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Posts posted by WantonLee

  1. I owned an Atari VCS 2600 (anyone remember "Solaris"? quite advanced for it's time),

    later an NES, (Super Mario! Super Mario 3! And of cause various Gradius and related Shooter games)

    then a Sega Mega Drive  (Golden Axe was probably my favorite (not only because of the Box-Art), but I also like Thunder Force III very much)

    and finally a SNES (again for Super Mario and various Shooter games), which was the last concole I owned.


    Then I switched to PC, and never looked back.... I did not had the time, because I was busy telling pirates that they fought like a cow!

    • Agree 1
  2. 22 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    I did not mentioned Germany because I have dutch friends and they describe me a Germany different from what we see from outside.

    According to them, dutch porn is so "mighty" because dutch people is like used to being hard and energetic in all they do, as a psychological habit underlying all society. BUT this also means they consider normal to work, if needed, something like 14 hours per day, or to invent Always new goals to be reached economically speaking at all cost. This means that when they get out from work they are mentally exhausted and need something powerful and direct to ease the tension.


    This description sounds somehow realistic to me, not in the guise that I think we can understand a nation from outside so I have a prejudice that this description met, I mean that this kind of descriptions, inside descriptions of curious/bizarre reasons why people of a certain nation are the way they are, usually prove to be correct


    Indeed, dutch porn is often… a bit violent. Exceedingly immediate and physical. Harsh.

    Not that it is bad, I just mean it quite fit the description these friends gave me.

    Thus I prefer to let it go as it goes, because I know this description I gave from my friends can sound "negative" and I never like to give negative thoughts about people

    I am under the impression you mix up Dutch with Deutsch, Nancy.

    The Dutch are the cool people living in the Netherlands.

    The "Deutschen" are those "All-work-no-fun"-people, each with a stick up their arse, living in Germany.

    However, it might well be you have Dutch friends that described Germany to you, as the Netherlands is right next to Germany, and the Dutch people have (and had) to deal with Germans quit more frequent then they (or any other Europeans) would prefer. So the Dutch people have quite a lot to tell about Germans... .


    @ durianfury:

    Be glad you don't speak German - I do.

    It's a very... efficient language. But by no means sexy.

    I am able to understand the dialogues in those german porn-video's, or the little comments those ladies make in their short clips, and believe me, it usually is as sexy as a visit to the dentist. They use words that are ment to be sexy, but just talk as if they want to slap you in the face with them. Those words are to be whispered, and used with great hesitance.


    I   M U C H  prefer English as a language, even though I am not very fluent in it.

    If you've seen any of the TamTamSouth-Clips, which by now are all over the internet (try eroprofile.com or pornhub), and she actually talks very little and in a quite tone of voice, and actually seems to hesitate when she want's to say naughty words like, for instance, "piss". In the German pee porn, the ladies talk almost as if they are reciting a manual... .

    • Love 1
  3. Oh, on topic, I almost forgot:

    If everything science is telling us about the universe is true (at least in observation - interpretation is a different story), it is hard to believe Earth is the only inhabited world in the universe.

    If life can grow to some complexity that a nervous systems appears, intelligence is - in my oppinion - just another step, and will naturally occure.


    Given that the universe is full of planets, and sun's that are older then our own,... I think we are under close observation already.

    Wheter we have been visited or not I can not tell. But my best bet is that who ever is watching us is waiting for us.

    Not for us to be able to travel to the stars and understand the universe - but for us to be able to travel our own minds and understand ourselfes.

    Become ACTUALLY self-aware.

    If such a thing like a federation of space-faring species exist, I really don't think the state of our technological achievments will be our ticket to become a member of such an organization... .

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, David North said:


    Pale Blue


    Thanksfor triggering me, now you have to deal with what's comming to you - deal with it. 😛

    Who isn't familiar with this video, should watch it now:


    I think this should be used in a test to see if someone fit's the role of a (political) leader. If such a person can watch that video without sheding a tear, that person is not fit to lead other humans. - PERIOD -

    • Love 2
  5. I disagree. All the other leaders were basically all socialists/communists or European in one way or another. So this is what made them bad, NOT calling the free press "enemy of the people".

    I have not found any proof of Trump following any social or communist ideas - but maybe I have not looked hard enough. In the case you can come up with some substantial proof, I will instantly agree with you.

    As for being European: good luck finding any traces of Europe in his blood. (Having Euopean ancestors does not count, as this includes ALL Americans. He does have german ancestors, though, which should worry you far more.)


    Plus Americans (US-Americans, that is) are traditionally the good guys in any war, so another reason not to worry about Trump. He simply can't set the world on fire in person, even if he intended to. He would need other people (like the military) to do it for him. And for that, Americans are just to smart, kind and sensible to ever do that. Any soldier confronted with orders of that nature would just disobey them... .

  6. Riley, since you are not explicitly mention the relationship status for each scenario, I will always assume we are just friends, but with the possibility that the relationship could become more intimate. I will further assume that neither of us knows about any sexual preferences or kinks of the other person. In case that close friend already is in a relationship, I doubt she would be in any of the given scenarios withouth him/her, and therefor I will assume she simply is single (same as I, in the given scenarios).

    For scenario 3 I will just assume some sort of intimate relationship.

    Note to Riley: you should never ask an overthinker such kind of hypothetical questions! 😉


    Scenario #1: it's a beautiful day outside and your walking through a park nearby with a really close friend. There's a few people wandering around but it's near empty as you walk bye. All the sudden your friend turns to you and she says, "I really have to pee." You look around and there's no bathroom in sight. And your around 15 minutes from home.

    I would ask her if she could hold it until we are home (or at the next toilet), or if we should find a got spot for her to pee in the park.

