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Posts posted by WantonLee

  1. I would of cause support her, by all means. Hugging, kissing, you name it.

    But I think one of the first things, if not THE first thing imn her mind, would be to clean herself, the bed, and change cloth.

    About the love-making: depends very much on the circumstances. First off all, i assume you talk about a wetting-accident, and not an accident of another kind (which would be a rare thing,anyway).  Since you state that she felt very embarrassed, this kind of imlies that she is either not very much interested in pee-related stuff, or if she is, she ould not know that I am. While in the later case her could be helped, if the first one is the case she would probably not very much interested in love making.

    In case the accident was not a wetting one, it might be though that none of us would be in the mood right then and there. 😛

  2. Interesting question, Blackinsoul30.

    I have to admit that I am not quite in the same boat as you are. I am single for the best part of my life now, with very rare exceptions, and I don't really mind it. In a way I actually prefer it over a relationship, as odd as it might sound.

    There is not a deep connection with my family either, haven't seen some of them for years. I feel there is not enough in common (other then the shared genes) that justifies regular contact.... because it mostly ends up in desperatly trying to keep up a conversation that actually died half an hour ago... would one be willing to admit it. None of them live close enough for regular visits, anyway.

    I was never really good at making friends, and as a result I don't have any real ones by now (having to move to a different city for a job years ago did not help this matter, either). Only acquaintances, most of which are also colleagues at my current job. However, this does not bother me much, as I prefer to live in a different world, anyway. Actually, many different worlds:

    When I was young I was mostly living in books (their stories rather), and when I got my first PC my interest shifted towards computer games. I haven't played that many (considering that I am a gamer for about 25 yers now), and I can really get stuck in a single game for years (provided there is enough content). I couple of those games were/are multiplayer games, but so far I only made (what I would call) friends in two of them, leading to even some RealLife meetings. But to be honest, the really connecting element was the game and it's world, and once that was gone, the friendships went with it. This does not mean I regret the meetings, rather the opposite. But there was just.. not enough for lasting friendships. At least for me.

    Other then that, I've got a couple of forum's with varying topics I occasionally attend to - one of which of cause is this one! 😄

    So I rarely feel lonely, as there is a lot to do to keep my busy.


    The only time I am really feeling lonely is the time between slipping into bed and falling asleep. And while I miss kissing and cuddling very much in this moments, I feel this is the only time I actually miss another being to share a life with. And I think it would be rather egoistic and self-centered to look for a partner just for those few lonely hours in bed, and nothing else. I am just not desperate enough to be this selfish right now. Maybe I will some day, but not now.

    Yes, I know, a relationship is not only about sharing a bed, it is about sharing a life. But there is not much to be shared.

    I am not interested in having children, and so there is no reason I SHOULD be in a relationship (from a mere biological point of view).

     I also have no other higher goals in life by now. What ever talent I may have that I could exploit for "the benefit of mankind", if there is one, I am not aware of it. So I would not need a supporting partner in this part of my life, either. (And I do not know of any woman in such a position that would need someone like me for support.)

    In any way, I don't want to be reduced to..... a function... nor do I want to reduce another person to a function. As I said: I do not want to have a partner just because I need someone to cuddle with. (While we are at it: same goes for my special interest that brought me to this forum.)


    Before someone thinks I am complaining or salty or what ever: I am just reflecting on my life, I am not bitter. I am way past bitter and in the realms of acceptance and I am comfortable with it. There is no one to be blamed. If, then it would be me. And I don't see why I should.


    Anyway, thanks again for your quesiton Blackinsoul30. By the way, considering your disability: aren't there any forums revolving around this topic that are worth a visit, or do you just don't feel like you want to exchange yourself with others about it?

    No I am not suggesting you should... switch forums or such. But there is a problem of mine I that I don't want to talk about here, and I do occasionally visit a related forum to exchange myself with other persons with the same issue, and it did help me quite a lot.

    Just saying.

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  3. Another (actual) question: You wrote that you are disabled. Do you want to talk about it?

    Maybe how it happened and/or how it affects your life?

    Or what effect it had on the special... interest of your's that brought you here?

    (If you don't like this topic, please ignore my questions; in that case, maybe admin could even remove my post...?)


  4. (This is mostly addressed at Admin, but everyone else should feel free to add their thoughts.)

