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Posts posted by Dr.P

  1. I have posted in detail on this general subject several times, in June and July of 2019, so I won't repeat those posts. But the recent post of Gotah piques my interest.

    Yes, my sister and I formed a pact in which we watched each other pee, for a brief time, when I was around 11 years old, and she was 5 years younger. I had also changed her diapers (nappies) when she was a baby. Our motivation was primarily curiosity about how the opposite sex peed, since we were too young for it to be overtly sexual. She opened her legs for me, unlike my mother, and let me watch it come out, to my heart's content. I let her hold my cock and aim my stream into the toilet. My parents discovered our pact, and put a stop to our fun, after a couple of months. But I learned a lot about how girls peed, during that time.

    I envy the experience of Gotah, whose aunt voluntarily cooperated in satisfying his curiosity about her peeing, by hovering over the toilet.

    My first pee memory was literally at my mother's knee, when I was 2 or 3 years old. For the first 5 years of my life, I was an only child, until my sister was born. During that early time, my mother never closed the bathroom door, when she peed. So as a little boy, I followed her into the bathroom, and watched as much as I could.

    But I couldn't see much. She sat all the way down on the toilet, never hovering, even in public facilities, and always kept her thighs pressed tightly together, so her bare white thighs, above her stocking tops, were all that I could see. She never opened her legs, even to wipe, which she accomplished by simply rocking to one side, and wiping from the rear, with her legs still together, blocking my view.

    In addition to watching her, I loved other intimate aspects of being with her in the bathroom. I loved listening to her tinkle, and an occasional hiss, when she had to go bad, and I loved the warm smell of her pee (pheromones affecting my pre-sexual sense of smell?) as it wafted up, between her compressed thighs. I even buried my face in her bare thighs, above her stockings, more than once. She eventually stopped me from doing that, telling me that I might get wet. I wondered how that could happen, since I had never seen her thighs get wet, or seen her wipe them. I thought that what she really wanted was to make sure that I couldn't see her pee come out, since she must have known that I was intensely curious about that, and she didn't want me to see it. That curiosity has driven me, for the rest of my life!

    I also accompanied my mom into public Ladies rooms, on occasion, at this age, and shared a stall with her. But she did it exactly as she did it at home, after covering the seat with t.p., so I learned nothing new

    The fun part of these trips, for me, was being outside her stall, in the space between the stalls and the sinks, in large public bathrooms, where I could easily look under the stall barriers, at my short height, and see how other women peed, some with their legs apart, so I could see their streams! (None of them hovered, in my view, unfortunately.) Most of their streams were single and straight, not spraying much. My mom soon caught on to what I was doing, told me "It wasn't very nice," and banished me from public Ladies rooms. I have spent the rest of my life trying to get back in!


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  2. @hank23, I experienced a similar, strongly negative reaction from a Platonic female friend, whom I had known since my early teen years, and with whom I had discussed all kinds of sexual subjects. We had confided intimate details to each other during our teen years, although we never became lovers. Fortunately, she didn't out me to other people, and we remained friends. But her reaction was totally unexpected, and came as a profound shock to me, which inhibited me from revealing or discussing my fetish for at least ten years, afterward. Unfortunately, I met and dated a woman who may have been into pee, during those ten years, since she always left the bathroom door partly open when she peed, while we were together. But I never dared to reveal my interest to her, due to the negative reaction I had experienced, with the previous woman.

    Reactions to our fetish are unpredictable, even when coming from women who appear to be very adventurous, and liberal in their other sexual preferences. I subsequently "came out" to several long term female sexual partners, relatively early in the relationships, with a variety of generally favorable results, ranging from amused tolerance to enthusiastic acceptance. So, for the record, I would only consider sharing my fetish with potential or actual long term partners.

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  3. Her acceptance of my interest, at least at the level of amused tolerance, is very important to me. Of course, enthusiastic embrace of my interest is ideal, but I have only encountered it a few times, in my thankfully long life. But discovering her attitudes and feelings about my fetish is very important to me, every time I meet an attractive woman, just in case our relationship becomes intimate, at some point. And it is always more fun to have casual conversations with women who are aware of, and accept my interests, at least to some degree, so I will not shock or offend them, with a casual remark.

    Unfortunately, our fetish is still not widely accepted in "mainstream" society (pun intended). It encounters such strong disfavor, that even discussing it openly with casual acquaintances or potential partners, is socially risky, even in this day, when other fetishes, such as S&M, are much more widely accepted. ("50 Shades of Grey" for example). So it is still very difficult for potential partners, of either gender, to openly reveal their own interests, or discover those of others. So those revelations and discoveries are usually left to chance, which can jeopardize a relationship, which is otherwise good, when they are discovered or revealed, accidentally.

    Dr. P.

  4. It occurs to me that her basic anatomy and the amount and location of her pubic hair may influence a woman's decision to wipe, or not, after she pees. If the anatomy of her vulva makes her pee spray a lot, wetting her thighs, and/or her bum, she may end up quite wet, and shaking to remove the dribbles may not be very effective. So her clothing may get wet, when she puts it back on, and depending on what she is wearing, wet spots could be visible, when she leaves the toilet, which could be very embarrassing. Heavy pubic hair, which gets wet, when she pees, could cause similar problems. Shaving or waxing can solve that, of course.

    And of course, there is a potential problem with odor, as Naughts points out:

    "I have to be careful though because after not wiping the entire day it starts to smell. I dont want that because I dont want people to notice for many reasons."

    As I noted previously, in this forum, it was odor which first attracted me to a girl in elementary school, who either didn't wipe effectively, or didn't wipe at all:

    "There was a little girl in my class who always smelled kind of funny, something like stale piss. Some of the other kids used to whisper behind her back about her smell, but I found it vaguely attractive, and was drawn to her."

    "One day, I was fortunate enough to get a clear look, up her skirt, all the way to her panties, immediately after she returned from the little girls' room, and slid into her desk, sideways, spreading her legs wide, as she did that. I saw several little, yellow pee dribbles clinging to her inner thighs, and some pale yellow pee stains in her white cotton panties. I was absolutely thrilled, and filled with intense curiosity about how those pee dribbles got on her legs!"

    That experience, among others, helped to focus me on female peeing, for life, thank goodness! And for the record, I still find a light pee fragrance very attractive, coming from a woman.


  5. JMY wrote: "Women in a sense dont have that problem,they can piss like a racehorse forever."

    Although women don't have prostate problems, they do have other conditions which can limit their abilities to "piss like a racehorse."

    Repeated and/or severe bladder infections, which are very common in women, can restrict or partially block the urethra, with scar tissue, or similar obstructions, so they may have to push, or bear down hard to get their urine to come out, at all. To compensate for this, they may stop and restart frequently, in order to empty their bladders completely. Their flow may come in sharp sprays or gushes, followed by pauses, or it may be a weak series of dribbles, or a weak, continuous stream, going on for a relatively long time.

    Weakening of pelvic floor muscles, with age, or following childbirth, may give rise to other urinary problems, in women, such as dribbling, or urge incontinence, and structural conditions, such as "dropped bladder," which can radically change the direction of the urine stream, causing it to shoot out forward, under the seat, or splattering it, if they are sitting down. So a substantial fraction of women are not able to "piss like a racehorse forever."


  6. @MrTickle,

    Very interesting, and to me, unusual experience. I would guess that she was testing your reaction, as you surmised. Many women are much less inhibited about actually doing a sexual activity than they are talking about it. Peesex and water sports are unfortunately not widely accepted, in mainstream society (pun intended), so her reluctance to talk about it is quite understandable. She was a very brave girl to actually try it with you, without asking!

    You're very fortunate, in my view! Since I am into these activities, I have begged several g.f.'s to do what she did with you, with only moderate success. Most of them will allow me to wipe or lick their labia and thighs, after they pee, and some will allow me to put my fingers in their streams, when they are peeing on the toilet. But only a select few will provide me with a drink from their furry cup, in real time. And none of my g.f.'s have initiated any of these activities, on their own, before we discussed them.


  7. I, too, am male, so the question is not aimed at me, but I have an opinion, from the observer's point of view.

    I think a high squat, sometimes close to standing, but with knees bent, or flexed, rather than straight or locked, is the naughtiest, sexiest, and most innately feminine, peeing style for a woman, either outdoors, or indoors, using a toilet or urinal. Examples below.



