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Posts posted by Remi

  1. 48 minutes ago, Fanny said:

    Officially you will get a fine when the police catches you in the act. 
    The amount depends on a lot of factors. It ranges from 50 to 350

    Thanks for the explanation. I wasn't sure how they handle things there. When the occasion arised in a crowded city i somehow didn't want to try my luck that day 😅 

  2. Hello there!

    I often wonder how strict it is in Belgium concerning public peeing and if the people would care enough to make a deal out of it?

    Overall the people there seem to be more laid back than in germany. Everything is more 'easy going', at least that what it always seemed to me. 

  3. 1. Do you feel, act, and look your age? Can people guess your age? 

    I often 'feel' no different than i did with 18. Some worries and perspectives have changed but overall i feel the same though i sometimes think that just means i am stuck.  The acting your age thing is something i think i often fail at and will continue to fail at in the future, at least when i think back to how i imagined my own future and how it should be when i was a kidd. And this is something i get reminded of regularly when i catch me comparing myself to other people or rediscover those that i used to know from the past like classmates etc...maybe its more than just about the acting but something is off with me in my opinion. Then again, what does acting your age really mean? Who is to say how one should act at any given age? I take responsibilities when necessary, i make irrational decisions more often than not, i try to radiate positivity even when i don't feel like it and i am able to take things not so seriously...but thats just me and not my age. Sure, times are changing you and you gain experience that in the best case help you to find your path in life without too many distractions while you try to stay true to yourself as best as possible.

    About the looks, some people guess that i'm younger. Highly depends if i wear a 5 o'clock shuffle or if i'm shaved. Freshly shaved and wearing the right clothes i occasionally had to show my ID when buying stuff 18+ in the recent years (i'm talking stuff like action movies).

    2. What was your favourite age (mine was 12….cruising the streets on my bike in the 80s and playing Atari)

    Definitely teenage years. Around 13, 14, 15. At that age you don't worry so much and are more carefree while your dreams are big and everything seems possible and limitless. Playing outside, gaming with friends, being silly, having a good time. 

    One guy i once worked with said something that stuck with me 'when you are young you still have dreams and think everything is possible and that you might have keys to a Lamborghini soon. But one day you wake up, are in the end of your 30s, work HERE and drive an Astra'. I naively try to keep some of those juvenile dreams alive. 

    3. Do you fear getting old? What scares you the most? (For me it is loss of independence, and my husband getting sicker)

    I sometimes overthink getting old. I have too many worries clouding my mind. What i fear is everything that comes with the time passing by: losing people close to you, failing, falling into a hole and that the pessimistic outlook i witnessed so many people have will catch up on me. Or things that i can not control. But i try not to focus on those worries or it will eat me up.

    4. What do you do to stay young and healthy? (I think being in love helps to keep you young)

    I try to keep the inner kid alive. I try to radiate positivity to hopefully attract positivity in the long run despite me often feeling the opposite inside. I do sports. Weights, running, punching, kicking etc with an ever changing level from casual to a bit more intense depending on certain things, like mentality, so i'm very far from being the 'machine' i want myself to be, not even close. I deliberately put myself through discomfort like going out in a t-shirt when its freezing. I walk. A lot. Don't smoke and rarely ever drink (but i lose some of those 'health points' with a not so clean diet).

    5. Do you think your pee kink will remain as you age? Or do you think older people lose their kinks over time?

    It can remain i'm sure, for me and for everyone else. Not sure if i want that though. But i think older people can keep their kinks and are able to be passionate. But it probably highly depends on the individual and how they allow themselves to be.

    6. What do you look forward to getting older (I look forward to a quiet, tidy, kid-free house where I can read, pee where I like, and make love anywhere, anytime).

    To be honest i don't have anything that i'm looking forward to. Looking forward implies that there is a good chance something will occur. But i don't know what will happen. All i can say is i want to be inspiring and positive when i'm old. There are so many great 'older' people out there that still inspire and do their thing. I hope i am able to be a tiny bit like that. I take day by day.

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  4. Thats like the most unusual but yet one of the best birthday treats anyone ever awarded themselves with, i like that idea. Maybe something like this for inspiration:

    Entrances without cameras

    Hallways and staircases of appartment buildings where you could maybe pee down from the top floor and let it rain


    Under your hotel bed

    In those lounge areas in a hotel where they have a couch and a little table in each floor

    Public restrooms

    A little dressing room pee (clothes, floor,..)


    Just drink enough (water), be careful after all and have fun!



  5. It is absolutely the same for me. I'd gladly trade this and all the other more 'out of the ordinary' kinks i have in against something vanilla passion. In a heartbeat.

