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Everything posted by FlyingthedreamUK

  1. *Hugs* I think it can be quite common especially if your husband is quite large. Lube can always be an aid as well. Celebrity theresome 😉
  2. Congratulations, I hope this is the first of you both connecting again and getting back to how you used to be. Don't let this be it. Keep holding on in there xx
  3. I think Admin covered most things with regards to peoples concerns. As a gold member I can tell you that there is no indication on your bank statement that you've paid money to a porn or fetish site. The only way someone would question it is if they went through your bank statements with a fine toothcomb and quizzed you about every item. Should this be the case then I would say Gold Membership or paying for any site is not an option. Personally I would not like my system used for the mining of crypto currencies and would be strongly against it. Everyone uses their systems in different way
  4. Being gold is definitely worth it's weight let's say and being someone who wanted to, and did, change his username recently, I can understand why someone would want to do it. You're right that your username is part of you and your routes etc. The reason why you chose it in the first place being a personal one, however people change, they mature and what was once a fun username suddenly becomes something that you realise was probably not the best. It's a nice feature to have though to prevent people creating new, unnecessary profiles, just to have a new username. One of the added adva
  5. I agree, that's why I think it's great that it's been brought up. The chatroom is impossible to police 24/7 and you can't stop people from talking freely. It would just be nice if a bit more consideration was taken and people thought before they sent a message. We have people of all ages represented on this site, we're not all 18! I think a lot of people would be put off from the chat if it's too intimidating
  6. I get that this is a pee site and the reason we're all here is that we share a common interest in the subject. However I agree with the majority here, chat should be just that, a place where people come to talk. You wouldn't just walk in to a bar and straight up ask someone if they needed to pee so why do it here? Get to know the other people here and if they wish to share things then they will, far more freely than if you hit them with the same questions all the time. One of the key ingredients to a site like this is our female members, without them we have nothing so we should alwa
  7. Wow, luck you! I would try to keep the peeing on permanent things in the bedroom like the carpet or bed to minimum unless you take precautions such as using towels to absorb the liquid. Also, drink plenty of fluids. The clearer the pee the less chance there is of a tell tail stain or smell. I'm sure the rest of the forum will have a few more for you but that should get you started
  8. I get what they're trying to achieve but, much like here, Tumblr allows SO many people around the world to express themselves in ways that maybe they feel they can't in public. I know at least one of our forum members is there and it will be shame to not see their posts any more!
  9. Hi folks, I'm sure a number of you are already aware but as of the 17th December 2018, Tumblr will no longer allow Adult content. There will be stricter controls and posts that contain nudity or adult themes will be removed. Sad times! 😞
  10. Small all the way for me. I've never been a fan of big boobs, A or B cup are perfect sizes to me. My best mate on the other hand is addicted to the opposite, the bigger the better, but for me I feel it's a waste and ultimately causes the girl with them more grief. It's the age old story of you want what haven't got, majority of girls with small boobs want them bigger and the ones with big boobs want them smaller...
  11. Due to the nature of my job it's impossible to be able to do this as we're never left alone however I have done it while on rest during a 14 hour flight in a private bunk
  12. So, forgive me if this has been talked about in the past and while it is not about pee it is pee related. The question I have is to do with diapers or pull ups. It seems as though there is a world out there where people wear them both in private and public and also for a multitude of reasons, be it medical or personal. However there seems to be one common theme that links the vast majority of cases together and that is BDSM. The vast majority of people who wear diapers/pull ups seem to be on the Submissive side. Is this true for everyone? Do you wear them because you enjoy the f
  13. I would say it's not the glasses themselves but more the way you wear them. Anyone can wear glasses and look good but combine that with a naughty smile, glasses pulled down a little... then you have something that turns a girl from cute to sexy
  14. Best advice I can give is to try and find something to re energise that spark. Try to think back to times when sex together was really incredible, then try to piece the jigsaw puzzle together. There may be something that you both did or a new thing you tried... it's always a good starting point. To keep the spark alive can be quite a challenge in long term relationships and when it starts to fade you both have to want get back to how things were. Does you husband know about your love of things wet? Is this something that you could bring in to the bedroom if not? Another thing is
  15. I think the vast majority of girls I've met always wipe for various reasons (droplets on their bum etc) to stay clean and comfortable. Unless there's a specific reason, for example on a night out when they're not carrying anything or there's nothing left in the bathroom.
  16. Depends on how desperate I am at the time and the situation. If it's pretty quiet I would tend to use a cubicle, just to avoid that uncomfortable moment when you're stood there and there's 5 other urinals free in the bathroom but the next guy who come in decides to use the one right next to you 🤦‍♂️ However on a night out after a number of drinks, when you're already desperate to go, I'll head straight to the urinals to relieve the pressure as soon as possible.
  17. We've all been there, first thing in a morning, you wake up desperate to go but you are hard as a rock! It then becomes a battle of wits, trying to think of something to make it go down while also maintaining composure. Like a few of you, I've used the shower and the sink in the past too but now if it happens I just sit on the loo and let it arc upwards and on to my chest or stomach. After all, I'm usually heading in to the shower afterwards so might as well get some enjoyment out of it before hand 😉
  18. We seem to have so few toilets for so many passengers so there's always a queue, especially after the meal service. We also carry people from all walks of life (people that know how to use them and those that don't) so they're often left in different stages of cleanliness. Cue the crew to check and clean them when needed.... It's interesting you mentioned about people watching you walk through the cabin though or, as F.W said, standing outside listening. Had never really thought about that. With the toilets not having any water in though would you still hear much? So many questions..
  19. Hey folks, I've just read pee01's post about toilet seat covers and it's brought another little question to light.. I mentioned in the reply that these are pretty common in aircraft toilets but my question is more about the aircraft toilets themselves, how do you use them? Do you sit/squat/stand? Do you lift the seat? Or try and avoid them at all costs... It would be interesting to know what goes on behind those closed doors 😉 Thanks in advance for all your replies Si
  20. We often have them in the aircraft toilets but they're rarely used. I'd say the vast majority that use them would just sit on and go instead of poking out the flap in the middle though.
  21. My little take on this is that, as guys, we're already more open about peeing. We've grown up going in pretty open places and standing in close proximity to others at the urinals. While women on the other hand mostly go behind closed doors with only their close friends for company every now and then. They're also far more shielded (if that's the right word) when they go, making it very hard to actually see anything making the act a mystery to us guys. Consequently it gets our minds wandering and we want to see what goes on and so fuel our curiosity! As soon as you're part of such an
  22. Hi everyone.... My names Si, been a lover of everything yellow for as long as I can remember and looking to share it with as many like minded people as possible. Looking forward to chatting to you all soon :)
  23. I was 15, at my folks place. They were away on holiday so we had the place to ourselves. It wasn't exactly the best, very clumsy. Still remember it clearly to this day though :)
  24. Found you through a recommendation on Peesearch... Looking forward to having a look around :)
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