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Posts posted by Havelock

  1. Obviously posed videos or videos where the subject is being coached into doing it.

    Videos where you sense the person peeing is uncomfortable with the situation.

    Videos where girls are over-sexualizing it by moaning, playing with themselves, playing their breasts of having long lead-ups. This can be fine its in person in a real relationship but its cheesy when played to a photographer. 

    When a woman squats but then unnaturally leans back and supports herself with a hand in order to orient her crotch to the camera. I've never seen a woman do this voluntarily in real life. 

    Videos that are posed outdoor squat situations where the woman carefully lines up over a ground view camera. This blows any realism.

    Videos where the subject is unnaturally silent or unrealistically ignores the camera and camera man. These are somewhere between a voyeur video and produced content and they just don't work. 

    In contrast to the contrived situations above, I've really grown to love videos where you can tell the person filming and the subject have a relationship. In this case, the subject is doing it for the other person just as much or more than for the camera. You can often see it in their faces and interactions. Close to this is when you find those rare models or cam girls who actually just like to pee and enjoy the performance. You can tell they would choose to do this even if it did not drive views.

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  2. 3 hours ago, DoctorDoctor said:

    I was on an out of town trip, enjoying a local park.  As it became dusk, I was walking out of the park gates.  It was one of those large brick and stone gate structures with a wrought iron gate that could be closed.

    As, I neared the gate to leave, I heard the sound of liquid splattering into mud.  I looked over to the side and in a break in the hedge along the gate structure a woman was squatting in a deep knee bend squat with her toes nearly against the brick wall.  She was Asian, wearing very loose shorts.  She had the crotch pulled aside and and starring right down between her feet, presumably at her own stream or puddle, so she didn't even notice me walk by.

    I thought it was an odd place to pee with so much free space and more privacy in the park, but we never know the full story behind the sightings.


    Could you see her stream? Was it hitting the wall?

  3. 2 hours ago, kitty and mimi said:

    not only for little girls, some Chinese younger adult women also feel good to have forward stream. see the Chinese webpage below:


    also, google translation of the page:https://zhidao-baidu-com.translate.goog/question/281955295.html?qbpn=2_3&tx&word=女人小便时,尿很有冲力的吗,还是慢慢流出来的?&fr=newsearchlist&_x_tr_sl=zh-CN&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp

    the page above is a thread posted by a Chinese woman in a Chinese forum. She is a downward pee-er. whenever she go to bathroom with her female coworkers, she was jealous because all of her coworkers she saw have forward stream.

    so called "peeing contest" can sometime take place in Chinese ladies room(with open squat toilets) among young women. women compete to see who can shoot the farthest while squatting. downward pee-ers some times will be jealous of forward pee-ers, because they think peeing forward is so hot. It make the people of same sex jealous and attract the opposite sex.

    In west, peeing contest almost always take place among men, and it sometime take place inside men's room. it is hard for western women to imagine that peeing contest can take place inside ladies room,since western women don't usually pee together, nor seeing each other peeing.(bathroom have stall and door),and women are usually either sit or semi-squat on western toilet.

    That's super interesting that the cultures are so different. In the western societies a forward stream is considered a problem but in Asia, not having a forward stream is considered a problem. I guess its because they pee squatting much more in Asia. I had never heard for the female peeing contests inside ladies rooms. I will have to ask my wife if she every saw that. I guess it makes sense if they grow up with the pee troughs and squatting toilets that is bound to happen. The only female peeing contests I ever saw were my female cousins in Spain/France having pee races down slopes or hills. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, Malika said:

    Yes, of course I do. Unless I pee right close to a trash can; in that case I would put the used tissue in the can. Normally when I pee outdoor I leave the tissue right where I am.

    So, it is very likely that you find it right close to my puddle. What else should I do?

    That's exactly what you should do. Pee and leave a tissue where you need to. I'm glad you do that. Some women are too concerned about littering the tissue. It's hot when a women marks her territory and does what's convenient for her. 

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  5. 19 hours ago, kitty and mimi said:

    this is a issue only happen in kindergarten, because there are no partition in the bathroom of kindergarten. other than that, long troughs toilet in public bathroom, even in elementary school, have partitions between stalls, even though there is no door. forward stream is no issue even if someone squat in front or behind you, since there is a partition between you and the person in front of you.main-qimg-00ece3b6f42071956559405741270f

    Yes, my wife said in the trough with dividers like this, sometime your stream can hit the bottom of the divider and then run into the trough.

  6. After talking about the theory from my last post with my wife, I think it may be culturally dependent. We discussed the example of the community endorsing a "pee tree" she said that she's only seen that established in a western contexts. For example, she says in China there are no community designated pee trees or bushes at a playground. Children are just allowed/encouraged to pee where ever, not in a specific or repeated area.  In general she argues that China and some other asian cultures like Vietnam etc. are very open in pee locations and peeing in general growing up and it societal psychology caries over into adulthood. She mentioned that the same goes for littering, spitting etc. in China. 

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  7. 7 hours ago, MaxWasTaken said:

    Ok im not sure if you want the fetishy what would be cool answer or the realistic answer. 
    Lets go with realistic: 

    I think most people would go to the same place because of the smell. I mean look at train stations or other places where people regularly pee in public. There is always the piss corner which you first notice by smelling it. 
    In a world were pee has no smell it would probably be something else. But in real life i think most people would prefer having one smelly place instead of multiples. 