    If her stream sprays, or goes out of control, and gets her legs wet, it becomes even more erotic, for me, whether she is aiming it with her fingers, or just letting it flow, naturally. What does she do, when that happens? Does she stop peeing, and adjust her position, etc., or does she do nothing, just letting it happen, and dealing with the wetness or dribbles, later, either by wiping, or shaking? Her actions, or lack of action, may give intimate insights into her personality.

    The traditional and very common "Naked, low squat with knees up and wide apart. Vulva exposed.." style described by gldenwetgoose doesn't usually do much, for me, erotically. It can also be more difficult for many women to achieve, than the high squat, particularly if they have joint, tendon, or muscle issues in their hips, knees, or legs, brought on by injury, lifestyle, or age. This is one common perk associated with watching mature ladies pee. They often do it in a high squat, because it's the easiest for them!


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  8. @gldenwetgoose, Great story! Thanks for writing! I love the way the suspense builds, throughout the story. Very interesting to know that Lisa was aware of the photographer's kink, very early in the story. I think this insight is true for many women, but men, myself, especially, are often unaware of the depth of their insight into our interests. Thanks for bringing this out.



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  9. This problem is probably uncommon or even rare, among younger women, particularly among those who have not given birth, but I think it is quite common in middle-aged and older women. I have heard many complaints from my wife, and women friends about this problem. Weakness of the pelvic floor muscles is usually cited as a common cause, and the Kegel exercises are recommended as a helpful solution. I have felt free to use it in my fictional and non-fictional stories posted on Pee Fans.

    Although these complaints are anecdotal, non-scientific evidence, there is a significant mainstream (pun intended) industry in the States, dealing with the problem, and advertising fairly heavily on US TV, for the past several years. The two main suppliers of "bladder leak" underwear appear to be "Depends" and "Always Discrete." My favorite commercial of this genre is that of Sandra Thigpen, a very pretty, middle-aged Jamaican actress. It was very popular, a few years ago, but I haven't seen it very often, lately. I miss it! Here is a link to it:


    As to male problems in this regard, I can personally attest to the fact that age, prostate enlargement, and other prostate problems, can contribute heavily to the problem. I have been experiencing them, myself, for a couple of decades, as have many of my male friends.



  10. I am older than most of this group, so my tastes are old fashioned, by comparison. I was born and raised in a very different world, and my tastes reflect my experiences in that world.

    I am most into watching and listening to women pee in toilets or urinals, either sitting, squatting, or standing, the messier, the better.

    If they are partially clothed, wearing stockings, and panties slipped to mid thigh, and stretched by their open legs, with a skirt or dress lifted high enough to show the action, that adds to the thrill, for me.

    Seeing a woman's thighs get wet, with her pee, puts me over the top, for a sexual thrill, whether it happens accidentally, or deliberately. I fantasize about licking her "dry," as I have done, many times, in reality. This is one of my favorite activities. I also like drinking, directly from the source, although I have had only limited experience with this.

    After some reflection, I think that perceived intimacy is part of my attraction to women peeing in bathroom settings. There is a strong expectation of privacy associated with those settings, so seeing what a woman actually does in those situations is an extremely intimate look into one of the most private aspects of her life.

    I also like watching women pee outdoors; sitting on the running boards of cars, with the doors open, is another favorite. Or simply standing, or peeing in a high squat, with a skirt or dress up, also lights my fire.

    Dr. P

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  11. @felicia1234: Yes, listening to women pee is one of my favorite things, second only to watching. I also find it fascinating. I have posted some of my experiences here, on this site, several times, beginning in July of 2017. I love trying to guess women's peeing styles (sitting, squatting, standing), their state of urgency, as well as the force and direction of their streams, from their sounds. I also love it if they stop and restart. I have heard many, many more women pee, in real life, than I have had the privilege or good luck to watch. In addition to lovers, and my wife, they include casual friends and perfect strangers.


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  12. LoveLadyPee wrote: "My goodness. I'm sorry. Sounds like you didn't warrant that response. Hope she's changed since then."

    @LoveLadyPee, Thanks for your kind words. This incident took place many decades ago, and I have lost track with this woman, over the years. We both married other people, and went our separate ways. I have no idea if her attitudes have changed. It is possible that two marriages, and having kids, changed her. My attitudes and curiosities have not changed, but I am happy to say that I have managed to satisfy them with several other, very cooperative women, since that time.

    On the other hand, this very negative experience inhibited me excessively, for a decade or more, afterward, probably causing me to lose out on at least one opportunity for a "wet" relationship with "Ellie" a long term g.f. whom I suspect was into water sports, and about whom I am currently writing, in the Fictional Pee Stories section, with the subtitle "What Might Have Been."

    But at the same time, this negative experience served as a warning to me that many women feel very differently about their bodily fluids and functions than they may about their sexuality, even if they appear to be very "liberated" in that aspect of their character. So my inhibitions probably kept me out of trouble, too.

    My intent in posting this incident, was to relay some precautions to guys concerning possible reactions to their inquiries in these directions. The outward behavior of this girl had indicated that she was very relaxed about her bodily functions, right up until I asked her a direct question, and found out that she was not. On the other hand, my inhibition reaction was probably overdone, and it inhibited me, to the point of irrationality, even when presented with obvious opportunities, for far too long.

    Dr. P.



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  13. "Ellie" Part 6. What Might Have Been: She Shows Me Her Sexiest Peeing Style.

    By Dr.P

    Summary: Having shared her harrowing experience attempting to squat, when she had to pee in the restaurant bathroom, on the previous night, she uses our toilet in the hotel to show me how it actually happened, and how she usually does it, very neatly, when she is well prepared. This time, I am there to help her with the cleanup, for both situations.

    When I return from the conference, in the late afternoon, she is waiting for me, as promised. She kisses me, takes my hand, and leads me into the bathroom, quickly, seeming more than a little nervous. She stands in front of the toilet, and starts lifting her skirt, in the front, showing me her black, lacy panties, and lovely upper thighs.

    "I've been holding it all afternoon, and I have to go really bad, almost like last night," she confides, crossing her legs at the ankles, and pressing her thighs together, with her hands between them, over her panties.

    "So how do you want me to do it? Did you decide? Do you really want me to show you how I squatted, at the restaurant, last night? After what we did, this morning, I think I'm ready for that, with you, now. And since all I have on under my skirt is these panties, there's no problem with my clothes getting wet."

    "I'd love that, if you're comfortable with it."

    "I am now. You're way more turned on, watching me pee, than I expected, and much more tolerant than I thought you were! I accidentally peed in your face, last night, and you loved it!"

    She stands over the seat, while I kneel in front of the toilet, but I give her more room, this time.

    "I squat fairly high, when I do it, like this. (She demonstrates.) It's a lot easier on my legs than squatting low, over the seat, like a lot of women do. But it can spray more, and it make a bigger mess, coming from so high up. So I sometimes put the seat up." (She doesn't.)

    "My problem last night was that it started coming out while I was still standing up, not even squatting, yet! I panicked, because I had to go so bad. It was running down my legs, and I couldn't make it stop! I wasn't prepared for that, or even ready to squat, before it started!"

    "I'd love to see how all that happened!"

    "I'll show you, right now! I'll take my panties down to my ankles, to get them out of the way, and keep them dry, because I have to go so bad, and it might spray, or run down my legs. I don't have to take them all the way off, like I did, last night, but you can see how I did it, anyway. You may have some cleanup to do, if it doesn't work any better, this time!"

    "That will be a labor of love! No problem." I take a length of t.p. from the roll, and get it ready.


    Standing over the toilet, she lifts her skirt in the front, still leaving the seat down. She is just starting to squat, when her stream starts, as a broad, flat flow, running down her left thigh, and I hear her melodious hiss, "ssshshsss!" as I watch it come out, and run down her leg, in a river. A much thinner stream runs down her right thigh.


    She tries desperately to stop them both, spreading her lips with two fingers, as she moves from standing, into a high squat, as she had intended. It changes to a ragged stream, running down her right thigh, with a thinner rivulet running down her left thigh, and dripping on the seat. Noticing that both of her legs are wet, she stops peeing, and says,

    "That didn't work so well! Pretty much like what happened last night! Guess you can start your labor of love, now!"

    "At your service!" I say, as I hug her legs to me, and lick her wet thighs and slit, briefly, then use the t.p. to catch more stray dribbles, on her legs and the seat.

