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Everything posted by RitaPinturas

  1. What do people think of this more female-friendly fly? https://eliraapparel.com/
  2. I definitely think a travel urinal or some sort of container would be more elegant. But I suppose elegance isn't always be the most important thing when you need to go that badly. It's usually good to get up and stretch every once in a while, but it can nice to have the option just to stay put as long as you like. 🙃
  3. Maybe you need one of those travel urinals. Unless you like the towel better? 🙃
  4. I'd appreciate any pointers on women's standing-to-pee techniques sans FUD! 🙂 I aspire to master the 'art' someday. As far as FUDs, I've used homemade disposable ones out of thick paper like a note card. To keep it sturdy, you can run some clear packing tape down the middle on the underside.
  5. So far I've only really consistently succeeded with a FUD and going in a wide-mouth container like a jar. Can usually hover above the toilet. Straddling over the toilet while facing it needs some work, as with anything more advanced... You?
  6. Following - I'm hoping to master this someday as a lady.
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