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Sympathy for New Zealand


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Agreed...i dont remember anyone posting a page about the Manchester bombing of May 17,when schoolgirls were killed including an 8 year old,or any other atrocity.

Thats just saying.This is a disgusting thing,and the guy should fry for it,as should have the scum that murdered Lee Rigby,at least they captured them alive.

My view is this-If all the world could live and let live,it would be wonderful.On this particular issue,the Muslims started it in 2001 at the World Trade centre.

Ooops,sorry,i said it.I rashly accused the aggressor of starting it,thats 10 minus points in snowflake world.

Since 2001,all we have seen is Islamic fanatics killing US,innocent citizens,of the west,because we cant recite the koran from memory.Sadly,this has gone on every year since,you turn on the news most days and theres a stabbing,a shooting,a suicide bombing,by some Muslim headcase,for reasons probably their fellow Muslims dont understand even.

What has happened in New Zealand,is a manifestation of christian anger.That for nearly 20 years,Western Govts,have done nothing to prevent these things happening.Nearly once a month at one time,people were getting killed on our own streets by these Muslim freaks,and no-one seemed to even want to act.All we got was platitudes,"we will not be defeated"(how many times do people being killed without retaliation count as defeat)"its nothing to do with Islam"(the killers often screaming Allah hu akbar" whilst sawing someones head off)"we will protect our communities"(yes,protecting the Muslims from us,rather than the other way round).

Now whats happened,is a symptom of anger.This is a message to our Govts.Please stop the headlong conversion of OUR societies into Islam.Remind them once in a while that its THEY that are in the minority,that we only allow them to study Islam at our pleasure,they live in largely Christian countries,and perhaps a time will come when we WONT allow it anymore,until they crack down properly upon the nutcase preachers that they willingly allow to give speeches at their Mosques.

What happened in New Zealand was wrong and shameful.But shameful,that Govts have allowed societies to get to the point where citizens feel like 2nd class citizens,like a smorgasbord,on the plate of "diversity" and "cultural enrichment",that we didnt ask for in the first place...

Im very much a man of peace,i respect ALL ideas and beliefs,providing other people respect MY views too.I hope they fry this nutter,but i also hope they fry people like Abu Hamza,a well known proponent of Islamic terrorism.I pray for the souls of the people killed,and their families,everyone should have the right to live as they wish,as long as its a peaceful life.

But until the scourge of militant Islam,is smashed from the earth,we will see this sadly often.

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I would like to use this post to express my delicate opinion on what @F.W just said


Because sometimes our pal Fanny is a bit too headlong in his adfirmations and this led him in the past to have little rusts with others

I Pm with Fanny almost daily

and I can put my soul on the line, I can bet my life, upon trusting you all he is one of the most sensitive and honourable persons I ever met

He is just a warrior and warriors don't talk like pussies

So, I want to officially express my deepest admiration for this Amazing contributor, both to the forum with his posts, and to my life with his friendship




I think here two things had been put together while they were separate

Islam and islamic terrorism are not one and the same. Terrorism doesn't exist: what we call islam terrorism is NOT terrorism. They are official acts of war perpetrated by nations that are militaristically expansive and accidentally have islam as their religion


Fanny, what happened in Christchurch is not an act of Christian hatred against the wrong way Govs are Handling islamic spread

That hatred con be understandable, but doesn't degenerate to what happened unless people are SO oriented toward violence, that if it wasn't used against muslims, it would have been used against what do I know surfers on the beach

Violence was ready for use: it was stirred by mental illness, not by social unjustices



Yes, Govs are proposing us to let them fuck us doggystyle

Yes, they are incredibly eager to do that

Yes, in their country we must observe their laws while when they come here they try to enslave us

Yes, some nations who [ACCIDENTALLY] got islam as their religion are the main problem of modern world


But many nations of Africa has Islam as their religion and we don't hear problems from them. Istambul is mainly muslim and they all drink and have fun with europeans, telling Qu'Ran-bashers to better read it and find out The Prophet just proposed people not to drink to avoid heart failure in a country so hot and humid like Arabic Penisula

