

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17 hours ago, spywareonya said:

Obviously if I missed something, feel free to ask!!! 

First of all, @spywareonya for President!!

One big area you missed was, I think, an area close to your heart.  You have mentioned many times how your city is covered in CCTV and that if you pee outside in view of cameras then you will be arrested.    Would you reduce the level of CCTV to provide increased privacy and freedom or would you keep it, but change the purpose so that it could only be used for genuine law enforcement where people are doing things that hurt others or affect their civil liberties?

Also, would you make it legal to pee anywhere?  

11 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I have never accepted the government's right to tell me what I can and cannot do.

Totally agree.   There are now far too many laws which unnecessarily restrict people's freedom.   I do ignore a few of them if it suits me and I'll certainly never let anyone tell me what I can do in my own home.


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26 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

What are some of your favorite foods?

I adore Italian cooking

Mainly Pizza, but anything including pasta and meat goes

I also love asian cooking, both japanese and indian


if properly prepared and not overwhelmed with poor-qualities stuff, I also love Kebab, to a morbid degree, but only if with fresh vegetables, and handmaid sauces and not fat-dripping shitlike meat

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5 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

I adore Italian cooking

Mainly Pizza, but anything including pasta and meat goes

I also love asian cooking, both japanese and indian


if properly prepared and not overwhelmed with poor-qualities stuff, I also love Kebab, to a morbid degree, but only if with fresh vegetables, and handmaid sauces and not fat-dripping shitlike meat

I've never had Kebab before 

My wife and I love to make our own pizza at home. And who doesn't like Asian and Indian food

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