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Posts posted by WantonLee

  1. 5 hours ago, F.W said:

    But IF 9/11 was a Govt conspiracy,what was the aim?Why would the US Govt kill thousands of its own citizens?I have absolutely no problem in believing that it was indeed arab terrorists.

    The aim? Look what has happened since 2001 in the US - what had become of a once free nation. And what the USA had done after 9/11 to several countries in the world. And what did NOT happen to countries that were clearly involved, like Saudi Arabia (from where most of the terrorist came from).

    That what happened since 9/11 was what they were aiming for.


    Insidejob or not - they at least knew what was going to happen and did nothing about it - just like with Pearl Harbour. In both cases they  N E E D E D  this kind of attack.

    And don't tell me that you can't kill thousands of your own citizens. Those people in charge do not consider citizens to be people. The people in charge do not have empathy in any way, shape or form. They are good at emulating empathy though, to conceal their true nature. Otherwise they would not be in charge - they would not have been able to rise to the top, because that needs intelligence as well as ruthlessness.


    And by the way: the US govt kills thousands of their own citizens anyway - just by sending them into foreign countries as soldiers.

    How many died in Afganistan without achieving anything of their original goals? Same in Iraq. Both countries are far less peaceful then before the US and the coalition of the willing invad...I mean, freed them. Neither of those countries were responsible for the attacks. Even IF the terrorists would have come from those countries. And Bin Laden was not the leader of either of those countries, so the reason to attack those countries to get their leader doesn't count, as he wasn't.

    I remember reading at some point that the people in Iraq wanted Saddam Hussein back - for the simple reason that before the Inva.... Liberation you could go to the market with literally no risk of getting bombed to death by some freedom fighters - which were not there before the Inv...Liberation. I wonder if they would be there if the Inv...Liberation did not have happened. I really do.


    The end does not justify the means. The means reveal the end.

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  2. * Tries to revive an old thread *

    I. What is your favourite peeing fantasy?
    There is no one particular fantasy I have, if you wanted me to descibe a specific scene or act. Rather scenarios, of which I have two:

    The first and oldest is a (constantly evolving) fantasy about something that is probably best described as a sort of naught pee valhalla; a paradise in the form of a scaled down earth with some elements that kind of resemble the leveling-process of roleplaying games.
    Everything will follow the rules of physics and logic up to the point where peeing is involved; there it gets a bit supernatural: you can kind of enhance your abilities (like the capacity of your bladder, the time it need to fill up, etc), but it all follows some rules, though. Everything in here will all look and feel real, but the world will be devoid of all life (plants will exists though, but the will be lifeless as well; they will behave like normal plants, though.) The only other real life will be... your soulmate. You will not know of each other though, assuming to be alone - unless you accidentally stumble upon each other (or each others mess ;)).
    You both will wake up next to a small village with a number of different buildings, but on opposite sides; your only way to go initially is into that town... from there on, things will.. develope.

    The other fantasy of mine would be to finally meet a lady who shares my interest in naughty peeing (and even past sexy-time we both would be a good match). We two would only find out about our mutual matching fetish after some time  - half by accident, half by careful exploration... in my mind it all developes rather slow, over the course of weeks, maybe, but in the end things would escalate rather quicky... I mean quickly. 😉

    Of my two fantasies, I consider the first one to be more realistic, truth be told.  -_-


    2. What is your hottest real life peeing experience?
    You mean peeing WITH a Lady or WATCHING a Lady pee?
    I can only offer the later, and I would hardly call it watching, to be honest... .
    I once rode home on my bike and came across a young lady who was sitting on the curb, shamefully looking down and away from me. It took a second glance of me to notice that she had pulled her pants down slightly and that there was a little river emanating from below her.
    I found out that day that I am not the kind of gentlemen I imagined myself to be, since I did not stop to offer her a handkerchief... . o_0


    3. What is your main area of interest with the pee fetish
    - (either myself or preferably watching a Lady) peeing naughty - on or in something that is not supposed to be a toilet - delibertately and for pleasure.


