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Posts posted by Remi

  1. 5 hours ago, vivi54 said:

    I've always been kinda interested in taking up urbexing as a hobby, but sadly never lived anywhere with many abandoned places...

    I feel similiar, its interesting but difficult to fully get into if you don't have the right people in your circle or the right surroundings. And the ones you've been planning to go to for ages end up being completely locked 🤦‍♂️ (little abandoned signalling control building for trains).

    As for pissing, i think in abandoned and decaying former public buildings and locations like that it would be kind of fun. I personally wouldn't mess in any kind of private property though.

  2. Amazing story, you captured the scenery and all the tension that came along with it very well. Seems like you found the perfect time slot for taking a piss! No wonder it got you excited.

    Thanks for sharing the story and the pictures! Afterwards it was probably very evident for those encountering your 'crime scene' as to what happened there, the puddle tells a very good story 😅 If you know, you know!

  3. Some will get little hints though if that doesn't work after a certain time the head on approach is needed to really let them know that something needs to change for the sake of your well being. Maybe tell him directly what you need and how that would make you feel better if that hasn't been done yet. Being blunt and honest about it. If he learns that this is an actual burden for you and how those affections would make everything better for you in many ways not just on a sexual level, he will maybe find his way into it again. Maybe he just needs to learn that those affections you wish for are not only a sexual thing but that they make you feel loved, that they make you feel more whole and that they would raise your mood and overall well being significantly. 

    I'm wishing you all the best with everything, especially health wise, and i hope things in your relationship will turn out good.



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  4. All i know is that @Wetling is not in any way intending to disrespect anyone nor is she denying someone their right to be what they want to be!


    To steer it nonchalantly back to topic where everybody gets along with eachother i know of certain clubs where, on certain dates and occassions, the mens restrooms turn into a gender neutral restroom pretty quick. Not officially but because the girls said so 😀 They just go in because the ladies room is too full. And no one complains, it works pretty well.

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  5. Only times i occasionally saw someone stop for a pee break during their sport it was either runners or cyclists. If the need arises i'd do that too since what else can you do? But i usually go beforehand as i don't like training while having to pee. For any other type of training i find it counter productive. One punch received to the wrong place and you'd end up peeing yourself, a little too much intensity on a lift and you might end up leaking aswell. Besides that it distracts me quite a bit.


    But even the pros cant avoid it sometimes and give it a go: 😅


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  6. Sports, music, entertainment, just staring at the ceiling thinking about different aspects of the world and how it works. Going on google earth and looking up foreign places. Reading random wikipedia articles, clicking through the keywords for the next page on some different topic. And sometimes, just sometimes you find an analogy somewhere to something thats on your mind which may be a little help. 

    Anyways i hope and wish for everyone who struggles with this to find peace in mind and get over those struggles.

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  7. Yes because everything thats fun can improve mental health to a certain extend depending on different factors. So that inculdes this kink for me which is at certain times a good distraction. But it comes with the downside that it can also be a huge let down for me that can cause the opposite reaction. So its benefitial for me to have several coping mechanisms especially considering when i am in a lower place i am mostly not able nor feel like to engage in a kink in any way and if i do it anyways its just a distraction, not a part of the cure. Learning, learning, learning.

    I am happy for everyone who can turn things to the better for themselves and their mental health with this in any way, cheers 👍

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  8. On 5/18/2023 at 12:13 PM, oliver2 said:

    I’d expect you to be trying to remove the link by peeing outside somewhere before heading home 🙃

    I often contemplate doing that when its already urgend close to home because i know it will be a close call in front of the door. But only when i'm walking. 

    One other thing i noticed on myself is that its sometimes the other way round when it comes to leaving a club/restaurant or something similar later in the evening. The need to pee often arises within minutes after leaving 😅

    Recently i took a shortcut and next to this path is a little transformer station and there has been a stack of bricks in front of it like for ages. I decided to pee on those. Not out of urgence though just for fun.

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  9. Life can be a turbulent ride especially when you feel like the path you are going or the place it took you is somewhere you don't want to be. And when you don't know how to get out of it it feels like you are falling into a hole. 

    Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that even little changes can make a big differences and opportunities can appear when we least expect it. Don't cloud your mind with negativity, always hold onto positive thoughts. A clear mind can find clear solutions. And our mindset is our biggest asset. Its not easy but forcing myself to look at things in a positive way even when they don't seem to be has helped me a few times.

    Just know everything will eventually turn out ok. All the best!

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  10. Do you have some sort of basement? 

    Concerning outside, you could dress yourself with 'pee friendly' clothes and just pee on several little spots on the sidewalk while walking around. Or you can go between trash bins/cars/ or on a bench depending on how your neighborhood is set up. Just beware of possible surveillance cams.

  11. That is really fucked up behaviour, way too many lines were crossed. A-hole move. Respect and empathy is important, especially in situations like this. Drunk, horny, no excuse for that. 

    If you walk to a secluded spot and walk in on someone that you didn't notice before you apologize, turn around, step back and wait until its done. If you notice beforehand you just wait in a respecful manner and distance until its time to change the shift. A swift "sorry for waiting here, i have to pee too" or something like that on her way out and the situation is clear.

    There is a lack of empathy in general these days. Spending a quick few thoughts on trying to see things from the other persons perspective is becoming a lost art. 'Could my action make this person feel uncomfortable?' With just a little hint of common sense this guy could have avoided creating such an uncomfortable situation for you. You just don't purposely put others in akward and, from the standpoint of an unsuspecting girl, possibly threatening situations. You don't know the person, what they've been through. I guess some would have gotten physical when he lost balance and aim. This was more than akward, this was disrespectful. 

    I hope you can keep enjoying some outdoor peeing and that you never encounter such an ass again ✌


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  12. 4 minutes ago, marking my territory said:

    Maybe each person pees into a watering can till its full and then use the can to water with discretion...but I think most people prefer to use their own equipment to water plants

    Actually a good idea but i think most people would take a long time to fill that up all alone. By the time thats full most of it has expired its best before date and can only be used to kill weeds.

    You could make that a community project however where several people add their pee to it to create some kind of secret super formula that (in theory) makes a jungle grow out of deadwood 😅

  13. I noticed just now that in the basement here there is a room full with potted plants from one of the neighbors and i instantly thought i should make it my duty to water some of those soon. Some look like they are having a rough time.

    So instead of occasionally peeing in the drain down there i'm thinking of choosing a few to be my project and see if a little pee makes a difference over time. 😇😅

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  14. As mentioned, its highly dependend on the location. In some old decaying industrial building or in an old hospital with graffity all over chances that someone would care are smaller. But in an abandoned house that might not be the case because those, despite seemingly falling apart, are often still in someones possesion...I follow some of those urbexing people and some do occasionally get caught for trespassing in various places.

    But thats actually one of the first things i thought about when i dived a bit deeper into this...where do they pee? 😅 And how fun it would be...that always comes to mind especially watching some urbexing girls, curse of being a pee fan.

    Some stay over night and they surely relieve themselves somewhere, maybe not in the most brazen place as most urbexers really try to leave only footprints behind and are actually acting very responsible and secretive and others (regular trespassers) tag the walls with graffity. But when you gotta go...so accepted or not, its highly unlikely you get caught in the act of peeing.

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