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Posts posted by Dr.P

  1. 12 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    From what I've noticed, every decade women get less self conscious about peeing openly. I don't remember a lot of open peeing during the 90s. But then in the early 00's I started noticing younger women making less effort to conceal themselves when peeing outside of clubs, bars, parking lots, parties, etc. And I swear about every two years I saw it more often. I'm pretty sure alcohol was involved in every situation, but they weren't sloppy drunk. The attitude I picked up was that it was a non-issue. For example, maybe ten years ago? I was at a party and went to pee behind a detached garage. It was during the summer, some time between 8 and 9, so still fairly light out. About ten seconds after I started peeing, this girl comes walking around the corner from the opposite side of the garage. She sees me immediately, and instead of going behind one of the many large trees not much farther off, she says "guess, this must be the spot?" like another guy would. Then proceeded to pop a squat within roughly 6 feet of me. This caused my stream to slow down considerably, but luckily I managed to keep a continuous release through nearly full wood. She finished before me, pulled up her pants and went "damn dude, you must've really had to go." And proceeded on her merry way. I had similar incidents to that with different complete strangers, perhaps once a year between 2010 and 2018 (when I quit drinking regularly). All involving girls who were by my best estimate under 30. 

    Great, very believable story, and good social observations! Thanks for sharing.

    I think it has a lot to do with the acceleration of culture and people being less uptight about private functions. These women aren't really exposing much beyond side butt and maybe a split second of bush. It's preferable to standing in a line for fifteen uncomfortable minutes. Women in past decades were judged for so much dumb shit. They were probably too self conscious to risk that kind of scrutiny?

    I totally agree! Women in past decades were subjected to an incredible amount of dumb shit, and intense shaming for their natural anatomies and bodily functions. They were told that their urination was ugly, dirty, shameful, and a huge turn-Off to men, OR they were told that their urination was a huge turn-On to men, likely to result in instant rape, or worse. They couldn't get a break. They were judged to be in the wrong, either way. They were either disgusting and filthy, or flaming temptresses, causing men to lose control, a very old idea, in Western cultures. So I believe that confusing situation led to some of the more extreme adaptive behaviors that many women resorted to, running tap water to cover sound, etc. 

    And then two years ago, during those BLM protests, I kept reading about, and seeing videos, of young women peeing in defiance of the authorities. Totally unselfconscious about exposing themselves, just like the guys on scene doing the same thing. The impression I get, is that they're not going to let anatomy prevent them from expressing themselves through urination like their male co-rioters. And if you're offended? fuck off, this is how women piss. I think it's awesome and inspiring (and not just because it turns me on).

    I totally agree with you. It is awesome and inspiring.

    I do remember the unisex restrooms in Alley McBeal back in the 90s. I think that might have been based on a real life corporate trend that never really took off. But nowadays there are a lot of college aged kids with this whole, "screw gender expectations" philosophy, trying to make non-binary peeing spaces a thing. Which I guess isn't that far off conceptually from corporate unisex restrooms.

    That's encouraging. I forgot to mention another corporate experiment, which took place in the late 90's or early 00's, and was not so encouraging. Penthouse magazine began to publish photos of the pet of the month peeing. I was delighted, of course, but many MEN were not, and cancelled their subscriptions, etc. So the experiment was discontinued, in less than a year.  Apparently, there were a lot of men who disliked female urination, either due to preconditioning and social pressure, or genuine personal disgust. Hard to tell which. I wonder how the same experiment would work out, today, given all that is available online, as well as the "screw gender expectations" philosophy? 



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  2. 19 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    It's hard to say. I agree, peeing openly can be a form of flirtation or teasing. But that's not always an invitation to something physical or romantic. Some people just like to flirt. I suppose it's an ego boost for them. In the case of @Dr.P and "Ellie," I agree with his platonic female friends. It does sound like she was testing his interest in those moments. But then they were also in a long term friends with benefits relationship. And those tend to be filled with acts of ambiguous unspoken erotic and sensual communication, where it's hard to know what the hell the other person really wants?

    Alcohol is a huge factor in lowering inhibitions. And was a factor in the majority of situations where platonic female friends peed casually in my presence. But I also have platonic female friends who pee in front of me sober, who have no intention of getting together with me in a sexual or romantic way. And probably would be weirded out if I showed a sexual interest in their peeing. But in those cases, they're very close, decade plus friendships, where I barely even register as male to them. I think that is pretty rare.  