    4. Briefly describe the first pee porn you can remember seeing.
    In the mid 90's, and it was not in a movie, but rather a photography from the french erotic art photographer Gilles Berquet in a weekly news magazine; the articel talked about an exhibition of said artist. To give an example of his sometimes sureal and twisted art-style, they showed -> this picture. (https://i.imgur.com/3pgodcp.jpg)
    In a Movie? The peeing-Scene in the German softporn movie "Griechische Feigen" (Greece Figs), in English known as "The fruit is ripe", but this version did not contain the pee scene. Sort of. Well, it still contained it, but since there was not much to see anyway they did not translate the original dialogue, but instead the characters talked about something completely different and unrelated. Actually, any pee-related dialogue (which there was in at least 2 other scenes) was removed from the English dubbed version of this movie. The movie is from 1977, btw, but I saw it first in the mid 90's.


    5. If you could choose any one - but only one - celebrity to either watch peeing or be peed on by, who would you choose?
    I don't care for celebrities. I am interested in a partner, and this means for me that we have to be a match both in terms of what we are interested in the most, as well as to be characterwise a match. (If she coincidentally happens to be a celebrity, that's fine by me. But I'd prefer her not to be, since that means a lot of (unwanted) attention.)


    6. Where is the naughtiest place you personally have ever peed?
    That is a matter of judgment, depending both on the grade of naughtiness as well as the actual damage caused. I will give two examples, and you choose:
    I am torn between "A phonebooth" and "a potted plant".
    Torn because while the booth was of cause a public place, the potted plant was mine. Where was more harm done? I guess to the plant, as my pee, instead of having a fertilizing effect, actually did the opposite... so it was not so much naughty, but malicious, I guess... .


    7. Have you ever peed on or in someone else's property? And was it for pleasure or out of necessity?
    If we are talking about privat property: no.


    8. What is the hottest pee scene you have ever seen on mainstream TV or in a mainstream film?
    A movie I have no idea what it's name is, and even can't tell which country it is from - seen somewhere in the late 90's. A Woman was squatting in a somewhat dark backally and peeing. Source was not visible, but I remember the stream was. Can't even remeber the context and I think I stumbled into that movie by zapping around.


    9. Describe your favourite porn scene.
    I am not into porn as such (if you are talking about porn movies with a plot), but rather little clips of... interest.
    And there are ssoooo many to choose from... but if I had to pick on in particular, it's one of TamtamSouth's clips where she peed on the curtains in a hotel room, apparently enjoying it (judging by the look on her face).

    10. Have you ever given or received a golden shower?
    Neither. I'm not into this sort of thing, anyway (although I would not mind if a Lady, sitting on my lap, facing me,  would size the opportunity and... water my garden... ).

  3. @ owlman76 and Scot_Lover:

    Divide and rule - thats the answer.

    The people who are in charge (not the politicians, who are only the sock-puppets of the people in charge) NEED the population to be divided. Thats why all those young, male refugees are comming to Europe. No one in charge thinks they need to be helped, because they have no empathy. People with empathy NEVER raise to the top. Yes, a lot of people are fleeing the war(s) in the middle east, but I am beginning to doubt that we are ever going to see them - the will NOT be send to Europe, because their presence is no help to the people in charge here.

    The ones in charge just send over the refugees that they know are going to cause problems.

    Because... as long as we down here fight each other... we won't fight them.


    Also, it's very practical - you always have some terrorist ready at your (that is: the people in charge's) service. All the people who committed terrorist attacks were under close survailiance... sometimes VERY close.

    Remember when the French were protesting for a better living (it was not about raised taxes on fuel - that was just the straw that broke the camel's back)... then, in Strasbourg a terrorist attack happened... and you haven't heard of the protests since. How conveniently timed.... wasn't it? I wonder where he got that revolver and ammunition from.... and.... I also wonder cui bono'd.... 😉


    Europe is going to burn. Because the people in charge are getting cold and they need a fire to warm themselves.

