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Posts posted by Remi

  1. It probably would have caused me to never become interested in it above a certain extent therefore never choosing this as my outlet. Because a great part of the fascination and fun i get out of it stems from the fact that it is considered naughty, dirty and taboo.

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  2. When i plan to pee somewhere outside after going shopping or doing some errands therefore drinking a lot beforehand i sometimes miscalculate either my holding capability or the amount of water i drank. Which leads to me being desperate way before i should be and holding for way too long. Like in a fitting room trying on some stuff when the large amounts of water suddenly kick in. Having an outside pee in mind i stick to the plan and don't go to a toilet. But with the shop being in the middle of the fairly crowded city you have to look around finding the place you had in mind or anyplace for that matter while at the same time almost bursting trying to make no one notice.

    Strangely, when i have people around me the desperation weakens for a few moments just to come back much stronger after those people are out of sight. Which means there are a lot of those up and downs in a crowded tight inner city. A constant mix between 'oh fuck i have to pee soo bad' and beeing on the edge of wetting yourself while at the same time trying to cope with it as unconspiciously as you can as the urge to pee becomes stronger with almost every second.

    If you enjoy the holding process i can only recommend that 😄

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  3. A close call between sound and sight. Like seeing the puddle on the carpet grow larger or seeing some girl squatting between cars like in those voyeur vids and as her pee hits the ground you see it splashing everywhere. It contaminates a much larger area than just the puddle on the ground. Even if we dismiss the actual act...a nice large pee puddle with some splash marks is so hot to me. If i go on hard surfaces myself i always love seeing the splash marks surrounding the puddle and the little pee flows slowly flowing away from it so that i sometimes snap a picture. 

    But the sound of a hard pee stream hitting something is also very hot. Its always a nice bonus if a vid has good sound and even the sound itself, knowing what creates it and what the stream is hitting, is exciting to think about. Carpets and how the sound changes the wetter it gets, hard surfaces and even the sound of pee splashing into water.

    Its really close. Seeing the nice aftermath of some girl peeing behind something on a nightout after she just pulled her pants up a few moments ago and left versus walking by whatever she is peeing behind not being able to stop and look unconspiciously but clearly hearing her piss hit the ground? Almost too close to call.

    Changed my vote a few times, could be both really.

    The other ones are harder to grasp for me and even if they can be exciting given the right context they don't come close. Taste, not so much for me. Touch...when you feel the warmth of it, your own or someone elses maybe, can be exciting but more as an addition. Never had someone pee on me though so maybe there could be more excitement to it than i think now.

    Smell...given the right context. For example in a naughty aspect i like the thought, and i think i once succeeded in reality, of peeing in a place so often that it starts to smell a bit like pee. Scenting, the next level marking. And if a girl tells me she always pees on some concrete stairs behind a building after partying and i walk past those one day and smell pee...i'd be turned on much more i bet.

    Tldr: Sight followed by sound. Or maybe the other way around 😜

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  4. All the time but pretty inconsistent.  Sometimes i can go over a week without any forcing desire for it even though i'm regularly checking the usual sites. Probably to not miss anything good. But it just doesn't sit right at those times.

    Some other times i can't get enough, i pee outside way more often and i engage online a bit more and actually have to curb my enthusiasm to not go around and share stuff like pics that i know i would later regret especially when i hit a third phase which is just being ashamed and contemplating of everything.

    I guess that to some extend those mood swings are 'normal' and depend on your general mood and what else is going on in ones life. How often you get off is probably a factor too, when you get off several days in a row or even more than once in a day you might lose some of that sparkling desire for a while, at least thats how it is with me. But seems logical. Pizza is great too but after eating it for 7 days a week you just don't crave it as much for a certain time.

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  5. If you want to be sublime just tell him when he is peeing outside for example that that 'somehow' really turned you on. See how he reacts. If he is not completely dismissive you should ask him if its okay to explore this a little bit more.

    Or maybe when you are out drinking together you could try to convince him to pee somewhere you would find hot. Make it a bet maybe 'hey i'm sure you don't get yourself around to pee infront of this [whatever place is nearby].

    If your partner is pretty straight forward with stuff like this you might be aswell. "Hey i'd like you to pee on certain things for me. I think its hot" 

    Worth the try.

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  6. Peeing on clothes, in cupboards, against walls for her to practice aiming forward.

    From a table onto the floor, trying to pee over the table onto a chair or whatever is on the opposite side. Pee against a window.

    It all comes down to what is available. A garage, a basement or a balcony will give you more opportunities of course.

    Anyways have fun, sounds like a great thing!

