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Posts posted by Maclir

  1. Well, in the last few years, since I've been battling an enlarge prostate, I find I need to pee every 2 or 3 hours.  That can make long car journeys 'problematic', particularly if you are driving where there aren't rest areas or gas stations.  And when the need to pee hits me, I usually have maybe 15 minutes to answer the call.  If I've been drinking coffee, then that 2 to 3 hours quickly becomes every hour.  So often, if I'm driving along back roads, I will look for a suitable place to pull over, get out of the car and pee.  Sure, I do it because I HAVE to, but it's super exciting, too.  There was one time when I had got on the road at 4am, and two coffees later, maybe 6:30, I really had to pee.  So somewhere around Athens, Georgia, I pulled into the front of a convenience store - it was still dark - and walked to the back of the car - anyone looking casually would assume I was checking the trailer hitch - unzipped and peed against the wheel of the trailer.  Peed for a loooonnnnnggggg time, I thought it would never stop.  Half way though, a homeless person wandered past me, and asked if I knew where such-and-such a place was.  I kept peeing, well, I couldn't really stop - and told him I had no idea, I wasn't from the area.  But that added to the excitement.

    So, it's more than 'just a sex thing', I now enjoy looking around for a suitable place to pee, I might say to myself 'there's a turnoff about a mile ahead, maybe that will be a good place'.  The only thing that would make it more fun would be to travel with another urophile, and we could pee together at these impromptu stops.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Kupar said:

    I'd be interested 🙂  Is everything digitally controlled these days, or is there still old-fashioned circuit-switching in the layouts?

    Digitally controlled - each loco has a small circuit board with a processor chip called a 'decoder' - so each loco has a distinct address, and on your controller, you first 'acquire' a loco by it's address, and your commands (speed, direction, turn on lights, ring bell, blow horn, etc) are sent encoded on the track power to that loco address.   I've just come back from the club running one of my engines.


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  3. Geeky nerdy information about myself... my hobby is model railroads.  I have an extensive collection of HO scale trains, mainly US models, the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, Erie, and Erie Lackawanna lines, from the North-East USA, plus some New York Central passenger trains.  I'll be at the clubhouse running some trains later today.  If anyone is interested, I can post pictures and all that...  but it's pretty geeky... 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

    I had my morning pee in the bathroom sink, as usual. My bladder was quite full from the night. I released a lovely, strong jet. The dark yellow really stood out against the porcelain. 

    I used the force of my jet to remove a blob of toothpaste and it swirled down into the plughole. After my bladder was empty, I turned on the tap, grabbed the soap and washed my hands whilst looking at myself in the little mirror. 

    wonderful post, made me envious that I wasn't able to share that experience with you.  Thank you for sharing with us.

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  5. 2 hours ago, QueenRami said:

    Wow I had no idea this community existed! I had to immediately make an account once I found my way here. I love all things watersports and love chatting with people who are interested in the same! There's nothing I love more than watching guys piss 🤤🤤🤤.

    Sadly I have yet to experience any sort of pee play with a partner in real life so I like to share online! You can find me sharing on Reddit or Pornhub under the same name if you're interested in watching 😘

    Looking forward to chatting with you! 😊

    I've just watched a few of your pornhub videos, they are fantastic.  I think I know what I'll be doing this evening...

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