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Everything posted by Peefreak99

  1. So first we need someone to give a task whos in?
  2. I was thinking that any member here could tell a willing member to do any pee related activity ( you can refuse but plz don't haha) and the member performing the activity has to tell the story in this thread and mabye take some pics or make a video
  3. Yes but if i change my first post there's a copy of what i wrote in your quote so the fun in this is gone
  4. This won't work since i can't change what peeingone quoted i can only edit the original post so the main point is destroyed game closed😢
  5. Bro i was just joking with her she knows that
  6. Write a yes or no question and when someone quotes you ( YOU HAVE TO QUOTE OR THIS DOSEN'T WORK) you change what you wrote to something else😂 for example " do you like pizza" and if someone replies yes then change it to " do you hit your bf/gf"
  7. Sex is legal so then sex for money should be legal too if someone wants to get laid but can't then he or she goes to a prostitute pays and get laid the one getting laid is happy and dosen't feel lonely and desperate etc and the prostitute get's money both wallk away happy what is the problem with that?
  8. You can't leave the forum would never be the same without you:)
  9. Nice do you have any more cool stuff you can show?
  10. What are those screens for in the first pic?
  11. Thanks to @Admin btw for taking care of our problems
  12. Im using regular internet no wifi or vpn
  13. Wow you have A LOT of land it looks so peacefull and nice
  14. It was last week but then mabye it's cool now i will tell admin if it happens again
  15. It was problaby a few months ago It only happens 1-2 times /week and it goes on for 5-10min It always stops after a litle while Not every day Only sometimes but i log in MANY times every day so i would say it's a very rare problem just something that annoys me when it happens
  16. I think it could be that the servers are too weak/small and when too many try to log in they can't load
  17. I use a samsung i haven't said anything yet because there has not been a HUGE problem but it's not fun when it happens
  18. Sometimes when i try to log in nothing happens the site wont load and that usally happens for about 5-10min it's not a huge problem but annoying do anyone else get this problem? Is there a way to fix it?
  19. I wonder what happens if we take all his money and then send him to a candy store but he can't buy any because he has no money😂
  20. Wow getting a 25 year old at 17 that's cool
  21. When im not feeling good i usaly just wallk out into the woods and just wallk for hours sometimes or i play some xbox check out yt etc basically anything that get's my mind on something else then when i feel better i deal with whatever i was not feeling good about. And for question 2 No i have never been insulted for that
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