    In the later case, I would look for a place where she could pop a squat without being seen (both being there as well as entering and exiting), and suggest it to her. If she accepts it, I would ask her how close she wants me to be while standing guard, and then stand guard. Not before offering her a handkerchief befor she enters her "toilet", of cause. 😉
    Afterwards, when she returns, I migh greet her with a wink and  comment like "That was not very ladylike!" - and see where that gets me.

    In the odd case she states that she can't hold it any longer, but doesn't want to pop a squat (why?) or no place could be found, I probably would ask her something like "What, would you rather prefer to wet you pants?", in a rather suggestive, but still jokingly kind of way.

    If she actually would do that, I would be inclined to lend her my jacket (or sweater) for her to tie around her waist (if I have one and she hasn't). I might offer such cloth even befor she starts peeing, in case her cloths are not dark enough to hide her pee, and to many people are around. I might even offer myself as a sort of privacy screen. Maybe offer her a hug, assuming that - seeing a couple hugging - no one will check whats going on below the waistline.

    My reaction in this case depends on her own reaction.  If she obviously is embarrassed, I will try to comfort her. I might however comment in a way like "Well, I've read that some people do that as a fetish. You appear not to be one of them." With a wink. Or maybe, with a somewhat worried face: "Feel better now?"

    If she appears to be more relieved than anything else - or even actually enjoyed it- , I might comment with something like "You seemed to have enjoyed this far more then it would be appropriated.. for a lady." With a wink.

    Scenario #2: Your watching a movie at the theatre with a really close friend and you noticed at the start that she had bought a very large drink and seemed to drink it very quickly. You notice that she seemed to kind of have to pee and be a little bit didgety but instead of getting up to pee she just sits there watching. Soon you definitely notice she needs to pee but she still hasn't said anything to you.

    My mind would be racing at this point, because: why would anyone drink as much as she did in a situation like that? Other then to achieve a full bladder rather quickly, I can not think of any sensible reason.

    So I would try to figure out her motivation, by asking first if she needs to go. If she agrees, I would ask, if she WANTS to go. The answer on that question determines the direction of the following conversation.

    If in the end she needs to go, does not want to, but still does go to the toilet, the whole thing would be rather normal and nothing to talk about (maybe asking afterwards why she drank so much, and if she planned to leave and miss part of the movie that way - or if she had other plans *wink wink*).

    In case she simply decides to hold out for the entire movie... well,... I'm not that much into desperation, so apart from (jokingly) asking afterwards why she did not just used an empty cup or pee into the seat, there is nothing going on that really interests me.

    But if the whole point is that she wants to pee during the movie inside the auditorium, I might suggest some options: The first would be an empty cup, which would mean she had to wait until the movie is getting rather loud. Because of this, my second suggestion would be the seats (if cushioned), and I would mention that in the same breath as I raise my concern about having to wait for a loud scene in case of the cup. The carpet would be another option, too, but that would require a very loud scene as well, and also she would need to position herself rather oddly in the seat for it to work. Unless she wants to sit down on the carpet, which would be rather suspicious and not the best option.

    The question is also if she wants to wet her pants - in which case the seat is the only option, and the seat getting wet would be more of a collateral damage (much to my dismay). If she doesn't want her own close to become wet, I might lend her a jacket as a cover up (depending on if she needs cover, which depends on if she wears a skirt or trousers).

    If possible I would offer my assistance (which she probably would not need, other for the cup-opption, maybe).

    In any case, I would definitely try to sneak a peek while she is peeing, and very much hope for eye-contact with her while she pees. If she looks back and her look indicates that she does not want me to watch, I would just mumble a "sorry" and look back to the screen (and never ever mention that incident ever, afterwards). But if her look indicates relieve or even pleasure, a smile is the least to be expected of me. A kiss would certainly be my next move, depending on her reaction. As for hanky-panky: one can dream, can one? It's a dark cinema, anyway... . 😉

    In case no looks were exchanged, the is definitely something to talk about afterwards... . I will certainly confront her with my assumption that she did not drank as much as she did because she was thirsty, and see where that gets me.

    Oh, by the way: I assume the cinema is not sold out and other moviegoers are far enough away from us; preferably none in the same row, none behind us, and none direcly in front of us. If this is not the case, the risk of getting cought is far to high in my oppinion, and only two options are viable: the toilets, or the seat (if cushioned).


    Scenario #3: Your laying in bed with a girl (ill leave relationship ship status open on this one) and all the sudden she says, "omg I really need to pee."

    Why would I lay in bed with a girl, other then for the reason that we are a couple? So I will assume that we are a couple (or at least friends with benefits).

    This is really depending very much on the individual reaction to what I would say, and so I can only give you some very broad ideas what I would do.

    I would tell her to go, and if she tries to leave the bed I would try to hold her back, as I would not want us to part for even a minute.

    The entire conversation hinges on wheter she is willing to forget her toilet training for a while or not. If not, there is no interesting conversation to emerge (and it is debatable if we ever would have ended up in the same bed in the first place).

    If she does... I'd try to persuade her to pee the bed (maybe with me joining in), or at least in the trashcan. The carpet is also an option, as would be myself (I am not that much into golden showers, but I would certainly enjoy a wet wiener. ;)).

    Alternatively, if she does not fance a wet bed or carpet, I'd try to at least join the bathroom with her. Again, there are a number of options here. Sitting on the toilet with her sitting on my lap, both of us peeing, would be my favorite. But the shower is also a welcome location, if all else fails.

    Oh, and a little desperation is also nothing to scoff at in this case. I could ask her if she could hold it, and even over to hold it for her... you know... pressing the finger against her peehole. And since the clit is so close.. well.. do I need to say more? 😉

    I am not into pee drinking, but a little cunnilingus... if she agrees... well, an accident in that situation I would not mind.  Just don't expect me to more then taste it.

