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Posts posted by Remi

  1. I love this, very good. I admire your courage, i would most likely not have the guts to do so even though i often thought about it as i could probably gain access to a building with an empty carpeted office.

    Was it a long process of getting that bold the more naughty peeings you did or were you always somehow more fearless than most?

  2. #1: Look for a relatively private place and once i'd see one i'd tell her "just go over there if you can't hold it, i'll cover you. Just try to not pee on me 😉 " Wouldn't mind but you gotta be discreet...


    2#: "Don't you have to pee from that large drink? That would be too much even for me i guess." Depending on the response i'd 'jokingly' tell her in a very 'dry' (ha....ha) way: "Just pee on the floor so you don't miss anything", really making sure it comes across as joke and even though she most definitely wouldn't do it the remark from her or the chat that emerges about the topic would be enough for me.


    3#: Depends very much on the relationship status and the character of said person. With the crush i have in mind, if it ever comes that far, it could be something like: "Yea just pee on me you wanted to do that forever now anyways hahaha" as she has some hard to describe young spirited innocent feistyness and would joke along. But also mayyyyyybe up to it by a little chance, idk.


    #4: Guessing the scenario takes place on a highway...Either offer her to drive as close to the side of the road as possible and let her pee next to the car with the open doors blocking the view a bit. Or better yet if thats too public for her with all the cars around i'd suggest her to just pee out of the car sitting in her seat with the doors open while standing on the side. Telling her she makes my car become a fire truck and next time there is a fire somewhere i'd attach her to the roof of the car and let her do her thing pissing it out. Always joking about it to keep the topic alive to enjoy it. Option 3 would be finding something for her to pee in if that is available like a bag or bottle. "I just hope you can aim, pretty please 😉 " "And please don't piss in my seats" I'd discreetly melk the topic as good as i could.

    #5: I'd probably try to get her outside covering her wet spot as good as i can. "No problem, it's all ok. We got this" Then i'd just carry her in a way that her legs are wrapped around my hips, her wet crotch is hidden by stomach which it is beeing pushed against and my hands grabbing her by her bum to carry her and therefore covering it also as good as i can while we look into each others eyes. Outside i'd get her something to dry herself and comforting her by telling embarrassing stories of myself "it happens, no need to be embarrassed sweetie! No one noticed". After i comforted her like that i'd jokingly ask her if she needed more relief in the parking lot or if everything leaked on the restaurant floor, her pants and my shirt which for sure will be soaked frontside. "Haha you left your pee everywhere like a trail. And i got your pee on me, next time i'm going to pee on YOUR shirt hehe" I'd tease her a tiny bit and but would for sure be turned on beyond belief...

    #6 "Ok you are bursting but i am too. So here is the deal: One goes in the bathtub, the other on the toilet, you can choose! I definitely can't wait until you are done, sometimes it's like you are painting your nails, it takes forever"  

    The dialog could continue like this...... She: "I don't take too long" Me: " Maybe you enjoy sitting on the toilet too much, i can get you one for the living room to sit on while watching TV"

    Bonus is you would see and hear her pee. Depending on how long she takes or how little she pees you could mock her: "Thats all you got, all that drama for a little spurt??" "Wow how can such a flood come out of such a little person" Or you challenge her on who finishes first etc...you could make that pee thing a topic without it feeling unnatural or forced for her and you could easily revisit that ropic occasionally in the future...


    Nice topic, i enjoyed playing those scenarios through in my head!

  3. I never measured it precisely, only with the help of drinking bottles and i guess its about 700ml to 900ml. But the absolute max might be higher as there were occassions when i was more desperate.

    Even though that feeling can sometimes be misleading as i sometimes feel desperate only to be 'disappointed' by the amount. I can drink a fair amount before having to go though, could spend all day at school without going once. But after i have been really desperate for a while and finally relieved myself i need to go way more often for the next 2 hours or so. 

  4. On 1/7/2019 at 2:23 PM, ftmpisssecret said:

    i did "V" last night, and used my piss to mark..... Vampire Erotica! i have a book that is really poorly-written erotica centered around vampires (obviously) and so while reading it last night, i needed to pee. what better way to spice up a boring book than to add some gold? 😋 i only pissed in it a little bit, but i'm thinking i may come back and "use" it some more later. it was very hot seeing my yellow piss run along the center of the book before soaking into the pages. i filled up a few chapters, and got a video! i'll post it later.

    i have a few ideas for "S"... should i piss on/in socks, shoes, a shoebox, sand, soil, the sink, or a different s-word all together? love to hear your thoughts

    I like the idea of socks or shoes. Peeing in socks like they are a filter or something. Great thread, i like the concept of it!!

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  5. Go to the basement if you have access. Even in apartment buildings these aren't frequented too much. If you are lucky there is someones old disposal that you can pee on.

    Outside it depends on where you are located, city, countryside etc...try something less risky like a forrest to get used to it and lose some eventual pee shyness. Work your way up and see where your comfort zone ends. No need to push it. I was such a sissy, even peeing in the basement made me nervous even though there were only like 8 families/ parties per apartment building and i did it mostly at night or evening. Got used to it but i am still pee shy and often stroll around my choosen spot outside to make sure no one is going to suprise me. Better safe than sorry. Keep your eyes open for interessting spots to pee during the day and come back in the evening or the night when possible.

    Lastly set yourself up for challenges. Find a wall and see how high you can get. Try an empty parking lot or some sidewalk and see how far you can go. Try different ways of peeing: Squat down like a girl, maybe lean your butt against something while doing so (watch your shoes, faking a "girls puddle" is splashy😜), try sitting down on the floor and spread your legs...try writing something in the snow or some surface where wet spots will be visible. Find some of those urinals that have a sensor to flush automatically when a person steps back and try to pee in it without activating the flush. Maybe find some secluded place like some outside stairs leading to a basement or something where it doesn't smell and pee there until it starts to smell like pee so you know it is your "achievement" haha.

