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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. Does he at least try and connect emotionally with you when he is home? I get how you need that connection

    My wife enjoys this type of connection as well. When I get back home i always ask her how her day was and how our little boy was Haha. I also ask her what she wants for supper(providing I get home in time haha. As a farmer iam getting busy this time of year haha). We like to have a bath together as often as possible. Sometime it leads to sex right in the tub other times we just talk. Sometimes she just needs to vent and I listen and offer to help however I can. I hope you can get thru to him and he workes towards that emotional connection


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  2. 12 hours ago, spywareonya said:


    The recipe for that strange cocktailbeericecream was Amazing, and the pic is adorable

    THANK YOU for all you do for this thread… and for me...

    Your very welcome. I figured you would like the scooby picture haha. 

    Ya ice cream floats are delicious. Iam pretty sure they are a Canadian thing hahahaha

    • Hot 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

    When we played at Henry Ford's house, my then wife, the singer, agreed with me when I said that I could feel comfy there.  But, at Meadow Brook Hall, it's another story.  It's beautiful, but feels so huge, like a hotel.  My fave room there was a small smoking parlor at the top of the stairs on the 2nd floor.  It's about a 16 x 16 foot room and real cozy.  I told her, "This is where I'd hang out.  I'd have my Miller Lite, my smokes, my music, and just chill in this little room."  LOL!  She agreed.

    One must feel "at home."  And, some of these places, as impressive as they are, wouldn't feel like home.  Maybe it's just me.

    I totally agree with you. Places that big wouldn't feel like home to me either. I need my dog and beer for the place to feel like home hahahahah

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  4. 8 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

    I have no idea, Speedy.  It was old and in disrepair when he bought it.  He had to put a lot of money into it fixing it up.  I gotta believe it's much larger than any of the Michigan homes I've shown here.  I cannot find any stats on square feet or the number of rooms.  But, it seems much larger to me than any of the U.S. auto moguls' mansions.  I'd bet it is considerably larger! 

    O I would agree with you. It would be cool to live in a castle hahaha

    • Like 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    First I need your date of Birth and the city

    The date requires also the hour and minute of the day

    An error of 5-10 minutes is fine, but "evening" won't work


    The rituals are embarassingly SIMPLE

    Upon building a relationship with you Patron, the simple positive energy of your LIFE (sex, love for your wife and boy, endevour in employement) will feed them

    Little things to be done during cooking parties will be just as much immediate and simple, NOT something to be done DETACHED from the natural flow of the evening


    Big rituals are also simple

    With the Masters almost everything is simple: the core is INTENSITY and "intimacy" in the guise that the relationship between you must be not simply symbolical, but actually like believing you have a presence living in your lands… and home


    I won't lie, many are scared by that, first time I saw shadows moving in my house without lights projecting them I so fucking crapped my pants

    But going to sleep (actually hiding INSTINCTIVELY under bedpans), I made the cutest of dreams, where an impossibly love-filled macho caressed me like I was his daughter, a mix of the standard image of an angel and a Caribbean sexy dancer...

    ...and I learnt not to fear them


    Dogs instinctively perceive them but also feel their purity and good intentions so they don't bark

    Also children, having a Master goin' around can have strange effects on small babies, making them to grow up slightly more happy and serene

    The big rituals includes crafting in your garden a symbol of them using rocks you extracted from your fields so to make them more fitting for seeding, and from time to time burn weeds over them or sprinkle them with various stuff

    The actual ritualistic part will be explained in the future but it is Always quite intuitive and instictive and simple...



    I will get you the information you need. I will have to ask my mom the time of day I was born haha

    • Love 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

    Now, let's really switch gears!  Here's a pic of the late Beatle George Harrison's castle.  His widow, Olivia, still lives there.  I love it!  It's in England.



    He only paid $2 million for it in 1970!  Can you believe that?  It sits on several acres of land too.  Beautiful!

    WOW. I can't imagine what it's worth today

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

    And, can you imagine the gas and electric bills?  I don't believe any of them have A/C.  The ceilings are so high that all the heat rises way up.  I've been to 2 of them on hot summer days and it didn't feel bad inside at all. 

    No I can't lol. I know who much my power and gas is a month, it's enough haha. And all I hear is my little house and a little 50×50 foot shop lol

    • Like 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:


    I stand corrected.  The Dodge Car Co. was owned by brothers Horace and John Dodge.  It was John's widow, Matilda, who built the aforementioned 88,000 sq. ft. mansion.  It's called Meadow Brook Hall.  I've been there many times.  Here's a pic:




    Then, Horace's widow, Anna, built a mansion after his death called Rose Terrace, also here in Michigan.  It was 42,000 sq. ft.  It was torn down in 1976.  Here's a pic of that house:


    Rose_Terrace (Dodge Masnion).jpg

    Finally, Henry Ford's son, Edsel, built a 30,000 sq. ft. mansion near Rose Terrace (pictured above).  It is still standing and is open for tours just like Henry Ford's house and Meadow Brook Hall.  Here's a pic of that home:





    Wow big beautiful houses thats for sure. I can tell you one thing, I wouldn't want to clean any of them hahaha

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    Yes, with a bit of devotion and faith

    I need a bit of infos about you to compute the Legion you belong to

    Small rituals include very simple things and they will conquest intuitive advices from them, little whispers on how to act that will prevent you from pitfalls




    BIGGER farming rituals are more powerful


    The ACTUAL effect is to "custom" the Fate of things related to you (farming over all Others) by YOUR personal karma

    This is the reason why some nasty people, believing themselves to be great, got BAD luck from those rituals, failing to understand that it happened because their personal Karma wasn't THAT good, and upon customing their life upon themselves, they made it WORSE

    Every facet of our life is linked to our karma but also got a karma of his own, your labour is linked to you but the fields you seed and harvest have a history of their own and a karma of their own

    Upon customing them unto you, you'll increase your authority over the land, it will make it an extension of YOU, thus making it better or worse upon you being a humile and brave man, or simply a cautious human conscious of his own flaws and thus humile, but secretly lazy about overcoming them...


    Given you, I sincerily think it will go great

    By this… it will be like you had become the "Baron" of the land… not simply using it to gain sustenance… but exerting a moral authority and responsibility of it


    But I need more infos

    The core to use them for harvest is to syphon power from the dead to insufflate it into the leaving crop, allowing their potential spring energy to propel the very crop toward more life, like it was "back with a vengeance" like they say in slang!

    This requires big rituals… likely one every 6-7 weekends… they are cool, uh, nothing more than party with your cooking abilities and the like, just remembering to intensely think about them while you celebrate… but also some rare little REALLY OCCULT things, like burning weeds removed from your fields or positioning in your garden some of the rocks you eliminate from the very field to craft a symbol if hypothetically seen from above (hope you figure it out), while visualizing  real summonings I will teach you...

    That sounds amazing. If you could help teach me that would be great

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  10. 32 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

    The funny thing is that Ford could have built a much larger, more expensive house.  Matilda Dodge, widow of Horace Dodge, remarried and built a home here in Michigan that makes Ford's mansion look like a cottage.  It's 88,000 square feet and has over 100 rooms!  So, you could say that Ford was quite frugal when he built his house.  

    Ford's is 31,000 square feet and has 65 rooms.  I think once you get to a certain size, it just becomes ridiculous.  His is plenty large and fancy enough for most wealthy people. 

    Wow 88000 square feet is over kill hahaH

    • Agree 1
  11. On 4/7/2019 at 3:52 PM, 2prnot2p said:

    According to one inflation checking site, it would cost $99,498,217.82 to build the mansion today. 

    Well that's out of my price range hahahahahaha

    • Agree 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    With all the Nature around you, you would even have room for impressive rituals

    Many of their rituals are about great harvest and luck in economical transactions, just for talking...

    O yes lots of room out here. And if it helps with harvest and such I will do some of them 

    Can they be preformed by anyone? 

    • Love 1
  13. 34 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    First, the altar

    A cute place which is intimate enough to avoid being blatant and "AAARGH DARK AND EVIL WOOOOW" and shit of the like





    and why not, ominous

    They so fucking are



    Then, with time… it will start to be filled with… stuff you think fitting

    I have gathered there so many objects from all around the world, very real uh, all handmade but not for tourists, I have actual objects obtained through trips of friends that voyaged...

    So there must be space for a bit of stuff… you can also add papers with poetries, thoughts, drawings… small items important to you...

    There must also be space for some candles (always in odd number, never less than 3, rarely more than 7, and a cute paragraph on the meaning of colours will be online in a hour or two in this very thread) and a little plate (better if cute or anyway lovely to you) where you put offerings

    It's enough you put a small piece of chocolate in the plate… and know that all the hormons, what remains of the plant's DNA, the quantistic joules in it… will be absorbed by the spirit

    It's no symbolism: the degree of evidence won't maybe convince a skeptic, but upon eating a bit of it after offering it (it is forbidden, but once they told me to do that in order to get actual understanding) you'll notice a level of "withering" that cannot be simplicisically blamed unto oxygen and the passing of time… like it had been actually vampyrized…

    Usually the day after (or 2-3 days after for other offerings) you can serenely throw it in the toilet without further worrings!

    It never needs to be a lot, uh, small bits, though not ridiculously little, is like giving somebody a little chew of something you consider important: you won't DINE with it in doses to fill your belly obviously!

    And a chalice, where to pour a sip or two of anything you want to offer them to drink… but that should not be emptied afterward: let it there… it will evaporate and eventually pool on the bottom of the glass a bit, it's no problem at all, don't clean it (while the plate instead must be Always cleaned if it's dirty or dusty)


    It's really that simple…



    Wow. Its gonna take me awhile to digest all that info

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