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ROOM 101


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This one will probably earn me a lot of approbium.But its my Room 101,and i cant hold back anymore.Sorry folks,DOGS.Any Dog apart from Military,Police,Guide Dogs for the blind,etc,i cannot deal with.Little snappy,yappy,crappy everywhere types.No.

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6 hours ago, F.W said:

This one will probably earn me a lot of approbium.But its my Room 101,and i cant hold back anymore.Sorry folks,DOGS.Any Dog apart from Military,Police,Guide Dogs for the blind,etc,i cannot deal with.Little snappy,yappy,crappy everywhere types.No.

I adore dogs

But I can understand the silly behaviour of people putting them on display. You get out of your home, you see one hundred of them in 5 minutes. I am beginning to understand the reasons laying under each your complains and interlinking them all. 

You are against anything that emanates an overall sensation of "bad taste"

and I can definitely agree

Edited by spywareonya
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Guest UnabashedUser
On 12/2/2018 at 10:28 PM, F.W said:


Hmmm,so 10 people who most of us havent heard of,are given the epithet "celebrity"and invited to spend a month in the Australian jungle SET,and eat insects,and testicles,is supposed to be "REALITY"?But apart from that,its the way that,ok,its not my cup of tea,if other people like it,then let them watch it.Fine.

Or this dancing show,or X factor type of stuff.Not interested,dont want to hear about it.

But dont then place it all over the media,like on front page of newspapers,or in tv bulletins.I dont watch it when its on,please dont infest my life with this crap.

Most "reality" shows are exhibitions and not competitions. They are tightly scripted, rehearsed, and mostly fake where crews of caterers, makeup people, medical staff, insurance observers, craft union reps are behind the scenes in those desert or jungle scenarios.  It's fake tv folks. Pay no attention to the production staff behind the curtains.

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Another thing,and i think at the moment this is my MAJOR hate,is those hideous earrings that make a hole in the earlobe,that you can see through like a porthole.YEEESH!UG-LEE,or what?I was in a cafe at the weekend and the guy serving had inflicted this horrid ornament upon himself,i had to leave my coffee and pastry,he put me right off,you could have put 3 fingers through it,ewwwwwww!

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I hate old rock stars who refuse to retire even though they sound horrible, e.g., Paul McCartney.  He, and many others, were great once upon a time, and I loved their music.  But, please retire!  Oh no, they keep going and make fools of themselves.  It's sad.

I also hate when these old farts entice the audience to sing the songs for them!  God, I hate that!  Yet, all the sheep love it!  Their adoration has made them blind to the reality and they say, "Oh, McCartney still sounds great!"  NO, HE DOESN'T!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Editing of movies on TV.

Recently(of course its RECENTLY),theres a trend for TV companies to edit movies they show.

Problem with this is that the film already has been given a rating..So youre watching a film,then suddenly it jars and moves to another scene,or a word is dubbed out or removed.

I noticed this with A Bridge too far.Lots of "violent" bits cut.Its a WAR movie guys!War tends to be violent.Even beforehand it warns you that the WAR movie youre about to watch "might" contain scenes of violence that some viewers might find distressing.No shit Sherlock?

Stop it!Let us watch films as intended,theyve already been rated and edited!

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The phrase "Grow a pair".

Somehow inferring that if youre a man,you were born without testicles.Ive never seen how having testicles equates to being courageous.Its said a lot on talk shows etc,ive even heard women say it to other women.So really its offensive to women,it infers they are less brave than men.

I cannot stand this saying.


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Guest UnabashedUser

I prefer "put on your big girl panties" in order to remain gender conscious in today's SJW politically correct corrosive atmosphere.

Bugger that.

Grow a pair still works for us in West Texas, where if you have two large fists and an accurate shootin' arn most things are still permissable without a note from Mother Earthers.

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People who butcher the English language.  It's rampant here in the states, especially on talk radio.  Some examples are:

"I'm an alum of the University of Michigan." (It's alumnus, idiot!  And plural is alumni.)

"That's too big of a boat." (No, it's too big a boat.  No of needed.)

"I could care less." (The phrase is, "I couldn't care less."  Your way indicates that you care.)

"Stop calling me out of my name." (Black urban phrase.  Say it right.  "Stop calling me names.")

"Can I axe you something?" (Another black urban phrase and, once again, wrong.  Is it so difficult to say, "Ask?")

There are many, many more.  They drive me nuts!  LOL!

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On 1/27/2019 at 11:04 AM, F.W said:

This one will probably earn me a lot of approbium.But its my Room 101,and i cant hold back anymore.Sorry folks,DOGS.Any Dog apart from Military,Police,Guide Dogs for the blind,etc,i cannot deal with.Little snappy,yappy,crappy everywhere types.No.

