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Grossed out in a National Park

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We've been away, trail walking in The Grampians (the Victoria Australia one) and decided to do a 4 hour hike to a waterfall, 2 hours in, make the appropriate ooh ahh noises at the rather spectacular waterfall, then a 2 hour walk back out again. Everything was fine, lots of wildlife: small wallabies, some Eastern Grey Kangaroos and a multitude of the most noisy birds on the planet. Weather was cold, but no rain, and we saw several  other groups at different times. We were about 20 min from the waterfall when we met a group of 4 girls walking back out, they started giggling and laughing as they passed us but we thought nothing of it. We guessed what their problem was when we arrived at the picnic area at the end of the trail.

Totally grossed, there were a couple of sanitary pads left on the table, they were filthy with what I could only call a very heavy period, you could have wrung the things out, they were that bad.

Why do people do this?

Is it some weird sexual buzz thing they get?

Do they go back to their hotel and have a wanking session over the mess that someone else finds?

Maigh and Mary were so disgusted they got a couple of sticks and managed to get the things into the forest away from the picnic area, they couldn't leave them there for some family with kids to find.


Anyone else come across something like this?


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I can understand some of what you say, we have left our share of puddles at more places we can count, and we like doing it, but due to the very nature of pee, after a few hours, or one rain shower, it's pretty much gone. Our backyard has had lots too, we have people over, walking on the very grass we peed on, and we are thinking 'if they only knew' lol. There is no smell, no evidence of what we did is left behind, but we still know what happened.

Is this the same kind of feeling that these girls got? Knowing what they left behind, and not the rudeness of it? The other thing that Mary asked, was it just one of them? What are the odds in a group of 4 that 2 of them are having a period?

We don't go out of our way to let our 'feel good' activities impact on other people's lives, if we think someone could see us, or sees something that could be termed dirty or disgusting, we will go somewhere else to have a little fun. One time, poor Maigh 'lost it' while trying to walk 20 city blocks, made a delightful mess in her jeans, this was bad enough, but the comments some people made caused her to rethink what we were doing, now, we are more careful in public places. She does have a way with people, no one can resist her puppy dog eyes, or her Scot accent, and can always get access to a toilet where normal mortals cannot go. 

Ahhh, it was just something I never would have expected to see in a National Park.

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It could have been sexual on some level but is at least as likely to have been immature humour at the very thought of people being grossed out by something they'd done. Sometimes the very wrongness of something combined with the rank audacity of it can be funny to those whose humour has never fully grown up. I can understand that concept with naughty pissing where there is also a sexual element. But the amusement aspect can exist without the sexual aspect.

At school I knew this kid who once thought it would be funny to take a dump in the bike sheds. The gross wrongness of it combined with the thought of the disgust of others when they found it was what amused him. Am certain there was nothing sexual about it. It is a childish type of humour, an immature humour. Kids find gross things and the notion of grossing people out funny. Sometimes adults can still indulge in such immature humour. Not everyone leaves their childhood sense of humour entirely behind. Even some of those that do merely have it buried and it can manifest itself when drunk or something like that.

I understand all this because I myself basically often still have a childish sense of humour, delighting in playing silly pranks on my work colleagues and friends. I have often thought it would be extremely hilarious to buy a fake plastic dog turd and leave it outside the manager's office or something.

Immature humour can also manifest itself in amusement at the shock or imagined shock of others, which is not something I really feel but can understand.

So whilst there could have been a sexual element, I doubt it. I think this was just immature gross out humour at the expense of others.

That the actions actually showed zero fucks given for the sensibilities of others, in an area where kids might have seen this, is the truly questionable and wrong aspect of this. Which is what makes it inexcusable. So I can understand the motivations related to childish humour, but can in no way condone it.


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These girls were in mid to late 20's, probably drove the silver Audi that was in the carpark. Possibly the first time out of the city alone, lol. Never seen so much designer Lycra or expensive runners in one place.

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On ‎7‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 11:25 AM, steve25805 said:

It could have been sexual on some level but is at least as likely to have been immature humour at the very thought of people being grossed out by something they'd done. Sometimes the very wrongness of something combined with the rank audacity of it can be funny to those whose humour has never fully grown up. I can understand that concept with naughty pissing where there is also a sexual element. But the amusement aspect can exist without the sexual aspect.

Hey wow I agree with this 100%

Nice one, really

On ‎7‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 11:25 AM, steve25805 said:

I have often thought it would be extremely hilarious to buy a fake plastic dog turd and leave it outside the manager's office or something.

some friends played a similar prank into another office I used to work before: a woman squatted near a car, positioned the fake turd in front of it, waited for the owner to come by, then run away passing before him while hiding her face and muttering "holy shit holy shit holy shit" like she was caught

when he surpassed the car rear corner and found the fake shit in front of the car, all the Others, hidden behind a column in the underground car park, took a pic of his face in utter disbelief.

In the following days, he told them that he understood it was a joke because of three reasons: she left no tissues by there, there was no pee, and she was perfectly dressed up while running away, not in a junky and rushy fashion.

In my opinion he simply came upon that conclusion thinking about it later!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

I bet there's some girls on a period fetish forum giggling about what they did and why they did it, but on that same forum a girl found a puddle of piss in the corner of a library or something and is talking about how gross it is 😂 

I think about this more often than you think

How ridiculous human narrow mindedness is

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On ‎8‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 10:00 AM, owlman76 said:

I always remember something someone told me when I was just starting out in business and was nervous about meeting rich clients, "always remember, no matter how rich or posh they are they still eat, sleep, piss, shit and fuck, just like anyone else". It certainly made me feel a lot better. lol

So fucking understand how you feel!!! In my work I met everykind of man, from normal employee to super duper big boss!!!

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On ‎8‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 9:00 AM, owlman76 said:

I always remember something someone told me when I was just starting out in business and was nervous about meeting rich clients, "always remember, no matter how rich or posh they are they still eat, sleep, piss, shit and fuck, just like anyone else". It certainly made me feel a lot better. lol

My grandad always used to say that if I ever felt intimidated by someone high and mighty with their nose up in the air and a very high opinion of themselves, just imagine them sitting on the toilet because they have to shit just the same as anyone else, lol.

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8 hours ago, steve25805 said:

My grandad always used to say that if I ever felt intimidated by someone high and mighty with their nose up in the air and a very high opinion of themselves, just imagine them sitting on the toilet because they have to shit just the same as anyone else, lol.

While they GRRRRRRR 'cause it doesn't come out!!!

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