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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 17 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

    We attend the Melbourne Cup almost every year,, and it's a sight to behold, upwards of 100,000 people getting into it just for the hell of it. Maigh (and Mary, when she was here) both walked about the lawn areas and tinkled where they went, long ball gown type dresses work well for this. Trying to get into a toilet was a joke, for anyone, I'm truly surprised that the grass and several kilometres of rose bushes haven't died because of too much salt content. 

    There isn't a lot of drunken brawling inside the course, you can find that in the carpark. People are usually behaved, probably too drunk to start anything, lol.

    Public transport also gets into the news, the state of train carriages has to be seen to be believed. People stand for the 20 minute ride to the city, and just splatter where they stand, guys just kind of face the door, pull things out and just go for it. The floor of these things is awash with pee (and other bodily fluids), it's horrible, they get hosed out after every trip, then put back into service again. 

    Experiencing this entire carnival is impressive, the people, the music, the party atmosphere, it's something to witness live, but you can also see the bad side of some people. Something that people don't want to remember. 









    Wow looks like a fun time haha. I've never been to a event where there has been that many people before. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    To be honest, the days of newspapers sending out a reported and photographer are long gone. 

    Yes, they’ll have photographers - or more likely use photos from freelance ‘togs for the big stuff, but a story like this is more likely they’ve ‘researched’ the story on Facebook and used someone’s snap as their scoop. 

    Now that everyone has a cameraphone the professional photographer is a dying breed. 

    Still, personal grumpiness aside - at least we get to see the story in the press. 

    I totally agree. Everyone of us has a phone with a camera in it, just got to look at social media and there's your story

    The professional photographer/journalist is a dying profession 

  3. 1 hour ago, Jethro P said:

    I have to admit another passion - ladies' bums!!

    I have looked at the entire thread on ladies bottoms, and love just about all of them.

    I have never put my willy up a lady's bum, but I can dream 😃

    Bums are lovely to look at as well hahaha. I like to give my wifes a little smak from time to time Haha 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I do like to get caught peeing as long as it isn't going to end in trouble.  I have often been caught when peeing outside - sometimes because I choose to pee somewhere that is not particularly out of sight or even where I know that girls are behind me and I turn off into an alley or something and start peeing without hiding.

    I had no thoughts of being caught at the old building because it was deserted and fenced off - so for anyone to catch me they would have to dodge the same security fence that I did, then cross the courtyard area, enter the back yard area of the same shop as me (out of six choices) and then come into the building itself.   I would without doubt have heard anyone approaching because there was glass and other debris on the floor so it would be very difficult to approach without being heard.

    The storage shed pee I was a bit more concerned about - it is a shed attached to flats and is on a walkway from the flats to the road, so there is a reasonable amount of pedestrian traffic going through there.   I did pull the door closed behind me - the theory being that if I heard any voices or footsteps then I would stop peeing and stay quiet until they passed.  However the worst case scenario would be if the person who has stuff in that shed actually came to access it.  Then I'd have a lot of explaining to do!   When I finished, I stayed quiet for 20 seconds or so to listen out for any indication of people outside before I casually exited the shed, closed the door and walked off.

    Iam the same way haha. If iam seen pissing along the roadside so be it. If iam pissing where I could potentially be issued a ticket(fine) iam alot more careful Haha 

  5. 12 hours ago, Misslittlecutie1 said:

    The other night after coming home from a concert I really had to pee. I was wearing a skirt (pantieless) and casually lifted it up and peed around my condo. I peed on the sidewalks as I passed others' doors. I peed in the garbage can when standing near the mailboxes pretending to look at the bulletin board. I also sprayed a couple spurts on someone's doormat as I walked by. There's also quite a few plants in potters that were put there by people. I'm not sure what kind but I sprayed a bit more on the plants before heading home. It felt pretty good to relieve some pressure.

    Nice haha. I find it to be such a turn on when women piss naughty and openly like you did. Did anyone see you pissing?

  6. 13 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:

    The beer in this country is going downhill, we used to have beer at 6%, now the most popular ones are all 3.5%. 

    Our favorite lately is a drop called Great Northern, kind of dry, but not bitter, and it tastes fine either going in or coming out 😊

    If we need to give it a little kick, then a shot of vodka is added, has the desired effect.

    Pricing  doesn't change a great deal, 700 ml spirits are $35 - $40, beer is the odd one. 1 six pack is $20, but if you buy a slab (case) then it's $45. Guess how I buy mine, lol.

    We don't drink a lot either, maybe once per week, on the weekend mainly.

    There are all kinds of specialty beers available, but the price of these imports is eye watering, we just haven't gone there.

    Booze down under is more expensive then here hahaha. A 1.17 bottle of spirits is aroun the $40 range. Important stuff is more of course. 24 cans of domestic beer is around $48. Corona is probably the most expensive import beer here

  7. 4 hours ago, lovestoseepee said:

    This is a tough one for me as it entirely depends on my mood but I really like a Dark Rum and Coke, Gin and Tonic, Pimms (this isn't posted in order of preference). But not sure I could choose a favorite as I like all equally. I am not a big drinker though and definitely don't drink alcohol every day maybe once a week if that and only in moderation.

    I don't mind a gin and tonic on a hot day haha. Bombay sapphire is my preferred choice 

  8. If Germany and the U.S had developed atomic weapons at the same time it would of been just like the cold war, mutually assured destruction. No one would of used them. If Hitler had LISTENED to his generals and admirals I do belive th war would of ended much differently. Donetz wanted more uboats, Hitler rushed to start the war. With more uboats they would if blockaded Britain into submission. He chose to run thr war like a corporal he was in the first world war instead of listening to his generals. A thankful mistake for us

    As F.W said, Japan was way more fanatical. Unit 731 practically invented biological and chemical warfare. They did horrendous things to the Chinese people and pow's. Had Japan developed the a bomb they wouldn't hesitate to use it. Jusy think how many American and allied lives were saved by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It's terrible but the Japanese fought to the last man, last bullet, last blade. The germans by late 44 wanted to surrender and end the war. The SS was fanatical but also had an escape plan in place. The generals that is

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  9. 4 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    That's great to hear Will.  Small steps are what counts, just celebrate the successes one day at a time. If there's a success then awesome - and if not, then tomorrow is a new day.  We're here with you and ready to celebrate every step with you.

    Very well said. I totally agree with you

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  10. 16 hours ago, will64 said:

    i just did my 6th day and am really getting used to serving customers and using the till  everytime i do a day i feel good about it 😀

    Thats awesome. Your doing great. It's amazing to see how far you have come in a short time. Keep up the good work

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  11. I don't think nuclear war will happen in my lifetime, likey not at all. With mutually assured destruction I can't see any nations going to that extreme. Iam sure they will come close sometime. Destabilizing a country and invading is just about as good as totally wiping them off the map

    As for being here in a 1000 years iam hoping so hahah. But I firmly believe that the earth can only support so many people. The way the world population keeps growing we can't support them all. Hell just feeding that many people is almost impossible. As cities grow more and more farm land comes out of production and is swallowed up by cities. When there is a natural disaster or something along that line I think its mother nature balancing the books. It's a morbid thought but that's what I think 

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