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Everything posted by Spectacle

  1. My interest in peeing in pools doesn't quite 100% line up with all of these thoughts, but I also don't mind them. I'm amused by this being a recurring theme, though. I swear, my legacy on this website, if I ever get one, is just going to be how I hijacked a ton of threads and made them about pool peeing. Because I'm like that. In the past, I have discussed the moral sorta implications and whatnot for peeing in water that other people will unwittingly be swimming in. It's a particularly sneaky and invasive form of naughty peeing, and a lot of the same general thoughts apply. Is this OK to
  2. I definitely wouldn't disagree. Even if the possible dismayed reactions of any other people involved aren't something to joyously dwell on, the fact that they're being inconvenienced can be a thrill anyway. The example I'd cite most readily would be swimming pools. (Obligatory @Maggie_555 tag.) Other swimmers, ideally, would never even notice what you do in the water, but it still very physically affects them in some sense. It touches their bodies. So you don't really have any reaction to enjoy if you're in it for sheer sadism, but you get a mischievous thrill out of doing something you're not
  3. To elaborate on my previous point: I think there's a difference between enjoying transgressions and sexual sadism. It's a bit of a fine line at times, but I know it exists because I'm definitely in the former camp. That video I linked in the earlier post is super hot to me, but I don't really think that hard about the consequences of it -- or at least, if I do, it's not to relish any unsuspecting victims' reactions. So I'd say you don't have to enjoy hurting people (on a sexual basis) to do stuff that inconveniences or bothers them (for your sexual pleasure). Maybe that's a factor in how naugh
  4. It fits in pretty much fine. I think it's safe to say that we're not acting out territory-marking urges. If we were, we'd empty our bladders on our own doorsteps, and squirt pee on random belongings of ours. That's what it means to mark territory, in the evolutionary sense. It means you're scent-marking things that genuinely belong to you, so that other creatures will know that the things have already been claimed. What we're doing isn't that. What we're doing is taking things that definitely aren't ours, and peeing on them anyway. That's what the real thrill comes from, for our purposes.
  5. Well, hello there! Thanks for replying. The station lobby was indoors, so there was absolutely no way that that puddle of pee would go away without someone cleaning it. When I came back through that station a few days later, the puddle was long gone -- I suspect it'd been cleaned not long after on the same day. Luckily for the guy who peed there, when he was doing that, the police officers weren't even in the room. I doubt he was actually keeping track, considering the state he seemed to be in. More likely, he was just very lucky. The only reason I didn't find the situation unbearably aro
  6. Well, speaking as someone with a bit of experience ... the thrill is absolutely still there in a public pool. It's worth it. Of all the naughty ways to pee, swimming pools are always the best way to get it on other people without their knowing.
  7. Haha, that's great. ... Now I want to know which ones you missed. Hey, don't knock it till you try it. One time I did it down the back of an acoustic guitar that was resting on a stand. Edit: I like how 9 out of the 13 voters so far have peed in swimming pools. That makes me happy to see. (Hey, @Maggie_555, this one's yours!)
  8. Well, I just got to check off a whole lot of boxes. I had a bit of a laugh when I got to the 'animal' one. Like they'd stand still for that. (On the other hand, do bugs count? I might've peed on some ants once.) In general, this list amuses, pleases and arouses me. I wish I could check off 'carpeted floor' and 'pool' multiple times, though. Those are my favorite places to pee. I do them whenever I get the opportunity. Great poll, though. I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes!
  9. Yesterday, I went to visit a friend of mine who lives some distance away, and I had to transfer trains at a fairly busy station. (No, I'm not going to say which one, that's not important.) There was a wait time of about fifteen minutes while the next train was coming, so I went down to the train station lobby to use the men's room. A few guys were already lined up in front of it, so I just took my spot and waited. Nothing naughty so far. There were quite a few people around me, and since I was laden with various luggage items in a public space, I was keeping very situationally aware. A co
  10. This thread makes me so happy. I've been so deeply into naughty peeing over the years, but especially before finding this website, I felt very alone in enjoying it. It's not an inherently social way to go about watersports, so of course it suffers for finding partners with common interests. But here we all are! The non-toilet spaces of the world must fear our wrath. I'm generally with @steve25805 on this. I don't usually think much about the consequences of naughty peeing. The important part is that it's a taboo thrill. It's empowering, in some base, instinctual way, to get to just pee an
  11. They could be! I, for one, would be happy to hear any stories you feel comfortable sharing. All bladders are equal.
  12. Well, I hope you can release it soon. The more you keep showering us with this luscious hot narrative, the more we can keep gorging you on fresh cool feedback.