    But I think there's also a generational component. Girls under 30 pee more openly than I've ever seen in previous generations. And there is, within a certain subculture of gen z, a concerted effort to get rid of conventional gender divisions like segregated restrooms. 

    I agree with your assessment of my relationship with "Ellie," including some confusion over what we both wanted from the relationship. And your comments on the influence of alcohol on inhibitions are spot on, and generally applied to "Ellie" and me, over most of our relationship, with the exception of our first encounter, described in my reply to CarbOnBased, above.

    Your comments on the generational component are fascinating, to me. It seemed to me that my mother's generation, who lived through two World Wars, were secretive, when talking about peeing, and developed extremely modest peeing styles, sitting with thighs pressed tightly together, etc., but some of them were very relaxed about leaving doors partially or totally open. Things seemed to get more repressive, during the 50's and early 60's, among women who were in their 20's to 40's, when many of them closed and locked bathroom doors, and ran tap water to cover their hisses and tinkles. The "sexual revolution" of the late 60's, 70's and 80's didn't change things much, with respect to peeing. Women would share intimate details about their sexual desires, their orgasms, and even their periods, but would get evasive and change the subject, when their peeing was mentioned. I notice that has changed a lot, in recent decades, for most age groups, with advertisements for bladder leak underwear on TV, etc. Many of these are aimed at women who are well over 30, but I am encouraged by your assertion that girls under 30 pee more openly, now. I remember that "Ally McBeal" was the first and only (I think) mainstream TV show which featured a restroom without gender segregation, which is a hot button political issue, in the present time, in some parts of the country.      

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  3. 22 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

    I don't know how it was in the 70s and 80s, but from my own experiences I get the impression that women peeing openly in front of male friends without at least some intent of flirting/opening the door to sexual possibilities, especially one-on-one and without drinking being involved, is quite uncommon. The chance goes up at parties/"nights on the town" and in groups. In other words, in a mixed-gender group outdoors where considerable drinking is taking place, some of women's shyness about peeing disappears--particularly when it's dark enough to not see much of anything--though even then in my own experience I've mostly observed women disappearing at least a bit out of view, even if they found little need to hide why they were doing it. A similar thing goes for women asking guy friends to "stand guard" while they go in the bushes, still expecting the guy not to look, that doesn't imply any sexual interest. What's really rare is just a guy being over a girl's house chatting or playing video games or whatever and she uses the bathroom without closing the door, or even further does something to encourage him to come closer and/or stand where he can see anything.

    I haven't had any really close completely platonic relationships with women though--so I don't know whether there are some pure friendships where women do pee openly in front of guys but would still be weirded out if the guy showed interest in what she was doing.

    First of all, I had the last experience you describe with a long time Platonic female friend, in my late teens, or early twenties. I had "stood guard" for her numerous times, outside empty public bathrooms, late at night, during our teenage years. She was definitely weirded out, just at my revelation of interest in her peeing, but the friendship survived.

    I think your general observations are spot on, and they were mostly true, in the 70s and 80s, also, including the influence of drinking on inhibitions. Although most of my encounters with "Ellie" included alcohol, the very first one did not, and we were indoors, and alone. We worked for the same company, and were on a business trip together, and were sharing a room, without the management being aware of our relationship. On our very first night together, we were cold sober, about to leave for dinner, standing together between the bathroom door and the room door, talking about the restaurant we had chosen, and how far it was from the motel. She asked me how much time it would take to get there. "About a half hour," I said. She turned to me, took my hands in hers, looked deeply into my eyes and said, "I have to "go" before we leave, OK?" Without waiting for my answer, she slipped into the bathroom, moving the door slightly, to a half-closed position, but still open about a foot, on the knob side. She left it there, as if it didn't really matter to her ,since she was just following a social protocol. "Go ahead, get comfortable," I said, trying to sound as casual and relaxed as possible.