    If our future will be a bright one... I can only hope it will be the brightness of nuclear explosions, because it at least is a mercyfull, quick death (provided you are close enough, which I hope to be).

  4. 8 hours ago, owlman76 said:

    This whole thing is being led by Germany in an attempt to control Europe, they keep going on about Putin and Russia being hell bent on ruling Europe, exactly what is the difference between his alleged ideals and those of Germany.

    Keep in mind that by now the entire British media is under full german control - either directly or by proxy.

    So if they tell you that the Brexit is bad fot the Brits, they lie. It's bad for Fritz, not the Brits!

    Oh, and regarding to the Russians: yes, in Germany the press is 100% opposing Russia. very much as the Germans were a 100% against Yews. Just remember what they did: they kicked the Yews out or gased them, and just took over their property, banks and bussines'es.

    They wanted to get rid of the competition, that all there is to it!


    Mark my words: if the Brexit fails... Europe falls... not the EU - they can go to hell where they belong - , I mean Europe!

  5. F.W. said it all, and I totally agree. I hope that the EU falls apart like a house of cards. It's probably interesting to note that the major problem with the EU as it is stems from the fact that we have a common currency since 2000, the Euro -> €.

    This is probably the worst thing that could have happened to Europe in total, and the economically poorer countries of Europe especially.

    See, befor the Euro, every country had full control over their own currency. After the Euro, this was no longer the case. Take Italy or Greece for example. Those countries were never as industrialized as England or Germany, and so they had to import more goods then they could export. All in all, they were net importers of goods, end net exporters of money.

    This meant those countries were slowly bleeding out, moneywise, and had to print new money in order to stabilize their economy. But it also ment the lacked the money to modernize their own industries and become independed of imports.

    With the Euro, they where not able to do that, and thats when the situation in those countries became worse. They were still beeding out, but now had now way to compensate. And THIS was Germanys plan all along! See, Germany is Europe's only net exporter (of goods) and therefore Europe's only net importer (of money). before the Euro, germany had to life with the fact that all the money they imported was slowly loosing value, due to the fact the countries it came from were printing more money... something known as "inflation". Germany didn't want that, so the invented the Euro and force all of the other european countries to use it, too. All but England! 😄


    Anyway, the situation became so worse, that Greece had only two choices: abandon the Euro, or get a big injection of money.

    The problem was solved eventually by getting a lot of money from germany (and England, on German orders). But while England handed over the money just like that, the Germans only lend the money - in exchange for political influence.

    That political influence was used to make Greece sell their state property, like their harbours and railways and such, and finally privatize them. So, at least in this case we did them a favor. How? Just a small example, the railways: when they were state-owned, their job was to transport people and goods, while having to financially break even.

    Now their job is to make money (aka "profit") by taking the money from the passengers and the companies that need their goods transported, and hand over that money to the shareholders... actually transporting those passengers and goods is optional, though. But, hey: they have no alternative to the railways, otherwise they wouldn't be using them... so they will continue giving money to the shareholders. A classical win-loose situation, capitalism at it's finest! 😄

    I think this is one of the few cases where Germany actually did a good thing... mind you, before 1989 Germany was a communist nation, and they actually never had heard about capitalizm... so, there is hope. In theory, at least... .


    Then again, I think in hindsight it would have been a good idea to follow the plan of Bomber Harries consequently trough to the bitter(-sweet) end and level every german city - not only the major ones - while they had a chance in WWII. Even worse - after the war ended,  the commies from Russia had a chance to fully rebuild Germany and lead it to it's current strength.

    It was THE chance to turn Ger-many into Ger-few.... and you missed it. Shame on you, Brits! Just look at Europe falling prey to the Nazi's... again. Thats all YOUR fault! 😠

    And now you are trying to cowardly stealing away.... . Brexit my... donkey.

    Don't you have nukes? Don't you know what they are for? How about you finish what you have started?

    Or do you want to wait until Germany has nuke's too? if you think Europe has a problem NOW... think again! But do it quickly... .