    Thats all I got to say to this situation, unless you want me to get lost in details.... but then I would be typing for the next two hours, so I leave it at that. Even though this is probably my prefered scenario of the six suggested ones.


    Scenario #4: your in the car with a close friend and she is sitting in the passenger seat. She started to have to pee and asked for you to be on the lookout for rest stops but it's an hour later now and she really has to pee. There's no exit in sight and the road is very busy.

    My answer is pretty much the same as with the cinema and the park. If a stop and pee alone the road is an option (probably only when we are stuck in a traffic jam) I would suggest this. Probably try to provide cover, if possible. Basically the same situation as in scenario #1, the park.

    If a stop is not an option or se does not want to (be seen), we are in almost the same situation as in scenario #2. Assuming any type of container is available, my answer is exactely the same as for the cinema: container, seat, floormat. I probably suggest that she climbes into the backseat for privacy, if this is something that concerns her. This would also have the benefit of not having to sit in her own puddle (unless she enjoyes that).

    For details see my answer under scenario 1 and 2.


    Scenario #5: your with your friend at a really relaxed restaurant. It's twilight outside and your with her as she's waiting for the bathroom. She's doing a whole pee dance trying to hold it in when all the sudden you notice a tiny little wet spot form, and grow, and suddenly she stops dancing and looks at you in terror as her wet spot rapidly grows.

    See my answer for scenario #1. I would immediatly try to cover her in any way possible. A jacket around her waist would be the best option, tied arround her hips with a comment like "Why didn't you say earlier that you are cold?" for distraction.

    Getting out of this situation could be done by asking her "This line is not moving; you sure you can't hold it until we are home?", hoping she'd realize that I try to get her out of this situation, and she would agree to my question, so we could go.

    As you write that see looks at me in terror I have to assume she did not enjoy the entire affair. I might still - as in scenario #1 - comment, with a wink:  "Well, I've read that some people do that as a fetish. You appear not to be one of them.", and see where this gets us.


    Scenario #6: you and your friend both just got home and there's one bathroom. You both are dying to pee and barely holding on right now so going 1 at a time is will result in someone wetting themselves.

    I assume we are a couple (since we got home; why would we be at the same place if we are not acouple?).

    In case she got into the bathroom first and locked me out... I think I would try to find a container (and be very dissapointed about the state of our relationship).

    In any other case I might suggest: "If we really both can't hold it: you take the toilet, I'll take the shower (or bathtub, or sink)". If she seems not to like the idea of me peeing anywhere else then the toilet, my reply would be "If you want me to use the toilet at the same time as you, tell me how, and I'll do it!"

    I would generally try to steer the situation in something mentioned in my answer to scenario #3, the part about the bathroom.

  7. Can't give an answer to the poll, since I have no idea what  Tiny, Small, Average, Large or Titanic represents in terms of numbers. Also I have no idea how much anyone else can hold, so another reason I can't give you an answer.

    What I DO can give though IS a definate number. 😉

    My record is about 1,100 ml, according to the meassuring cup I have in my bathroom. That was a morning-pee, and around 800 -1,000 ml is about normal for a morning-pee from me, when I have sleept at least 7 or 8 hours.

    On average a normal pee can be everything in between 200ml and 500 ml.

    (If you wonder why I do have a meaasuring cup in my bathroom: I was curious.)

    So, where do I fit on that scale of yours, Riley? 😉

    • Hot 1
  8. On 2/11/2019 at 11:59 PM, spywareonya said:
    On 2/11/2019 at 10:20 PM, WantonLee said:

    Nancy, I am not quite sure what you expect us to do. Or what you think this forum is. Or what you think we are, or how we live our lifes. Or why you choose to be so invested in this forum in particular, and not in an other forum (what ever forum this might have been). Apart from the pee-thing, there appears to be very little common ground for people here to stand on (which in my experience is often the case, regardless of what the topic of the forum is).

    Intensity in everything you do, just because you know that either you are intense or you are wasting your life, is a choice. It has nothing to do with common ground. People should just realize they have no reason to abstain from pressing the reaction button or write a quick, happy comment beneath a post



    Even the most shy and embarassed and doomed-by-his-own-demons human can simply decide to grin an lash out instead of cowering in fear in front of life. It's not about being strong. Is about understanding the fact that


    I think most people here are aware that they have no reason to react to or comment on a post. Again, I can only speak for myself here: simply reacting to a post by selecting one of the many reaction-emotes feels shallow to me (and I mean comming from me, not receiving it). I only react if something really interests (or triggers) me, which is not often the case. You might say I am narrow-minded. In any case, if I want to react, then only in form of a written text.

    My problem here is not only that I am often lost in translation, but I am always lost in my own head. By that I mean that I can't put words around what I feel about something, or what I think about it (note that thinking does not necessarily require words). And not only in English, also in my native tongue.

    Also, I tend to approach an idea or a problem from multiple angles, and this requires time... time I often don't have.

    I am simply not able to give short, quick and witty one-liners as an answer. And with the limited time I have, I find myself often in the situation of either giving a short, but not very well thought out answer, or none at all. And since I don't like the first option, I choose not to reply at all.

    (Note: writting this answer so far took me twenty (20!) minutes. Just to find the right words... and I haven't even spellchecked anything yet.)

    On the second part of your answer - the one about building the world: my problems are different then what you wrote. But this is not the place for talking about it.


    On 2/11/2019 at 11:59 PM, spywareonya said:
    On 2/11/2019 at 10:20 PM, WantonLee said:

    - like bait - and see who bites. But not much else.

    I am NOT against that. I give stuff that makes people biting. Unless they are spellbound by the IHS. People spellbound by it, simply refuse to cheer up anything. They are possessed by a subtle nihilism that brings them to be Always un-grateful.