  13. All right, so I finally went back and read the first installment. After reading part four, I had a lot of stuff that I didn't say in my comment, but it still applies now, so here we go. First of all, @nopjans: You're a good fantasy writer. I know I called you a good writer before (I'm enjoying your characters!), but you have good solid world-building going on, and you seem to really understand how a society (particularly a medieval or otherwise distantly-historical one) realistically works. Even if this weren't a sexually oriented piece of writing, I'd still want to read it, just because
  14. So, this is actually the first that I've read of the series. And it's just plain awesome. @nopjans, you're a genuinely very skilled writer. That this story happens to hit a lot of pleasurable notes for me is just icing. You deserve every word of praise you get for this work.
  15. You're right! I do enjoy them. And there's no shame in retelling a good story from time to time. If it really is good (and I think it is), it'll hold up to the repeated readings. The timekeeper story, I think, might be familiar to me — or at least, the pretending-to-rinse-goggles part rings a bell. For all I know, that's actually a completely common distraction tactic for covertly peeing in/by the pool. I'm sure it was quite an experience to be standing in some lady's pee while you were monitoring the elapsed time! I hope it didn't distract you too much from your job there. (Do you think
  16. And yet the naughtiest part of it all to me was that you were ogling her rear in the first place. I'm familiar with diving blocks. Being that I normally swim at an athletic pool, I can easily imagine how that would work. But it sounds incredibly brazen. Taking a complete leak on one of those, even after getting out of the water, would be sure to turn at least a couple heads. Awful lot of dripping going down, right? She must've been desperate -- or just comfortable to the point of near-apathy about it. I imagine if she'd been really concerned, she could've just gotten back in the water bri
  17. I've never really looked around on mydirtyhobby before, but this user profile looks to be completely filled with naughty peeing videos. Unfortunately, it looks like this one requires paying for. That's a bit of a disappointment.
  18. Hey, I've seen that video! It's a lot of fun. I'm pretty sure the main reason I didn't link it was because they're not peeing in the pool from underwater. But as long as we're talking about doing it from the side, there's a whole bunch of videos like this one: http://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Kat-pissing-poolside From one particular mature lady who seems to make a habit of it. The comments on her videos really amuse me. Everyone's busy lusting over her body and wishing they could drink her piss and all that sort of thing, and I'm just sitting here thinking -- Am I the only one
  19. As a guy who swims sometimes, I suppose this means I can expect to get my face peed in now and then. Which I suppose is fair. After all, everyone does piss in the pool, including me. So that's sort of a case of getting what I give. @sara babe, it's pretty inspiring that you chose to get into the pool just for the purpose of peeing. I don't see people doing that much at the pool I go to (probably because it's an athletic one, that really cuts down on people just hanging around), but it's a wonderfully naughty idea. Seeing as your thread topic is about how girls pee in the pool, you're pro
  20. @Maggie_555, @beachmom, @sara babe, you all just got mentioned. Just a quick heads up. Now, for my personal response: That video is incredible!! Oh my god! This is the exact thing I've been wishing there were more of on the internet. Peeing underwater, in a swimming pool, just like people actually do. Granted, in this case the person is naked, but you get the idea -- look at that stream! I'm amazed by how clearly visible it is. I'm ... man, I mean, I feel like I'm gushing right now practically as much as that girl was in the video. But I really am glad that you shared that. Thank you.
  21. Spoken like a true enthusiast of naughty peeing. This is the sort of thing I came to this website for. Now all I have to do is wait for spring to come around so I can start relating stories of whatever happens at the pools around here!
  22. In fairness, it doesn't look like it was all that much pee. Her stream only seemed to last for a few seconds. So it might not be that much worse than your average bladderful, just that it's more concentrated. Ahhh, who am I kidding. That was intense as heck. If all pool pees were like that, we wouldn't need an urban myth about color-changing dye in the water. It'd just be: Don't pee in the pool, the water will magically turn yellow around you! Slight shift in topic: I'm still pretty sure that myth is responsible for most instances of people choosing not to pee in public pools. It's b
  23. That's exactly what I thought! The color of that cloud was incredibly visible, which of course is convenient for us as viewers, but it's what you wouldn't want as a swimmer. On the other hand, it's really miraculous that the pool water stays all nice and clear and usable even after having that put in it, right? Just goes to show you how you can't trust the appearance of a pool as an indicator of how polluted it is or isn't. I thought that was you who posted that video. By the same token, I thought you'd appreciate this one. They're a very rare pleasure to see going. Clearly someone needs
  24. It looks like it might be her first of the day. It's almost never so dark, otherwise. But it makes for an astonishingly visible cloud! If every instance of pool peeing were like this, we'd see evidence of people's relief all the time. I had no idea it'd been around for so long, though. It makes me wonder what other videos of the same sort are out there, with people peeing underwater in swimming pools (the way that people naturally do). I think Maggie_555 put one up a while back with a guy holding a camera underwater and peeing in front of it, which was awesome. But I haven't seen any besi
  25. Wow, that's a recent upload! ... And, wow, that's a strong ending! I was wondering why I couldn't see very much, and then that happened. @Maggie_555, you're gonna want to see this. I wish there were more videos like this on the internet. Peeing in pools is very rarely shown and shared on video, and that's a real shame. It's so fascinating to see!
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