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  7. Back then those youtube style video platforms pretty much introduced me to peeing videos. Couldn't buy videos at that time due to age and didn't really overlook what platforms where out there but youtube delivered. After i got around how it worked i would upload some private pee vids i got from over the net for the purpose of sharing those with selected users who would share theirs in return. So i finally got the vids to those thumbnails. One user was always sending video recommendations to your youtube inbox, like a youtube peeing newsletter with the newest pee videos from youtube. It always bugged me when i missed a few days and after finally going through those i'd find some of them with promising titles like 'street peeing' to be already deleted.

    So those channels where my favourites. The newsletter one was something with 'maximus', one channel was called 'varanacam' and there were some others with good stuff.

    Outside of those private vids there was one channel of a girl who was uploading vids of her peeing standing up into a toilet. Almost standing above it, but one time i think she was standing right on the lid. Always filmed from her point of view so all you could see was her legs and feet but that was a good view. Don't remember the channel name though.

  8. 17 hours ago, Nia said:

    I agree, it’s always a mental battle! Like should I? Should I really? Although usually for me I end up walking away unless all the odds are in my favor. I like it to be dark and fairly unpopulated, despite that most of the adrenaline comes from the idea of peeing in public in broad daylight when anyone could see.

    I also oftentimes have to cancel my plans to pee at the place i have been thinking about for whatever reason but then i rather choose another place instead of just walking around desperate. I often end up in dark uncrowded places aswell. Because despite me doing it regularly and enjoying the excitement i really dislike being watched by strangers even though the thought of it seems very exciting and i secretly would love to be able to just go right away with no fks given, but its hard to get yourself to act so carelessly in public. Its a fine line and a bit contradicting sometimes. I can completely relate to your thoughts.

    I have been 'caught' or seen a few times while peeing in public and at the very first moment it was always embarrasing for me but that usually just lasts for that very moment if not for any special circumstances. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Nia said:

    ...but that doesn’t help the thrill I get from doing or thinking about it. The fear of getting caught, the borderline exhibitionism, and the underlying vulgarity of it can be exhilarating.

    This right there sums it up very well.

    The first thoughts that struck you when you feel the need to pee...to finding a nice place, to those contemplating moments where you think to yourself "should i?" My answer is mostly "yes" 😄

    So i actually enjoy both fantasizing about it, in private or when walking around being aware of my surroundings... "That set of stairs would be nice to pee on". Aswell as participating in the act as mentioned. Sometimes more, sometimes less but still quite often i think. And in those lesser times it is sometimes more of a necessity that turns into/is fun but when i am really in the mood i try to look for possibilities and i purposefully do things that will lead to, sometimes desperate, situations like skipping going to the toilet before leaving somewhere or just drinking more. Just so that i can go outside later on.

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  10. Try the 'Soul' browser. Depending on the device you are using it should work. It gives you a download button everytime there is a video. The video above worked fine and except for youtube i can download almost anything. Even vids from private messages etc..

  11. I know a mid size to large apartment building, due to a friend that knows someone there, that you could...gain access to.

    In recent times i was occassionally hanging out close to there after going out eating etc. To make it short:

    When i was inside i looked for a place while my friend was away. Going down the stairs that lead to the garages and some basement cabins there is a kind of doormat. Right infront of the stairs. Usually that is my go to spot. Besides one time when i peed just a little in a corner next to the elevator. I do contemplate often though but when i decide to go I pee right on the mat which lookes thin and rocked but soaks it all up which is amazing kind of. The last time i was peeing on it for almost 40 seconds. Contemplating and sometimes having mixed feelings about it but when doing it it feels great especially considering i usually have to pee pretty bad. Pretty exciting as i tend to hear sounds that could be cars going into the garage and someone might open the door to the garage or walk up on me from the main door one level above. Your senses are sharpened while doing so. I do have vids and pics but on another device, i'm not sure about posting those publicly anyways.

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  12. Every floor thats hard surface.

    In a drawer is also a good option. If you fear that it will take damage you could cover it with plastic wrap or something similar inside beforehand so nothing will leak out. Once you are in a naughty mood and need to pee you just open the drawer, pee in it and close it without worrying about cleaning up right away cause the provisional cover will protect it from soaking up the pee or leaking. Meaning you can use the time for yourself enjoying the presence of your naughty mess for a while. 😉

    Depending on how your house is set up and where your area is you could pee out of the window. 

    Pee in the washing mashine or on your dirty clothes before you wash them. If you don't wash them yourself you can still pee on them but wash them with water afterwards before you put those in the laundry.

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  13. I sometimes had them in the past. But not often let alone regular.