  6. First step in overcomming a problem is to realise you're having one. Must have been difficult to admit it, especially in front of forum of, well, bascially strangers. I wonder if it was more difficult then admitting it to yourself.


    Anyway, you've done the right thing, Brutus. Don't let anyone stop you.

    Come back if you feel like it, not sooner.


    Sexuality, in what ever form, should be the spice of life, not the main course. 😉


    Good luck! 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  7. Nice one for a first try! 😉

    There is some minor critique, or rather feedback, I'd like to give, though:

    I think it would be better to use quotation marks to highlight when someone is talking, like this: "Hi there", Nina said.

    instead of

    Hi there Nina said.

    I mean, yes, you can easily guess which part is the talking, but with quotation marks it just enhances the readability.


    Another minor thing is the way you are telling the age of the characters. Maybe put it in like this for you and your friend: "Me and Jake were 21 at that time, and it was our first time (or "not our first time", depending on what you prefer) we stayed in a hostel." Something along those lines... .

    Also, telling the age of Nina like "the 20 year old nina did this and that" kinda sounds odd, but maybe it's just me. I think it works better if the story is told by a neutral observer; if you tell the story from the perspective of one of the characters, it begs the question how he knows the age of Nina, without being told in the first place.

    (However, I am not quite sure who to integrate Nina's age in a casual way, especially in a story as short as this one.)


    Again, these are minor points of critique, and I am aware that you haven't asked for critique. English is not my native language, either, but I think my points are not very much language-related.

    Anyways, I am looking forward to your next ty! 😄

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  8. For me, being a naughty pee fan, it's yellow all the way. (Since I am not interested in drinking, nor having a girlfriend that's into it, it's not an issue.)

    I am aware of the potential health issues associated with pee being colored to dark, but as long as it is still yellow and not orange, this won'tchange my preference. 😛

  9. @ Sephore: good luck to you!

    On the topic: here in Germany drug tests on the job are not much of a thing, at least in regular jobs, like office-jobs. I am not sure about jobs where you have to operate heavy machinery, though, but I havent't heared of it.

    Of cause, if you are truck driver, for instance, there is a chance that the police will pull you out of traffic (like on the autobahn, where they then will direct you to the next rest stop), and check both you and your truck, and your papers (regarding your truck, they will check the load, the truck it self, like the breack, tires, etc.... reason for this being tha a lot of the old truck from West Europe are sold to East Europe, and then return to West Europe through Germany, hauling cargo. And they are usually in bad shape, and accidents involving trucks happen often here.... an I mean fatal accidents... not all of them involving alcohol like -> this one from 2013 though... .)

    I know they will check for alcohol, if they suspect anything, but they do not check for other drugs, unless they see signs of drug use.

    The number one drug in Germany is alcohol, after all, and since it is not very hard to get and also very easy to detect (by the smell), it is a valid concern.


    That being said, I know of at least one coworker of mine who smokes weed, and the company kind of knows it, but tolerates it, since the jobs we do in our department are rather forgiving (we do not operate any heavy machines, for example), and weed is not that much of a problem as alcohol would be. As far as I can tell, it has - if at all - a calming effect on a person, much the opposite of what alcohol does.


    Anyway, should they find any hints for drugs in your test sample, Sephora, and are in doubt about you continuing being the head of your department....  I wonder if you could calmly ask them if they ever had any issues with you and your work. I mean, if you had done a good job, a good reputation and are considered to be reliable and honest... wouldn't they want to keep you? I mean, I would.... but then again I am far from being in charge of anyone but myself.



  10. I have to admit that talking about this fetish in the relative anonymity is less of a problem to me then actually talking about it in person - even to peole I know to share this fetish with me.

    For me, it is as intimate as sex, I consider it practically a form of sexual activity. This means I will not engage in any activity that I consider sexual with any other person than a likeminded lady, and this also means that it will be done in private.

    Sooo, I am deffinately not in. 😉

  11. I am on no social madia, either. I do not consider facebook to be very social, anyway, and I never saw the point of twitter.

    Also I do not understand why people on facebook call each other "friends" - online-acquaintances is what I would call them.

