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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2016 in Posts

  1. I love pissing where I'm not supposed to. It makes me so very wet. I've actually pissed on the floor of the bathroom went in the other stall to hear others reactions. Some were like ewwww... others joined my puddle and did the same thing I was so horny I masturbated in the stall.
    2 points
  2. So, I've been browsing around on websites like this once since around 2010. And I've never really put down roots in any of them, for two reasons—first, that it's really satisfying enough just to get to read what people type, and second, that I've never felt like I have much to say. Well, that changes now. Hi! I'm a guy who's really into naughty peeing by either sex. I think that summarizes pretty much my whole stake in all of this. Good to meet you all.
    1 point
  3. Thank you for your kind works regarding my efforts. It's really not a hard thing to do and i enjoy doing it so it's really not that hard. I sort of consider it hobby. Some people collect stamps or sports memorabilia, I pee in pools. My dream is to travel around the world and pee in every pool I find at each hotel along the way. I also want want to become an advocate for peeing in the pool and to support and encourage people to try pee in swimming pools if they haven't and for those who have, to do it more regularly with out feeling shame. Peeing in the pool isn't just practical and co
    1 point
  4. On that topic, i went to my mom's yesterday, my sister and my dad were there too. so i decide to bring up the subject because thats what we do. My dad response was, how do you think we needed to treat your acne when you were young? Have you noticed your mom would always go to the toilet first before you would wash. My sister said: you guys are gross and went to the livingroom. Lolololol then i thought: you guys have no idea what i do with my pee. I be ieve they would be shocked! Lol
    1 point
  5. Seeing a girl pissing in a naughty place tells me one very important thing - she was desperately trying to hold her pee in but the pressure had reached that lovely point where it was so bad she was about to actually piss her pants involuntarily, or had actually spurted a little in her panties already. She just knows in her mind it is 'game up' and just has to find a place, any old place, to let it all out, or she will inevitably loose it all in her panties, dress or whatever she is wearing. That is so so sexy to observe. Sometimes I have spotted a girl deliberately looking around for some
    1 point
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