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Everything posted by Wetseat

  1. Does the gas tank have a lock? Depending on how much risk you are willing to take bro.
  2. I, men, women and occasionally my dog have pissed on my leather seats. For all pees regardless of whom did the peeing, i always hit the underside with dog pee eliminator spray, wipe the seats with leather conditioner and put a fresh damp-rid under the backseat bench and after probably 60-100 pees, (i know this cite doesn’t like #2 talk but for sake of being through) 10-15ish poops and a few pukes. In spite of all that, regular cleaning has made it smell pretty good. And btw, i love my car, i just love my kink and have learned that i accept myself even if 99% of United States doesn’t.
  3. I have a few times but the most recent was my most recent post, about a week ago. My friends and I went to the bar and I usually drive because of a few reasons: I like to get blackout drunk so I usually do my drinking at home & I love all things body waste so I don’t mind driving others (of course I don’t tell most of them to just do it in the car but i will “accidentally” drive past a rest stop or gas station) anyway one of my friends about a week ago was threatening to pee on the ground in the parking lot so I told her that’s public indecency and a good way to get on the sec offender lis
  4. About medium force but it went on for about a minute or two. When I got to my car yesterday at about noon i saw that she at some point in the night did a number 2 on my driver seat and it. I can’t go into too much detail because admin has asked me not to talk about #2 stuff and a year or so ago.
  5. One of my friends from the internship im doing (the Disney college internship). Anyway she, myself and some of our friends went and had some drinks and we all live at the same building called flamingo crossing but on different sides and i live on the opposite side from the gate and she lives on about 3/4ths of the way down from the gate. Anyway im not gonna say her name but she’s slurring and saying that she’s going to pee on the ground outside the car when she gets out and I tell her there’s cameras everywhere on the light posts (that wasn’t a lie btw, if your on Disney property and not in a
  6. My mom is out of town for a week and I’ve been expanding my naughtiness, i peed on the backseat of her electric Mercedes, i will clean it tomorrow while my brother is at school but I’ve been feeling so naughty lately, i want to change my pull up in a fitting room or test drive a car and fill my diaper or change my pull up in a sensory room at the zoo or something. Or wear a diaper in public, I usually stick with pull ups because they are quieter. Open to suggestions
  7. Drove my mom around town today peeing off and on in my pull up and she had no idea, i considered going directly on the seat when she got out but i couldn’t convince myself to do it, not yet anyway.
  8. Went great. Tranquility pull ups are king. Really tranquility diapers in general are top quality
  9. Did a tiny squirt while sitting on her bed. Nothing too big, might work up to a full bladder pee though, maybe. I want ti start doing more naughty pees, more daring. Very open to challenges or advice.
  10. Im exercising in my basement, family hopefully asleep upstairs. Im exercising in a very full pull up im only wearing shoes and socks and my peed in pull up. Im going to exercise for an hour or so regardless of if it breaks or if i continue to use it. Im typing prior to finishing just incase I get caught or (i swore at the demons for a nightmare i had last night and also my dog has been acting weird so basically i told satan im gonna KMS and overthrow him if he doesn’t F off.)
  11. I would love to hear about the bathroom situation in that Ferrari. 🤤
  12. I just used my backseat for the first time this year and took a video but the video maximum is 5mb and even edited I can only get it down to 35mb but I don’t want to post on pornhub bc I really only trust it here, i know someone could copy it and post it but i #1 im not too worried about that and #2 I figure most of yall save these videos to yalls personal albums like i do. (Some of my favorite videos have been moved from free to $ so I’ve been screen recording them while they are free just in case)
  13. UPDATE: im drinking a ton of water so i can do a full bladder on my backseat. Hopefully have a story up no later than tomorrow night
  14. Probably 12, my dad went inside for a meeting: “i will only be 5 minutes” he said. About an hour later i was really desperate and this event is probably why the car is my favorite spot but basically i squatted and peed underneath the backseat and i was super nervous and about 15 minutes later my dad came back out and said something like “it wasn’t supposed to be that long”. 5 minutes to my dad was the same thing as 1-4 hours many times. Another time i was in like 6-7th grade and my bus stop was the last stop but we passed my house first and doubled back and i had always in my head threatened t
  15. Im currently living back at home and my sister threatened to out me to my parents if she caught me doing anything pee fun related so for the past few months I’ve been doing very little, some diaper pees, some jerk and driving, some peeing in the sink or shower but nothing too fun except that my family is going out of town soon and I will be the only one home, im not exactly sure what im gonna do but i want to use my backseat like old times or buy diapers and use them. Im open to suggestions, also just a question i know this isn’t a dating site but how do yall find people that are into waterspo
  16. IRL: my parents went out of town for a weekend so i drank mostly coffee, alcohol and water. When i needed to pee i went out to the backseat of my car, hovered over the backseat, pulled my shorts down and peed on the backseat. Did that the whole weekend and spent the majority of that Sunday night cleaning my car and making it smell better. It took probably 2 weeks to fully get the smell out but it was worth it.
  17. I pee on my leather backseats every now and then. Sometimes a lot of times a day, sometimes as I need to go.
  18. Its a girl that is driving, she says next time she needs to pee she will show us how she pees during road trips. Next scene she is sleeping on the backseat, the backseat has a clear plastic sheet over it and a towel on top of that, she wakes up, slides over, pulls her shorts down and pees on the seat.
  19. Ive peed on my backseat 3 times so far today, being honest really helped yesterday. I know im addicted to my kink but oh well. Gonna go many more times tonight.
  20. Basically, my pee kink is like a drug. Im extremely addicted to my pee kink and at least 60-70% of everything i posted is what i wanted to be true. Fact is, I haven’t had a girlfriend since high school, and while i do pee in my car I haven’t in a few months. I’ve been trying to get “clean” (from my pee addiction) for several years now and it keeps getting harder and harder to keep myself from doing kinky pees. Im ashamed to admit it but I’ve even convinced my mom that i was having bladder problems and wore pull ups for about 2 months before getting back on track, I recently peed on a chair and
  21. Yes, she loves peeing pretty much anywhere and to be completely honest i don’t remember the last time she used the toilet. We try to use diapers out in public or try to make it back to our car.
  22. I know its been a while since I’ve posted on here, my girlfriend and I have been very busy these last few months with my side of the family and also work. A few things id like to say is: even though im not posting as often anymore i still love and embrace my pee kink, i still wear diapers to work and pee in my car and my girlfriends car, she bought a used suv recently, only thing I don’t like about it is it has power adjustable seats up front so she says no peeing on them since they can die unlike my jeeps manual seats. I’ve discovered that while pee is my strongest kink, when it comes to cars
  23. Some turn out good and some not so much, most of the soup recipes have turned out ok and pee pancakes (i got that idea from a porn video a few years ago) be decided that peeing in dry milk mix or dry drink mix in general wasn’t too tasty. Open to more questions if you have them.
  24. My gf and I have been experimenting with cooking with pee or pee drink mixes and one of our favorites is adding sugar to our pee, we call it sweet pee and we keep it in our fridge too, we also substitute pee whenever water is called for in a recipe, unless it calls for more water than we can replace then we have slightly watered down pee.
  25. Im considering roleplay ai, does it allow pee conversations?
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