    I wonder if it would be possible to change the way this forum handles text formation. I am refering to the fact that - each time you press Enter/Return - you end up not in the next line, but in (what feels like) the line after the next line. To point out what I mean I give an example, that also serves as an explanation of the "problem" in action. Here we go:

    So this is the first line of the text I wanna write. To show you what my "problem" is, I will just go on and one to write so you can see what happens when I do not press Enter/Return for a line break, but rather what happens when I just write so much text that the line break will happen automatically. Which just happened on my screen after the word "will". But in case your screen is wider then mine, I will just continue writing until a second line break automatically appeared - which you can also force by just making the window of the browser you are currently less wide. Coinsidentally the line break happened (for me) just after the last "are" in the last sentence. Now I will hit Enter.

    Aaaand, as you might be able to see, it looks like this line - altough ment to be just another line below the last line - is actually another paragraph, instead of just the next line. This is due to the amount of space between this line and the last line. If I wanted to add an empty line between two lines I am used to press Enter/Return twice after ending a sentence - the first for landing in the next line, and the second for adding an empty line. I will do that now:


    In the case of this forum it looks like I have no idea how to properly break up a text. Anyway, sometimes I just want to end a line much sooner before the line break would automatically happen. In order to format the text in a way to give it.. a pattern... .

    I don't know how to describe it.

    I can show you though.


    ... right now.

    In this VERY instance.


    OK, end of the expample. Please note that this is not critisism as such, but I am rather puzzled why this forum formats text in this way - which is simply a way i am not used to.

    I am also aware that changing this... now.... on the fly... with so many written text out... is almost impossible without messing up the text anyone has written so far.


    I just wonder why this is and if it could be changed.. and if I am the only one who has to adapt the style of writing/formating text for this forum (since this is so far the onlyforum where I have experienced this).

  5. Interesting question; I have asked myself the same thing for a while now.

    First lets start with defining "fetish". The Wikipedia-Article begins with this sentence "Sexual fetishism or erotic fetishism is a sexual fixation on a nonliving object or nongenital body part."

    Well; I can only speak for myself, but, if that is the case, I do not have a fetish, as my interest revolves around the ACT of urinating (more specifically: naughty peeing). So, is this a fetish or not?

    Another definition I tend to agree more with would be that a fetish is some"thing" or some activity that is not directly related to sexual activity and/or the primary or secondary sexual characteristics. I would say that urinating is "only" indirectly related to the primary sexual characteristics, as this activity has nothing in common with the actual sexual activity as such.

    However, and here I can not only just speak for myself, but also only as a male human ;), the sensation of urine flowing through the urethra can be as such arousing, as it excites the nerves at the underside of the penis, which (at least I) like to .. err... manually stimulate for pleasure. (Wow, what a complicated way of saying "wanking" null )


    This of cause does not explain why I am also aroused by damaging or defiling something by peeing on it, or just watching someone (preferably a lady) doing this. I would like to call this "second level arousal", as this arousal is not triggered by a stimulus coming from ones body, but by observing something related to the original - bodily - stimulation.


    I wonder if empathy is related to this whole  "getting aroused by seeing someone else doing something that - would oneself do it - would be self-arousing"-thing. I mean the same mechanism that triggers us when we see  someone else who, for instance, gets hurt, and we - although not hurt ourself - also cringe and ... well, feel with that person.*
    *Funfact: while in the German language the word "Empathie" is the literal translation for "empathy" (the "ie" at the end is pronounced "ee", like in "weed") - this word (Empathie) is considered a more technical term, and much like someone speaking English might more commonly use "compassion" instead of "empathy", the German word for this would be "Mitgefühl". "Mit" means "with", and "Gefühl" means "feeling". So it literally means "withfeeling", or rather "feeling with (someone)". And I think it's a pretty accurate description of what empathy actually is.

    You feel with someone else, like... your brain tries to change your point of view to make it fit the point of view of someone else. The story of Phineas Gage sheds some light on what is going on here, as he managed to get a part of his frontal lobe removed by an iron rod, but he survived and made a full recovery... well, almost. His behavior changed later, quite a lot. In short, he lost a great deal of his empathy. Long story short: as far as I know, the frontal lobe houses something called mirror neurons, which get activated when observing other beings under certain conditions (doesn't even have to be the same species, as long as the being observed shares enough similarities with the observing being (the one with the mirror neurons).

