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Everything posted by glad1

  1. I won't push it any further now. Besides, I have to pee.
  2. I still favor shirtless, if only to say, isn't there something you need to get off your chest?
  3. And your love is returned. Isn't being vulnerable a sign of getting to the truth?
  4. I think it's even better if the girl is knowing. And shirtless.
  5. Isn't that what we all want? At least deep down. For some people, you only have to scratch the surface. Others really have to go so far that it always seems out of reach.
  6. Ahh, the hand job! I think it's definitely underrated. Sure it's great fun to spill one's seed at the hand of a stranger, but there's something, dare I say, spiritual when it comes in the company of a true lover. The intensity of an unrushed build-up and followed by a powerful release suggest there's so much more that needs to be shared with the universe, or at least our little piece of the world.
  7. No doubt you're already working your spell on those of us here.
  8. I imagine I'd be seriously lawbreaking in your country. There must be a good bit of anarchist in me. But, I'd want to avoid being in the street with 8 billion people... or 8 million... or even 8 thousand. Frankly, sometimes even 8 seems too much. No, I would much go someplace more remote, like a secluded beach, a forest, the mountains... and be with one.
  9. It's been working fine for me recently, at least since I've re-installed Google Chrome.
  10. As I look about the world, I see too many rules and too few morals (call it ethics, as it be). Those in power fear a challenge to their authority, so they impose laws. Some do good, like when they improve health and well-being, but most are all about control. That's why I like living somewhere there's still space and room to breathe (and pee).
  11. Yet cruelty, violence and bloodshed are considered normal behavior.
  12. I wouldn't want you to reveal anything you shouldn't, though I'd like to know the best times you're here.
  13. Coffee seems to be doing a little good. I have friends all over the world, so finding the right time to talk with them is a big challenge. What time is it where you are?
  14. Though probably not for most, that's fine with me. I'd rather see good communication anyway. It's still quite early in the day for me to think clearly. I'll come back when the coffee is working.
  15. I'm looking forward to this. No doubt it will be worth the wait. But, my impatient nature ask any idea how long?
  16. Maybe no more annoying than the alternative. On the other hand, perhaps there's sometimes to be said for wetting yourself.
  17. You mean that's not usually the case? I thought it was much like painting, where 90% of it is in the preparation. And cleanup.
  18. No, but if you didn't, you knew it was going to get you up much too soon.
  19. Much as I'd expect, save for that 9:00pm one. What I'd be curious about is if your flow rate stays the same each time.
  20. I expect you to do no less than uphold your "holy duty"
  21. I, too, have asked myself what does it mean to be a man (and how can I be a good one), as well as what does it mean to be a woman. I found the answers to both questions remarkably similar, for both sexes share a common bond in that we're all human, and the differences between the genders are less than what is the same. It's only cultural pressures and social norms that push us apart. If we were removed from them, we'd likely see our other as a mirror of ourselves, albeit with just enough differences to keep things very interesting.
  22. Can't wait!!! Then again, I'm rather full.
  23. That, too! I've no complaint about your tits. They say anything over a mouthful is wasted, anyway. I know I would be opening way wide.
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