    I did find some.. friends online, in an MMORPG, but once we stopped playing the game together, those contact smore or less broke off after a couple of months - it seemed there was no real connection other then the game to start with.

    I had a very brief relationship to a lady thanks to a different, relation-related forum, and we stayed friends for a couple of years, but this friendship faded over time, as well.

    I think when it comes to friends or relationships, the internet has done nothing for me in the long run, too.


    In regards to this forum: I am here for the mere reason that I wanted to talk about this fetish with likeminded people, something that in real life I never had the chance to. Would I be in a relationship with a likeminded lady, I have to admit I wouldn't be here.

    (Sadly, where I come from I have never found any forum that is as diverse as this one or the other on at peesearch; the ones I found were either very restrictive (one was devoted to pantywetting only!), while others were either not very organized (they were just one forum with no sub-forums) or had some kind of access-restriction (either they were pay-sites, or you had the enter the ID-number of your ID-card, which I sure as hell will never share over the internet).


    I have to admit though that the internet is - for me at least - better then no internet. I am not a very sociable person, and wouldn't it be for the internet, I would be living in books and/or watch mindless tv-series. Oh, and yes, play computer-games, but that I do anyway. 😛

  12. "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

    - Henry Ford


    An old statement, but still nothing has changed. If you take a closer look the actual banking crisis -  starting in 2008 - you might find it is in fact the same crisis that happend in the early 20th century, culminating in WWII. It is inded very important that no one questions the monetary system... because the last president that did ... well lets just not question the official version that the commies are behind his death, so we won't share his fate. 😉

  13. Do you mean "attractive" or "beautiful"? In my books these are to separate things, as someone who is attractive might not be beautiful (at least by standards of the beauty-industry).

    Hmm, I say: it depends. On the form of the face, the type and color of the glasses, and the attitude of the wearer.

    Probably, for everyone there is a type of glasses that will fit them, but unless the person wearing them is not confident, it will not "work".

    For me, although I have to wear glasses, I usually don't, unless I am in a situation where I absolutely need to see perfectly (like in traffc).

    But at home I don't wear them, although I can't clearly see what is 2 meters/ 6 feet away from me. But I just don't want to have something in my face and on my nose (and I don' want to wear contacts, either).

    For enyone else, I simply don't mind - again, totally depends on the person and his/her attitude.


  14. 5 minutes ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

    I fear rejection because of why i write and what i write. meaning...  because i write to cope with stuff... if someone says 'Your writing sucks, it's horrible'   but lets say.. i wrote the story because i was depressed and sad about stuff and the writing helped me cope... then i'll feel lousy about how much it helped me. i'll feel 'regret' for writing it... 

    And yes also because it's really that intimate that i fear rejection for what they are about... but the reader wouldn't really know unless i explain it to them... but i would know...even if i didn't tell them... 

    *WantonLee emanates sounds of thinking, mostly in the form of Hmmmm's *

    Retorical question: when you posted one of your stories - was it because you wanted to be appreciated as an artist, or was it more in the hopes of being understood? Or both?

    Is it possible to break on of your stories down to a few sentences so we'd get an idea what they are about, or are the stories more about how they are written then the story itself?

    (This last question came into my mind because this is a feeling I get when reading (or listening to) one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld stories - yes, you can break them down, but a lot of enjoyment of his stories come from HOW they were written. It would be like breaking down a night of lovemaking to the words "they practiced sexual intercourse"  - totally missing the point that way.)


    P.S.: I am going to bed now, not sure when I'm back to read you answer, so take you time.

    G'night! 🙂

  15. Again, I can only repeat myself:

    The metric system lacks a certain... style.

    Miles, yards, inches, pounds, pints... those words have a tone to them that the metric system just can't provide.

    And I say that only knowing the metric system!


    Two interesting sidenotes:

    In Germany (not sure about other countries) in the late 19th centure when the conversion to the metric system was about to happen, someone had the brilliant idea to standardize the various (and variing) weight-units known as "pound" as being 500 grams, or half a kilo.

