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Posts posted by Paulypeeps

  1. I always wear a skirt, and never wear panties. While I could move my skirt out of the way, it really feels like cheating to do it. I much prefer the sense of freedom I get from just peeing through my skirt. I guess it is similar to some people who have tried wearing nappies - wearing a nappy to them feels like cheating so they prefer to wet without.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, KylieRobidoux said:

    I hadn’t thought of that idea, I like it. It’s dark, I usually drink lots of soda and have to pee, I’d love to just let it out there…maybe I’ll try that soon. 

    It is a great place to start public wetting. Just wear black, go to the last house towards the end of a run, and remember to tip up the seat when you leave. No one will notice because you are wearing black, and the seat will be dry again before anyone else sits there. 

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  3. This is something I do to help with ensuring my wettings remain discreet. Before I pee properly I let out a short burst to just initially wet my clothes and the seat so that when I pee properly the seat is already wet and my pee soaks in nicely rather than running off. I don't normally let myself get desperate, but sometimes when I go to the cinema it can be hard to cut off that first spurt after I have preloaded a nice lot of drink beforehand.

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  4. 1 hour ago, peecurious94 said:

    I really appreciate this perspective @gldenwetgoose! And also yours @MaxWasTaken

    I love the idea of exhibitionist peeing, but I don't know where to start. I figured peeing in my own RV while my neighbors could see would be a subtle start. I thought about going to a park, but I am afraid that I may get in trouble. At least at home, no one can call the cops on me because technically, they were looking into my home. I am a female, so maybe it would be a little more subtle than if I were a male....but I understand what you all are saying. 

    What are your thoughts? How would you get your start into exhibitionist peeing if you were a female? @pop-a-squat @Paulypeeps I have read a lot of your content; aside from wearing skirts, how else would you pursue this adventure?  



    I guess the way I would pursue it is to use misdirection - pee while doing something else. What do you normally do in your RV, or perhaps outside your RV, that you could do and just casually pee at the same time.

    I guess if you want to pee in the sink, do it while washing the dishes. You are naked a lot, so do whatever you do naked, perhaps yoga, and pee while you are doing it. Nonchalant peeing is fun.

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  5. One of my friends was interested in the fiction that I was writing, and she soon cottoned on that it was written as my experience. I had to admit that it was mostly, and had only been a little bit enhanced. She was very inquisitive of what I did and why I did it, and was just completely accepting of it and did not judge at all. Of course she shared this information with several other friends, but in her open minded way that they had to accept that it was O.K. too. It is nice that I can wet myself openly around my friends now. They still find it a constant source of amusement - but still accept it as O.K.

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  6. The twins and Bryony have some more fun in their leather skirts and get some news.

    Part 26

    I was woken in the night by Bryony fondling my breast. It was nice but I did not know what to make of it. I was wondering if Bryony really was lesbian after all.

    I reached behind me and found Bryony's crotch. I extended my middle finger and found her clitoris and started to massage her as I would my own clitoris.

    Bryony continued to fondle my breast, and now I could feel her breathing deepen. I was wondering if perhaps she was still asleep and having Sapphic dreams.

    We continued and Bryony started to respond to the massaging, her crotch becoming noticeably moist. Bryony's orgasm started to build and I knew that she was awake. At first she began to gasp, and then she let out a howl and clamped my hand with her thighs.

    Erica was awake. "You can pee now Bryony." She said sleepily.

    Bryony squeezed my breast hard and pulled me towards her, and sighed, and started to pee on my hand. It felt nice.

    I peed too, just laying on my side being cuddled by Bryony, letting my pee trickle over my thigh and soak in to my nighty.

    I dozed off. It was nice being cuddled by Bryony like that.

    I was woken again around dawn. Erica and Bryony were turning over, so I turned over too and cuddled Bryony, cupping her breast with my hand.

    Bryony purred. "Mmm. That's nice."

    I snuggled in tight and we went back to sleep.

    As usual mum woke us up. "Wakey, wakey. Time to pee! Sorry, time for tea!"

    I heard hissing, and relaxed my own bladder.

    Erica was still peeing when Bryony and I started to sit up.

    Mum handed me two cups, and Bryony and I started to drink our tea while mum went round to Erica.

    Erica finished peeing and sat up too. She took her cup and started drinking.

    Mum left us to wake up.

    Bryony spoke between sipping her tea. "I think I am lesbian..."

    "...Sex with Colin is nice..."

    "...but not as nice as with you."

    Erica and I were hardly experts, but I did not think we were just lesbians.

    I said. "I think it is quite normal to be bisexual. We don't have to like sex with boys to get more than we want, they will do it anyway unless we say no. It is not as if we hate having sex with Colin - I think we all like it. We can have it all. We can pleasure one another when we are together, and have sex with boys if they want to do it."

    Erica sipped her tea and said. "It is not hard to get them to do it."

    We got up and took it in turns to go to the bathroom. We put on our leather skirts again with tee shirts and stockings and went down to breakfast. Bryony sat and watched again as dad peed on mum, Erica and I, then we went in to the dining room.