Islam terrorism is not what unleashed these people


They were white supremacists, and thus their handle of "when to feel offended" was set on EAGERLY AND DESTRUCTIVELY

YOU, Fanny, denounces things which are correct. YOU would do something big (not hurting Others, but maybe a strong manifestation of any kind) to sensibilize Govs they ask us to let the Crusade start again and get peacefully defeated

YOU would use "noise" to make your message be heard


NOT them




They are NOT an indicator of something: else than the fact we are still an uncivilized race

I love you more than almost anybody else Fanny, but here you are underestimating the stupidity of those who claim to kill in the name of something: you are unvoluntarily projecting your most ferocious (yet honourable) side onto them

There is a name for this: Solipsism

It's the illusione of sensitive and intelligent people (like you) that anything in the world is done with the same intelligence as background, that you yourself would utilize.

It is not like that

They did not put their mental illness in the service of a social need too long unheard. They used that social need as an excusation for killing people. Violence was the aim, religion the excusation. Not religion the aim, and violence a wrong tool.


Anyway, if you think differently, I'll listen

a kiss

Edited by spywareonya
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1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

I would like to use this post to express my delicate opinion on what @F.W just said


Because sometimes our pal Fanny is a bit too headlong in his adfirmations and this led him in the past to have little rusts with others

I Pm with Fanny almost daily

and I can put my soul on the line, I can bet my life, upon trusting you all he is one of the most sensitive and honourable persons I ever met

He is just a warrior and warriors don't talk like pussies

So, I want to officially express my deepest admiration for this Amazing contributor, both to the forum with his posts, and to my life with his friendship




I think here two things had been put together while they were separate

Islam and islamic terrorism are not one and the same. Terrorism doesn't exist: what we call islam terrorism is NOT terrorism. They are official acts of war perpetrated by nations that are militaristically expansive and accidentally have islam as their religion


Fanny, what happened in Christchurch is not an act of Christian hatred against the wrong way Govs are Handling islamic spread

That hatred con be understandable, but doesn't degenerate to what happened unless people are SO oriented toward violence, that if it wasn't used against muslims, it would have been used against what do I know surfers on the beach

Violence was ready for use: it was stirred by mental illness, not by social unjustices



Yes, Govs are proposing us to let them fuck us doggystyle

Yes, they are incredibly eager to do that

Yes, in their country we must observe their laws while when they come here they try to enslave us

Yes, some nations who [ACCIDENTALLY] got islam as their religion are the main problem of modern world


But many nations of Africa has Islam as their religion and we don't hear problems from them. Istambul is mainly muslim and they all drink and have fun with europeans, telling Qu'Ran-bashers to better read it and find out The Prophet just proposed people not to drink to avoid heart failure in a country so hot and humid like Arabic Penisula

Islam terrorism is not what unleashed these people


They were white supremacists, and thus their handle of "when to feel offended" was set on EAGERLY AND DESTRUCTIVELY

YOU, Fanny, denounces things which are correct. YOU would do something big (not hurting Others, but maybe a strong manifestation of any kind) to sensibilize Govs they ask us to let the Crusade start again and get peacefully defeated

YOU would use "noise" to make your message be heard


NOT them




They are NOT an indicator of something: else than the fact we are still an uncivilized race

I love you more than almost anybody else Fanny, but here you are underestimating the stupidity of those who claim to kill in the name of something: you are unvoluntarily projecting your most ferocious (yet honourable) side onto them

There is a name for this: Solipsism

It's the illusione of sensitive and intelligent people (like you) that anything in the world is done with the same intelligence as background, that you yourself would utilize.

It is not like that

They did not put their mental illness in the service of a social need too long unheard. They used that social need as an excusation for killing people. Violence was the aim, religion the excusation. Not religion the aim, and violence a wrong tool.


Anyway, if you think differently, I'll listen

a kiss

You said it very well, I totally agree with you. Extremists can be found in any race, religion and walk of life. They are the ones that give the rest of us/them a bad name. 