What about a very well-behaved golden retriever?  Are they okay?  I love those dogs and had friends with them.  They're so sweet and obey all commands if trained properly.  Are they okay?  I do hope so!

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The Oscars.....

A celebration of "virtue signalling" celebrities,all celebrating their love for each other.

Its been many a year since it meant anything than Hollywood demonstrating how "woke" it is,awarding oscars to dross,on the basis of it featuring black actors,or directors,as opposed to whether or not they are actually a well made interesting film.I mean,"Black Panther",best film?A super-hero movie?Ok,maybe best sound,or direction,but BEST FILM?Please....its painful.

In fact i find most films that have recently won an oscar,have faded into obscurity.Im sure they are important to some people

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On 2/23/2019 at 5:04 AM, 2prnot2p said:

What about a very well-behaved golden retriever?  Are they okay?  I love those dogs and had friends with them.  They're so sweet and obey all commands if trained properly.  Are they okay?  I do hope so!

Sorry,just not a fan.Its the owners i guess,of those annoying little yappy fkrs,that follow you yapping at you until the owner gets it under control.

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I've just decided I want to put selfish cyclists into room 101 after yesterdays journey to work.

Fuck knows why - there must have been some fucking cyclists convention or something - but for the entire journey I kept encountering large clusters of the fuckers. Finally get past one lot and a few hundred yards further was another lot.

Now my route to work is a 15 mile commute along what can be quite a fast road with 60mph limit. Journey normally takes 25-30 minutes. But it is single lane with little room to pull out around anything when there is oncoming traffic. So I and everyone else was getting stuck at cyclist speed until a big enough gap in the oncoming traffic allowed us to overtake. But because they were clustered we needed bigger gaps to get past them and since it was a busy time there were few of those. And the selfish cunts instead of riding single file were often riding side by side so they could chat to each other, totally ignoring the long queue of cars behind them who might have overtaken more easily had they been riding single file.

Worse, up hill they slowed to a crawl and slowed us to a crawl. The traffic was reduced to little more than walking speed, yet not once did a single one of them ever consider briefly pulling in to let the traffic pass.

The journey to work took nearly an hour because of this so instead of arriving with 20 mins spare for a cup of tea and bite to eat, I clocked in 5 minutes late and risk being docked 15 mins pay. And I had to work starving hungry on an empty stomach until break time.

Selfish cyclist bastards! To room 101 with them!

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13 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Selfish cyclist bastards! To room 101 with them!



Unless I was afraid because many of them wear helmets with a 360'' dash-cam that could register both my face and my carplate, I would lean out of the car window and hold up my shirt to show them my tits and have them got distracted and fall to the ground one above/after the other!!!


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  • 1 month later...

Here's another thing that annoys the hell out of me.  Comedians who are fat or handicapped and their entire routine consists of jokes where they poke fun at themselves.  I freaking hate that!  I just saw another one tonight on TV.  Argh!   And, there are so many of them.  Please stop it!  Enough.  Be creative and original like George Carlin.  To me, he was the best and funniest comedian ever!

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2 hours ago, owlman76 said:

Oh that just made me laugh! Many years ago I was travelling into Wales with a female friend of mine, she was a lovely young girl, both in looks and personality. Anyhow we were driving along this dual carriageway in the van and we passed this recovery truck, the driver glanced over as we went by and looked at her, she is only small, 34B tit's and long blonde hair, a real looker. He hung behind us for a bit, then came alongside us again for another look, this happened several times and I made a comment to her, something like, 'I think he likes looking at you'. She laughed, a sort of dirty laugh then, ' get alongside him again, I'll give him something to look at'. I pulled level with him and to my amazement she'd lifted her top, exposing a tiny white lacey half cup bra! The look on his face was amazing, but it got better, after about 20 seconds of him staring at her bra, she lifted that up to, exposing her perfect little tits! The guy nearly crashed his truck. lol

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA need to marry this girl ahahahahahahahah

or at least a shot at her pussy!!!!




1 hour ago, owlman76 said:

One I really hate certainly over here in the UK are those dickheads who insist on fighting for peoples rights, especially those of minorities, now I'm not saying it isn't good to fight for the underdog, but it's gone stupid.