    "I think I'll take my skirt off, and lift up the seat, so I can see and aim better. Thanks for wiping the seat, so my skirt and hands don't get wet, when they touch it."


    I help her remove her skirt, and she takes her position, straddling the toilet, with the seat up, standing taller, with her legs closer together, this time. She spreads her lips with two fingers, and starts again, with her usual melodious hiss, "ssshshsss!" Her stream splits into three, one running down each leg, and one in the center, going straight into the bowl, with a soft, intermittent tinkle.

    She stops again. I move in and begin to lick the dribbles from her upper thighs and lips, saying, "More labor of love, for me! Yumm!"



    She continues explaining, while I lick her wet thighs and slit.

    "Well, now you can see what happened to me last night, since I had to "go" so bad! It was very messy! I still have to "go," now, but not nearly as bad, so I'll try to show you how I usually do it, when I know I have to squat, and I'm ready to do it that way."

    "When I have time, and don't have to go so bad, I usually spread my lips and let them relax, before I start to "go," so they don't stick together, and make it spray, or run down my legs. (She demonstrates.) That quiets my hiss a little bit, too. Sorry about that! I know you like it so much! Last night I thought I would hold my lips open, so I'd have better control, but I hadn't done that, in a long time, and it didn't work. I usually just let it come out naturally, like this."




    "As you can see, it can still run down my legs, even when I do it this way. But it usually just leaves a few dribbles, and it's easy to wipe them."

    She stops peeing, again, and says, "I really want to show you how I like to do it, with my panties, halfway down my legs. I'm sure you'll like seeing that!"

    "I bet I'll love it!" I reply, "It sounds very sexy!"

    "I'll pull my panties back up to mid thigh, like I usually do, when I'm ready to squat and "go," to show you how they look, on my legs. You can tell me if you think that's sexy, when you see it!" (Wicked smile, and wink.) "I usually have to hold my skirt up, when I do it this way, but I already took it off. But you've seen me do it holding my skirt up, anyway."


    She pulls her lacy black panties back up to mid thigh, puts the seat down again, and adopts a classic high squat over it. She spreads her lips with her fingers, again, and then allows them to relax, while she adjusts her stance.

    "Why don't you get some t.p. ready, in case this gets messy? OK?"

    I pull a length of paper off of the roll, fold it neatly, into a pad, and hold it, ready to wipe her legs, or the seat, if needed.

    Her stream starts, with her melodious hiss, "ssshshsss!" and stops twice, as it often does, for her, but it stays well controlled, midway between her legs, leaving only a few dribbles on her innermost left thigh, in her gap. A few droplets run down her inner thigh, but do not reach her panties, stretched between her thighs, well above her knees.

    Her stream eventually slows to a few dribbles, which cling to her left thigh, and she stops, takes the pad of t.p. from me, and simply pats her lips and inner thighs with it, to dry her slit and her legs.


    "That's a lot more like it!" she says. "That's how I do it, normally, and that's all I usually have to do, to wipe."

    "Still very sexy!"

    "I guess it must be, in your eyes, anyway! How do you like my pretty black panties stretched between my legs? Aren't they sexy, especially when I'm peeing? I'm glad it was nice and neat, not so messy, this time, and you got to see how I usually do it, and how it comes out, most of the time. I was afraid you'd think I was terribly sloppy, when I pee, and it would turn you off!"

    "Not at all! I think you have a very sexy peeing style, both sitting and squatting, and an incredibly erotic hiss, no matter how messy it may get, at times, like you told me, last night, and showed me now. And I love your black, lacy panties! Extremely sexy, especially when they're stretched between your legs, with your stream coming out, between them! I keep wondering if it's going to go sideways, and run down one of your legs, like it just did, and get your panties wet!"

    "Ooh! You have a nasty mind! But you're wondering the same thing as I am, when I'm doing it! And you just saw it do that. But I'm glad you think it's all so sexy! Thanks! You're very sweet! My panties are a little damp, right now, so I think I'll take them off, and let them dry, so I can wear them, later tonight. Or maybe I'll just be naked, under my skirt, and surprise you, when you follow me into the bathroom, to watch me "go," or when you feel my legs, while we're sitting together, like you always do." (Wink and smile.)

    She stands up straighter, I hug her thighs, and pull her panties down to her ankles. She steps out of them, and I sniff them deeply, and hand them to her. I bury my face in her thighs, kissing them, and licking a few dribbles still clinging to them, which she missed, in her quick  pat of her slit, with the t.p. pad.

    "I'll be thinking about everything that you just showed me, every time we're out somewhere, and you tell me you have to "go"! I hope you'll tell me more stories, and let me check you out for dribbles, especially when you squat to pee. I love helping you with the cleanup!"

    "I sure will! You're a big help!"

    Dr. P




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  14. "Ellie" Part 5. What Might Have Been: The Next Morning.

    By Dr.P

    Summary: Our erotic activities and conversations resume on the following day, in Part 5. After our long and exciting first day, we sleep late, wake up in each other's arms, and pee together, in the bathroom, after some very satisfying pee sex, on the toilet, first thing in the morning.

    I wake up slowly, after a good night of sleep. I don't have to be at the conference until afternoon, so we have plenty of time. We are still intertwined, as we have been, all night. Her legs are wrapped around one of mine, with her naked slit against my thigh. I stroke her back, her bum, and the backs of her thighs, very affectionately. She purrs and begins to move. She kisses my neck and ear, and I hear her hissing through her teeth, into my ear, "hshshshsss!" and I feel some warmth and wetness from her slit, on my thigh.

    "Are you trying to tell me something?" I say, "I'll bet you have to "go,"

    "Yes, I do, as I always do, first thing in the morning. How do you know that? We've never slept together, before." She replies, with a sly grin.

    "You're dribbling on my leg, and hissing in my ear! I love it! A perfect way to wake me up!"

    "Oh, sorry! Sometimes I dribble, when I'm sleeping. That's why I usually wear panties, in bed. And I'm hissing in your ear to invite you to come with me, so you can hear and see the real thing!"

    "I love your hissing and pissing! Very intimate, and  sexy!"

    "Guess I better get up, and "go," before I pee all over you! I really have to "go" bad! Are you coming with me?"

    "Yes, of course! I can't wait to see how you do it, first thing in the morning! I'd love to have you pee on me, but you're right. We don't want to get the bed all wet!"

    She takes my hand, and we walk quickly to the bathroom together, totally nude.

    She sits on the toilet hastily, leans quite far back, which aims her vulva forward, and spreads her legs wide, leaving several inches of space between her thighs.

    "I don't know if this will spray as much as it did last night, but I have to "go" just as bad, so you better not get too close, or you'll get wet!"


    I am looking intently at her slit, about to rest my chin on the seat between her knees, when her ragged stream shoots out straight forward, suddenly, with a loud hiss, "SSShShSSS!" I back off, just in time to avoid getting her full spray in my face. Sprayed droplets collect quickly on her right thigh, and the front of the seat, while I watch.

    She stops peeing, abruptly, and says,

    "Lucky you got out of the way, just in time! You almost got your wish! See how wet it got my leg, and the seat?"

    "You know me too well, already! Nice start! Very exciting and sexy! I'll take care of the seat, and your leg, for you."

    "I think I can aim better, if I use my fingers!"

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    She restarts, using two fingers to spread her lips, but it wets both of her inner thighs leaving dribbles on them, so she gives up on that, and tries using both hands to open her lips further, allowing a smaller, ragged stream to come out straight forward between them, and a fine side spray to wet her upper right thigh, with many dribbles.

    "My god, that's incredibly sexy!" I comment.

    "Glad you like it, but it's still getting one of my legs wet!" She answers, and stops peeing.

    Kneeling on the floor, in front of her, I lean forward, and bury my face in her lovely thighs, kissing and licking them after she has gotten them wet, and inhaling the enticing fragrance of her morning piss, which is a little stronger than the night before, but still full of her lovely pheromones.

    "Ooh, you're so affectionate!" she says.

    "Your pee smells even more sexy, in the morning! I can't get enough of it!"

    "I still have to go bad! You better get out of the way, so your face doesn't get wet!"


    She moves her legs closer together, and starts peeing again, without using her fingers to steer her stream. I notice a change in her hiss, becoming noticeably sharper and more intense, "SSSShSSS!" as her stream changes to a flat spray, part of which deviates sideways, wetting her left thigh, directly, along with my beard, near where I have been kissing her leg. The main part of her stream goes straight forward, centered between her legs.

