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Everything posted by P-Head

  1. I would love to know how it feels to have a female orgasm.
  2. You give a whole new meaning to "Having a ball." I love it.
  3. Maggie, Hi and:welcome:. This is a great pee site. I think you are going to like it here. I know I do. :snow:
  4. Me too. It is fun to give and receive. It's just like Christmas in that aspect.
  5. Interesting statement to make on this thread.
  6. The string can be very sexy.
  7. MissPiss, I like the way you and your friends have fun. I would love to go to a party like that.
  8. I miss Denver. Go to GB Fish & Chips for me.
  9. What I think is funny. I have been following some of you longer then I been a member of this sight.
  10. Like others here. I have a tumblr sight too. http://happybeingkinky.tumblr.com
  11. I know this question is for the lady's. But, I had to have a catheter once too post surgery. It fucking sucked.
  12. Hi and :welcome:. I think you are going to like it here.
  13. OK..... If I have to pick one and I did. it would to be peed on. :tongue::wee:
  14. I voted once a day because that's what it probably average out too. Some days I don't. Some days I do it 2 or 3 times.
  15. The golden shower game. The rules to the game are simple: The person who last posted would you receive a golden shower from them? A simple yes, no or elaborate of an answer that you would like to leave. :wee:Let the fun & peeing begin:wee:
  16. I did not vote. Because I can't decide which I one more. So I would like to vote for both. :tongue:
  17. I just got to know with you going HD. Is it as good as the view that your cat is getting in the top photo. LOL
  18. Bald as a baby's butt. I would take that in a heartbeat over some women pulling her pants down and it looking like something from a ZZ Top concert.
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