    The packages of butter here are all 250 grams, or half a pound. You can get a pound of potatoes as well, If you don't mind it being half a kilo. 😉 Flour and sugar are also still sold as a pound (although it says "500 grams" on the package), but I think I mentioned that earlier.

    I like that nod to the old system, although the unit has no real relation to the old original one(s).


    Also, what my dictionary tells me is in English a "folding ruler" or "folding yardstick" is in Germany a two meter long "Zollstock", or... Inch-stick.

    Yes, everyone refers to them as "Zollstock", even though most people have no idea what a "Zoll" is - it's just the common word for it, and no one thinks about the actual meaning.

    So, dear Brits, if they should force the metric system upon you, at least insist on having the good old names to be used for certain units! Although I think it would be very much of a strech to refer to a kilometer as a mile.... or rather it would be a shrink. o_0


    Oh, and by the way: always remember that the hight at which planes are flying is still measured in feet.... everywhere, all around the world!

  16. Hmm, to a little extend I can understand where you're comming from, blackinsoul, as a couple of years ago - when I was still actively playing an fantasy based online roleplay game - I was some kind of a reporter and wrote articles about our guilds activities

    It was always a struggle, and while I tried to release my stories once a week, it was later once every two week, then every three weeks and then every month. One reason was that I always tried to not just bluntly report what we did in game, but also to wrap it up in some form. For instance, at one evening we were raiding some evil ice giants for some loot, and I told the story of it as if it was a football-match, with us playing against the giants.

    Another story was written as if our raid was investigated afterwards by a detective (yes, I named him Sherlock Gnomes, sorry for the pun), deducing from the clues and coprses left behind what happened.

    Apart from struggeling it was always fun to write, but I eventually stopped writing, since we did more and more events per week and I could not keep up writing (unless I wanted to lower the standards to just mere reports, which I simply do not wanted). As a sidenote, the guild I was in broke up shortly afterwards I stopped writing.

    Two or three years ago I found some of my old stories and was amazed about how many spelling errors were in there, despite me double and tripple checking everything.

    But no one complained.

    If I remember correctly, the number of readers seldom exceeded 15-20 individuals, anyway.

    Probably they were getting to long. Some pictures I always added contributed to the lenght of cause. I used Word to write them, and each individual story could grow to 3 or 4 pages in length, shorter reports about new or departing members of cause were much much shorter.


    Hmm... 60-70 pages you say you wrote?

    Thats a scary number, I have to admit. Do not bother sending them to me, I promise I will not read them! 😉

    As a matter of fact, I haven't read any books recently simply because I never found the time or rather the leisure to read, even though there are a number of books from Terry Pratchett I still haven't read.

    I overcame this weakness of mine by accessing some of them in the form of audio-books which I could listen to while at work sometimes (provided I was tasked with dull enough tasks).


    Out of interest though: do you just fear rejection for they way you wrote, or are the stories really that intimate that you fear rejection for what they are about?

    What ever ou write: if it is intimate, rejection hurts twice as much, according to my heart... .

  17. Oh dear.... I'm sorry for your loss.

    Keep your heads up, my best wishes for you two to get out on top of this.


    May I ask if - on Mary's part - this breakup could have been the result of an underlying internal conflict she could not resolve?

    The fact that it apparently was a rather messy breakup gave me that idea, since you usually do not (or should not) withhold bitter words for... "later use" (which is always an indication for a relationship cracking to me, since in a healthy relationship you should talk about EVERTHING that bothers you. Then again, I've never been in one...).

    I am not intending to blame Mary's sister - even if she did play her part, Mary would have needed to be open for her arguments for this to work. I see it like when you, altough being in a relationship, fall in love with someone else - you can only fall in love with someone else if the place in your heart is vacant... which can only happen if the original love died first.


    Oh, and give Maigh a hug from all of us... and you can have one, too, if you'd like... although I think the other ladies in this forum would be more suited to this task.... erm.... yeah, I'm better going to shut up now. -_-

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