    After allowing her spray to wet her thigh for a few seconds, she stops peeing, and opens her legs, to show me how wet they are.

    "Looks like it's wetting my other leg! Hope your face didn't get wet! "

    "Yep, it sure was wetting your other leg. You must have felt that! I got a few drops in my beard! Wish there had been more.That's incredibly sexy! What a turn-on! I'll take care of your legs!" I reply, as I dive in, and start licking the dribbles clinging to both of her inner thighs.

    She giggles, and says, "Yes, I felt it on my leg, and saw you watching it! I thought you liked that, so I let it happen, for a few seconds. Glad to hear that it turns you on, so much! To me, it's just messy, and another reason I have to wipe! Looks like it's going to wet one or both of my legs, no matter what I do! I hoped it would go down the middle, if I left it alone, this time, but that didn't work, so it's gotten both of my legs all wet!"

    "That's fine with me. You're giving me a lot to lick! Yumm!"}

    "You must have to "go" too! You drank just as much as I did, last night! Let's do it together, OK? That would be very intimate, and fun, don't you think? My legs are already all wet just from my own pee, so some of yours won't make any difference! And I have plenty more, where that came from!"

    "So do I! I'd love to try that! How do you want to do it? What do you want me to do?"

    "Just put your cock between my legs, and let fly! Don't worry about getting me wet! I'm already about as wet as I can be! I'll be getting you all wet, too! We can pee all over each other, and then we can shower together, and wash it off!"

    "Sounds like a great plan, to me!"


    Kneeling in front of her, I put my already stiff cock between her legs. She grips it gently between her knees, and starts to pee, with her ragged stream coming out high, and straight forward, and almost reaching my cock, with a few stray dribbles wetting her inner thighs. But nothing happens, for me. My cock gets stiffer, and I can't pee a drop, even though my bladder is full.

    She giggles, stops peeing, and says, "You're so excited that you can't "go," at all! I'm surprised that just watching me pee turns you on, so much, especially when my legs get wet! I didn't think you'd like that so much, because it's so messy, but I'm glad you do! It happens to me, a lot, but I won't be embarrassed anymore, when you're watching me! At least I know that my peeing really does turn you on!"

    "We'll have to do something to help you 'go' with me! How would you like to cum on my legs, first, so we can do it together?"

    "Love it! But that's going to be messy! Hope you won't mind having my cum all over your legs!"

    "No problem. We'll be washing it all away, in the shower, in a few minutes. Let me do a little something first. Watch me, if you want. But there won't be much to see, because I have to do it with my legs together, to get them nice and slippery. Then you can put your cock between my legs again, so I can make you cum! And I think you'll be able to pee with me, after that."


    I move back from the toilet, to give her some room. She presses her upper thighs close together, leans back until her slit shows, above them, then allows her pee to start coming out slowly between her closed lips, wetting and running down her legs. I can't resist burying my face in her slit, and licking her thighs, while she allows her pee to continue wetting them.

    "You better  let me finish what I'm trying to do," she comments, as she gently pushes my head back from her slit.


    Keeping her legs pressed tightly together, with her hands, she closes her eyes, concentrates, and deliberately pees, between her thighs, which are touching, from her vulva, almost to her knees, with a muffled hiss, "sshshshss," for a few  more seconds. I can't see her inner thighs, at this point, but I'm sure that they are getting wet, from the tone of her hiss, coming from between them.

    Then she opens her legs, slightly, letting me see how wet they are, very much as I had guessed. Instinctively, I dive forward and kiss her thighs, trying to bury my face in them again, commenting,

    "That's incredibly sexy!"

    "You couldn't see much, but I'm glad you liked it!"

    "I could hear it and smell it!"

    "And you'll feel it on your cock, if you don't lick it all off of my legs!"


    She places her hands on her thighs, up high, near her belly, pushing them together, scoots forward on the seat, helping to compress her upper thighs even more, while leaving some space between them, further forward, a little above her knees. I can see that her inner thighs are covered with fine droplets, from her knees, to mid thighs, where they are pressed together. She grabs a length of t.p., folds it neatly, and holds it ready, in her hand.

    "OK, put it between my legs again, just like you did, before! I know you don't like condoms, so you won't have to use one, this time, as long as you just cum on my legs! I'll keep my legs together, so your cum won't get on my slit. Go ahead, rub it on my legs, and cum all over me, whenever you want to! Isn't that a sexy invitation?"

    "Oh hell yes! And your wet legs are so-o-o tempting!"

    I start thrusting my cock between her wet, slippery lower thighs, in the open space, between them, just above her knees. She squeezes them tighter together, and begins to move them, rubbing my cock between them, as if she is riding a bicycle. It feels fantastic, and I soon squirt a huge load on her lovely thighs, still wet with her pee dribbles, with a groan of pleasure.


    "Wow! You gave my legs a bath, all the way up! Glad I kept them so close together. See, you even squirted a little of your cum on my tummy! But none of it got on my slit, so now we can pee together, after I wipe your cum off of my legs!"

    She wipes my cum off of her thighs and my rapidly softening cock, with the t.p. pad, then drops it in the toilet, between her legs, and grabs some more t.p. from the roll.

    "Now we can pee together!" she says.

    She holds my cock between her knees, and starts to pee, "ssshshsss!" wetting her legs again, and reaching my cock, this time. I push a little, and soon join her, wetting her inner thighs and slit, as her spray bathes my cock, in her warm, fragrant lotion.

    "See how nice and warm it feels!" she says.

    "Yep. I love it!" I reply.

    I manage to aim my stream at her slit. She reaches down, spreads her lips with her fingers, and says,

    "My god, that feels good! Try to pee on my clit!" She stops peeing, and spreads her lips wide open, so my stream bathes her clit. She soon moans and sighs, sounding like she is close to an orgasm. Then she suddenly clasps her thighs together, on my cock, which is still pissing, and cums. I stop pissing, but I still get her legs and slit wet with my piss. But it doesn't seem to bother her, at all.

    "Ohh! That's the most exciting thing I've ever felt! It was fantastic!" She says.

    She uses the t.p. pad she is holding to begin wiping, but quickly gives up, since she is very wet, and we're about to get in the shower together, anyway. When we finish showering, we help each other wipe, get dressed, and ready to go out for breakfast, at the restaurant next door to the hotel. While we're dressing, she puts on a pair of lacy black panties, under her T-shirt style dress, and asks me,

    "How do you like these panties? Do you think they're sexy?"

    "I love them! And they're very sexy!"

    We go out for a pleasant breakfast, and walk back to the room. I get ready to leave for an afternoon at the conference, with plenty of time left. We kiss, in front of the bathroom, before parting, and she confides,

    "I have to go again, and pretty bad, too! Too much coffee at breakfast."

    She hisses sharply, through her teeth, "HSSSS!" with a wicked grin, lifts the front of her dress, and presses her hands between her thighs, under her dress, to emphasize how badly she needs to pee.

    "Do you have time to come with me, and watch me "go," before you leave?"

    "Of course! I don't want to miss that! I always have time for you, and watching you pee!"


    She stands in front of the toilet, lifts her T-shirt style dress to her waist, in the front, whisks her black panties down to her ankles, sits down, leans back, spreads her legs wide, and unleashes a torrent of nearly clear piss, in a powerful, flat spray, hissing loudly, SSSShShSSS!

    "Wow! That's incredible! What a beautiful, powerful spray! Love it! You really had to "go!" I comment, almost speechless, as I watch her.

    The peripheral spray from her stream sprinkles both of her inner thighs, in her gap, and leaves significant dribbles on the seat. Her stream stops, eventually, as usual, but she pushes and restarts it, easily, using her fingers to spread her lips, and it takes the same form, the first two times.



    She manages to restart it one more time, with her lips relaxed and open, leaving dribbles on her thigh. It finally weakens, and eventually stops.

    "Glad to hear that this turns you on, so much! For me, it's just another reason it takes me so long to wipe, when you're not around to help!"

    Seeing her legs wide open, with pee dribbles on her thighs, I can't resist trying to dive between them, to "help" her clean up, with my tongue.


    She squeezes her thighs together, and resists my movement toward her slit, by placing her hand on top of her thighs, very firmly, trying to block my face from getting between her legs, and protesting, albeit, weakly,

    "You better not do that, now! Your face and beard will get wet, and you'll smell like my pee, at the conference!"