Islam definitely has its share of extremists who then brain wash young people into carring out jihad. Many muslims live in peace among their Christian counterparts

That being said our goverment in canada goes out of it's way to accommodate Muslim emigrants. Iam not opposed to emigration but they are free to practice their religion here but don't press it into other people. We have changed our customs and traditions for them, I don't think it's right. If I moved to a Muslim country I would be expected to follow their customs and traditions

I do belive that these 'shootres' have a chemical imbalance in their brains. I do belive this is caused by medications that are not necessary. Parents are to quick to medicate their kids because they are hyper, kids are hyper, let them outside Haha. Some people actually need meds I get that, but let's stop over medicating people. You never heard of mass shootings 50 years ago when men were men and people in general better than we are now


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42 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

You said it very well, I totally agree with you. Extremists can be found in any race, religion and walk of life. They are the ones that give the rest of us/them a bad name. 

Islam definitely has its share of extremists who then brain wash young people into carring out jihad. Many muslims live in peace among their Christian counterparts

That being said our goverment in canada goes out of it's way to accommodate Muslim emigrants. Iam not opposed to emigration but they are free to practice their religion here but don't press it into other people. We have changed our customs and traditions for them, I don't think it's right. If I moved to a Muslim country I would be expected to follow their customs and traditions




42 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

I do belive that these 'shootres' have a chemical imbalance in their brains. I do belive this is caused by medications that are not necessary. Parents are to quick to medicate their kids because they are hyper, kids are hyper, let them outside Haha. Some people actually need meds I get that, but let's stop over medicating people. You never heard of mass shootings 50 years ago when men were men and people in general better than we are now



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I don't want to pour gasoline on the fire, but I live in a city with the largest Arabic/Muslim community in the world outside of the Middle East.  There's a mosque at the end of my street.  Our city is 40% or more Muslim.  We have no problems at all.  None.  They do not impose their religion on me or any other non-Muslim, ever.  I've never seen it happen.  They also don't commit crime on the level of many other minorities.  They're polite and we all seem to get along just fine.  Oh, and I love their food! 

It saddens me to hear about Muslims/Arabs being the source of problems in other western nations, if that is the case.  I don't have any advice or answers for anyone.  I just wanted to share my experiences with readers here. 

Someone once said, "You hate what you fear.  And you fear what you don't understand."  I agree completely.  That's all I have to say about it.

Edited by 2prnot2p
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11 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

I don't want to pour gasoline on the fire, but I live in a city with the largest Arabic/Muslim community in the world outside of the Middle East.  There's a mosque at the end of my street.  Our city is 40% or more Muslim.  We have no problems at all.  None.  They do not impose their religion on me or any other non-Muslim, ever.  I've never seen it happen.  They also don't commit crime on the level of many other minorities.  They're polite and we all seem to get along just fine.  Oh, and I love their food! 

It saddens me to hear about Muslims/Arabs causing trouble in other western nations.  I don't have any advice or answers for anyone.  I just wanted to share my experiences with readers here. 

Someone once said, "You hate what you fear.  And you fear what you don't understand."  I agree completely.  That's all I have to say about it.

Iam 200km to the nearest city that has a big muslem population. I can't speak directly about that city but as a whole it 1% that give the other 99% a bad name

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14 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

Iam 200km to the nearest city that has a big muslem population. I can't speak directly about that city but as a whole it 1% that give the other 99% a bad name

Absolutely. The awsome black girl Alex and I fucked last year was muslim, theorically speaking

She got drunk with us and had a piss threesome with two followers of the "Way of Infidels" (Witchcraft)




29 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

I don't want to pour gasoline on the fire, but I live in a city with the largest Arabic/Muslim community in the world outside of the Middle East.  There's a mosque at the end of my street.  Our city is 40% or more Muslim.  We have no problems at all.  None.  They do not impose their religion on me or any other non-Muslim, ever.  I've never seen it happen.  They also don't commit crime on the level of many other minorities.  They're polite and we all seem to get along just fine.  Oh, and I love their food! 