    Seeing the half-open door, I really wanted to watch her pee. But I knew that at this delicate point in the relationship, I didn't dare just walk in on her, or stand in the open doorway and watch her, where she could see me. To do so could be considered extremely rude, possibly frightening or disgusting to her, thereby ruining what could be a great few days together.  So I moved silently to a point near the door, where I could see through the open space between the hinge and the jamb. I had a perfect right side and partial front view of her sitting on the toilet, short skirt gathered up around her waist, out of the way, panties below her knees, with her beautiful, smooth bare thighs fully exposed and separated comfortably, about 3 or 4 inches apart at her knees, and open all the way up, totally relaxed. She had a length of toilet paper draped carefully over her left thigh, which she folded slowly and neatly, while she peed. I could not see her pussy or her stream at this angle, but could hear everything extremely well. This would have to do.

    Although she sat in a very relaxed, nonchalant fashion, and she hadn't seemed desperate when she told me she had to "go," her stream gushed and hissed forcefully into the bowl, stopping and re-starting three times, before slowing to a trickle and stopping, finally. Although I had heard gallons of female pee, growing up with a mother and three younger sisters, in a small house, I had never heard anything like this. The gushing and hissing were a fantastic turn-on, and the stopping and starting were incredibly exciting, nearly driving me over the edge! When she finally finished, I wanted to watch her wipe, but I quickly came to my senses and moved discretely away from my vantage point, realizing that if she looked up and caught me too close to the door, it would give the game away, and all could be lost. So I moved quickly and quietly to the opposite end of the room, near the windows, where my location would not indicate any interest in her bathroom activities. She emerged from the bathroom after a few minutes, still smoothing her skirt, and checking her legs in the mirror. She looked for me first in my former position near the bathroom door, but finally found me across the room, near the windows. She looked a little  puzzled at my location, but didn't say anything.

    For the next 10 years of our off and on relationship, during which we commonly drank a lot, at "happy hour," she repeated this essential behavior with me, at her house.

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  4. 10 hours ago, bungholio69 said:

    I feel if a friend who is a woman took me with them to the bathroom for whatever reason and had me there as she relieved herself I would take it like she enjoys my presence and that she trusts me and finds me a great friend to be around.

    Yes she is doing something that I would get turned on by but I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it and see it as something intimate, like how two best friends would platonically cuddle each other if that makes any sense. 

    I totally agree with your first statement, and understand and thank you for your second one, since it was a popular view in the 1970's and 80's, which you have stated very clearly. (By the way, Fonda and Segal were playing a married couple, rather than Platonic friends, in the 1977 movie.)

    Back to my reality, which fits your hypothesis, very well. When I was dating "Ellie," in the 1970's and 80's, I wrestled, mentally, with these two possible  interpretations of her actions, for more than a decade. For those of you who have not read my descriptions of her behavior, she had a habit of leaving the bathroom door halfway open, whenever she peed, in my presence, over an off-and-on "friends with benefits" sexual relationship, which lasted about 10 years. I was sure that your first statement was true, about her attitudes toward me, but I was unsure if she was also testing my potential erotic interest in her peeing, or even teasing me, sexually, or whether her feelings were entirely comfortable, in a Platonic sense. I never had the courage to ask her, for fear that it would embarrass or anger her, and ruin a relationship, which I enjoyed, immensely, in spite of its limitations.

    Years later, I discussed this relationship with several, mostly Platonic female friends, who didn't know "Ellie," at all, and asked their opinions. All of them agreed that she was testing my erotic interest, at the very least, and possibly teasing me, hoping that I would say something indicating interest, or make a move, like walking into the bathroom, with her. Since those discussions, I have always felt that this was one of my greatest missed opportunities, and regretted my lack of courage.

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  5. @Takashi96,  "I had a neighbor girl who would pee in front of me when she was wearing a dresses or skirts."

    I forgot to mention yesterday that seems to be a common last privacy curtain, used by many women. Examples abound, in the media.

    One of my favorites is an old movie, "Fun with Dick and Jane" (1977), in which Jane Fonda and George Segal need some privacy to hatch some subplot. She pulls him into the bathroom with her, although he seems very reluctant. She whips her long, pleated skirt up, and sits on the toilet, draping it all around her, covering her legs completely, so they can have their discussion.  In a more recent example, "Mad Men," a popular TV series from 2007-2015, January Jones, playing Betty Draper, is sitting on the toilet, wearing a voluminous ruffled skirt, which covers her almost to her knees, when a naughty neighbor boy, whom she is apparently baby sitting, pushes the door open, and attempts to push her skirt up, for a better view, which she resists, very strongly. I think this episode was broadcast in the first or second season of the show. 

