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Everything posted by deliquescent

  1. Well, that led me down an interesting rabbit hole. Apparently there are a few one-way window restrooms around the world, though most of them seem to have closed. Various nightclubs would have the upper body above the urinals visible to the bar patrons or to the other gender restroom. Urinals in one case, ladies' sink mirrors in another. Spain, Australia, England, US. All news to me. Then there was this story about exotic toilets around the world. A fun read, with pictures: https://m.orangesmile.com/extreme/en/exotic-toilets/index.htm#object-gallery
  2. Found the glass walled toilet. It was in Basel, then outside the Tate Museum https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/see-through-loo/ "The concept of how we react to “seeing but not being seen” was put to the test by 38-year-old architectural artist Monica Bonvicini in December 2003, when her work entitled “Don’t Miss A Sec” was installed at a construction site (the future home of the Chelsea College of Art and Design) across the road from London’s Tate Britain museum. (That same work was also displayed at an art exhibition in Basel, Switzerland, in June 2004.) Bonvicini’s creation w
  3. I'm interested in the various kinds of toilets in public spaces that we don't seem to have in the USA. There are some countries that have semi-public urinals, pissoirs I think they're called. Is that just a French thing, or are they elsewhere, too? I also recall reading about an "art toilet" which if memory serves is in London. It has one-way glass and is a large glass booth in a public place that appears to be mirrors from the outside. Anyone use it? Is it still around? Finally, I just discovered this intriguing bathroom fixture that I suppose you could install in any room of
  4. Thank you for clearing that up, @Eliminature! For most men, I think it's hard to distinguish points along the penis shaft except for the bits nearest the glans, and along the frenulum for sure. But the top side of the shaft is remarkably UNsensitive. And I can only speak for myself, but special attention to the meatus isn't especially arousing. If she wants to spend time playing with it, that's all good. Any attention by a partner with her head in my lap is good attention 🙂 Hope I'm not belaboring the issue, but the pleasure and sensitivity of the female urethra is new information fo
  5. Anyone know what TV show this is from? In think it's Scrubs, but I didn't watch it
  6. Thanks for the response. I guess I wasn't super clear in my question. I'm asking if you're able to distinguish the specific site. Do you say, "Nice, he's on my urethra" as opposed to somewhere else down there that feels nice. The reason I'm asking is this: If I'm with a new woman and we haven't had a kink discussion yet, would she be likely to think to herself, "What a loser. Does he even know he's on my peehole and not my clit?" or would she not be able to distinguish exactly where my tongue is?
  7. Thanks! No wonder I didn't just find it. It's pretty buried. I poked around there site for several months before posting, but don't remember seeing a poll. Perhaps there a way to make the feature more discoverable...?
  8. deliquescent


    Masking requirements are a godsend for exhibitionists, right? 😍
  9. deliquescent


    ...as well you should be. Wow!!
  10. Any chance you could add a poling feature? Despite the fact that everyone with this interest feels welcome here, I can't help noticing that we seem have pretty distinct groups within our community. I'd like to know, for example, how many are mostly interested in holding/wetting or vandalism or sexual pee play, etc. Is it a lot of work to add this?
  11. I discovered this in the comments section in FB for a NYT article on creative places to pee during the pandemic. The article is behind a paywall, so didn't read it. But this was in the comments. Seems like a great resource, that is, for those wishing to use an actual toilet: https://www.toiletmap.org.uk
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