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Posts posted by Maclir

  1. 4 hours ago, Badkitty13 said:

    Hi, everyone I have some pee experience but not much and am super excited to be able to talk about my fantasies with people who understand and are not disgusted by it.

    Welcome, this is a fantastic site, lovely and very supportive people.  Looking forward to hearing your fantasies. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Aussiepeeguy3 said:

    Awesome, such a friendly site how are u anyway

    This is a fantastic site, great people.  I've been here, on and off for several years.  Everyone is very friendly.  Welcome, mate.

  3. On 10/26/2022 at 7:24 PM, Bacardi said:

    Only digital. None in real life 😪

    I have a lot of people I've grown close to from here chat with me while I hold, update me on when/where they've peed, and i do the same for them too. 

    I'm sure if I met them in real life they would have no problem peeing with me 🤣

    @Peenicks would be my number one. Them and I get along so well.

    I would certainly enjoy peeing with you

  4. 18 hours ago, Sophie said:

    I have an interest in hobbyist electronics, 3D printing and programming. To relax at home I enjoy playing video games and I love cycling. I also have an interest in hobbyist machining but my equipment is very basic. 

    My main hobby is music, particularly playing the piano. I have been playing since I was 6 years old and I cannot imagine life without it. 

    I have just started playing with an Auduino microcontroller, combining electronics and programming.  Good fun.  And I played the piano for many years 

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  5. My main hobby is model railroading - as a kid, I had a train set, set up a double oval track on a sheet of 8' x 4' board.  But with retirement imminent, I wanted a hobby where I could use and develop lots of skills.  Now all I need is a nice big room where I can build my layout.  Until then, I run my trains on a club layout here in Jacksonville.


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  6. 1 minute ago, Sophie said:

    That appears to be the issue. Typing in my details works fine, but using auto fill causes the error. I don't know why though, I have been doing it this way for years. 

    Sometimes I've found browser password managers get confused and the password is corrupted.  So when it auto fills the password it thinks is right for the site, it's putting in rubbish.  Maybe check what password is saved for the site, and fix it manually in the password manager.

  7. 22 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Mmmm. Would do anything to be filled to the brim with someone's seed.

    Do I look submissive and breedable? Cause I feel submissive and breedable 🤣

    Now I am thinking about filling you to the brim with my seed.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    So you guys know I've been going through a rough patch recently, but today I heard something on the radio that made me almost piss my pants laughing and I had to share it with you guys.

    I was driving home, hungry, ready for dinner, and just sort of letting the radio go in one ear and out of the other. We were at a red light and I was sipping on a Coke when the host started talking about the vacation he was giving away to some beach resort. He was talking about how the water was crystal clear and about the fish and so on, and it caught my attention (mostly because they were talking about different drinks, and if there's one thing I need rn it's a stiff drink). Then, when they were about to play a song the host said something hilarious:

    "Looks like it's time for us to partake in some watersports! Don't go away we'll be back after x song!" 

    Guys. I choked on my soda like a fucking cartoon. This place has chewed me up and spit me out so much that I forgot "Water sports" are an actual thing outside of the fetish 😆 it gave me a much needed, very good laugh, and I had to come here and share it with you guys. 

    Sad to hear you've been going through a rough time of late.

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