    I take it you talk about alienation? If this is the case - yes, I feel a great numbness all around me, too. I do not think I can give a meaningful answer to this topic at this point, and think this should be discussed separately. But some food for thoughts: I am under the impression that the more people are around you and close to you (like living in a big apartment block), the more distant people become. As if the lack of physical distance is being compensated by spiritual distance... . This might totally be a me-thing, and other people actually like to live right next to each other, but for me this means stress. I can't relax if there's to many people around, or to much noise. If this does not shed a good light on me, well... it's just the way I am.


    On 2/11/2019 at 11:59 PM, spywareonya said:
    On 2/11/2019 at 10:20 PM, WantonLee said:

    the more I have to read, and the less chance I have to make a contribution

    OK, I can dig that, but try to think otherwise: more chances to communicate, more chances to achieve FRENZY, which is the core of Enlightment. You are Deutch, aren't you? Vikings descends from Deutches. YOUR people invented the Berzerk. Odin Himself meant "Frenzied". 

    Vikings, as far as I know, are Danish descendants.

    Anyway, I am able to give quick replies. But I tend to babble then, and I don't like this. If reduced to babbling, I tend to make a fool of myself this way. I really don't see how tis could led to Enlightment. 😉

    Apart from that, I do not see any connection between frenzy and enlightment.



    On 2/11/2019 at 11:59 PM, spywareonya said:
    On 2/11/2019 at 10:20 PM, WantonLee said:

    Let's face it: most people came to this forum because they have some kind of pee fetish (as you know there is a wide variety, not just one).
    They want to get some videos, pictures or stories to turn them on. Talk about it, again for a turn on.

    Then why they ignore my nude pics or pee videos, which are peer to most of the stuff found on the web, plus the one starring in them is more than willing to friendly chat?! If I uploaded my stuff on Pornhub now I would be world famous. But I chosed this forum. Because it's a GREAT place. Among the best of the world. Or at least, it was. Now, it's greatly down-tone… 

    For me, this fetish is a very private thing. Ideally - for me -  it would be something that is strictly between me and my partner, and I would not talk openly about it. For me, thats part of the intimacy, and is very precious to me. I am not the kind of guy who gains anything from shouting out to the world - especially very private, intimate things.

    This in turn means that I am not very openly and loudly cheer people on when they reveal something intimate.

    And your pictures and videos (the once I can see) certainly are very intimate.

    (Btw. I can't find the thread where you posted your pictures; it's either very hidden or I am not very good at finding things. )

    Hmm, I don't really think I can express what I feel or want to say, without making myself look bad. So I won't try. But I remember that you wrote somewhere about an ultimate fantasy of your's, where you would want to pee in fromnt of a large crowd and be seen by as many people as possible (correct me, if I'm wrong).

    Let's just say I am the total opposite of you, in that regard. Like polar opposite. The entire pee fetish is - essentially - something between me and my partner (which I currently lack).

    That might be why I am rather reserved when it comes to talking about it, or even just liking pictures. I do like pictures or videos if they really trigger me. Maybe I am just to picky. Maybe I just don't browse the forum often enough to see anything.

    And to be quite frank some of the pictures of you I did not like. Not because I don't like you, but because I did not like what you did. (I am not into EVERY aspect of the fetish, and some things I actually dislike). And I will not "like" a picture just because I like the person. That would feel like lying to me.


    On 2/11/2019 at 11:59 PM, spywareonya said:
    On 2/11/2019 at 10:20 PM, WantonLee said:

    You even have made a couple of people thing differently about their fetish. Me, for instance.

    This is because I love instinctively everybody, stopping only when they fail me. But I wasn't born so filled with light. My Path made me this way. What I propose about being more tight as a community… is good from experience. People should reflect on my advices. But everybody feel so blue and detached recently!!!

    I don't even know If we have a community - at least in the way want it to be. How many people here are replying on a regular basis? How many are just lurking. Looking for something to arrouse them (pictures, stories, etc.)?

    I can't say where the detachment comes from.

    But I think that you can't reach out to all the people in this forum. I still suspect the vast majority is not here for deep philosophical, spiritual or scientific conversations. It's just the nature of the forum.

    I am sorry that I can not give you an uplifitig or positive answer.

    The only thing that comes to my mind in the moment is a quote from a politican (and from all the things I have heared politicans say it is the only one that I consider quoteworthy): "One has to take people as they are - there aren't any other." I interprete this quote as "You can't change people. You have to deal with them as they are, and on their level. You can not (and should not) replace them."

    You will not be able to reach out to everyone. But maybe someone you have reached out to will be able to reach out to someone you haven't reached yet.


    I would like to go on, but it is now 2 hours after I started this reply, and I feel everything else you wrote I kind of already answered, in one way or another. Whether or not my answers are satisfying I can't tell, but then again it was not my intention to satisfy.


    Maybe - as I suggested before - the topic of alienation deserves a separate topic...?

    I don't know. You decide. I'm off to bed now. 😛

  9. I have no idea if Jesus existed, or not. Or - if he existed - we know anything about him. Anything that is true, I mean.

    He could have existed, or be just a fabrication. Most likely he existed, but what we know about him is mostly either lies, or fabrication. Plus a lot of things that do not fit the official doctrine have been omitted.

    Hmm,.. I remember one particual incident when I attended confirmation classes (I am officially a christian, but only on paper). I remember the pastor telling us a story about Jesus, and then afterwards asking a rather interesting question.

    The story was - in short - that young Jesus was playing on the roof of a house with another child, which fell from the roof and died. Jesus was accused of having pushed the other child of the roof. He then revied the child so it could tell the truth - namely that it was an accident and that Jesus was innocent.