    But see it this way: you are not alone. Not at all if you look how many views those kind of videos have and how frequented certain places with this topic are. Plus there are so much way more bizarre kinks out there. Most people have certain kinks and special affections for something, whether they realize it or not. No matter your status. Some are more open about it and continue to exist aswell. Each one has different stuff that gets them going a bit and as long as you are not hurting anyone without consent people should have more of a 'not my business' attitude towards other peoples interests.

    The pee kink is much more common and not that unnatural as it often has a sexual connotation in nature aswell if i am not mistaken. And to be honest...is there any difference in getting turned on by accidently hearing someone pee or by spotting someone with a nice body/butt on the street? No need for shame.

    So try to enjoy yourself as good as you can. Others most likely do. And if you don't want to tell anyone about it thats fine. I don't. Others most likely don't do that aswell or how many people are completely open about it with anyone besides their partner, if thats even the case? Having said all that...fuck what others think.  

    (If only that'd be so easy...)

  6. Guilty because of the act of filming/ peeing itself or guilty because of not posting those?

    Yes i do. Sometimes i'm all for it which leads to more exciting forms of peeing which i usually film even though i don't intend to share. 

    But sometimes i almost hate myself for this kink that i have and i try to ignore or at least not actively indulge in it myself which also means that openly publicly shared stuff that i can't control/delete would most likely bug the hell out of me. Often even posts like this one, difficult.

    So if you kind of feel that you would enjoy sharing some of your stuff you can try going for something more indistinct like a screenshot of your stream or the marks you left first. To see if this does something for you. And maybe this, besides posting here in general, will result in you finding some specific people along the way that are really interested in your kind of vids which you can then share on a smaller scale with those individuals if you'd like. At least thats how i am dealing with this personal inbalance of mine with all this 'guilt' and what comes with it while still getting some fun out of the participation.


    • Hug 2
  7. Nice, i like that combination of the necessity to go for a pee and the little(or rather huge) teasing you gave those guys just along the way without any overthinking. Great!

    Would definitely be a nice occurence during the break of a game and, if this happened regularly, a good reason for some guys to buy more tickets and visit the stadium more often. Sadly i never encountered something similar during any stadium visits across europe.

    BTW...The AFC Wrexham? Good job securing first place.



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  8. I did piss on a towel twice i think. I love the sound! Like a 'poor mans carpet' kind of. I was suprised and shocked back then how much it sprays everywhere when you put it on the floor and pee on it standing up. You might aswell pee on the tiles directly and have less spray 😄. The second time i peed on one i've done it while on all 4s due to a request. Still sprays a lot despite the reduced height. 

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  9. It all depends on the situation, the place i piss and how urgent/ relieving it feels. If everything fits i might be, rather unconciously, audible because it just feels good. Some other time in the same situation i might be silent, apart from the splashing. Most of the time i keep quiet though i think. And on video its hard to hear sometimes depending on where you hold the cam and the kind of ambient noises around you.

    I do know someone being audible on purpose for fun or because hes crazy anyways or whatever...he is making a complete scene out of it sometimes by almost shouting when out in the nightlife despite being sober and in public. 🙄

  10. Oftentimes yes, sometimes no. Depends on the situation.

    When i am too desperate for example i often don't because first priority is to get the pants out of the way. And when thats halfway done its often too late anyways or i just don't care anymore. This can lead to the pee spraying anywhere but the place you are aiming at 😄

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  11. If you want to try this on a less intense level you can choose some entrances, those that can be accessed by going a few stairs down which usually provide you some good cover aswell.

    Other than that i like to use those mats that sometimes can be found laying in front of stairs. 

    So i understand your excitement for this kind of stuff, pretty hard to grasp but yet quite exhilerating.

  12. Just now, KylieRobidoux said:

    So you get like a more full view? 

    No not because of the view. I can't really put my finger on it but there is something about that pose thats adds some sublimal naughtyness/playfulness or maybe some lack of respect in certain cases as you don't just normaly put your foot on something. Just because its more convenient for you in a situation thats already deemed wrong anyways.

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  13. Just now, KylieRobidoux said:

    Exactly, I think living a life of such properness and cleaness and then just unleashing has like deep meaning to me and is very gratifying 

    Yea, i can relate to that. I always tried to act 'proper' on the outside and rarely allowed myself to act in a way that would have anyone think otherwise. So those messes, especially those first ones back in early hs days, were the ignition to something. Whether i like it or not .

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  14. Nice story, desperation sometimes forces one to do things out of the usual order. Or in other words, it creates nice stories to share. And I like that kind of 'unintentional but necessary' naughtiness that seems to be unavoidable when you put your own convenience first in a desperate situation like this.

    Thank you for sharing!

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