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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 3 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    Young girls are superficial

    Older women are… mighty

    They know what they want and want a man that inspires them mascolinity

    You are very manly because you carry a heavy burden on your shoulder

    In a pub fight, I would pay money to have you by my side


    Older women trump young women every day of the week, twice on Sunday haha. They don't have the drama in their lives like alot of young women do, they are comfortable in their own skin and know what they want and will get it hags

    Plus they can teach young guys a thing or two hahaha

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, mickymoist said:

    Chance would be a fine thing not had my hands on a girls ass in many a year lol,  just the whisky glass an the internet for me 😂

    O iam sure you will have your hands back on a womens ass before you know it. I have faith in you. You just have to belive in yourself 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    Winston Churchill was berated by a female colleague for having partaken too enthusiastically of the alcohol supplies. "Winston, you're drunk!"

    His reply - "Yes madam. And in the morning I shall be sober but you shall still be ugly!"

    He was quite the man, he loved to publish books. Hell he could fill a book or two with his quotes hahahaha

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  4. 2 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    Extreme right wing people are often dragged to that side because of its inherent violence and hatred

    I can understand them and many don't believe what they preach, they are just angry at the world being superficial and lazy

    But I don't like their anger, though I can forgive it I don't endorse it

    Even the few I respected, I consider them too stern and thus don't endorse their positions, we need forgiveness

    She was angry, like "I am trained, I kick fags in their butts"

    I just could stick a couple of fingers in her pussy as long as she shut the fuck up

    Upon understanding there was no chance to remember and re-awake a bit of feminility in her arid heart, I simply stopped seeing her

    Absolutely we need forgiveness. You don't have to forget but forgive 

  5. 45 minutes ago, Riley said:

    You should tell him that you have needs as well because marriage is a two way relationship. Just bring it up to him and see how he reacts, he probably just doesn't know🤷 and he may be more than willing to help fill your needs if you talk to him. I hope this helps!


    Clear and open communication in a relationship is important. Hopefully be talking through your problems you 2 can resolve them 

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