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  6. 17 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    Keep in mind my paraphrasing of explanations from accredited sources should not be confused with me having any actual professional credentials. I just go through phases where I get really into the clinical explanations of why we're like this. As if understanding the mechanics of our fetish will allow me to extract it from my brain like a bad sparkplug. 

    I totally understand, because I do exactly the same thing, reading both accredited and non-accredited sources. I am not a professional in this, or related fields, but I enjoy reading about them. I enjoy our fetish, very much, so I have no desire to extract it from my brain!

    17 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    Anyway, the part that talked about urination fetishes sometimes developing due to unsatiated curiosity about the genitals of the opposite sex resonated with me also. Similar to your examples, I had a neighbor girl who would pee in front of me when she was wearing a dresses or skirts. Then boast about how girls could pee without exposing themselves but boys couldn't. Of course that made me all the more curious as to what was going on under there? 

    The reason I mentioned the paper all but ignoring pee fetishes in women was to illustrate that it was two or three decades out of date. Not that I disagreed with the part that made sense. But in ignoring fetishes outside of the cis male perspective, it vaguely insinuated that's all there is. Yes, I absolutely believe that women also have pee fetishes.

    I can certainly relate to enhanced and unsatisfied curiosity about what was going on, "under there," or between her tightly compressed thighs. My dear mom was an expert at that, but I think she was honestly trying to discourage my curiosity, because she thought it was indecent, in some way. I also understand about the out of date research, which does not describe modern women accurately, at all.

    18 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    And just to further muddy the waters, there's also the social conditioning you mentioned. And how that effects sexual curiosity, body image, shame, taboos, etc. In one sad example, a girl I went to HS with told me she thought she peed out of her butt until well into elementary school. 

    This example gives me a chuckle, since the source of that belief was a female! I myself held the exact same belief, about my mom, when I was about 4 years old, and had seen her in the bathroom, many times, as a curious little kid. I noticed that she always wiped from the back, with her thighs together, so I thought she peed out of her butt. So I actually asked her if her "wee-wee" came out in the front or the back. She told me that it came out in the front, but it also got her wet, in the back, because she had to bend forward to make it go down in the toilet, so it didn't get the seat wet, in the front. Fascinating!

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  7. 22 hours ago, Dr.P said:

    It was written very much from the perspective that urination fetishes are developed within male brains because of the elusive nature of female genitalia. It said nothing about urination fetishes among women. Or urination fetishes within a same sex context.

    This is actually a quote from Takashi96. Apologies. I believe that urination fetishes exist, and may be common among women, relating to men, and also to other women, although women tend to hide their interests better than men. I have met and had conversations with women who are curious about men's peeing, and are aware of, and/or curious about the sounds and even physical peeing styles, of other women, even if they are straight, themselves. One difference seems to be that women make the sexual connection to urination less often, and with less intensity than men do, so the development of full blown urination fetishes is less common among them. Also, women have been subjected to strong social conditioning, which teaches that their excretory functions and processes, including urination, are somehow dirty, disgusting, unappealing, etc., so they are discouraged from developing fetishes involving them. In my ancient generation, girls were discouraged from looking at themselves "down there," watching their pee come out, etc. And even in the present time, the female author of "50 Shades of Grey" finds urine fetishes to be very much out of her bounds, although various forms of S&M are not. Some of those attitudes may be changing, with the ubiquity of "bladder leak" commercials on TV, etc.

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  8. 14 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    As for my reference to exposed genitals, according to one article, they don't have to be visible. The knowledge that they're exposed is enough. I'm paraphrasing here, but basically this one passage talked about how the sound of urination takes root in the fetishists mind in childhood. Thus triggering a lifelong curiosity as to where the sound is coming from? What does this source look like? And finally evolving into sexual fixation. It was written very much from the perspective that urination fetishes are developed within male brains because of the elusive nature of female genitalia. It said nothing about urination fetishes among women. Or urination fetishes within a same sex context.

    Thanks for a very plausible explanation of my experiences! I noted the usual tinkle, occasional sharp hiss, or muffled "shshsh" sounds of mom's and siblings urination, very early, and even asked mom about them. I knew that the sounds were emanating from between her thighs, pressed so tightly together, so I always stared intently at them, hoping to see her pee come out, but to no avail. I soon became fixated on her bare thighs, above her stocking tops, and those of other women, such as teachers, because I associated them with peeing sounds and actions by mom. I think she was aware of this, and increased her efforts at concealment of her genitalia and her streams, which she kept well hidden. I had no idea about the appearance of female genitalia, until my younger sisters were born, years later. The main reason she wanted me in the bathroom with her was that she and I were alone, in an empty house, all day, while my father was away at work. She was apparently concerned about my safety, while she was using the single bathroom, on the second floor. A fascinating subject. Thanks again for your professional insights.  