    I remember that the Pastor then told us that this story is not officially written in the bible, and asked us,why this might be the case.

    I can't remember if other kids tried to give an answer - I am under the impression that no one did. No one but me... after thinking intensly about it. My answer was: Jesus revived the kid only for his own benefit (because he was accused of murder).

    I don't know anymore what the pastor said to this. If it was the correct answer or not. I only remember that I felt pretty smart. Wether this feeling of me was justified or not, I leave you to judge.

    Anyway, if that story our pastor told us is true, it's very interesting that he DID tell it. And it showed me that Jesus was not this one-dimensional character the church turned him into - namely the personification of good and selflessneess.

    That is, if he at all exited. 😉


    Btw, Nancy, I do not agree that criminals should be killed. Neither by official executioners, nor by wannabe-executioners (which I consider witches that became soldiers or cops to be).

    I say this without knowing enough about the criminal(s) in question, nor about how the respective witches came to the conclusion said criminal should die - because you do not provide enough information for me to form a picture of the whole situation.

    Furthermore, what does "sacrificing" mean? For me, sacrificing something means giving something (away), that I would rather like to keep. Something that has value to me. Somehow, sacrificing a criminal seems not to be compatible with this... .

    I also have a problem with the term "criminal": this can mean anything and nothing, based on who makes the law's and what that person or group thinks should be rules to be followed. Not long ago, in many countries in Europe, homosexuality was a crime and was punished with imprissionment. In a number of countries this still is true. And a lot of people still think it should be punished, even in countries that don't have this law anymore.

    So without knowing what kind of criminal we are talking about, any further discussion about wheter they should be killed or not... is not only useless, but also dangerous.


    But let's take an example - a rapists, that kills his victims after raping them.

    Should this person be killed or not, and if he should be killed, how?

    From a neutral point of view, I would say this person needs to be 1. neutralized (so he can not do any more harm), and 2. needs to be punished (to make him understand it was wrong what he did).

    Neutralizing can mean anything, from simply killing that person to locking him up for as long as he pose a threat. If killing is the only option, then I think it should be done as quickly as possible, causing as little  suffering as possible.

    Punishment is a different thing. Of cause, killing can be seen as a form of punishment, but I don't: if you are dead, you are simply gone. So the only way to punish a person can be done while the person is still alive and aware of what is done to him. Many people might suggest torture as a kind of punishment (especially in this case of a rapist and murderer), but I consider it to be revenge. And revenge is not a good basis for any kind of legal system.

    Don't get me wrong: if such a rapist would have raped and killed my partner, and I would find him in the act... it might be that the next thing that would happen would be a fight, in which one of us would die. And it would probably not be a quick death, if I would be the one that brought it. But this would be done in rage, not as a professional executioner. And I don't know if this would actually happen. I've never been in even a remotely similar situation, and have no idea how I would actually react. I would prefer to never know.

    Anyway, what kind of punishment would I find to be ideal? Something that we will probably never have. IO have to digress a bit to get to the point. You know what happens to person who accidentally kill someone? People that have empathy? Altough it being an accident, those people tend to be unhappy for the rest of their life. Feelings of guilt, self-reproaches... the whole story. for many of those people it is as if their life has ended, and they merely.. exist anymore. But not live.

    If we could awaken such feelings in, for instance, murders or rapist...I think this ~could~ be the most ideal form of both punishing them, as well as neutralizing them. If we only knew how to do it... .

    Well, one can dream... .

    I have no idea if Jesus existed, or not. Or - if he existed - we know anything about him. Anything that is true, I mean.

    He could have existed, or be just a fabrication. Most likely he existed, but what we know about him is mostly either lies, or fabrication. Plus a lot of things that do not fit the official doctrine have been omitted.

    Hmm,.. I remember one particual incident when I attended confirmation classes (I am officially a christian, but only on paper). I remember the pastor telling us a story about Jesus, and then afterwards asking a rather interesting question.

    The story was - in short - that young Jesus was playing on the roof of a house with another child, which fell from the roof and died. Jesus was accused of having pushed the other child of the roof. He then revied the child so it could tell the truth - namely that it was an accident and that Jesus was innocent.

    I remember that the Pastor then told us that this story is not officially written in the bible, and asked us,why this might be the case.

    I can't remember if other kids tried to give an answer - I am under the impression that no one did. No one but me... after thinking intensly about it. My answer was: Jesus revived the kid only for his own benefit (because he was accused of murder).

    I don't know anymore what the pastor said to this. If it was the correct answer or not. I only remember that I felt pretty smart. Wether this feeling of me was justified or not, I leave you to judge.

    Anyway, if that story our pastor told us is true, it's very interesting that he DID tell it. And it showed me that Jesus was not this one-dimensional character the church turned him into - namely the personification of good and selflessneess.

    That is, if he at all exited. 😉


    Btw, Nancy, I do not agree that criminals should be killed. Neither by official executioners, nor by wannabe-executioners (which I consider witches that became soldiers or cops to be).

    I say this without knowing enough about the criminal(s) in question, nor about how the respective witches came to the conclusion said criminal should die - because you do not provide enough information for me to form a picture of the whole situation.

    Furthermore, what does "sacrificing" mean? For me, sacrificing something means giving something (away), that I would rather like to keep. Something that has value to me. Somehow, sacrificing a criminal seems not to be compatible with this... .

    I also have a problem with the term "criminal": this can mean anything and nothing, based on who makes the law's and what that person or group thinks should be rules to be followed. Not long ago, in many countries in Europe, homosexuality was a crime and was punished with imprissionment. In a number of countries this still is true. And a lot of people still think it should be punished, even in countries that don't have this law anymore.

    So without knowing what kind of criminal we are talking about, any further discussion about wheter they should be killed or not... is not only useless, but also dangerous.