    Long story even shorter:  Mirror neurons appear to be the essential biological "hardware" necessary for being able to be emphatic.


    Ok, back to the topic: why do I get aroused by seeing a lady pee in some naught way?

    Maybe it is due to empathy that I... somehow ... see myself in her place? Subconsciously my brain draws a connection...? Only an idea, but I feel it points in the right direction, as for instance I do not get aroused (or much much less), when the lady in question is not enjoying her naught act. This kind of cuts my connection to her, as for me it IS arousing, and I do it deliberately... not by accident or in a nonchalant/indifferent way. (Hence wetting-accidents or nonchalant naughty peeing does nothing for me.)



    Ok... so much for this.... so.. why does naughty peeing arouse me in the first place?

    As far as I can tell, there could have been a trigger-event for me. When I was much younger (don't remember, maybe like 8 or so?) I witnessed a boy only slightly younger then me - which I was visiting that particular day - jumping on his freshly made bed and peeing on it. Rather gleefully, if I remember correctly. He later got scolded for this, as well as spanked, by his mother - which I was unfortunate to have to listen to after I was complimented out of the room.

    Anyway: the image of someone standing on his bed and gleefully peeing on it got stuck. During my childhood it got almost forgotten, but during my sexual awakening it somehow re-emerged and has never left me since. However, the thing that got stuck was not the image of the boy peeing on his bed, but rather the act of gleefully and deliberately peeing on a bed (or something that could be similarly spoiled by pee) itself. As a fantasy, the protagonist is always somewhat my own age (or at least my perceived age; I am 40+, but I FEEL more like 30+), and of cause changed the gender to female.

    I am not sure why this is (I mean the act of deliberately and gleefully ruining something by urinating on it becoming an arousing fantasy of mine), but I suspect that it is related to the fact that this behavior is deemed unacceptable and subject to punishment (btw., spanking is not on my list; in case someone wonders).

    Maybe showing this kind of behavior is a way of... rebelling? ...against a (perceived) oppression?

    Has it to do with (showing) dominance? Giving one the feeling of being more powerful then one really is (or one thinks one is)?

    Is destructive behavior something that - when expressed - is joyful (by nature)? At least to some extend? By everyone or just some people? (Again: giving one the feeling of having power, being in control - instead of being controlled,  being the subject of (a) power?)


    Sorry for providing more questions then answers. -_-


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  6. A mixed bag of games, but mostly SciFi-Related stuff.

    When I want to fly some space-ships, I'm logging into Elite:Dangerous which the Escapist (aka Zero Punctuation) described as Space Truckin', but I focus more on the incredible vastness of space and the beautiful scenery rather then the repetetive cargo-hauling. I guess, should I ever be able to raise enough money, I should invest in a good graphics-card and a VR-headset end enjoy the game in actual 3D - despite it being "An Absolute Nightmare".

    Sometimes I just resort to a little space battle or two, but when i want to do some actual combat, I just play Mechwarrior Online, because giant f'in' stompy robots are cool.

    Speaking of which: based on the same SciFi-universe (which is Batteltech) and the same stompy robots, the turn based strategy game with the same name has recently been released. And I like it not only for said robots, but also for the beautiful cutscenes and the fact that you have to manage your own mercenery-unit. Described by one of the developers as "Game of Throne meets Pacific Rim", it's a good desription, but it ignores the fact that the Battletech Universe first saw light in 1984 - long before GoT or Pacific Rim - as a board-game flanked by several novels, of which by now there are more then hundred, many of them rival Star Wars and Star Trek in depth.

    If I had more time I would probably return to the Thief-Series and try out The Dark Mod, but thats for another time, I guess.

  7. At home, mostly in the shower (like... alomst always), the sink (as I am washing my hands afterwards, anyway), but to be honest I prefer to pee where I'm not supposed to (and where I am alone and not under observation).