It saddens me to hear about Muslims/Arabs being the source of problems in other western nations, if that is the case.  I don't have any advice or answers for anyone.  I just wanted to share my experiences with readers here. 

Someone once said, "You hate what you fear.  And you fear what you don't understand."  I agree completely.  That's all I have to say about it.

I absolutely agree. Some pals here just consider what could be best and not what is fitting today. Thus they sometimes can be headlong but there is reasoning behind them. Conservatorism has its reasons. In the meanwhile, I absolutely endorse all your adfirmations

Ps check my story on the piss threesome. It's worthy a cumshot

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I think that Mr. Brenton Harrison Tarrant - like all the other terrorists, what ever their believes were and who ever they killed -  suffered from a lack of perspective:

Should I elaborate, or is this enough for now?

Edited by WantonLee
Fixed Link... I hope.
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7 minutes ago, WantonLee said:

suffered from a lack of perspective

Only a tunnel-visioned depression coming from the (wrong) self-convincement lack of chances can make a human murder other humans like that


But the video is not working!!!

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9 hours ago, spywareonya said:

Only a tunnel-visioned depression coming from the (wrong) self-convincement lack of chances can make a human murder other humans like that


But the video is not working!!!

Tunnel vision for sure. Iam betting the shooter had lack of confidence, no social skills, no friends or girl friend. He likey got turned down for job offers and dates. He is a angry individual suffering from small man syndrome. He chose to take his anger out on unarmed people, a coward in my eyes

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11 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

Tunnel vision for sure. Iam betting the shooter had lack of confidence, no social skills, no friends or girl friend. He likey got turned down for job offers and dates. He is a angry individual suffering from small man syndrome. He chose to take his anger out on unarmed people, a coward in my eyes


If really there is no other way than violent riot, then do as Yellow Gilet in France, they don't kill anybody!!!

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Just now, spywareonya said:


If really there is no other way than violent riot, then do as Yellow Gilet in France, they don't kill anybody!!!

The yellow jacket caught on here in western canada. They are protesting for the same reasons here and more. 

Agreed. They don't kill anyone 

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10 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

The yellow jacket caught on here in western canada. They are protesting for the same reasons here and more. 

Agreed. They don't kill anyone 

I was seriously planning to join them but in the end I choose not to

I have my career, and with my past I need all beside arrest

But I support them 100%

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4 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

I was seriously planning to join them but in the end I choose not to

I have my career, and with my past I need all beside arrest

But I support them 100%

They are gonna change things thats for sure. Things that NEED to be changed 

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7 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

Iam sure you and I are not the only people who agree on this topic


If the world doesn't change peacefully it will change violently. I will disagree with such violence, but we NEED change

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59 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


If the world doesn't change peacefully it will change violently. I will disagree with such violence, but we NEED change

I hope its peace that brings about change, I fear violence will. Either way you are right, change is needed

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9 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

I hope its peace that brings about change, I fear violence will. Either way you are right, change is needed

50 casualties is a wrong price for us to open our eyes

I hope it won't go in vain

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1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

50 casualties is a wrong price for us to open our eyes

I hope it won't go in vain

It won't go in vain. This shooter needed help, be it mental, physical or financial. He fell through the cracks of the system. This needs to change

In canada kids in elementary and high schools are not allowed to fail, be it a test or a grade. We hand out participation medals. We no longer hand out 1st, 2nd or third place medals, we mite hurt their feelings. The math curriculum has changed to rounding numbers. 2+2 equaled 4 when I went to school. Now it could be 3 or 5, ridiculous. When kids learn failure at a young age they learn from it, they study or practise harder. When a girl/boy breaks their hearts at 12 or 13 they learn to deal with it. Imagine a 17 or 18 year old high school graduate who has never known failure till university or their first job interview, they will be crushed and may act out. This NEEDS to change

Putting kids on meds to early in their young lives for being hyper has to affect their brain chemistry. This NEEDS to  change 

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