    But let's take an example - a rapists, that kills his victims after raping them.

    Should this person be killed or not, and if he should be killed, how?

    From a neutral point of view, I would say this person needs to be 1. neutralized (so he can not do any more harm), and 2. needs to be punished (to make him understand it was wrong what he did).

    Neutralizing can mean anything, from simply killing that person to locking him up for as long as he pose a threat. If killing is the only option, then I think it should be done as quickly as possible, causing as little  suffering as possible.

    Punishment is a different thing. Of cause, killing can be seen as a form of punishment, but I don't: if you are dead, you are simply gone. So the only way to punish a person can be done while the person is still alive and aware of what is done to him. Many people might suggest torture as a kind of punishment (especially in this case of a rapist and murderer), but I consider it to be revenge. And revenge is not a good basis for any kind of legal system.

    Don't get me wrong: if such a rapist would have raped and killed my partner, and I would find him in the act... it might be that the next thing that would happen would be a fight, in which one of us would die. And it would probably not be a quick death, if I would be the one that brought it. But this would be done in rage, not as a professional executioner. And I don't know if this would actually happen. I've never been in even a remotely similar situation, and have no idea how I would actually react. I would prefer to never know.

    Anyway, what kind of punishment would I find to be ideal? Something that we will probably never have. IO have to digress a bit to get to the point. You know what happens to person who accidentally kill someone? People that have empathy? Altough it being an accident, those people tend to be unhappy for the rest of their life. Feelings of guilt, self-reproaches... the whole story. for many of those people it is as if their life has ended, and they merely.. exist anymore. But not live.

    If we could awaken such feelings in, for instance, murders or rapist...I think this ~could~ be the most ideal form of both punishing them, as well as neutralizing them. If we only knew how to do it... .

    Well, one can dream... .

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  10. Nancy, I am not quite sure what you expect us to do. Or what you think this forum is. Or what you think we are, or how we live our lifes. Or why you choose to be so invested in this forum in particular, and not in an other forum (what ever forum this might have been). Apart from the pee-thing, there appears to be very little common ground for people here to stand on (which in my experience is often the case, regardless of what the topic of the forum is).

    I know of cause from personal experience how frustrating it is to write a text, and being really invested in it, putting all your heart in... and then it falls flat.

    People want to be heard, but do not listen as much as they talk.
    This is always the problem with any kind of forum that has more then about 3 or 4 participants.
    Beause you can only listen to so much, befor you try to get yourself heard.
    This is why I prefer a dialogue (or PM's) over forums, when I want to talk about something specific. Forums can be nice to seed ideas - like bait - and see who bites. But not much else.
    Many threads that start with many people talking back and forth tend to end with just 2-4 people in a kind of dialogue. While this might not be the intention of the thread starter, it's just what happens.


    I can only speak for myself, and so will do.
    The more people post in a forum, the more I have to read, and the less chance I have to make a contribution. I am not a quick writer. English is not even my native tongue, and I have to rely on translation sites very often (reading as well as writing).
    I also am not able to give quick and short replies. I tend to think a lot about what has been said and what I could answer. I try to look at a subject from as many angles as possible, to make up my mind. This is one of the reasons why I have like... 300 posts in this forum and you - in half the time, have... errr... about 25 times as many posts. I'm an overthinker. One could also argue that you just have a quicker grasp and a clearer mind.

    In short, I simply do not have the time to read anything written in this forum, AND give a reasonable reply. When I come home from work I have like 4 -6 hours befor I need to go to bed. And this forum is not my life - it's just part of it. When I come home I first and foremost want to come down and relax. I do this mostly by watching some video's on youtube or play some videogames. My job is not a very fullfilling one - I do it for the money, because without money to pay for stuff you simply die... more or less quickly. And befor you die you are not even concidered a real person, because real persons have jobs and help the gross national product to grow. If you do not do that you're just a parasite.
     Would money not be an issue, I would have looked for a new job years ago. A job where I can be me, do something that has a meaning to me. At this point in my life I have actually forgotten who I am and what I want to do. I have nowhere to start my search from, even though years ago I really tried to figure out.. well... essentially I tried to figure out who I am, and what I am good at. I even had professional help... that did not help me at all. In the end, I fell in a hole so deep that I haven't bothered to climb back up to the point from which I fell. I can't even see the light up above anymore, for it being so far away.
     I am not blaming anyone here. I just want you to understand why I am not constantly replying to each and every thread or post or click on "Like", even if I do like what I read...  I am just tired, that all.
    I am not lazy, just clueless.

    Btw, I also have no Facebook or twitter account. People have soooooo many friends on facebook.....  no, you haven't. It's just people you vaguely know from the internet. Most of them wouldn't even qualify as acquaintances in real life. Some of them MIGHT become your friends, but that is rare, and should be. You can't have hundreds of friends... you just can't. Not if you want the meaning of the word "friend" to be diluted into meaninglessness.


    Let's face it: most people came to this forum because they have some kind of pee fetish (as you know there is a wide variety, not just one).
    They want to get some videos, pictures or stories to turn them on. Talk about it, again for a turn on.
    Many people, most of them male, came to this forum in order to find a partner. I sure did  - it's  80% of the reasons why I did register, although the number of people from my country are negligible. (And none of them are female, anyway).
    I am certainly not the only one with this in mind, as far as I can make out in some of the posts from other male members.
    Anything that is not pee-fetish related? People will automatically pay less attention to it. It's just the nature of this forum. (Or any other forum revolving around a specific topic.)

    That being said, you have made quiet a difference in the past two years. While there have always been threads in this forum that were not about the fetish, you have certainly made many people her think about things the have not thought about befor. You even have made a couple of people thing differently about their fetish. Me, for instance.
    I have no idea where this will lead me, so allow me to not thank you yet, but when (or rather if) this will turn out to be a good thing.