    This is an interesting observation. I wonder if in the times before toilets people picked places based on smell? Or was it collectively understood that certain places were peeing spots and then smell would just reinforce it to others? Of course in many big cities, many places probably smelled like pee. 

    Upon reflection I have a feeling that people would collectively designate places that were societally endorsed for peeing. I have this thesis because we see it happen today in cultural contexts where people gather and lack toilets. Many of us have witnessed concerts or events were a few people start peeing in one location and then everyone else uses the exact same place. Sometimes that's not even the best place but it just happens. At playgrounds a certain tree or bush often becomes the "pee tree" or "pee bush" not because it's any more suitable than other trees or bushes but because the local custom has been established.

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  8. 16 hours ago, sd91 said:

    I think its the same for me really. When I'm weeing outside I have several places I know I can go which are 'safe to go' but generally speaking there's something to enjoy about them too, so there's usually not a lack of desire to go there. Theres a road I often have to drive down for work, where I know there is a place to pull up, enter a field, and pee under the same tree. I get to see the hills and be fully concealed whilst I wee. I've completely lost count of how many times I've been there but I'm still completely undisturbed.

    I town there's also a parking area surrounded by the back end of some shops which has an alleyway as the only way to get there. I love to wee down there one the way home from a night out or if I'm passing by. It's a bit naughtier and riskier but again still quite concealed with the main risk being people might see out of a window. It's nice to have a street pee location. I still remember one time in broad daylight I saw one woman in workout gear come out of that alleyway and adjusting her leggings as she came out. I have no idea if she had peed down there too or just parked up but we can imagine. 

    In the local park there's also a few places, mostly in the woods that I like to enjoy a wee, especially if I'm out running.

    Equally these are all far from the only places I go and whether travelling, running/cycling or drinking I'm up for weeing in a lot of places even if I'm somewhere less familiar.


    I guess in the past people had to just pee by the side of the road a lot of the time, as needed. I remember reading a victorian erotic journal which documented a lot of pee experiences, and oftentimes there were regular spots you could find women squatting and weeing in an alleyway, or over drains, or in the churchyard between the mausoleums. So I guess people had to dig out these spots. So a bit of both I guess.

    Much of your thinking is concerned with concealing yourself. However, in a world where everyone had to pee outside in big cities before toilets, concealing yourself is less of an issue. So in that case, do you pick the same spots all the time or just spread it around?

  9. I've been wondering...

    In the absence of toilets, would people repeatedly pee in the same place or a variety of places? 

    Did people pee in a variety of places before toilets or generally make a habit of peeing in the same spot repeatedly (the same tree, wall, bush etc.)?

    Did the invention of toilets push people towards the psychology of always peeing in the same place?

    Do people without access to toilets now choose the same place or a variety of places?


  10. 3 hours ago, oliver2 said:

    I can’t see that spraying it by a random tree is going to help with the fertiliser shortage, though obviously you save on the fresh water you might have needed to flush a toilet if you’d peed in a bathroom, as well as whatever energy would have been needed to purify the water and then pump the sewage away afterwards

    Yeah, I did not want to argue with the fertilizer rational. If that idea makes her pee outside more, I'm not arguing. 

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  11. On 8/19/2022 at 12:13 AM, Takashi96 said:

    She had a reputation in my high school as a closet weirdo due to her habit of peeing in unusual locations in front of the other girls in her clique. She wasn't ostracized for it though. People just accepted it as her being "outrageous." 10 years after graduation she ended up in a group of like 10 to 12 party hoppers banded together for one night with a common goal. After a solid 45 minutes at the first stop, we set out for the next place about a mile away. A few of us had to pee at the halfway point. We were all scanning the area for dark corners when the girl we'll call "Julie" announced "I'm going here!" And popped a squat in front of a nearby fire hydrant. I'd been waiting over a decade to see her pee, and she did not disappoint. I quickly joined her, but in my obliterated condition decided to do so on my knees, so I wouldn't accidentally pee on her. She had the most focused expression on her face as our streams commingled. Then by the time we reached the party we both had to pee again. It was packed so I told the others I wasn't going inside with them, because I was going to pee in the backyard. Julie said she was going to pee with me. Then when we got to the backyard we weighed our options as to which tree we would defile? Just instinctively aiming for the same spot at the base. After we finished and were heading inside I asked if she wanted me to find her the next time I had to go? And she gave me a very focused nod yes. We ended up peeing together about 4 more times before calling it a night. Something was going on but neither of us would say it out loud.

    @Takashi96 what culture / part of the world was this in? I had a Japanese girlfriend who said that she had a group of friends all knew each other's kinks and found it totally normal that everyone has a kink.

    I met some of her friends and she did not hesitate to tell them about my interest. I should write that story when I have time.  

    • Hot 1
  12. I'm not really obsessed with mouth's and I'm more turned on by seeing them covered in cum vs. pee. But I think part of my attraction is how public a mouth is and how it transcends contexts. It's a part of the body everyone looks at and interacts with in the most public and social aspects in life. It's thus very exciting for that same part of the body to wear the fluids of sex in another context. For its similar to the attraction I see to someone creating a pee puddle in a public or very clean space. Its irreverent and unconventional. The body parts transcend contexts.

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