    If you'd like to rewind your actions you can also record it, first person or set up the cam somewhere. But be careful with the data, you don't want anyone finding those videos or pictures so if you aren't sure about someone else looking through your devices don't do it.

    Good luck, have fun and share some stories on here if you'd like! 🙂

  6. You are not gay when you clean your butt - you are just clean.

    You are not gay when you shave yourself more than just on your face, meaning your butt, chest, legs or whatever - you are just....less hairy

    You are not gay when you wear fancy dresses and act flamboyant - you are just flamboyant with a passion for fancy clothes.

    When you are attracted to other men, that's when you are gay.

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  7. Tried, once a bit into a pair of jeans that was broken anyways. Second time in a bottle but i found that it was too loud to continue as there was only a curtain and people/workers very close minding their business. Plus the curtain wasn't going all down to the floor so if i'd miss or dribble more than i already had, even if it was just on myself/ clothes i still feared someone could notice. The thought of just carelessly soaking the mirror, clothes or whatever else is nice but i can't bring myself to do it so i'll stick to watching videos of it, preferably with girls.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Timthek said:

    Good idea!

    I also found some old towels in the shed whilst looking for something, and i thought i could use those and hide them in a garbage bag in my room. No one will care if those towels are gone. Also when I've peed on them, I will wash them with hot water and a bit of soap so they won't smell too bad. This sound like a good idea?


    Water and some soap are good. But try to dry those as much as possible before putting those in a bag and don't close the bag otherwise the moisture has no where to go and those towels will start to smell.

    Have fun!

  9. 7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    But I also needed to take a leak so I tought "Let's christen this beauty!!!":17_heart_eyes:

    WOW, that's beyond great! I like your way of thinking haha.

    Thanks for sharing those pictures, it's always a great pleasure!! Good to see you back!

    10 hours ago, Sephora said:

    So I asked this question to everyone, Where would you see me pee?

    Basically everywhere but the toilet :')

    • Thanks 1
  10. Besides the places mentioned either here or by yourself at some point (which is basically everywhere :D) i can't really think of something right now. When i can think of some places or positions i'll let you know.

    Just have to say, this is pretty awesome, thanks a lot!!

    Oh yea, voting for you: done!

  11. On 21.11.2017 at 10:08 PM, spywareonya said:



    :50_open_mouth: pure awesomeness! That is all so amazing, probably even the ones you don't consider to be. Standing spraying things and leaving pee just everywhere (and on whatever hehe) you can imagine no matter what...wow. I can hardly put into words how great i think this is. You could totally have your own pee diary. 

    As for it being a curse i think it's because it is something rare and unaccepted. Stories of girls peeing naughty are quite scarce in comparison, even more so the girls that openly admit to do it or get a kick out of it. For example when you go out clubbing and you see girls heading for a spot to pee most people probably don't actually care about it but with this kink you can't stop thinking about it. They maybe just like 'we just peed' and the case is closed but my mind is like: "where? how? tell me more tell me more!". Or seeing social media pictures online...your mind always wants some background, wondering how it all went along. So you get teased a lot. You don't just go and ask girls "Hey, you want to pee in a naughty place for me?" It's kinda like a nomad in the desert who desperately wants to go ice skating because he saw it in a picture.

    So with all that said....THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Thanks for sharing your stories and for coping with those questions and answering those. It is very much appreciated, no need for you to ask for forgiveness. I should rather ask for forgiveness for asking so many questions. As you said, for you it is the normal everyday lifestyle and nothing special anymore (which is amazing in itself!) but for me every little story is a win, even those you might not consider worthy. So again, thanks a lot for sharing your experiences here and for giving us some insight.

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  12. 6 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    For now, I have pissed on everything that you can imagine, on the floor of public buildings, on peoples stuff (mostly parked bicycles) peeing don from stair flights, on leftlats, on sofas in restaurants, train stations and forniture stores, onto someone's car and clothes hanging do dry up, but nothing irreversible. Never pissed into someone's fish bowl Killing them, to be more clear. Only pots, for now.


    Some detailed background on those things would be amazing, the bicycles, the car, furniture, clothes......i gotta say that is all pretty awesome. I like the kind of spiritual insight or reflection you guys have on this. You are an enrichement to this place.

    To be honest, for myself i somehow see it as a curse to get turned on by girls naughty peeing.

  13. Be confident in yourself. There is no such thing as 'nobody will like it', there will always be guys or girls enjoying it. Especially on this place when it comes to a lady peeing :D And you'll probably like your own stuff too.

    As for successfully filming it depends on a few things. Use the light on your phone but be aware that in darkness you can be seen from quite a distance. Try to find a place to lean your camera/phone against so you won't have to hold it with one hand and you can actually see more. Filming a wetting from your point of view with a cam in one hand makes it much harder to give a good view of whats happening i guess(i'm no expert in wetting). If you are not sure if you are in perfect view set up the camera and take a little test run: start filming and try to find the position that gives a good view. Check it and if it's alright go for it. Check the memory and the battery on your phone to ensure you can actually film. As i sometimes film myself peeing in different scenarios i've learned those things with the battery and memory the hard way...sucks when everything went just as you planned while fulfilling a request just to find out that the camera stopped recording before it even really began.

    Have fun with it and feel free to express yourself on here, give details and share your passion. I'm sure it will be appreciated on here, i definitely will! :)

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