    "No problem! That's what wash cloths and towels are for!"

    She relents, relaxes, and opens her legs, to give me access to her inner thighs and slit. I continue to lick her, working my tongue into her slit, and finding her clit. She pushes her slit hard against my face, and sighs with pleasure. She cums very quickly, spurting some pee into my mouth, along with her juices, and squeezes my face tightly between her wet thighs. I wipe her thighs, slit, and my face, with t.p., then get up and wipe my face and beard with a damp wash cloth. She gets up from the toilet, hugs me, and kisses my neck, saying,

    "Don't you have to 'go'? You drank a lot of coffee, this morning, too. You'll be a lot more comfortable."

    "Yep, I sure did. You're right. I should "go" now, to be comfortable."

    "Can I hold it for you?" She asks, without waiting for my answer, as she unzips my fly, and pulls out my cock. She lifts the seat, and aims my cock into the bowl, with her pee in it, not yet flushed. Although I am beginning to stiffen, I start peeing, since I have a huge tank full, as she guessed. She aims my stream into the toilet, very accurately, and comments,

    "I love to feel it coming out, through your cock! It's very powerful!"

    "Glad you like it!" I reply. You're doing a good job of aiming my stream. I'll bet you've done this before! (I wink and grin.)

    "You've got that straight!" She replies.

    When I am done, she shakes the dribbles off the end of my cock, and gives it a long, loving stroke. Then she puts it back in my pants, zips me up, and flushes the toilet.

    "I'm sure I'll have to "go" again, when you get back, this afternoon, and I'll save it for you. So you can think about how you want to see me do it, while you're away."

    "Love it! Now I'll be distracted, all afternoon, remembering that incredibly sexy pee, that you just did, and trying to decide how I want to see you do it, when I get back!"

    Dr. P





    • Hot 1
  15. @Gotah, While I respect your decision to end this thread, I must say that I am very sorry to see it go. You have created some fascinating characters, in complicated and interesting situations. I can see many directions in which they might go, without being repetitious. I will miss them! Thanks for a truly enjoyable series of very well crafted stories, in which I always looked forward to the next episode. I hope for a sequel, at some point. Dr. P.

    • Agree 3
    • Thanks 1
  16. I have already posted my first, earliest pee memories here, so I won't repeat them. But here is another, that I remembered very recently.

    This one is from my younger years, although by no means my first. It took place when I was in my last year of high school, probably 17 or 18 years old, and was working half-time in a furniture store, as a truck driver's helper and part time janitor. It was a family business, and one middle-aged, but attractive woman worked there, in sales. She was not part of the family. The store had a single-user bathroom for the use of the customers and employees.

    One day, there were no customers in the store, so I decided to clean the bathroom, which was part of my job. The door was closed, as it always was, and I didn't bother to knock, assuming that it was empty, and simply pushed the door open. I met resistance, so I pushed harder, opening it wider, and was greeted by a scene, very similar to this, a very attractive woman, sitting on the toilet, audibly tinkling in it, with her beautiful bare thighs pressed tightly together, her dress lifted all the way up, exposing her upper thighs, and her panties at or below her knees. I couldn't see her pubic hair, or her stream, but it was still a very erotic picture to my young mind, in that time, the late 1950's, because many women peed in that very modest style. Most of them didn't lift their dresses quite so high, but allowed them to cover their thighs, midway to their knees. I wondered why she lifted her dress so high, and I was amazed at how smooth, beautiful, and hairless her thighs were. I really wanted to touch them.


    I couldn't see her face, and she couldn't see me, at all, because the door was solid wood, completely opaque, and I hadn't opened it far enough for her to see  any part of me, including my face. She pushed harder on the door, defending her privacy, and I backed off, allowing her to close it. She didn't say anything, and I didn't apologize, but simply moved away from the door, quickly and silently, went to the back of the store, and busied myself doing something else. I stayed away from the area of the bathroom, for the rest of that day.

    I wasn't sure if the woman I had seen was the attractive sales lady, or perhaps a customer, whom I had not seen enter the store, or even the old boss lady of the family. I was reasonably sure that it was not the latter, because the woman's thighs appeared to be much younger than hers would have been. If it had been her, the truck driver and I would have gotten a lecture from her about knocking before opening the bathroom door, and that never happened. I never saw a customer leave the store, that day. So I think I may have seen the attractive sales lady, pissing, although I couldn't see her stream, but heard her tinkle. She never mentioned the incident to me, or to anyone else in the store, to the best of my knowledge. So I still don't know who I saw, that day.

    But I had this beautiful scene indelibly imprinted on my mind, forever, and it did have some formative effects upon me, helping to guarantee a lifetime interest in women's peeing, on which I was already hooked. From that time on, I often fantasized about women peeing in that conservative style, on toilets, getting their thighs wet, and spreading their legs to wipe them. I dreamed of being with them in the bathroom, and watching, or helping them wipe.

    Dr. P


    • Like 3
  17. "Ellie" What Might Have Been: Part 4. Our First Night Together. More of Her "Wet" Secrets Revealed.

    By Dr.P

    Summary: We go back to the room, and continue the alternative scenario of our relationship, as it might have been, if I had revealed my interest in her peeing to her, as I did, in the fictional Part 2. She invites me to watch her pee, up close and personal, sitting down, in her usual style, which I actually saw, partly obstructed by the bathroom door, in Part 1.She shows me how her pee stream changes character and direction, getting different parts of her wet, each time her pee stops and restarts, which is often, for her. I lick the dribbles from her thighs and slit, and wipe her with t.p., then lick her to an intense orgasm, on the bed. She confides to me that she thinks her peeing and wiping, while being watched and heard, is very intimate and sexy, and she would love to share it with me. Finally, she reveals what she says is her most private and intimate pee secret, before we fall asleep, together.

    We arrive back at our hotel, from dinner and dancing, and before we get out of the truck, she says,

    "I have to "go," pretty bad, right now! We drank a lot, tonight, and had coffee, too, so I have to hurry, or I'll wet myself! If you want to watch, just come with me to the bathroom! Don't be shy! I'm not ready for you to see me squat, yet, like I did in the restaurant, but you can watch me do it sitting down, like I did it, earlier, here, with the door halfway open. I'm much more comfortable with you, now!" (Wink and a wicked grin. We kiss, very briefly.)

    "I wouldn't miss that for the world!"

    I help her get out of the truck, very quickly, she takes my hand, and pulls me hurriedly into the room, and directly into the bathroom, with her.

    She lifts her skirt, well above her waist, keeping it especially high in the front, baring the fronts of her thighs, her mons, and lower belly, whips her panties down to her ankles, in a flash, sits down, and spreads her legs wider than I saw her spread them, earlier. She starts to pee a ragged, irregular stream, which hisses loudly, "SSShShSSS!" and sprinkles, but stays within the toilet, and does not wet her legs. She takes a length of t.p. from the roll, folds it neatly, and drapes it over her left thigh, while she pees, as she had done, earlier. She explains, SitPtoi12.thumb.jpg.e05976c73b58df6fc0fed9de455e72c4.jpg

    "This is how I did it this afternoon, but I was probably a little neater, since I didn't have to "go" nearly as bad, as I do now!"

    "Yep, pretty much. You didn't spread your legs as far apart, as you have them, now. I couldn't see if your legs or the seat got wet, because I couldn't see your stream."

    "I don't think they did, when I started, but they might have, later. I don't remember. I usually do it this way, and it happens fairly often. You'll see."

    "I was trying to look pretty, in case you were watching, this afternoon! (Wink and smile.) I'm spreading my legs wider now, because I have to "go" so bad, and I'm sure it's going to spray even more than this! So I'm trying to keep my legs from getting wet. I also want to give you a good view, this time!"

    "You're giving me a great view, and your legs are incredibly beautiful, with your skirt up so high, in the front, like you had it earlier! Do you always pull your skirt up so high? You have such beautiful thighs, and I love to see them!"

    I drop to my knees, bend forward, and kiss each of her thighs, while she continues peeing.

    "Glad you like my legs so much! Thank you! But be careful kissing them while I'm peeing! You might get some in your face! I have to lift my skirt up high, or it might get wet, if my pee comes out higher, like it does, sometimes! You might see that, now!"

    I look between her legs, with my face slightly above, and between her knees, as close as I can get.