    I'd like to pee all over a the furniture, walls, carpets and stff in a house, but this is of cause only a fantasy of mine. The closest I came to realising this fantasy whas when I had access to a derelict (now torn down) building, where there was still some furniture left (actually only a table and a mattress). So, yes, I was able to cross "carpet", "walls/wallpaper", "window", "curtains" and "table" off of my list. And "keyhole", which originally wasn't even on my list. 😄

    "Mattress" I was able to cross off of my list befor that. 😉

  8. On Samstag, 24. März 2018 at 6:03 PM, Andrew S said:

    I believe Experience Project has now been shut down.Although you can still browse archived posts.It's a shame as it seemed a well run site with 'interesting' possibilities.

    EP was shutdown already back  when I posted those stories - which is why I posted those stories here and on peesearch - to save them. ;)

    EP kinda came back online (partially at least) after the initial shutdown, at least once.... as far as I remember.

  9. Well, lucky me, I only prefer to be alone, but can go when other people are present (although in that case it usually takes a moment longer then normal).

    I do however suffer from some kind of shyness, but only in regards to number 2. Here I have all the symptoms of shy bladder you gentlemen are just so very familiar with.

    What helps, in my case, is when I use my headphones (I use In-Ear ones) and play some rain-sounds to acoustically ... "drown out" my environment.But even then I still prefer to be alone.

  10. Erm, I do not think this would be a good idea in the long run.

    First of all, secret symbols will not remain secret for ever; since basically everyone can join this (and other like minded) forums, our secret wouldn't be a secret at all. And I would not want anyone else in real life other then a potential partner to know about my secrets. ;)

    Second of all, I am not quite sure if this would really help in finding like-minded people in real life - we are a rare species, amongst all the fetishes there are. And of cause "like-minded" is probably not very accurate either, since everyone here ticks a bit different. I for instance am more interested in the naughty aspect off it, while I prefer my showers to be the ones installed at a wall in my bath. As for drinking: unless it's a cup of tea it's not my cup of tea. ;)

    So if I would meet someone in real life who happened to wear "the symbol", I really doubt we would have enough in common to engage in a very interesting conversation. Apart from that - as I said before - this is a topic I'd rather not discuss with someone else but a potential partner.

    I am quite happy with this and "the other" site when it comes to general exchange about the topic, and when it comes to finding a suitable partner (if you are looking for one) we would need something we do not have at this moment. Namely a proper dating site which - unlike facebook - is not interested in collecting and selling our personal data and does not want us to pay money just so we can answer messages (that were send by a bot anyway, to keep you interested). You know... a PROPER dating site... meant to help people find each other, and not to make money out of some desperate poor sobs while secretly laughing behind their backs because the algorithm's are rigged, anyway. ;)


    Sorry, ndr1968pz, if my reply does not fall under "other ideas or suggestions", but it's what was in my mind.

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  11. 8 hours ago, fannywatcher said:

    Why do new members generally only visit a few times,then seem to vanish?When i found this site i never wanted to leave it.We have great existing membership,but i wonder why many only visit once or a few times?Is it maybe people think its a kind of dating site?

    Good question, Fannywatcher. I think - in short - the people joining but not staying just did not found what they hoped they'd find here.
    Which in turn begs the question what the members that DID stay active were looking for. ;) I can only answer this question from my own point of view.

    I joined for basically three reasons: first my general interest in the matter (although my personal interest is not that broad and is revolving around maybe one or two sub-categories of this fetish), secondly I was hoping for some... inspirational material (you know, like... well... illustrations and, erm... tales - preferably of members of the opposite erm... gender), and last but not least the off chance of meeting a fancy lady who not only would share my personal interest, but would also in general have enough in common so we would qualify as mutual companions... so to speak.

    So your point of people thinking of this site as a kind of dating site is at least for me true, albeit as a tertiary reason.
    Although by judging the introductory posts of some of the members I think this reason ranks much higher for some of them... .

    As for why I do not contribute very much to this forum: I really only post when I think I have some non-trivial contribution to make. Which is not very often, apparently, and demonstrates very well the difference between internet-forums and real life, as in the later one I can really be quite chatty sometimes and talk a lot of nonsense. Well, then again in real life I can just talk instead of type, which makes matters much easier, and of cause I do not have to translate everything into English, which also helps to speak up when shutting up is probably the far wiser course of action. ;)   


    • Agree 1
  12. On Freitag, 16. Februar 2018 at 12:27 AM, Ivy1989 said:

    I love the climax of the instrumentals, it's powerful, i've always been a fan of this style of music, a few years ago I would listen to this song at least once every few weeks

    Gustav Holst - Mars


    Hmmm... while listening to this song, I constantly thought "Star Wars".... looks like John Williams was heavily inspired by this song. ;)

  13. It's probably the most excessive way to distract people from the fact that Tesla quintupled their losses - so it's basically a giant marketing-campaign.

