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Posts posted by Remi

  1. 6 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    For now, I have pissed on everything that you can imagine, on the floor of public buildings, on peoples stuff (mostly parked bicycles) peeing don from stair flights, on leftlats, on sofas in restaurants, train stations and forniture stores, onto someone's car and clothes hanging do dry up, but nothing irreversible. Never pissed into someone's fish bowl Killing them, to be more clear. Only pots, for now.


    Some detailed background on those things would be amazing, the bicycles, the car, furniture, clothes......i gotta say that is all pretty awesome. I like the kind of spiritual insight or reflection you guys have on this. You are an enrichement to this place.

    To be honest, for myself i somehow see it as a curse to get turned on by girls naughty peeing.

  2. Be confident in yourself. There is no such thing as 'nobody will like it', there will always be guys or girls enjoying it. Especially on this place when it comes to a lady peeing :D And you'll probably like your own stuff too.

    As for successfully filming it depends on a few things. Use the light on your phone but be aware that in darkness you can be seen from quite a distance. Try to find a place to lean your camera/phone against so you won't have to hold it with one hand and you can actually see more. Filming a wetting from your point of view with a cam in one hand makes it much harder to give a good view of whats happening i guess(i'm no expert in wetting). If you are not sure if you are in perfect view set up the camera and take a little test run: start filming and try to find the position that gives a good view. Check it and if it's alright go for it. Check the memory and the battery on your phone to ensure you can actually film. As i sometimes film myself peeing in different scenarios i've learned those things with the battery and memory the hard way...sucks when everything went just as you planned while fulfilling a request just to find out that the camera stopped recording before it even really began.

    Have fun with it and feel free to express yourself on here, give details and share your passion. I'm sure it will be appreciated on here, i definitely will! :)

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  3. Around 13. Posted my first experiences somewhere on here, mostly peeing in the basement of an apartment building. It was probably the thrill of doing something that is forbidden / taboo and is considered disgusting that made me enjoy it.

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  4. On 14.11.2017 at 9:45 PM, spywareonya said:

    SillyMe and Remy, hi!  ihihihi yes that would have been  problem but the walls were very steady therefore I had no fear of that. What I was a bit concerned about was the actual sound of my stream, I'm not that noisy (remember? High class bitch!) but when it's powerful as it was that night it can be heard if somebody walks along...

    imagine the situation:

    Hi guys what are you doing with all your ass out on this flower pot?

    oh, ehm, nothing, just saw this plant was thirsty and hoped to perform our daily good deed...


    Haha! It's amazing how loud taking a piss can be when it's quiet around AND you don't want to get caught. Your post makes me want to find myself a potted plant for some fun.


    On 15.11.2017 at 1:40 PM, naughty_rosie said:

    I've peed on the plants or flowers both indoor and outdoor many time haha.

    Feel free to share the stories on here if you'd like :)

  5. I recently started to pay for this even though i was contemplating if i should because there is a lot of free (... leaked) stuff and secondly this can be a neverending story because there are quite a few sites and it can be quite costly so you gotta know what you are really looking for. I'm only on mdh (but i never use a c-card but rather pre paid cards for online shopping), prices are reasonable for the most part and content grows day by day.

    When it comes to naughty and outdoor peeing there some videos that just can't be found on the net for free so you gotta go through the pain of paying for it. And i like it amateurish/ candid most so i'm buying quite some stuff from girls who still have this amateur vibe. Some other stuff looks good but is quite pricey, like the videos of Candie Cane who is now on mdh also. 

    Besides that there is a tumblr blog where you can obtain a lifetime snapchat subscription for an amazon gift card. When she is getting back on i'm going for that too.

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  6. Actually been in the cinema two days ago and before the movie started i was thinking about your story and how it would flow there.:26_nerd: My pee science conclusion: Depending on the angle of the stream it would either soak the carpet right where you are or soak the back of the seat infront as the seating rows are arranged in steps like in a football stadium with the back of the seats having direct contact to the floor of the row above. If that makes sense?

  7. Recently i tried to pee using different "girl techniques" like squatting or sitting and pulling the pants down just enough to pee. I got to say, it is pretty difficult to not splash your shoes and pants in the process. Let alone it is far more difficult to go unnoticed because your rear is always exposed. I can imagine that as a girl it is no fun if you really have to go and there are people all around.

    So this is my puddle using the sitting technique. You can see the typical splash free areas. Just add some tissue to it...et voilà you got yourself a girl puddle. :8_laughing:


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  8. Wow that is great. I guess  i wouldn't be able to form a clear thought let alone concentrate on the movie if i saw a girl besides me doing this.

    "How was the movie?" 

    "Ehhhh what movie?" 

    "The one you've been in just now!"

    "....naughty wet and sexy.....with a long stream..:34_rolling_eyes:"



    20 hours ago, Sephora said:

    All i can say, there was a lot and i feel bad for the person that needs to clean up..  Next time have emergency lights working!!!!

    Aren't the cinemas over there carpented? Here they are and after it dries up no one will notice. Even if they are not, by the amount of spilled drinks etc no one will think it's pee because an act like this is somehow beyond many peoples imagination i would guess.

    But maybe you are notorious in that area for flooding places and the cleaner will be standing there like : "Oh fuck, HER again, on my shift.." :24_stuck_out_tongue:

  9. It depends on many things like the kind of sickness or the parasite/bug  i guess.. The presence of blood or vaginal fluid in urine increases the risk of infection for example.