    To my surprise, after this powerful start, her stream weakens to a few dribbles, as her hiss had indicated, in the afternoon, and her narrative continues,


    "See, this is what happens, if I stop pushing. It just dribbles to a stop, but I still have to go, a lot, as you'll see. So I always have to restart, when that happens."

    "I don't mind you looking at me as close as you want to, but you better back off a little, or your face might get wet! Sometimes it spurts or sprays, higher and farther forward, when I restart, especially when I have to "go" as bad as I do, right now! And sometimes, it even wets the seat, or the floor, in the front, between my legs! Hope you'll help me with the cleanup, if that happens!"

    "Of course I'll help you with the cleanup! I don't care if my face gets wet! I just want to see how you do it, and how it comes out, when you restart."

    "OK. I'll let you see whatever you want, as long as I'm sitting down. But I warn you, you might get wet! She leans back a little more, relaxes, and asks,

    "Can you see everything you want to see, now?"

    "Yeah. I think so! Thanks!"

    "Here it comes!"


    Her nearly clear, dilute piss hisses even more loudly and sharply, "SSSShSSS!" coming out high, from her slit, in a powerful, flat spray, which sprinkles her right thigh, with a few droplets, and easily reaches the seat, and the floor, in front of her, as she had predicted. Her right thigh is soon wet, to her knee, and a half dozen warm dribbles cling to my mouth, face and beard.

    Startled, she tries to stop her flow, bends forward, presses her thighs together, and scoots backward on the seat, with a nervous giggle, getting her legs wetter, but preventing more spraying of the seat, and the floor. 


    "See, I warned you!" she exclaims, in mock dismay, with a big smile. "I was afraid something like this would happen! That's why I told you to stay back! Are you OK? I didn't mean to pee in your face! It got your beard wet, too!"

    "Thanks! That was fantastic!" I reply, as I lick her pee dribbles from my lips, and mustache.

    "My god, you look sexy, sitting there, with your legs together!" I say, as I hug her, and bury my face in her compressed thighs, inhaling the fragrance of her warm pee, wafting up, between them, and tasting a few stray dribbles, on the fronts of her thighs.

    "I'm surprised you like how I look, with my legs together! You can't see anything!"

    "I'm imagining how wet your inner thighs must be, right now, and how I wish they were wrapped around my face!"

    "I'll let you see for yourself!"

    She says, as she slowly opens her legs, showing me that her inner thighs are totally wet, to her knees. I try to open her legs further, and lick them, but she says,

    "Not yet! I still have to pee a lot more! You can lick me all you want, when I get finished!"

    She wipes her inner thighs, and the seat, with her pad of t.p., ignoring the dribbles on her slit and bum, since she still has to pee, and they will get wet, again. She uses the same pad of t.p. to catch the dribbles on my face, which is wetter than I thought. I press her hand, with the damp t.p., to my nose, and inhale, sharply, with a huge smile, and a chuckle. I take the t.p. from her hand, and wipe up the floor, in front of the toilet, as I promised. She spreads her legs, and I drop the t.p. into the toilet, between them.

    "I love your wet legs, and I love the smell and taste of your pee! It's just our recycled drinks, and a little bit of your pheromones. It's almost clear water! "

    I hand her another length of t.p., from the roll. While still holding her pee, she folds it neatly, and holds it in her hand, instead of draping it over her thigh, as she did, previously.

    "You'll have to stay back more, this time, and I'll have to change my style, a little bit. Don't worry, you'll still be able to see it come out!"

    She makes some adjustments, bringing her legs slightly closer together, scooting her bum backward on the seat, and sitting up straighter, rather than leaning back, as far as she had been. "SSShShShSS!"


    This time, her stream, still ragged and flat, deviates from center toward her right thigh, but only leaves a few dribbles there, and on her left thigh. It stays well within the toilet, and doesn't wet the seat. Her hiss is also different, less sharp, and more melodious. But it eventually stops, so she has to restart, again.

    She asks, "Was that better?"

    "Yes! Thanks! Very sexy! I could see everything!"

    She stops and restarts, several more times, as she had done, in the afternoon, with her hiss becoming weaker, and finally stopping, the last time. Each time she restarts, it hisses and sprays, in different ways, and goes in different directions.

    The first time, it soaks her right thigh and sprinkles the front of the seat, with a fine spray, while her main stream goes down, into the toilet. "SSSShShSS!"

    The second time, it comes out in a very powerful, central flat stream, and a separate fine spray wets her left inner thigh, halfway to her knee. "SSSShSSS!"

    The third time, it comes out as a central flat stream, with a fine spray, from her lip, which wets her left thigh directly, and sprinkles it with fine droplets, while a secondary stream clings to her right leg, running down her inner thigh, in her thigh gap. "SSSShSSS!"

    The fourth time, it restarts as a still-powerful, flat stream, deviating strongly leftward, spraying the seat and splattering her left thigh, hissing loudly, leaving dribbles on her inner thigh, and a small puddle, on the seat. "SSSShSSS!"

    It finally weakens, the hissing mellows, and fades to a tinkle, as it gently sprinkles her inner thighs with a few dribbles, from her open lips. "sssshsh..."



    When she finishes, with a final spurt, she is quite wet. Her lips, inner thighs, and bum cheeks have dribbles on them, and even the tops and fronts of her upper thighs, and her mons, are wet, from her initial sprinkles. I lean forward, lick the dribbles from her upper thighs, kiss them, and bury my face between them. She stands up to give me better access, and squeezes my face between her wet thighs, looks down at me, affectionately, and says, with a smile,

    "See, I told you that I sometimes get quite wet, even when I do it sitting down! I can never tell how much it's going to spray, or where it will go, especially when I have to restart, so many times. I wanted to let you see all of that, if you were interested, but I wondered if you'd be turned on or off, when it gets so messy?"

    "I'm definitely interested and turned ON! It's incredibly sexy! I love the way it sprays, when it restarts! It's different, every time, and it's so exciting to watch! And it gets your legs wetter than I expected, and higher, in the front, too, which surprises me."

    "It does that pretty often. That's why, when I'm wearing a dress or skirt, I have to make sure that I lift it up high enough, in the front, so it doesn't get wet, as I told you, and you've seen for yourself, now," she says, indicating the dribbles on her thighs, mons, and lips. "If I'm naked, I don't have to worry about that!"

    "When I saw you doing it with your skirt up so high, this afternoon, I thought it was very sexy, but I wondered why you did it that way. And I was curious about why you had folded such a big pad of t.p., and draped it over your leg. I wanted to stay and watch you wipe, so I could see what parts of you got wet, with all of that hissing and spraying, but I didn't dare."

    "I wouldn't have minded if you watched me wipe, or even "helped" me! I was wondering if you were going to ask, or offer, and I was hoping you would!"

    "I wish I had known that, at the time!"

    I hug and kiss her wet thighs, while she is still standing in front of the toilet. Seeing me looking at the dribbles on her thighs, she asks,

    "Do you want to watch me wipe, like I usually do, now? Or do you want to "help" me?" she asks, as she blots her slit and mons, very briefly, with the pad of t.p., and hands it to me, before she sits down again, with her legs open, ready to be wiped.


    "I'd love to do both, in a minute," I answer, as I lean forward and resume licking the dribbles from her upper thighs, then get her to open her legs, so I can lick more dribbles from her inner thighs and slit, which is still wet, after her very quick, light blot. She opens her legs wider, thrusting her wet slit harder against my mouth, sighs and purrs, with pleasure, as I continue to lick her.

    "Are you sure you want to lick me, when I'm all wet with pee? You're actually drinking a lot of it!"

    "I love to lick you when you're all wet and warm. That's when you're the most sensitive, and you taste delicious!"

    "Glad you like it, so much! I'll tell you another secret, which might surprise you, if you haven't figured it out, by now. For most of my life, since I was in my teens, I have thought that peeing and wiping, while a guy watches me, is very intimate, sexy, and exciting. So I've been looking for a guy who would really like to have me share that intimacy, with him, for a very long time. I had no idea that you might be that guy!"

    "That's fantastic! I've been looking for a girl like you, all of my life!"

    "You talked like you were that guy, when I told you about my experience, in the bathroom, at the restaurant, tonight, but I didn't know if you really meant what you said, like "peeing is the sexiest thing a woman can do," for example. So I admit I've been testing you, and teasing you! And you passed!"

