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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 23 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    There is stil a human being under the cloak of nonsense





    Now, for the topic:




    THE ALLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't believe I forgot about the alley haha. You are so right hahaha

    • Haha 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    As said, I can dig that idea that the "athlethic" kind of woman fascinates more energic and tough men


    But indeed a great pair of tits is a great pair of tits

    I totally agree with you, if they happen to be big so be it hahaha

    • Haha 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I agree more than what you guys may think

    People with a bit of autistic conditions can focus as fuck: indeed after they master their condition, they usually become better than normal people in their field of specialization

    They are also some of the smartest people in the world as well

    • Agree 2
  4. 5 hours ago, spywareonya said:


    Not sure… I love some tastes since a girl...


    And free sip too...

    I've always enjoyed the taste of beer as well. Tour a brewery is amazing 

    As for your witches brew, I would love to drink it Haha 

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  5. 5 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    I must be dumb too myself… the problem is Alex as he as a Genius level IQ and loves big boobs nonetheless ihihihi

    Well sounds like he is either the exception to the rule or there is no correlation between IQ and breast size preferences hahahahahaha 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, 2prnot2p said:

    I can only vouch for Niagara Falls and the Great Lakes.  I live in the Great Lakes state, Michigan.  They're unreal!  If you go to Lake Michigan, you'll swear it's an ocean.  There's water as far as the eye can see and the waves hitting the shore will knock you down  Also, there's seaweed, shells, and driftwood all over the beach.  And that's not even the biggest.  Lake Superior is the biggest.  The Great Lakes are the greatest source of fresh water on earth!  We also have 10,000 inland lakes.  So, lots of water!  LOL!   Michigan is larger than England, with Michigan at 58,000 square miles and England at 50,000.

    Both Michigan and England are small in comparison to my province of Saskatchewan hahaha. Our province is 651000 square kilometers. That's 404500 square miles hahahah

  7. 2 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    To be honest, I don't like the taste of any alcoholic beverage.  I suspect no one really does.  But, I drink Miller Lite beer.  All the other beers are too strong tasting.  I can tolerate Lite the easiest, but I drink less often the older I get.

    Beer is definitely an acquired taste, so many different flavors and varieties. I guess that's the same with any type of alcohol tho

    I've toured a few different breweries and distilleries, I find the whole process fascinating 

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  8. 1 hour ago, 2prnot2p said:


    I went through a period of reading many books about serial killers.  I was married then and my wife wondered why I wanted to read such dark material.  With me, I liked learning about the cases from the perspective of the detectives who worked on the cases.  I still find that topic fascinating.  I've seen every episode of The Forensic Files on TV.

    Once, my son was in Milwaukee for job training for a week.  When he got in the taxi to go to the airport to fly home, he told the driver to take him to where Jefffrey Dahmer lived first.  He was the one who killed gay male lovers and dismembered them and ate them.  He was later killed in prison by a fellow inmate.  The taxi driver told my son that they demolished the building where Dahmer lived.  My son, the character that he was, insisted the driver take him there anyway.  LOL!  I got the biggest kick out of that.  Apparently it had become like a circus with tourists so they tore it down.  All he saw was an empty lot in a bad neighborhood.

    I watched a show on him. Jeffery was truly a horrible person. 

    • Agree 2
  9. 1 hour ago, 2prnot2p said:

    Also, they've done many studies that show there is a strong correlation between low I.Q. and preference for large breasts.  Accordingly, men with higher I.Q.'s tend to prefer smaller breasts.  Seriously.  In addition, men with high I.Q.'s tend to be more interested in women's butts and legs as opposed to their breasts.

    Well I've never had my IQ measured before, but I guess iam dumb as mud because I prefer big boobs hahahahahaha

    • Haha 2
  10. On 3/29/2019 at 3:33 PM, Jethro P said:

    A while ago I had a short contract for a month. After about a fortnight or so, I stood up and announced to the office (mostly staffed by women) that I have just GOT to go and take my dick out. Gasps and shock all round 😊

    One of the women eventually found the courage to say “Why have you got to do that?”.

    I said “Because if I don’t, I’ll piss down my leg”.

    Fun fun. I was only there 3 weeks 😊

    Back to topic – I like the less abrasive words, and quite often say “piddle”. Very childish I know, but I’m not keen on Piss, Slash, etc.

    I’m a “War Veteran”!! I served in the British Army for a whole heap of years – got shot twice – it feckin hurt ☹

    But I would consider it an honour for you to pee on me 😊

    Just after I separated from the Old Witch, I lived in a shared house for a while until I got myself sorted out. One of the people living there was a stunning blond. Unfortunately, she knew she was very attractive and tried to milk it with all the guys. I would have none of it.

    She had a whole shedload of bathroom paraphernalia – you know, all the fluffy sponges, soap on a rope, those lacy body scrub things - hanging everywhere.

    During my time there, I very rarely peed in the loo, I always peed all over her stuff. That turned me on more that if I had shagged her!!


    First off thank you for your service, from a canadian to a (iam assuming fella from the UK) 

    Second, good work for pissing all over her 'girly bathroom stuff' haha. Did she know you did that?

    • Love 1
  11. On 3/30/2019 at 3:31 PM, spywareonya said:

    Holy fuck and you were  having doubts about sharing your stuff????

    This story ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    For me, I can control my stream

    But if piss on a girl's face, she can serenely forget about me doing that!!! I'll open the flood gate and fuck it ahahahah

    I can control mine, its fairly easy for me to shut off the flow once I've started it haha

    • Haha 1
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