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Everything posted by Spectacle

  1. @Maggie_555, I never knew your parents encouraged you to hold your pee overnight before going to the pool! They must have really wanted all the urea possible getting into the water. @Bertsmall That's quite a way to be encouraged, actually watching the urine flow out of everyone's crotches in front of you. I can imagine how dark the yellow must have been. My parents didn't encourage me on this, so I just have y'all to encourage me instead!
  2. I know exactly what so many of you mean, especially @YoDiggity123 up top. I used to never pee in the pool. I got out every single time. Then I discovered the internet and what people like @Maggie_555 had to say about peeing in public swimming pools for the thrill of it. Now when I get out of a pool, I get to walk away from it with the sly pleasure of having a completely empty bladder for the trip home. A little encouragement can go a long way to showing us things we already wanted to do, but didn't know it yet!
  3. I think if this were going to happen, it would probably be on a cruise ship, because that's the only way to guarantee that the pool is within walking distance the whole time (or at least whenever the ship is in transit). Think of that. The whole wide ocean all around you, and you still leave your piss in the swimming pool on the deck. Keep that pollution in one place!
  4. My family was never especially open about peeing, which is probably a reason why it took me so long to get into. No one bothered me if I wanted to take a leak in the backyard or something, but I tended not to do that when people were around to watch. As I think I've mentioned elsewhere, when it comes to naughty peeing, I learned all that from the internet! And I got into pool peeing in particular thanks to @Maggie_555, so I guess you could say this kinky community did for me what family members have done for some of you.
  5. I realize I'm late getting to this message, but you deserve some feedback. You really, really do. This is gorgeous work. As always, the overtly destructive acts are great fun. To me, there's never been anything quite to top the part in the first installment when Nina and Katie were just rifling through luggage and stealing or breaking whatever they felt like, because that was personal property already owned by other people, but it's always fun. Even when it's elevator carpeting, for example. I'm also enjoying seeing the characters deliberately fully relieving themselves. Not just a s
  6. In my own home, when I relieve myself on floors or rugs, I don't exactly clean up, but I spread my mess out so that it dries quickly and doesn't leave anything too detectable. If it's outdoors, of course, there's no point in cleaning up. If it's indoors somewhere else, I'll probably still spread the wetness around, but what am I gonna do? Ask a store worker for a mop?
  7. You ever just see a hot girl and want to pee and then cum all over her? No? Just me? This story hits a good mood.
  8. Congratulations on the pool peeing! This is totally one for @Maggie_555. Truly, peeing in the pool is the one thing that fetishists and non-fetishists can agree on. Even if neither will admit it.
  9. Oh, man. I didn't realize how long it had been since the last story! It's been fresh in my mind ever since then. This is a real treat, just like before. I like the change of scenery, but moreover, I'm excited by the character of Michael. Are Nina and Katie ready to bring on a new friend? Or will they chew him up and spit him out like all the inanimate objects they come across? Or, somehow, will Michael turn the tables on them? Only time may tell! But I'm very excited about it.
  10. You may be onto something, as the video demonstrates! That said, I think there's a distinction between "I'll do it because everyone does it" and "I'll do it because it holds up to ethical scrutiny." Peeing in the pool is 100% the first category. And it's fine, because then friends like Maggie get to enjoy their peeing even more!
  11. What's really interesting to me, especially in your situation, Maggie, is the idea of peeing in the pool without thinking of it as naughty or forbidden in some way. Kids inevitably learn that it's at least theoretically against the rules to pee in the water. But to consider the swimming pool just as acceptable as a flush toilet for peeing? I guess you'd be able to tell us whether that's more fun or less.
  12. This is a very large part of the reason why I've gone swimming myself, at least since I learned about Maggie and others like her. Get some exercise! Enjoy the water! Pee your whole bladder's worth in there! And see what motivates you the most. 😉
  13. I'll pee basically wherever is convenient when I happen to be outdoors, but if I'm starting out indoors, I prefer not to go outside. When I am out there, though, there's no patch of grass or bed of flowers that's safe!
  14. That reaction to peeing in the water sounds like a familiar experience for many people. Interesting that you managed to experience it as a warmer spot in the pool first! It seems like a lot of us either see it happening, or hear people talking about it. That might be the most direct way. And of course, it's all part of one big practice of peeing where pee isn't supposed to go. The real fun part!