    "I wondered if you were checking out my interest, or teasing me, when you left the bathroom door halfway open, this afternoon!" (We hug, with her still sitting on the toilet.)

    "I was! We hadn't talked about it, at that point, and I wanted to know how you felt. Looks like you were telling me the truth, tonight. But you covered your interest so well, before that, even when I left the door halfway open, when I went, this afternoon! I thought you'd take that as an open invitation, which it was!"

    "But I found you on the other side of the room, looking at your map, when I came out of the bathroom! I thought you'd be near the bathroom door, trying to watch me pee or wipe, as best you could, since I left the door halfway open, and you must have been curious."

    "Or at the very least, I thought you might be listening, near the door, out of curiosity, since you've never heard or seen me pee, before! So, when you didn't do any of those things, I thought you weren't interested in my peeing, or it turned you off! So I was very disappointed! Could you tell?"

    "Not at all! Your peeing turned me on, so much, but I didn't know why you left the door halfway open! I was watching you, looking past the door, as best I could, and listening to your incredibly sexy hiss, and your stopping and starting, but I couldn't see your stream, from where I was. That was frustrating! I really wanted to watch you wipe, but I didn't want you to catch me, and  be scared, or disgusted, or have you think I was a "creep" or "perv," for watching and listening to you, while you were just trying to "go," before the drive, which is what I thought you wanted."

    "So when your hiss changed to a tinkle, sounding like you'd be finished soon, I moved to the other side of the room as fast as I could, very reluctantly, and grabbed my map, as a diversion. I didn't know how long it would take you to wipe, and it took you longer than I thought, so I guessed that you were pretty wet. Trying to visualize what parts of you got wet, was a big turn-on, for me!"

    "I was very wet, by that time, just like I am, now, after stopping and starting, so many times! That's why I was checking my legs for dribbles, in the mirror, when I came out of the bathroom."

    "I noticed that, and I thought it was very sexy! I was tempted to offer to check and wipe your legs, for you, like you asked me to do, later, at the restaurant!"

    "That would have gotten my attention, and I would have liked it, because you would have been taking good care of me! I don't think that being interested in how women pee is "creepy" or "perverted," at all! It's just satisfying natural curiosity, which I expected from you, because you've never been this close to me before! I thought you'd like to see how I do these intimate, private things, since we're together, now, and I want to share them with you. I think it brings us closer together."

    "Thank goodness you feel that way! I agree with you! I think it brings us a lot closer, too! But why didn't you tell me how you felt about your peeing, and that you didn't care much about privacy, at least with me? That's a surprise! Most women are much more secretive about their peeing, than you are!"

    "Well, a woman has to be very careful what kind of intimate information she shares with a guy. We women are very aware that guys talk about us, in great detail, among themselves, and we don't want to get a reputation as "wild," or "risqué," or even "gross," if they're turned off by something we confide in them, or let them see. I didn't know how you felt about women's peeing, or about mine, so I didn't dare tell you."

    She stands up again, to give me greater access to her thighs, slit, and bum. She pulls my face in tight, against her thighs and slit, which is still wet, then squeezes my face between her thighs, again.

    "My god, that feels so good! So much better than dry t.p.! Why don't you finish wiping me, so we can go to bed, and be more comfortable? I don't want to drip on the floor, or get the bed wet."

    "OK. You're delicious, but I'll wipe you, so you don't drip on the floor, or get the bed wet."

    I finish wiping her carefully, making sure her bum is dry, so she won't drip, or get the bed wet, but l leave a few dribbles on her lips and inner thighs, for me to lick, in bed. I grab a towel, and place it on the bed, before we finish getting undressed, and lie down. I kiss and lick her slit, inside and out, and finally bring her to a very intense orgasm, with my tongue feathering her clit, as she lies on the towel. She squirts her juices, including some pee, into my mouth, when she cums.

    "Oh my god! That was incredible!" she says, squeezing my face between her newly wet thighs, as she recovers.

    "It was incredible for me, too! Glad you liked it as much as I did!"

    "Did you really like it? I think I squirted a little pee in your mouth, when I had my orgasm. Did you notice?"

    "Yes! And I loved it! I would love to have had more!"

    "My god! You have no idea how happy and relieved I am, to hear you say that! That's probably the most intimate of my little secrets! That often happens, when I cum, so I always try to make sure I "go" before I have sex, so I won't pee a lot, and turn the guy off, by spraying him, or wetting the bed! But you actually like it! I want to keep you around!" (Wink and wicked grin.)

    She snuggles with me, our nude bodies intertwine, and she rubs her bare, wet pussy on my leg.

    "You won't mind sleeping with a naked woman, will you? I'm not going to put my panties back on."

    "Not at all! They're the best kind!"







    "Ellie" Part 3. What Might Have Been: A Romantic Dinner with a "Wet" Interlude.

    By Dr. P

    Summary: After our very intimate conversation, during our drive to the restaurant, we have a nice, romantic dinner, as described briefly, in Part 2. She completes it with a trip to the Ladies' room, followed by an extremely erotic, detailed account of the challenges faced by a woman trying to take a very urgent pee in a facility which is less than pristine. She shares the most intimate details of her experience with me, when she returns to our table. This incident expands our conversation into new and more intimate areas, and becomes an integral part of our story, leading to additional activities, to be detailed in a later part of this story.

    We have a very lovely, romantic dinner, with cocktails before, and wine during the meal. We are sitting side-by-side, in a booth, and I caress her smooth, bare legs, discreetly, under cover of her short, wrap-around denim skirt, and the table cloth. As we finish our dessert and coffee, she crosses her legs, trapping my hand between them, and pulls it in tight against her panties. Then she looks into my eyes, and confides to me,

    "I have to "go." Just keep your hand where it is for a minute, or two, and help me hold it! I'll tell you when to take it away, so I can stand up, and make it to the Ladies' room, without wetting myself!"

    "OK. I'll do anything I can to help you! Hope everything comes out OK," I reply. "Wish I could come along!"

    "Well, you can come along and help me find the Ladies' room! I have to go really bad! Your hand between my legs might get wet, if I don't get there soon!" she says, with a wink and a grin.

    "Ooh! I'd love that!" I grin and wink back.

    "Well I wouldn't! It would be embarrassing for me!"

    After waiting a few minutes, I feel her thighs relax, and she releases my hand, while her panties remain dry. She stands up, and takes my hand in hers.

    I ask a passing waitress, and she directs us to the nearby facilities.

    "I have to "go" too," I tell "Ellie," as we separate, in front of the Ladies' room.

    "Wait for me, afterward, and walk back to the booth with me," she replies.

    "Sure. Glad to. Are you sure that won't be embarrassing to you?"

    "Of course not! Why would I care what these people think? We're a couple, and it's perfectly natural for us to walk to and from the restroom, together. After all, you're not coming in with me!"

    "That's too bad! Wish I was!"

    "That wish may come true, sometime, but not this time!" (Wink and sly smile.)

    I meet her in front of the Ladies' room, after what seems like a long wait, and ask, "Did everything come out OK?" with my usual wicked grin.

    "Not exactly," she replies, in a hushed, confidential tone, directed into my ear, as we walk back to our booth.

    "For such a nice restaurant, the Ladies' room is not very clean. The seat was all wet, and so was the floor, so I didn't dare sit down! I had to "hover," and it sprayed all over, as you can imagine, from the little secret I told you, about me. I don't know how many times I had to stop and restart, because I had to "go" so bad, and that made it worse, because it sprays and sprinkles, every time I do that."

    We reach the booth, I slide into it first, while she remains standing and continues her story, in a hushed voice, close to my ear:

    "It started leaking, and running down my legs, while I was still standing up! I felt it sprinkling my legs, at first, and couldn't get it to stop! I had to hold my skirt up with one hand, and take my panties off, with the other. Not easy! And it was taking a lot of time! I couldn't wait, when I had to 'go' so bad! I was trying to take my panties off, while I was holding my skirt out of the way, because a lot was starting to come out! And I couldn't even start to squat, before it gushed down both of my legs, and ran all the way down to my ankles!"



    "When it finally stopped, my legs had dribbles all over them, so it took me a long time to wipe, and I still don't know if I got it all. Lucky my skirt and panties didn't get wet! Do you see any dribbles on my legs? Look at them in the back, when I turn around, OK? Can you check me out with your hand, now, and after I sit down?"

    "That will be a labor of love!" I reply, with a grin, catching her eyes.

