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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2017 in Posts

  1. @steve25805 suggested I lay my clothes in a little heap and pee all over them. This happened a couple of months ago but I've only just had chance to post it. It was a normal day at work and I couldn't wait to get home for some excitement. I made sure to drink plenty of water and skipped my afternoon toilet visit so I would be desperate by the time I had to drive home. I was wearing my usual work clothes, a black pencil skirt and white blouse, underneath was a lingerie set from Boux Avenue (photo at the bottom), one I had bought specifically for this day, my husband had never seen it befor
    2 points
  2. I am fascinated by women performance artists who integrate pissing into their art. I've seen Kathy Akers 'Pee Performance' series, but recently came across this interview with her describing her process and intent. I enjoyed it, and some other folks here may enjoy as well. https://www.floorrmagazine.com/issue-3/cathy-akers
    1 point
  3. My jury's still kinda out on this 1 all... I wrote a new story to post for my Birthday (no not today, but this week). Since I'd some1 ask me to try another lore or fable, I'd... the concept seems fairly trite. I hope I adapted it well. I'd really like some feedback on this, if you've anything to say good or ill, please do. I'm great with constructive criticism. In the Swirling Deserts of Ancient Times there was a Kingdom where Mystic things still existed. In this place lived a young girl orphaned by the loss of her parents. With no one to care for her, she lived on the st
    1 point
  4. Sorry I know I'm bumping 1 of my own threads back to the top and it's... fairly old. I'd commissioned some1 to do a picture of the Djinn from the story. I thought some of you might like to see it even if this was from months ago. Sorry again.
    1 point
  5. I've never peed on a lady for fun, neither have I had a lady pee on me unfortunately. My most outrageous sexual fantasy would have to be having sex somewhere where it feels really public, or where I could be seen, but it's actually private. Like with one way glass where I can see out but nobody can see in. Mine would have to be Dianas death I think. I've used a urinal before but never while peeing through the fly. I think that would be almost impossible and extremely messy! I discovered it mid way through college. There was a girl in all of my classes, Elizabeth, and
    1 point
  6. i guys,I had a very surreal experience and lucky sighting just now which I wanted to recount.So I'm traveling on the train and at a particular station I need to get out and get a bus from there. As I get out onto the platform amongst other people are 4 girls in their late teens early 20s who start rushing / power walking towards the exit. All dressed up for a night out, brunettes, with black jeans or tight dresses on and denim jackets. I'm sure I overheard one of them mention that they needed a pee so I paid attention. They went up the escalator and out the exit, one getting stuck in the barri
    1 point
  7. After a family outing with my ex wife who I am good friends with who has a bladder larger than I thought she had, we get back to the house and she mentions that she had to pee. I make a comment to the affect of you're not gonna waste that liquid gold are you? She responds, "tell me where". I lead her up to a back bedroom which I have a number 237 on th door like the 1980 movie The Shining. I have random stuff in the room, it's a storage room for the time being. She doing a slight pee dance, unfastens her shorts, drops them down and relieves herself in the middle of the floor on the
    1 point
  8. People from outside the UK thinking we all talk posh. Toodle-pip old bean! What what
    1 point
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