  15. This line should be the motto of the entire website. Or at least the extremely large sect within it that's into naughty peeing. It's great how many individual little pleasant sensations there are when it comes to pool peeing. There's the relief, the warmth, the pleasant sort of rushing feeling ... but the difference between peeing in the pool and peeing in something bigger (e.g. the ocean) is that in a pool, you can expect the water quality to be a teensy bit lower for other swimmers if you let your bladder loose in it. I've peed in the water at beaches where the water was already so murk
  16. That's the way to do it! Kudos on holding your bladder until you got into the water. I know a lot of folks who don't like to pee in the pool unless they're the only one in it at the time. Whatever floats their boats, right? At times like this, mostly empty swimming pools are a little easier to find.
  17. Spectacle


    I feel like Louise P has single-handedly kept that one poll message board going ever since it started. Anytime someone pops in, Louise P is there to reply to them! It's a truly remarkable level of dedication to peeing. Mister Poll is where a lot of things started for me. The website is kind of outmoded by now, but somehow it still has traffic, so hey!
  18. Your wife is the kind of people we need more of in the world. It doesn't always have to be pee fetishists! Everyone has a bladder. And maybe that hot tub water could use a touch of cooling down anyway. (Seriously, that cool sensation is really nice. Pee usually doesn't get the chance to feel actually refreshing on the way out!)
  19. Well, I'm happy to share my own accounts of peeing in the water! It's sort of necessary if I want to share any anecdotes at all, because the athletic pool environment is not ideal (at least when swimming in it, less when observing from outside) for watching to see if anyone else is relieving their bladders under the surface. I've always gone to the pool in the afternoon, but I wonder if I could schedule a morning swim. Urine is, after all, mostly water, and if we're talking about getting a good yellow cloud (it's bladder-based water pollution, right?), the real trick is all the urea and o
  20. I think even a lot of people who habitually don't pee in the pool find that in the hot tub, holding it can be pretty tricky. Just let the pee flow! Always just let the pee flow. Maybe it's more optimal for concentrating urine in a smaller body of water, maybe it's less optimal for getting urine on faces and into mouths (for those who are into that). But if there's any bladder pressure for a person in the hot tub, there's only one thing to do with it: Scramble out of the tub and run sopping-wet and barefoot all the way to the toilets! ... Kidding. Just pee in it, friends. The last tim
  21. Well ... many bladders make light work! Nice account of your trip, @DxD. I always find it fascinating how certain pools — the more recreational ones, basically, rather than lap-swimming pools — let people just stand around in the water without it looking weird. I still think I'd prefer to make like @beachmom and do my bathroom business while sitting on the edge, if I didn't start out in the water at all. But it is kind of great how some people seem to suppose that if your crotch is underwater and there's no pee stream, then you're technically not visibly peeing! Even if you're standing st
  22. I'm glad that everyone on this site is so honest about it! Of course, selection bias — this is a website about pee stuff. Probably going to be warmer to pool peeing than most people! But you're right, it is pretty normal even in general. So here's an interesting question. If you want to make the act of peeing in a swimming pool into a naughty thing, but most people don't even consider it naughty, how do you spice it up? I think @Maggie_555 has sorta implied that one way might be to encourage others to do it! Another might be to pee from above the surface of the water — although that takes
  23. Peedar. Is that a thing? Most veryone here must have a pretty well-honed peedar by now. It's tricky, because most of the peeing that happens in pools is probably too convincingly pulled off for anyone to know to look for it! This is especially true at the pool I customarily swim at, because that's an indoor athletic pool, and there's no one sunbathing or otherwise lounging on the side — so it's hard to spot when anyone slips into the water just to pee and nothing else. On the other hand, pretty much the only time anyone gets out of the pool, it's because they're done swimming, and they do
  24. Well, as someone with a history around Maggie and a weirdly similar username to Specter, I feel qualified to say that peeing in pools is pretty normal around here! It feels kind of arbitrary to say like, "When most people do it without caring, that's fine, but if someone really deeply enjoys doing it, that's wrong." Swimmers pee! Why not get something out of the fact? I never got any encouragement to pee in the pool besides what I've seen on the internet. But the internet includes fun kinky places like this one. So there you go! Oh, what I'd give to be able to just stand next to a public
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