    Here are some english articles i found:




    Basically it is less risky than other sexual acts though some diseases can indeed be transmitted through it. If it's just a little cold a good hydration will minimize the risk. If you got any questions regarding specific sicknesses or things you should look out for one of those places online where you can ask medical professionals or you just call a doctor.

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  10. Indeed it's not fair as there seem to be much more urinals for men than there are for women. Besides that my wild guess is that most women would rather have real closed toilets than those open urinals where you are forced to expose everything to the people around. I understand that's not a comfortable situation for girls who usually have more difficulties to find a place to pee discreetly anyways. Give them real toilets, the space needed is roughly the same.

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  11. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/20/dutch-sexism-row-woman-fined-urinating-public/


    Long story short: Women was fined for peeing in public and a protest was set up inviting women to gather and pee in those public urinals or in public. But due to huge interest of women wanting to participate it had to be cancelled sadly. Now women shall take their protest to social networks with the hashtag #wildplassen.



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  12. I. What is your favourite peeing fantasy?

    If i think about it.....probably spending the day with a nice girl who is aware of this kink or even has it herself. Shopping, cinema or whatever you can imagine....and she would always look out for some naughty places to pee. For her fun, for pleasing me.....naughty peeing all day long and i'm the one watching and standing guard.

    2. What is your hottest real life peeing experience?

    The hottest and craziest is probably the girl relieving herself on the bus seat during carnival. (i posted a thread about it)

    3. What is your main area of interest with the pee fetish

    Girls peeing in naughty places or outdoor or on things. It does not matter if they do it because they really need to go and can't make it otherwise, if they do it for fun or for their own arousal. It all has something egoistic about it, a strong i-don't-give-a-fuck attitude. Which is hot.

    4. Briefly describe the first pee porn you can remember seeing.

    The first explicit pee porn i discovered (some youtube stuff might have been there earlier for me, i don't remember what came first) was actually the site of Rebekah Dee. There were some other girls featured but it was mostly her i think. I was too young to buy it and didn't have a CC anyways but reading the video descriptions along with the preview pictures of those videos was already enough to give me a good time.

    5. If you could choose any one - but only one - celebrity to either watch peeing or be peed on by, who would you choose?

    I am not someone who is into worshipping any stars and i am probably forgetting someone. All i can think of now is german singer Lena Meyer-Landrut, she is cute.

    6. Where is the naughtiest place you personally have ever peed?

    In the basement of an apartment building through my teens.

    7. Have you ever peed on or in someone else's property? And was it for pleasure or out of necessity?

    Also in my teens in the basement of that 8 party apartment building. Peed on various items in a deposit room for stuff people didn't need anymore or that was too huge to store otherwise. And in a compartment down there, right onto some cupboard a few times, but only a little bit each time, too scared for a full release. They asked around if someone knew who spilled something into their compartment, they never really said anything about pee i think. As i wasn't the only one around my age in that building, including their own spawn, and i never knew anything the case was closed :D Needless to say it was all pleasure.

    8. What is the hottest pee scene you have ever seen on mainstream TV or in a mainstream film.

    I can hardly think of any right now so a rating is hard. One scene though is on my mind, it's from the movie 'Doc Hollywood' where the girl is driving through the forest with M.J.Fox and discovers that there are hunters around. So she squats down in several spots to mark the territory and keep the deer away with her scent in order to safe them from the hunters and she encourages him to pee there too i think. Probably forgetting some good scenes.

    (something interesting in that matter: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls002068915/)

    9. Describe your favourite porn scene.

    With so much choice i can't really have an all time favourite. So i'll mention a recent highlight even though it's an older video on mdh (from fraeuleinjones) where two girls walk through the forest to someones empty tent and they pee on it. One of them pees for over a minute, forming a little lake, and when you think she is about to stop she starts peeing again.

    10. Have you ever given or received a golden shower?

    No, not really.

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  13. On 8.9.2017 at 4:06 AM, Sephora said:

    Remi, does my pic look anything like ice tea to you??   lolol   But why not lemonade, then again people don't drink much lemonade anymore so the container would never be touched. LOLOL

    You might be too well hydrated to pee regular ice tea :6_smile: but that was just generally speaking. And you almost got the color of something called 'Fuze Ice Tea Mango Chamomile' right.

    And with all those fancy new flavours and reinventions existing you may never know....just add some sugar to it and i bet some people might drink it and think that it's legit ice tea. Not really a fan of ice tea and i never had sugered pee before so that might just be complete bs right there :6_smile:

  14. Nice and naughty, the unsuspecting owner will never know :6_smile:

    I wonder if that's a way to keep people from stealing other peoples drinks and food out of the fridge: Pee in a bottle and label it 'ice tea'....i guess the thief who drinks that will never ever take something that doesn't belong to him again.

    Sadly though i just had a pee otherwise i would have posted a picture.

  15. If we are talking about stuff you have to pay for i go with mydirtyhobby. There is a huge pee category with a lot of different amateurs creating content. New videos daily. And all niches are covered: wetting, golden showers and of course some pretty naughty and public stuff. So everyone will find something there.

    Since i like it being more candid and there are a lot of real AMATEURS who post videos there (and enjoy it) it's my place to go. Of course some girls who hardly count as amateurs anymore upload there too but it still has a very amateurish feel to it. And the quality of most videos is pretty good.

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  16. Amazing story and well written, thanks for sharing this. Isn't it hard for a girl to aim downwards with the butt hanging out of a window? I'd figure if you pee out of your window your stream would most likely hit the building down below.

    I have to say, i'd love to live a floor under someone like you! It's like 3 wishes fulfilled at once: i'd get turned on, the windows would get washed every now and then and the garden supplied with nutrition hehe!

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