    Either involved me peeing, me and others having to pee or just a group of 'friends' going for a pee. One time i was with a group and i vaguely remember that we rang the door of a strange lady cause one girl had to pee but using the toilet there was deemed too creepy. All i know is that it ended with a few girls heavily peeing on the street of this residential complex.

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  14. There are a few...

    17 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

    I also have a foot fetish. My very attractive piano teacher, who I have mentioned a few times before, is Eastern European and likes to be barefoot at home. He also has a pretty relaxed attitude about where he puts his feet. 

    I have a strong affection for feet aswell. I don't know if fetish is the right term to describe it for me. I don't necessarily need them to get rubbed in my face or smell on them. Just candid. I find it to be very attractive when a girl has pretty feet. And i love when they wear sneakers or flip flips or something like that. Not a high heels person! I also love seeing girls in socks. Those cute short socks or socks in general. Maybe because since a young age i always considered feet to be something more private. You wouldn't normally see a girls feet or her just wearing socks. That's what made it so special if you could peek a look. Unlike hands which you can see all the time, though if they are pretty they are also very attractive.

    And one thing you also mentioned: where they put their feet. I like this attitude when they put their feet up, some girls do it all the time. At home on the table when watching netflix for example. It's a bit feisty and i love it. One related story: we, a group of 2 boys and 2 girls from work, decided to go somewhere for a trip and i was the driver. Afterwards on the way to drive everyone home we stopped at a McD. The girls, who were pretty small, were in the back and one of them (<3) who was behind the passenger seat slid down almost laying there with at least one of her shoes up pressing against the back of the passenger seat. Found it way cute to be honest and it fitted her sometimes a little feisty personality.



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  15. I am also kind of like this. It got better over time but i still just don't fancy it for the most part. Also depending on the kind of people around you and the circumstances at that time it may come easier, harder or maybe even a little arousing. When the whole group does the same it may come easier. If i'd be with a girl for example it would be nice to know that she knows what i'm doing or probably even look or comment on it. After clubbing where everyone is kind of easy going it would be easier aswell. Gotta be the right situation.

    I also like the idea of a group of drunk girls walking by as they'd probably be the most encouraging or have the best remarks about the situation.

    So find yourself the people you are most comfortable with or maybe some that would make it a little arousing. Then start slowly. Don't hide behind the bush or tree completely. Do it in a way that allows the person(s) to see you while at the same time you're still not being exposed in front of them. Facing towards them. Tell them what you are going to do. "Hey guys i gotta go have a lil' pee break! I'll be back in a minute." And come to terms with the fact that basically most people have done the same one way or another. Especially in the woods. 

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  16. On New years 2 years back i drove with friends to a city in a beloved neighbor country of Belgium. So when we were walking around i had to pee so bad but there were people everywhere as it was just a few hours before the new year. So we grabed some food first. There was a snack bar with a roof over it where you could order your food and there were rooms with tables next to it on each side. I thought they must have a place to pee. But as we entered i did see no sign. Just a door at the back of the room where casually some people went in. Boys and girls. So after a while i thought well lets see if thats where the restrooms are.

    Well, this was the ONE restroom despite having no sign if it was for mens or womens. When you entered you had a sink in front of you, a urinal a few feet to the left which was broken and closed off with some tape and occasionally leaking huge amounts of water or whatever it was onto the already wet floor over there. And on the right side was a door. And there was somebody in it. You could hear it. Not just the peeing but also the use of the toilet paper when it was rolled off. So i was standing there waiting and wondering about this whole place and if it was intended to be a unisex toilet as i could swear i saw girls going in earlier i was contemplating to just pee on the floor there but somebody could have walked in anytime. Suddenly the door of the toilet 'stall', which was more of a room, opened and out came a young petite brunette, probably in her early 20s. I made way for her and we nodded at each other while i went into the room with the toilet she was in before. 

    This was kind of strange but also kind of cool to just have a restroom for everybody. Where you can go pee into your urinal (if it works that is) and at the same time hear your lady peeing almost behind you. Never have i seen a restroom like this and i doubt it was intended to be like this. Maybe in the other room of the snack bar you could access the intended ladies room. I don't know., no signs anywhere. I just know a lot of people from this forum would have enjoyed this extending their stay and the amount of cash spent on drinks...talk about marketing 😂


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  17. Probably the excitement of trying not to get caught while at the same time making it obvious of what happened. Maybe as some sort of silly juvenile outlet that allows me to embrace a 'fuck it' attitude. Since peeing always had something dirty to it for me and from early on doing it somewhere other than a toilet was something 'you just don't do' and kind of a bit gross in my own mind so that made this path all more exciting for me to explore.

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