    Mum brought out Breakfast and returned to the kitchen.

    I realised that I wanted to pee.

    I told Bryony. "You are wearing your leather skirt, you can do a little wee and not have to worry about marking the chair."

    I let out a little spurt and felt it pool in my skirt, then did a little more and felt it trickle on to the back of my legs.

    Bryony asked. "What about the carpet?"

    Erica answered. "No one will notice a little bit of pee on the carpet. Don't worry. Just do enough to feel nice."

    Bryony wriggled forward on her chair and I saw her concentrate, then smile.

    I heard a brief hiss, then I heard pee trickling from the hem of Bryony's skirt on to the carpet.

    I quickly guided her. "Tuck your legs under so you catch the pee on the back of your legs. It does not matter if some goes on the carpet, but you want to enjoy it!"

    Bryony tucked her legs under and peed again. I heard the hiss is she refilled the pool in her leather skirt.

    Erica let out a long hiss as she started to pee too, and then I heard the squelching as she paddled in the soggy carpet having overflowed her skirt by a large margin.

    "That will have to do." Said Erica with a big grin.

    Mum returned. "It's sorted. Colin will be coming tomorrow. We will collect him after your netball match."

    We had finished breakfast. Erica got up first making a splash under the table with the pee pooled in her skirt.

    Mum noticed. She looked under the table at the tell-tall drips from the hem of Erica's skirt, and the wet circle on the carpet where her feet were, and then she noticed the wet circles around my feet and Bryony's feet.

    Mum was a little cross. "Now now girls! You know about no peeing in the dining room unless you have an orgasm."

    Erica protested. "We did not pee on the seats, we are wearing leather skirts. The carpet will soon dry."

    Bryony and I stood up very gingerly, but there was a distinct gush from each of our skirts.

    Mum spoke again. "I hope it does dry. I am having the bingo ladies round for tea this afternoon. Off with you and enjoy your skirts!"

    We scampered out of the dining room and went upstairs.

    We all sorted our make-up and helped Bryony pack all her stuff away. I popped down to the utility room to get the last of Bryony's washing.

    When we were all ready I asked Bryony. "Do you want to do a last pee before we go?"

    Bryony answered "Yes."

    Erica asked. "Where do you want to pee? On the bed? On the chair? Down your legs?"

    Bryony sat down on the end of the bed sinking deep in to the duvet, and peed. She hissed loudly as she peed full blast in to her leather skirt. I watched as the pool between her legs filled with her pee.

    Bryony was grinning. "It's so hot, all round my bottom and under my thighs."

    The hissing stopped as the pool got deeper, but Bryony continued to pee. As Bryony's skirt became full to the brim pee started to escape between her legs and soak in to the duvet.

    "That's all." Said Bryony as she started to slosh the pee around by rocking from side to side.

    I sat down on my swivel chair and started to pee, catching the overflow on the back of my legs, and Erica just started to pee where she was standing letting her pee stream down her legs making another pee circle on the carpet.

    We sat for a bit, then Erica and I went either side of Bryony and lifted her up. The massive gush of pee on Bryony's legs rather overwhelmed her as her pee emptied out of her skirt.

    "Time to go." Said Erica.

    Bryony looked concerned. "Don't you want to dry off a bit first?"

    "No." I said gathering up her case and heading downstairs.

    Bryony shook her feet one at a time, not used to having quite that much pee in her shoes.

    "Enjoy it." Said Erica.

    Erica cajoled Bryony out of our bedroom and down stairs.

    We set off for Bryony's, me still pulling her suitcase.

    Bryony was still concerned. "I'll never be dry by the time I get home."

    "You will be dry enough." I said.

    By the time we got to Bryony's I was feeling pretty much dry.

    Erica asked. "Are we staying for coffee?"

    Bryony said. "Of course."

    We all went in to the kitchen. Bryony started to make the coffee. I parked Bryony's case and went and sat down in the dining area, Erica joined me.

    Bryony quickly made the coffee and brought it over with some sandwiches she had found. As bryony sat down I released a spurt of pee in to my skirt. I heard the hiss, and then heard Erica hiss too as she also peed.

    Bryony put her hand to her mouth. "You... You haven't. Have you?"

    Erica and I nodded.

    I answered. "You might as well too."

    Bryony started panicking. "You can't pee in here. You're not at home now."

    I said. "It is too late now, we have already peed."

    Erica and I smiled.

    We took our coffees and started sipping.

    Erica tried to put Bryony's mind at rest. "Don't worry. It will soon dry and no one will know. We have been drinking plenty, it is nice and dilute."

    Erica said. "We have not overflowed yet. If you pee too we won't do any more."

    Bryony panicked again. "What, you mean you will pee more, in here?"

    Erica and I nodded.

    I added. "If you pee too we won't do any more. How's that for a deal."

    Bryony was starting to be rational. "So, if I pee in here, you will go?"