Over here we have the gypsy's, or travellers as they like to be called, which is a bit of a misnomer because the only time they travel is when they've robbed everything worth nicking, they've become almost a protected species, people are frightened of saying anything to them in case they get accused of discrimination. Then we have the gays and lesbians, the country is on it's arse yet massive amounts of money is being spent keeping these people happy, again I don't have a problem with a person's sexual orientation, but when it gets as bad as it is, then yes I do have a problem. We hardly see any police on patrol in my area, due to cutbacks apparently, but recently there was an LGBT parade in the city centre, there was thousands of police out on patrol, to 'show solidarity with the LGBT community'. ffs how come we can pay a load of coppers to police some poxy parade but we can't pay them to catch criminals. There's been loads of issues with inclusivity too, it has been decided that we need more of what are termed BAME's In high up jobs, now for those of you unfamiliar with the term, BAME stands for Black And Minority Ethnics. This has led to an alarming situation where people are getting jobs based not on their suitability, I.E experience and qualifications, but on their colour. We had a recent case where a young white chap was passed over for a promotion in our local police force, although he was the most suitable person based on his experience and qualifications, the job was given to a coloured bloke simply because it was the force policy to recruit more coloured people, so now we have a bloke in a high up police job who's only qualification for that job is his colour!

It has got that bad at the moment that if you were a coloured, gay, gypsy, you could probably apply for the job of prime minister and get it. 

It's gone too far, people should be given jobs based not on their colour, gender, religious persuasion or any other load of crap, you should only get a job if you have the relevant qualifications and experience.

Ok, I am for inclusivity myself, but you explained it much better

Also my pal Fanny Watcher has similar ideas, the hysteria in pushing for these kind of things going a bit out of hands


Inclusivity is not achieved this way

This is just chaos


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17 minutes ago, owlman76 said:

Exactly, all it does is breed resentment and intolerance, and that achieves nothing, it's a bit like the homeless problem, I was arguing with someone about that very thing, you get people who's sons and daughters have been waiting for a council house for years, finally one becomes available, do they get it, no, it goes to some immigrant who's been here 5 minutes, while the person who's waited for years is either still living with family or stuck in some temporary accommodation somewhere. how can the council not seriously expect people to feel resentment. Everybody should get a chance but it should be based on suitability and need, not as it is becoming now, because of fear of being accused of discrimination.

I absolutely agree



I want to be clear and sincere Owlman, I do NOT like people that discriminates

Because discrimination is a sign of a deeper problem, which is the convincement that we can judge Others according to the little we know of them

This is both not sientifical and also very dangerous

Discrimination, theorically speaking on a scientifical and psychiatrical stance, should be considered delusional paranoia, because it makes you believe things which are not real, starting from nuances




BUT I see what you mean, and I also add a harsher reflection

Earth can house 2 billions people to the most

We are four times that population

We cannot and MUST not save everybody

My philosophy is to be sure everybody got at least A CHANCE but saving people picked randomly while letting Others down just like you described for council houses, no, fuck, sorry, I descend from people that defended this land and farmed it for two millennia, get your traveller ass to travel somewhere else

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On 4/16/2019 at 6:15 AM, spywareonya said:


My philosophy is to be sure everybody got at least A CHANCE but saving people picked randomly while letting Others down just like you described for council houses, no, fuck, sorry, I descend from people that defended this land and farmed it for two millennia, get your traveller ass to travel somewhere else

I absolutely agree with you. We have to stop trying to help people who won't help themselves. To many people fall thru the cracks who really need help. Meanwhile governments help those who they 'choose' to help. It's not right.

I also believe that the earth cannot support it's current population 

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On ‎4‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 10:41 PM, speedy3471 said:

I also believe that the earth cannot support it's current population 

Paradoxically this is the first step


If we had limitless supplies, uh, why not helping everybody, even the lazy ones?

But we can NOT because our supplies are NOT limitless

We must focus on the strong-willed ones

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22 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

Absolutely we should. Every natural resource is limited. We have passed the tipping point in terms of population 

We are FOUR TIMES past that point

8 billions of numbers, compared to a limit of 2

We have just two choices: stop reproducing for a while… or war

I obviously push for the former

But people must open their eyes about the fact things are NOT simple

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2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


I obviously push for the former


As do I. It's not that easy to tell people don't reproduce. If every country had a 1 child policy thr world would descend into chaos

Thats why I think when there is a natural disaster, famine, disease outbreak that kills alot of people its mother nature's way of balancing the books so to speak 

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10 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

As do I. It's not that easy to tell people don't reproduce. If every country had a 1 child policy thr world would descend into chaos

Thats why I think when there is a natural disaster, famine, disease outbreak that kills alot of people its mother nature's way of balancing the books so to speak 

Hard words, but true

I still am convinced that the world should adopt a 1 child policy

I do not wanna sound dictatorial but the Mods on the forum doesn't impose their opinions, just be sure we don't kill each other while we argue

There is necessity of a bit of control, even though I am an anarchist and love freedom, this is not freedom, this is dont'-give-a-fuck-ism, irresponsibility and uninterest, and must be stopped

Room 101? I can't stand people who manipulate the need for power to exert more than the necessary and satisfy dictatorial needs in their fucked up unconscious

But I also consider Dangerous people who miss to understand we MUST act

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