    If you chose to go on and leave this forum behind, and try your luck at another place (wether this might be a different forum or a real place), you might end up in the same spot, sooner or later. In the same situation. UNLESS that place is specifically tuned in to what you want to talk about.

    Just because people are not constantly replying to everything you do (or anyone else does) does not mean you (or anyone else) isn't appreciated.
    I, for one, am not a like a dog who wags his entire ass (not just the tail) when someone he loves comes back, and tries to lick his/her face for half an hour. I am more like a cat, that rubs his body at your legs and then goes back to his sleeping place. Because now, that you are back, everything is alright.


    And btw, I think the fact that you are a women has actually helped you.
    Maybe again it's just me, but when it comes to talking about intimate things I never talk about it with other men. Can't say why. I just don't feel comfortable talking to man about this kind of things.
    Sssooo... should we ever meet in real life, remind me that I owe you a hug. (If Alex doesn't mind.)
    And don't worry that not all of your seed's will grow - sometimes just one going up can be enough to change the world. Just seed at your own pace. Forrests don't grow over night.


    P.S.: writing this down took me - with spell-checking and looking for the right words and phrases in a translator - about two hours. Just to give you an idea why I'm not posting very often. Btw., I actually planed to reply to Riley's "What would you do?" thread today... well, maybe tomorrow. It might be an equally long reply... .

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  11. 10 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    @WantonLee  You may very well be correct.  But, I do know two things, for sure.  The first Bush wanted to take Hussein out, but was limited to the UN resolution that only allowed the U.S. to get Iraq out of Kuwait.  This is a fact.  So, draw your own conclusion on that one.

    As for Germany, don't get me started.  I've made my feelings clear about Germany on this site a few times.  I don't trust them at all.  My grandpa fought them in the trenches in France in WWI.  Then, my uncle fought the Nazis in WWII.  He was at the Battle Of The Bulge!  I need not go into all that again.  To hell with Germany.  We all know what they did and they will never be able to make amends for what they did.  And the Germans I've met have almost all been very arrogant.  If this makes me a bigot, so be it.  I don't care.  I don't like 'em.  I'd never buy a BMW or Mercedes, not that I'd ever be able to afford one.  LOL!


    Btw, I mentioned the whole German presidential quote (abreviated as "The Germans have to understand that we have to send out soldiers to defend our economic interests.") since it triggered such an outcry. As far as I can tell, he did resign over that outcry, but the outcry was more over someone actually telling the truth, rather then what was German politics at that time.

    On that note: the enforcment of interests in foreign countries is not a German invention; as far as I can tell, it is more of a human thing. And usually that of people in charge, not so much the average Joe. And I don't think this will ever change, at least for as long as competition is considered more important then cooperation: the ones that consier themselves to be more powerful then others, will try to defeat them. Thats why the corrent world economics looks more like a battlefield then anything else... .

    And the media is not helping in this matter. In Germany, the term "beggar thy neighbour" is unknown. Yes, it can be translated, but the average German will not understand the concept. For them, anyone who is in a worse economic situation is simply just lazy. This has been the tenor of the German media over the past decade. Anyone who tried to articulate that the problem is probably a bit more complex is silenced. For instance, if you state that the "lazy Greeks" work longer hours and have less vacation then the Germans; they are just less industrialized, thus their economoy is less efficient - the reply is something like "oh yeah, just being at work does not count as working - DUH!" This is all what the media and the politicians have to say about it.

    Seems like having an own oppinion is not very popular in Germany... .

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  12. On 2/7/2019 at 4:14 AM, 2prnot2p said:

    The people of Iraq absolutely wish Saddam Hussein was still in power.  Of course!  They had free college, free heath care, and he kept the peace among the many factions there.  I am friends with many people from Iraq.  I speak to them daily and have for years.  Hussein was a necessary evil.  In that nation, you have muslims (both sunni and shiite), christians, kurds, and other groups.  Hussein would not tolerate violence or terrorism.

    Also, it's important to state that Hussein hated Bin Laden and said that he would kill Bin Laden if he ever stepped foot in Iraq.  Plus, the CIA told the Bush administration that there were no WMD's in Iraq.  So, once again, the U.S. government lied to the people.  No surprise there.

    Going to Iraq was NOT about oil.  During the war, the U.S. was only getting 6% of its oil from Iraq.  In fact, the U.S. only imports 19% of its oil now as I write this.  The vast majority of our oil (77%) is from the U.S. now!  (Four percent are the reserves.)  By 2024, the U.S. will not import one drop of oil!  The Iraq war was a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein.  George W. Bush wanted to finish what his father was unable to do, and that was to topple Hussein.  Plain and simple.  We messed up that whole country.  It's our fault!

    Yet, we're pals the Saudis and they're the worst in the Middle East!  Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia.  And, look at what they're doing in Yemen and the murder and dismemberment of that journalist!  They're truly sick!  Oh, but they've finally let women drive recently.  LOL! 

    Sometimes I'm ashamed to be an American.  That's the truth. 

    (NOTE: Saddam Hussein called President Bush on 9/11 to express his condolences and to offer his support in capturing those who were responsible.  This was reported briefly on CBS national news on that day.  I'd bet that few people, if any,  remember this.  But, he did.  My thought is that he was sincere.)

    No need to feel ashamed to be an American - besides, when it comes to be ashamed of your country, America is no contender compared to Germany. 😉 Also:  didn't the US had a bunch of allies (most notably the UK) that helped with messing up... ? I am surprised that Germany was not amongst them, but they later helped messing up Afghanistan. The official defense against the skeptical German population that began questioning the entire affair was, that "the German freedom is now defended at the Hindu Kush".