    However, it's the most awesome marketing-campaign I've ever heard off, and I am rather excited when it comes to humanities space-adventures, and space as a whole - because, in the end, space is where we live (on earth, but in space).


    On that note, I stumbled upon this video on youtube (it's on the channel "The Sound Traveler", which shows a lot of videos recorded with binaural sound - just use a headphone and you will see (rather: hear), which is a secondary channel from "SmarterEveryDay").

    It's this one, from the launch of the Falcon 9 (and the landing of the two boosters): Extended Cut - The Incredible Sounds of the Falcon Heavy Launch - (BINAURAL AUDIO IMMERSION) )I set the time-mark to about 10 seconds before the actual launch)

    Also pay attention to the multiple sonic booms before the boosters land and are still supersonic. ;)


    Also: yes, SpaceX exceeds NASA's achievements, but as Neil DeGrasse Tyson also explained: when humanity is exploring, private companies always come in AFTER the state (i.e. we all, the taxpayers, paying for NASA or in Europe, ESA) has scouted the terrain first.




  14. I second this. I never got why people have to show of their genitals to strangers right away (even though this forum is technically a sex-forum of kind).

    The banning aspect might go a step to far though, methinks.

    Oh, and there is a particular UPside of allowing people to use a picture of their genitals as their avatar: it instantly tells me whom to avoid. ;)

    • Like 1
  15. You mean could change as in "if I had superpowers" or more in a realistic kind of way?

    If I had to keep it real, I'd be happy to have a larger bladder volume, a slightly larger urethra  and the ability to pee with a hard-on would be a nice bonus.

    Currently I suffer from an urethral narrowing (my urologist said the urethra is scared; I have no idea why this is, the last time something that might have caused a scarring was 10 years ago when I had a kidney stone removed), which means every time I pee it burns like hell... every time I experience this I expect the toilet to catch fire. ;) So the idea of having the diameter of my urethra enlarged WITHOUT the suggested slitting it with a endoscopic knife (which has only a 50% success rate, anyway) is currently the one and only thing I would like to (have) change(d) in regards to how I pee.


    If this problem wouldn't exist and I could change the way I pee in what ever way I'd like to... well.... don't get me started! HRHRHR!

    A bladder about twice as big, that would refill itself within minutes when ever I wanted it would be my starting point. :) The ability to pee with a hard-on is a must as well. And while we are at it: I also wonder if it would be fun if every climax would not result in me  shooting cum, but instead shooting pee... the entire content of my bladder in fact! :D  Kinda like male squirting. ;)

    Well, one can dream, can one? :-/


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  16. For killing time I play computer-games, mostly SciFi related stuff, but also stuff like Thief or Ethan Carter.

    Another "hobby" of mine would be listening to audio books or plays, though I do this mostly at my job which is kind of... not very intellectually challenging.

    Thats basically it... apart from the other "hobby" we all sort of share. ;)

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  17. Depends: Peeing for fun - or for pleasure?
    The first incident of my peeing for fun and not just to get rid of some waste fluids I can recall must have been at the age of 4 or 5. I and a friend of mine peed at the backside of a small wooden hut that someone had build next to sand box - this was the entire playground that was available at that time to the kids in the area I lived - and playing with out streams.

    But this was only for fun. It had no sexual connotation.
    This started for me in puberty, dunno how old I was back then, I'd say in the typical age.
    The first case I remember was when I was walking the woods alone, of the tracks, and found a half buried carpet (no, there was no corpse in it :p ). I always kind of wondered how it would be to piss on a carpet, and since at that time I actually DID had to pee, I took the liberty and tested it.

    Oh, and at about this time I once saw a somewhat arty, black and white picture of a women in a catsuit standing upright, legs apart, peeing. (As it turned out it was a picture in an article about the French artist Gilles Berquet, who tends to make such pictures).
    If you care to see it, it was -> this one
    (A different and less creepy version can be found -> here.)

    All of this good me hooked. And so, here I am. ;)

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