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  9. 15 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    It's a strange erotic trigger isn't it?After all it's just a bodily function. If not for the element of exposed reproductive organs it shouldn't be that exciting. And why do we get triggered while other people don't. For example, one person may have developed their urination fetish after a childhood neighbor peed in front of them. Meanwhile, another person who was present at that same moment, promptly forgot about it, going on to develop perfectly undisruptive sexual cravings.

    According to the current clinical data, the majority of individuals who fit the criteria for having a urination fetish develop symptoms prior to the onset of puberty. And while many report an inciting incident, it doesn't seem to require one.

    In short, I don't know why, I just know I am.

    I agree with your reasoning, which seems to apply to my case, in many ways. My mom unknowingly (I think) provided many inciting incidents, for me, by allowing and inviting me into the bathroom with her, several times a day, at a very young age (<3 years old). On the other hand, she did not provide exposed reproductive organs, due to her very modest and secretive peeing style, sitting down, with her thighs pressed tightly together, so I couldn't see her organs or her stream, at all. And she kept her thighs together, as she wiped, from the rear. But I did get to see her lift her dress, revealing her bare thighs, above her stockings, as well as hearing and smelling her urine, all of which I liked, instinctively, and it all felt very pleasant, to me, although I was far too young to have any sexual feelings about it. My memories of those early experiences inspired my lifelong curiosity about how other girls and women urinated, which became a full blown fetish, which I have enjoyed immensely. 

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  10. 7 hours ago, BB1BB said:

    As for the ladies on this site? I know that a full bladder presses on the internal parts of the clit and the G-spot. It's a sensation that's too weird for many women, but I'm sure plenty here have learned to embrace it.

    This can be a source of anxiety for some women. "Michelle" a g.f. from my distant past, long before Me Too, loved my licking her to orgasms on the bed. But there were times when she felt an intense desire to pee, when I got my tongue in a certain spot. She would always warn me, telling me that I would get awfully wet, if I kept licking that spot. My response was "Bring it on!" But it never happened. She had her orgasm, and I didn't get my favorite drink. Finally, she warned me one time, and I responded, "Promises, promises!" and we both laughed. But it still didn't happen.

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  11. Although I am a straight male, I once had an experience which is relevant to this. My g.f. "Lisa" and I were in a 10 km race, and entered a gender neutral restroom together, at the end. It was equipped with a small urinal, on the wall, and a standard toilet. We were both wearing running shorts. She opted for her standard squat or hover, over the toilet, while I watched. Then, I peed in the urinal, while she watched. I never thought of asking her to pee in the urinal, instead of the toilet, until long afterward, and I have regretted that, and kicked myself, for many years!

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  12. @Simpfan, Childbirth may change the urethral angle and affect the direction and character of the stream. Many women find that their stream comes out more forward, or makes it spray, causing it to wet their thighs, hit the toilet seat, or go under it, when sitting down, which can be messy. I find it very sexy, and love to watch it!

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  13. On 10/23/2022 at 9:22 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

    If we take all of our enlightened selves out of the equation, and we instead think of the pool of people we interact with, and those we hope to have some 'adult' fun with, then I guess there are two general groups - 

    - Those who consider pee as a gross, dirty and potentially harmful human waste product, and 

    - Those who consider pee as just a natural bodily function that happens.  People need to wee, they wee and sometimes not in the toilet.

    Now of course we can also group people into those who are open to relationships and those who aren't, those who would engage in adult fun being open minded and those who would be very vanilla.

    I agree, in general, with your categories and analysis. But I believe there are two subsets to the "natural bodily function" group, one, which finds this bodily function potentially sexy and exciting, and another which finds it mundane and boring, with little or no erotic potential. I think the latter subset may have been significant in the 1970's and 1980's, in the States, with the "back to nature" philosophy, which questioned the erotic appeal of something that was just a natural bodily function: "She just had to go to the bathroom! How can you find that sexy?" This sentiment could then be used to shame those who found peeing natural, but still very erotic. A complicated situation. Your thoughts? 

