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1 hour ago, Hisslut9294 said:

I’m at work in my office and have not peed since 10am, my pussy is throbbing from the need to go. Thank god my desk is concealed so I can grab myself 

Still need to pee my pussy is swollen and my clit is begging to to be rubbed. I don’t know if I’ll make it home dry

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I slept in and just woke up about 30 mins ago, and quickly realized I needed to pee. Have been laying here in bed stroking my cock and enjoying the feeling immensely. Probably going to pee a little soon, maybe I’ll use it to make the strokes more pleasurable as I read some pee stories. 😊

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34 minutes ago, -Z. said:

I slept in and just woke up about 30 mins ago, and quickly realized I needed to pee. Have been laying here in bed stroking my cock and enjoying the feeling immensely. Probably going to pee a little soon, maybe I’ll use it to make the strokes more pleasurable as I read some pee stories. 😊

Here’s one for ya

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8 hours ago, -Z. said:

I slept in and just woke up about 30 mins ago, and quickly realized I needed to pee. Have been laying here in bed stroking my cock and enjoying the feeling immensely. Probably going to pee a little soon, maybe I’ll use it to make the strokes more pleasurable as I read some pee stories. 😊

Ever bust?

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Weather is nice, bladder is filling very fast (woke up at 07:30 and drank a load of water) and my tight polyester briefs are holding my naughty cock nice and snugly. I plan to wash the car this morning. Got my black polyester sports shorts on over my briefs, and a pair of Nike sliders on my feet.

Going to head out and see how long my bladder can hold out before I lose control and wet my tight little briefs for the first time today.

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Well that was a fantastic release. It's rare that I do a full wetting. Normally I pull my trousers down and pee through my briefs.

This time I was so desperate, I hurried round to the back garden, behind the shed.

As soon as I was there my bladder started to give up. I didn't have time to get my black shorts down at all. I just stood there and lost control!

The warmth felt amazing as the pee sprayed from the tip of my penis into my tight briefs.

It flooded through them and soaked the inside of my legs and drenched my polyester shorts before splashing down my legs and warming up my feet.

I'm sat with my phone writing this up on a seat in the back garden.

The wet patch on these shorts is luckily not that noticeable at all. (The material is very shiny anyway).

I'm going to wait a few minutes, finish another pint of water and then get on with cleaning the car. I have about an hour of drying and polishing to complete yet. Hopefully my shorts and briefs dry nice and quick!

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The car cleaning is complete. I'm a little chilly as the wet shorts drying has cooled me down.

I'm going to take my sliders off and put my cheap (knock off) converse on to carry on working in the garden for a while. (Got some weeding and edge trimming to do).

My shorts are still a bit damp, and my bladder is filling nicely. I hope to enjoy another wetting outside then head in to cook some lunch and relax for a while. 🙂

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First pee was nearly 2 hours ago now. Still holding nicely at the moment but because of how much I've been drinking I have filled my bladder fast.

Probably another half an hour or so and I'll be indulging myself in the first rewetting of the day. 😋😋

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Well my bladder wanted relief. So I gave in and enjoyed the 2nd wetting of my briefs today.

While I was working in one of the garden beds I decided to enjoy a squat wetting. I carried on with the weeding as I released my bladder and flooded my briefs and shorts for the 2nd time.

I'm now sat comfortably on an outside chair, my legs crossed nicely with my soaked penis and briefs snug between my legs.

The weather looks as though it's due to change for the worst soon so I'm going to head inside and cook some lunch.

I'll change out of my shorts and take my canvas shoes off and put a pair of comfy joggers on over my damp briefs. I think a pair of socks and slippers will be put on later after I've cleaned my feet from my initial wetting.

Edited by jmatthews1995
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Just had a quick tactical piss through my briefs before the Formula 1 race starts.

Hurried to the bathroom. Pull my joggers off, hopped into the bath and squat down low on my knees. I tilted my hips as far forward as possible and leaned forward so the pee just sprayed through the front of my damp briefs. Soaking my pissy cock for the 3rd time today!

I peed for about 30 seconds, dabbed my briefs dry with toilet paper, had a quick look down the front at my naughty pissy penis and then pulled my joggers back on.

Going to chill out and watch the F1 with a few beers now while sitting on a thick folded chair and letting my pissy briefs dry. 😄 

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Just decided to do my first normal pee of the day (apart from my morning pee). I went to the bathroom and pulled my pissy penis out and just released like normal. I didn't even bother drip drying or shaking and just slipped it back into my tight pissy briefs. 😄

Will likely wet again once more before bed tonight at this rate. 😄 

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