    We both nodded, and sipped our coffee, and each took a sandwich.

    Erica said between mouthfuls. "Just do enough so that we can hear you filling your leather skirt."

    I said. "Drink your coffee."

    I took another sip. "My bladder is filling nicely." I said.

    Bryony said. "O.K."

    Bryony gripped the table, and then I heard a short hiss.

    Erica said. "Cool!"

    We just sat in our pee filled leather skirts drinking the last of our coffee, pondering when the time will come that we have to get up and the pee will gush on to the back of our legs and the carpet under the table.

    Erica said. "I suppose we will have to put Bryony out of her misery and get up now."

    Bryony panicked again. "No!"

    I said. "We will have to go some time, unless you want to make us another coffee?"

    Erica asked. "Is it nice and warm?"

    Bryony nodded.

    Erica answered. "Mine is too. We can wait until it cools."

    My pee was already starting to cool. "I'm ready now." I said.

    Bryony had her head in her hands.

    Erica said. "I think that Bryony should get up first.

    I added. "Just tuck your legs under, and there probably won't be anything on the carpet."

    Bryony spoke again. "Your mum was livid, and your mum does not mind that you pee practically everywhere."

    Erica spoke. "Ah. But your mum does not know, were you planning on telling her?"

    My pee was becoming noticeably cooler. "Hurry up Bryony, my pee is cooling. If we wait any longer I will have to warm my skirt up with some fresh pee." I said.

    Bryony was now getting a bit stressed. She carefully placed her feet together and tucked her legs under and slowly stood up. I could hear the trickle of pee hitting the back of her legs.

    Bryony quickly stood and ran out in to the garden. Erica and I stood slowly too. I felt my cool pee trickle on to the back of my legs, and then stood quickly feeling the gush and hearing it patter on the carpet. I headed out to the garden followed by Erica.

    Bryony was looking round checking her legs and feet. "You two will give me a heart attack!

    Erica and I smiled. My skirt had now stopped dripping on to the back of my legs.

    Bryony was still cross. "I need to check the damage. I will need to find the carpet shampoo now."

    We all went back inside. There was nothing to see on the carpet under the table. I felt under where I had been sitting and there was a little dampness to the carpet but nothing to see.

    I said to Bryony. "See, that was easy. Now next time you are wearing your leather skirt you can do a little wee at the table and no one will know!"

    Erica said. "You are one of us now Bryony. You must wet your bed too now!"

    Bryony snapped. "Out! Out! Out! You are corrupting me! Go!"

    Erica said. "See you tomorrow at Netball."

    Erica and I left.

    We walked home, and as soon as we got in mum called out. "Netball dresses!"

    We reluctantly went upstairs and took off our leather skirts and our tops and put on our netball dresses. It is not that we did not like our netball dresses, we had just had so much fun in our leather skirts.

    We went in to the lounge and watched telly.

    After a while mum came in. "I have had Colin on the phone. Unfortunately he is in a bit of a pickle and wants to come and stay. I said I am sure it will be O.K. but I will check with you first since it is not practical for him to sleep on the wet sofa. What do you think? He wants to stay until he goes to university."

    Erica said. "O.K." and I nodded.

    Mum smiled and turned away. "I will call him back now." She said as she walked out.

    Mum returned a couple of minutes later. "Colin will come down by train tomorrow. I will have a half day at work and we can all meet him after you have done netball."

    We watched telly until dad came in. Dad dutifully peed on our netball dresses while we watched Pointless and then we had dinner. We were quite excited that Colin was returning.

    We kept our netball dresses on all evening, and popped down to the lounge later so that dad could have a treat and pee on us again. I think that dad was looking forward to having Colin back too.

    We went up to bed and had Horlicks. Erica noted that we had a last night to enjoy lots of room in bed for a while.

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  7. You must try public carpet peeing. It is so nice to just pee a full bladder and let your pee soak away in to the carpet and not have to worry about the clean-up. Dark industrial carpet hides the puddle nicely, and it can be rather fun to just let your pee run down your legs while no one notices what you are doing.

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  8. Crikey, onion and garlic are going to be impossible to avoid, I suspect pretty much every meal I eat after breakfast has at least one of these in it! I suspect that the culprit might be fish then. It does not happen often, so perhaps is a particular 'unnamed' variety that gets slipped in as white fish instead of cod and haddock.

    I have on occasion been eating a pie before going out and realised that it had asparagus in it, and gone out anyway. When I know I just keep away from other people when I am wetting myself so the source of the smell is not obvious. I do drink an awful lot so my pee is very dilute, but it does not appear to dilute the asparagus smell at all. It is one of those smells that if you can smell it you are very sensitive to it.

    So now I know.

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  9. Is there a definitive list of things that cause 'Asparagus pee smell'? I have had my pee smell the way it does after eating asparagus without going near asparagus. It can sometimes be a little disconcerting to be wetting myself discreetly in the pub and have the unmistakable smell of asparagus pee wafting up!

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