    "Hope you enjoy it, but you have to do a good job! Don't miss anything!" She smiles back.

    "Trust me!" I reply.

    She steps away from the booth, twirls once, showing me the backs of her legs, then looks into my eyes, for my observations. After looking carefully at her legs, from my low vantage point, I reassure her, "You look dry, to me, and more beautiful than ever."

    "Thanks for looking. You're very sweet."

    "The pleasure was all mine," I reply, truthfully.

    Then she moves closer to the booth, and stands beside me, legs separated just enough to allow my hand between them. I run my hand discreetly up the backs and insides of her legs, from her calves to her thighs, staying below her panties, for discretion, under her skirt, checking her for wetness, or dribbles, but finding nothing. Then she slides into the booth, sitting very close to me, takes my hand, and puts it between her thighs, again, tight against her panties, under cover of her skirt and the table cloth.

    "I hope I'm dry!" she whispers, as she opens her legs to allow me to feel her inner thighs and panties, very carefully.

    "Your legs are OK, but your panties are a little damp, toward the back. Not enough to soak through your skirt, and show, though."

    "Yeah, I knew I squirted a little in my panties, when I discovered that I had to squat, and took them all the way off, so I could do it, in a big hurry, without getting them wet! I really had to "go!" I often drop them down to my ankles, if the floor is clean, but I couldn't do that, here. I knew it would spray, because I had to go so bad! If I don't have to "go" so bad, I can just pull them down to mid thigh, and let them stretch, between my legs."

    "Sounds like a big hassle! Wish I could have been there to help you with your skirt and panties, and anything else you needed!" I'd love to see you squat, when you do it. It sounds very sexy!"

    "I don't know if you'd like to see me do it when I have to squat! It can be awfully messy, like it was, this time! You might think it's gross, and messy, and a turn-off!"

    "No way! Not at all! The messier the better, for me!"

    "This time it ran down my legs, all the way to my ankles, as I said! I don't know if you'd want to see that! It doesn't happen very often, but this time, it was really bad!"


    "I can squat when I pee, but I don't do very well, standing up straight, with my legs too close together! At the very least, I have to spread my legs, so they don't get wet! Lucky I got my panties all the way off, because it gushed and sprayed, and ran down my legs, before I even had a chance to spread them, which usually helps! Lucky I didn't have hose on, or they would have been soaked with pee!"

    "Wish I could have been there to help you, and see that! I'd wipe all of it off of your legs, from your ankles, all the way up! I know it was a bad experience for you, and I hope you'll excuse me for saying this, but it sounds very sexy, to me!"

    "I didn't think it was sexy at all, just awfully messy, gross, and embarrassing! I wouldn't have wanted you to see me, with pee running down my legs, and leaving dribbles on them, because it might really turn you off!"

    "Not at all! I think I'd it find it incredibly sexy! To me, peeing is the sexiest thing a woman can do, and there's nothing sexier than seeing pee running down her lovely legs, and leaving dribbles on them!"

    "I'd love to watch you squat to pee, sometime, when you can spread your legs! Hope you'll show me how you do it! After you've told me all of this, I'm very curious about you, and really turned on!"

    "Well, I'll have to think about that, and get to know you better, before I let you see me do it that way. You haven't even seen me do it sitting down, yet, in any detail! Sometimes my legs, or the seat, get wet, even when I'm sitting down, and I don't know if that might turn you off. That's part of the reason I left the door half open, when I went, earlier this evening. I wanted to see your reaction. And I still don't have an answer to that!"

    She locks eyes with me, with a questioning expression.

    "Sorry I didn't give you a straight answer to your question, right up front! Your little demonstration, if that's what it was, was one of the most erotic scenes I've ever seen, and an incredible turn-on, for me! No chance for me to be turned off, by what I've already seen and heard from you, from a distance! I only wish I could have seen more, up close, and personal! But as I told you, I was afraid to walk in on you, or even ask, because you might think I'm some kind of pervert!"

    "I loved your sexy hiss, and the way you started and stopped, several times, when I heard you "go"! Do you always do that? I think that's very sexy, because it must spray, or gush, when you restart. I would love to see how you do that, if you'll show me. I couldn't see your stream, from where I was, and that was disappointing."

    "Yes, my loud hiss and the stopping and starting are caused by the same problem, and I do both, all the time. I had a pretty serious bladder infection some years ago, and it left some scar tissue inside of me, so I have to push a little bit harder to get my pee to come out. It sometimes stops my stream in the middle of my peeing, if I don't keep pushing, so I have to restart."

    "And you're right that it often sprays and sprinkles sort of unpredictably, when I restart. How did you guess that? I know I didn't tell you. So it can be a little bit messy, especially at times when I have to go really bad. But that's what toilet paper is for, so I don't worry about it much. It's a lot better than having surgery to fix it, which the doctor recommends."

    "I guessed that it sprays when you restart, because that's how it sounded, this evening, when I was listening to you."

    "That was a good guess! You must be very interested in how women pee, or at least in how I do it! The doctor said it's all caused by the scar tissue or adhesions, from the infection, in my case. The surgery and recovery recommended to fix my problem sounds nasty, and I don't want it, so I just live with it. It isn't much of a problem, and I'm glad you like it, and think it's sexy! I've never heard that, before! My pee still comes out as strongly as ever, but a little messier, and my hiss is a little louder than it used to be."

    "Yes, I'm very interested in how women pee, and especially how you do it! Seeing what parts of you get wet would add to the intimacy of watching you pee, if you'll let me. Very erotic, and a huge turn-on! Your hiss, your spray, and your starting and stopping, are incredibly sexy, over the top, for me!"

    "Glad you see it that way! That's not at all what I expected from you, and I'm very relieved and happy that you're so turned on by my little pee secrets!"

    We reach out to each other, side-by-side, in the booth, and hug and kiss, very affectionately. I pay the bill, and we walk back to my truck, hand in hand. We kiss passionately, and share a full body hug, leaning against the truck. We stop at another place for a drink and some dancing, to further set a romantic mood, on the way back to the hotel. She doesn't use the Ladies' room again, although she seems a little anxious, as we get in the truck, to go back to our hotel.

    Dr. P


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  19. @luv2watch, I had similar experiences, 30 or more years ago, but I noticed that times were changing, for the worse, unfortunately. Now, I appreciate the fact that  I was working during a very liberated and fun time. I looked forward to working every day, because of the opportunities for fun, flirtations, and risque conversations, which would probably not be possible, today.

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  20. @luv2watch,

    "The concept of watching old women pee is erotic because they grew up in a more repressed era when women were much more private and more easily embarrassed about peeing in front of men."

    I totally agree with you, on that. Having grown up in a more repressed era makes their preferred peeing styles very interesting, often more shy and modest. And their clothing may also influence their peeing styles, and make them even more erotic. (Classic nylon stockings, under skirts and dresses, etc.)

    "Although she is not on my " want to see pee list',, I sometimes wondered what would happen if we were talking in her apartment, and she excused herself to use the bathroom.  What if i sincerely said " You know, I would like to come watch you go if you don't mind'.  I think she might have allowed it."

    You may be right, but the risk to you is very high, as you point out, in your next paragraphs. If you ask directly, as you suggest, and the lady takes it badly, you can rest assured that the news of your "perverse" request will be known to all of the women in your apartment complex, at the speed of light, in addition to the other possible consequences that you point out.

    I am considerably older than you are, and I would suggest a more low key, indirect approach. You may be able to use sound as an ally. If you find yourself in a lady's apartment when she excuses herself to pee, try to situate yourself, very discreetly, so that you can hear her hiss and tinkle, then comment on it, very politely, and get her reaction,

    "Sounds like you really had to go bad. You must have been very uncomfortable!"

    If you're lucky, she may respond with some comment about her health, and how some health issue affects her peeing. You may be able to draw her out, and get her to elaborate. You have now broken the ice, and you may be able to ask her about her health issue, in future conversations. This can lead to more intimate conversations about how, when, and where she pees, and you may eventually be able to express your interest. But up to that point, you have not said or done anything to harass her. You've simply expressed an interest in her health, showing empathy.

    Believe it or not, there are some women out there, who are as interested in peeing as we are, but they are reluctant to admit their interests, because they fear the same consequences we do. So they may be much more inclined to reveal their interests in a low key, initially non-sexual conversation.

    Good luck!

    Dr. P


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