  14. 23 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    Then, when I finally got the courage to divulge my fetish to her (after a decade of friendship) she cut ties with me. 

    That's terrible, even worse than my experience, since she ended the friendship! I am often stunned by the intensity and unpredictability of the reaction to our fetish, which has made me overly cautious, in many cases. "Ellie" was probably not the only one, for me.

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  15. On 10/24/2022 at 3:20 AM, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Bloody hell, man! That’s some crazy judgemental people right there!! Glad you are here with us! 💚

    Yes, and it's sometimes very difficult to distinguish the judgemental types from those who may be very tolerant of it, as I learned from experience. I may have posted this anecdote, previously, but it is very relevant to this discussion, so please bear with me.

    I had a physically Platonic, but very close friendship with a girl who lived in my neighborhood, from the time we were in elementary school, through high school, but we talked about sex, very regularly. We hung out, as teenagers, and I would occasionally "stand guard" when she needed to pee, in empty public bathrooms, late at night. She would routinely talk with me, while she peed in a closed stall, with the main bathroom door open, telling me that the toilet seat was cold, etc.  I was careful to never mention my kink, to her.

    When we were in our late teens, or early twenties, she initiated a discussion with me, about our long friendship, and our many sexual discussions. She asked me if there was anything I wanted to know about girls, and offered to answer any of my sexual questions. I believed her, since I had known her for such a long time, and felt very close to her. So I revealed my kink to her, saying I had always been curious about how girls peed, and found it a big turn-on. She responded with a torrent of abuse, saying she had not expected a question like that, but rather something like what turned girls on, etc. It took me a long time to calm her down, and we didn't talk for a few days. The friendship survived, but I never brought up the subject with her, again, and was extremely careful not to bring it up with other women, for a decade, or more. My resulting anxiety was so intense that I missed out on the signals that "Ellie," a g.f., in a later time, was probably sending me, when she peed with the bathroom door half-open, repeatedly, over a long relationship.

    35 minutes ago, Takashi96 said:

    The dichotomy between masking the fetish and celebrating it?

    Yes. That has been a huge dichotomy, which has governed my life, much more than I expected.

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  16. As an extension of the sampling question, for the ladies, how do you feel about using DIY pregnancy test devices, which require peeing on a plastic paddle, in a private setting, rather than collection and submission of a liquid sample? Have you ever used one of these devices? How did you manage it? Did you tuck it between your upper thighs, while keeping them close together? Or did you open your legs, or squat, and let fly? Did the inevitable back-splatter get your thighs, bum, hands, clothing, or the toilet seat wet? All of the above? Did that splatter gross you out, annoy you, not bother you, or was it exciting, in some way? (From the answers to the sampling question, so far, I assume that the answer to the excitement question will be negative, in most cases.)  Finally, would you enjoy or be excited by watching other women use one of these devices, following up on the comment of Keri, in her post of 10/24/22?

    If there is interest in this question, we may post it as a new topic, but it seems to be closely related to the sampling question, at this point. Photos or videos showing the use of these devices would be welcome, of course. Dr.P.

  17. 10 hours ago, Keri said:

    Peeing into a container is not exciting for me, but I enjoy watching other women pee in the containers.

    Very interesting, unexpected reaction. Thanks for sharing. As a straight male, into messy female pisses, I am fascinated by the sampling process, involving the small, hand-held container, and the possibilities for stray dribbles and outright misses. The medical purpose is not relevant to me. It would be similar to watching a woman pee in a shot glass, wine glass, or champagne flute, all of which are quite common, in online imagery, in which many of the women appear to be showing off their skills, with smiles. The medical cup is just another container, with its own challenges, in my view.  It does give the appearance of greater intimacy than the other containers, because medical sampling is usually carried out in the most private of settings.

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  18. 7 hours ago, Havelock said:

    @Dr.P Do you think your wife is more open squatting to pee / peeing outside because she is from China?  It's a small sample, but my wife and previous girlfriends who spent time growing up in Asia have seemed more accustomed to squatting and peeing in various places. 

    My wife is not afraid to squat to pee outdoors, as many Western women seem to be, but she has been conditioned to use indoor, Western style facilities, over a lifetime. She has a profound dislike of dirty indoor facilities, and has had bad dreams about them, on many occasions.

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