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Country Man

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Everything posted by Country Man

  1. I had a nice late night experience of someone waiting for a train, previously posted here. http://watchgirlspeeing.com/threads/subway-piss.2154/#post-19146
  2. Around dusk this evening I was doing some work at an apartment building. Coming out from the back courtyard, I heard the lovely sound of splattering, and saw these cute little round buttcheeks squatting up against the courtyard gate and pissing like mad. I had a few second glimpse, and she obviously heard me walking towards her, because she stood up, pulled her pants up, and ran like mad to the street where she hopped into a white SUV. Strangely enough the SUV remained parked there for a few minutes after her little escapade. The results were very impressive.
  3. A number of years ago I drove a group of friends out of the city to attend a party in the burbs. There were 5 or 6 of us and I drove because I had the car, and it was a big one. One of the friends, let's call her Trish, was a big, handsome lass, who loved her liquor. At a certain point in the evening, Trish got offended by something or someone and left the party in a huff. Which meant that she had to cool her jets out by the car. It was getting to be time to head home anyway. I took Trish a glass of wine. She vented for a bit and swilled her wine. I said I'd go collect the others and could
  4. I'm going to try to post some of my best sightings. This was a classic late night sighting from a number of years ago. It was VERY late at night, 3am-ish, past bar closing. The trains were not running very frequently. On the platform were various folks waiting. There was one group of maybe ten or a dozen college-age kids that had obviously been out on the town. They were clustered in two groups, and my eye was drawn to one girl that had some of the classic signs of needing a restroom: fidgeting, pacing, looking around. It was in a station with two tracks, one in each direction. The train g
  5. Right on target. There might be a few others, for artistic purposes, like a gigantic pee fountain. But mostly I'm interested in the real-time experience.
  6. This is mostly not a sighting, but a sounding. I hope you will enjoy it anyway. When I went to college, the school had only recently started offering coed dorm floors. To do so, they took the single same-sex bathroom and just put a divider down the middle, not even floor to ceiling, but about what you'd have separating toilet stalls, making what were (almost) coed bathrooms. Late one night I was in one of the toilet stalls on the mens' side, when I heard a commotion on the womens' side. The door slammed open, and two girls rushed in. They rushed to the stalls, swung the doors open, and ent
  7. Glad to be aboard, and I hope to contribute as I am able. That's a lot easier when there are other like-minds in the same place. Great job with the site.
  8. This is inspired by one of the first sexual wetting stories I encountered. === Part 2 === I was out on a date with Patty. We had been out drinking and closed down the bars. We made out a little in the car and I was hoping to get lucky. I was driving her home (what can I say, it was the 70s and things were different then). Along the way Pat told me, “You gotta find a bathroom, I need to pee.” Her place was only another 20 minutes away, so she must have really had to go. I started looking, but the problem with closing down the bars was that nothing else was really open. We kept riding aro
  9. As a fan of desperation AND wetting, I do both. Of course not every hold results in a wetting. Seldom do I hold to the bitter end. It's freakin' hard for one thing, painful for another, and takes a lot of time. In the ordinary week, though, there are plenty of occasions to enjoy the feelings of being full and finding release without the agony of holding until you burst.
  10. I don't know that a single word really encompasses it. You can be into the humiliation and get a tremendous erotic thrill out of it. And you can enjoy it for the physical sensations, but also be turned on by the dirty, illicit nature. There is something wrong about getting peed on, and that seems to be a big part of the fun for most. All the same, the degradation versions of golden showers don't really work for me.
  11. OK, I will disclose. I am male and have occasionally assumed a female persona, usually to write/post stories, but sometimes in chat. I haven't done this for a while (except in writing fiction), and have never gone deep into any relationship with a false persona - but there it is. I assume there are more who have done the same. How many? My own personal view is that I don't care what stories come to me as long as they are hot and seem real, or real enough. The person writing can be a pervy old guy pretending to be an innocent 18 year old girl, and if they can pull it off, no harm to me. If
  12. Count me in. I find desperation and wetting very arousing and have since I was young. I don't do it all that often in clothes, but in the shower will often pee down my legs. I recently wrote about my very first experiments when I was a teenager... The big problem was laundry. I did not do it, and something had to happen to the evidence. Old clothes were the answer. I picked out an pair of pants that I could barely squeeze into. I picked a day when I'd have the house to myself. I arrived home from school with a full bladder. I put on the old pants, and walked around the house having a deba
  13. Country Man


    Let me just say a quick hello. I've been a pee fan for more than 40 years, and online since the early days of Patches Place, Thomas, and deskfish. I've met a lot of good folks online and have my share of real world experiences, plus a vivid imagination. The one thing I have been most disappointed with over the years is the way the eroticism and story-telling of the early days has resulted in the near demise of wetting/pee bulletin boards as they have devolved into flame wars, "me too" posts, and lists of youtube links. Thankfully there are some currently working exceptions, and I hope tha
  14. Very nice story! Of course I'm biased, but I think a woman squatting to piss on the ground is a very attractive sight.
  15. I think that I shall never see Liquid so lovely as your pee; A pee that hides in dark all day 'Til from its orb comes forth to play; A pee that may in Summer teach The joy of pissing at the beach; And during Winter's chilly shiver Stays hid until the desperate quiver; Your lover's thirsty mouth doth dream Of thy sweet amber flowing stream; On my bosom it makes rain As warm drops from your kitty drain; Poems are made by fools like me But only you bathe me with pee. With sincere apologies to Joyce Kilmer
  16. There are LOTS of little things. Of course, many of them are pee-related. But one thing that came to mind is tan lines. You don't see them so much these days, but the outline of a creamy white skin bikini on an otherwise tanned torso is something I find pretty hot.
  17. Interested at a young age, but then REALLY interested as a teenager. I found that thoughts of desperation and wetting really turned me on whenever I encountered them. If I cam across a passage in a book, I would reread and memorize it. Incidents in real life would live on in fantasy. Letters in Club Magazine and Nancy Friday's book Men in Love let me know there were others with the same interest.
  18. I remember it so well. I had gradually been letting my gf know that I was interested in peeing. She'd let me watch her in the bathroom, and on two occasions I had been massively aroused by her outdoor squats. One was in the dust by the side of the road. The other she left a large puddle next to the car in the parking lot. On that occasion we were making out when she announced her need for a piss, so we were both already aroused. When she got back in the car, it was extra good. On this day we were at the beach and had been drinking wine coolers (does anybody remember wine coolers?). The
  19. Not counting this morning, my wife on the toilet, or other wife stories, it was last fall. I was in an office at night, 9 or 10 o'clock. I was at a window which overlooked both a street and a parking lot. I saw two young women coming down the street from the nearby bar area. They turned into the parking lot and found the first space which was between cars, nervously looking around to see if anyone was in sight. First one, and then the other proceeded to drop their trousers and squat on the pavement, each one looking out while the other peed. Not a closeup view, but I could could see the
  20. Hi. Great site, I am surprised I haven't seen it before. I found it through a google search for "peed in her jeans", one of my favorite things to witness. https://www.google.com/search?as_q=&as_epq=peed in her jeans&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&lr=&cr=&as_qdr=all&as_sitesearch=&as_occt=any&safe=images&tbs=&as_filetype=&as_rights=#as_qdr=all&lr=&q="peed in her jeans"&start=10 On page 2 of the results was a link to http://watchgirlspeeing.com/threads/collected.544.
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