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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 8 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    Indeed it had been an awsome thrill

    I still remember the pattering sound, swinging my pussy left and right and hearing diffrent noises according to different targets ahahahaha

    Hahahahah nice.

    One of the craziest places I've ever pissed indoors was at a little small town bar about 13 years ago. Me and 4 of my buddies went to the bar, we were on a mission to get drunk lol. After drinking about 6 or 7 pints of beer I had to piss. So into the bathroom I go and between the urinals was a 20 litre pail, well I pissed into it Haha. I went back to our table and told my buddies this, well they said we will piss into it all night and however over flows it has to pay the bill lol. Challenge accepted Haha. I forget who over flowed it but at the end of the night we had the whole floor covered in piss hahaha 

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  2. 9 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    Music is my life

    I indeed listen to it 24/7 and of every genre, but my favourite is Black Metal



    For naughty places, I have some… recent… but I need to be careful because some of them were SO crazy I am still waiting to see police popping up at my door these days

    When I'll be more serene I will post them

    I haven't had a naughty piss in awhile. Iam gonna have to fix that haha 

  3. 7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    It gives them the illusion that they are invulnerable and able to fix problems by just killing people

    You don't fix the world by killing, in some cases you must remove some people but the problem is common psychology, unless you change it for the better then nothing will change

    Totally agree with you. Look at Hitler, she thought that by killing millions of people he would fix the problem. He was also a good public speaker and was able to motivate others into thinking his way.

    Who knows how many chancellors woildnof done the same  if Hitler had been assassinated  during the war 

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  4. 7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    I love it

    That mix of colours is of huge importance to me

    I never stated this so openly but I have an almost psychotic relationship with colours

    Some of them actually makes my head dizzie and light… and I feel like they whisper to me...

    Well the colours we have in our sunsets and sun rises would absolutely speak volumes to you. It's hard to describe how beautiful they are

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  5. 7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    Ok tried the first

    High number of different wheat, very bitter, but with a cinnamon end note that spoilt it a bit

    Delicious, uh, don't get me wrong, but not what I was exactly looking for

    Thursday I'll go to the supermarket again and by the other one and then tell

    That does sound good. I don't mind wheat beers, IPA and stout are my favorites 

  6. The Netherlands have a special connection and relationship with Canadian's. We liberated them during the second world war. They tend to our military cemeteries with deep honour and respect.

    All we asked for in return for liberating them was a place to bury our fallen heroes 

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