    Funfact: the (then) German Federal President* Horst Köhler gave an interview on his flight back from a troup-visit in Afghanistan, which included a very interesting statement, which - when abridged to the actual meaning of it - could be expressed in the following way: "The Germans have to understand that we have to send out soldiers to defend our economic interests."

    If you want to read the long version, check out his Wikipedia-article, the part of the intervies is quoted in the paragraph "Resignation".

    *Note: the job of German Federal President is more that of a representative, nothing compared to the American President.


    Anyway, back to Iraq: I agree that the invasion of Iraq was not (so much) about oil, but about other things. Some things might have played a role that we don't know of yet (and maybe never will).

    I imagine personal reasons had contributed to the entire reasoning, but I would not be surprised if actually it was a whole list of various reasons combined that led to the invasion.

    I have my doubts that it was just a personal vendetta. I simply do not think that Georg W. Bush Jr. was smart enough to convince everybody to invade Iraq either just as a personal vendetta, or by making up reasons himself that were convincing enough to fool everyone in the white house. I'd rather believe that some more influencial people in his personal environment convinced him to invade Iraq.

    I could not give you any actual informations though on why I think that - it's more or less an impression I've got, based on what I've heared or read about the entire affair. If it makes you feel better, call it just another conspiracy theory of mine. 😉

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  13. On 2/7/2019 at 10:55 AM, Hidengo said:

    Oh, I'm sure I'd very much enjoy joining in on that. 

    So, am I right in assuming that your problem with the entire pee-fetish lies not so much the act itself, but rather in who does it?

    IE. someone who is actually enjoying it, versus someone just doing it because she has to?

  14. On 2/7/2019 at 6:59 AM, 2prnot2p said:

    Here's why I don't believe someone can be sexually abused and not recall it until much later:

    "No evidence exists for the repression and recovery of verified, severely traumatic events, and their role in symptom formation has yet to be proved. There is also striking absence in the literature of well-corroborated cases of such repressed memories recovered through psychotherapy. Given the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse, even if only a small proportion are repressed and only some of them are subsequently recovered, there should be a significant number of corroborated cases. In fact there are none."

    To read more about False Memory Syndrome, click below:

    False Memory Syndrome

    Thanks for sharing that article, quite interesting.

    Curiously, there is a sentence in there I can no make hands or tail of, since it seems to contradict the idea that traumatic memories can not be recalled, which is: "The memory of early childhood abuse can be forgotten and remembered with more or less accuracy. "

    But maybe I am just lost in translation again. 😕


    Anyways: I have no reason to believe that Raven 726 is lying... other then the very general reason that this is "the internet", an so everything has to be taken with a pinch of salt (where "a pinch" can be an extremely variable amount).

    While his story sounds unbelievable, stranger things have happened. So I am not going to reject it just based on it sounding unbelievable.

    In fact, the only thing that I really find odd is the fact he remembers to be able to cum while at the same time being terrified. For me at least, those things are mutually exclusive.

    So, at the moment I am filing this information in the "odd"-drawer of my mind, and am curious to hear more about this.

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  15. I have no idea, but it seems that American Banks ignore the IBAN-System at this point - there are online-calculators, but none of them have the US as a choice.

    So you will have to go with Swift and BIC. I have no idea how this works, though.

    A quick google-search brought up this two sites:



    If those two threads do not help you, maybe the staff at mydirtyhobby can help you... if they answer mails, that is.


    Good luck!

  16. On 1/31/2019 at 3:39 PM, Hidengo said:

    Ok, so. I've come to a weird conclusion about my understanding of this fetish, at least how it applies to me.

    That is: I'm not really into pee stuff in real life. Like, I do get turned on by the idea of public urination and "naughty" peeing, when I'm doing it myself.


    But twice now, I've had the opportunity to indulge in real life and... I couldn't.


    So yeah. Those are my general thoughts. Does anyone else feel similarly?

    I'm kind of on the same page as you here - in that cases you described I would have reacted very much like you:  indifferent.

    The point is: I am not getting any pleasure of a lady peeing in real life when it is not intimate. A lady peeing just because she needs to - how naughty it might be - does nothing for me.


    I am relativly emphatic, so it only turns me on if she is turned on. And while I like to watch, I am not a voyeur. So she would be peeing not only with me present, but also wanting me to be present. Idealy both of us peeing at the same time at/on/in the same thing.

    (Yes, for me THAT is the hypothetical part of my fantasies - a lady that actually wants the same as me in this fetish... AND wanting me as a "partner in crime", so to speak.)

    So, that being said, what do you think about this screencap of a video I recently found:


    Would you still be indifferent? 😉

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  17. On 2/4/2019 at 7:38 AM, 2prnot2p said:

    I don't believe in "recovered memories" at all.  Besides, your story is totally implausible.  (...)

    May I ask why you think Raven726's story is implausible?

    Go into as much detail as you like.


    And what is this "recovered memories" all about?

    Maybe I am lost in translation, but I am not certain what is so unbelievable about remembering something that you were unable to remember for a long time (due to trauma, shock, or what ever reason).

    I am aware that the brain is rather good at twisting up memories though, up to the point of altering very important parts of a memory. Is it that what you mean?

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  18. I'm kind of on the same page as spywareonya here, though less spiritual.

    1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    Thus, is mandatory that first contacts with the "piss vandal" in us must be explored while looking the other way, blaming our twisted pleasures onto necessity...

    ...until we are ready to face what we are… what we were Always meant to be, since the very beginning.

    The Beast. Reveling in sweet cruelty of piss abuse and mind-destroying overload of sexual pleasure...

    I don't like cruelty, however, and I am not very much into destroying minds... more... things... well... errr... oh look, it's bed o'clock. Gotta go sleep. Nighty all! 😛

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