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Lessons in magick #2 The Gods

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24 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

the Gods are actually really nameless?

They do not have a real corrispective in world religion pantheons, though the most ancient like Sumerian and Indians are really close to Them

They got a name in Their own non-human Language but not even we Witches knows them


31 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Let me summarise and you can correct me where I am wrong. Inari is the goddess of answers to inner questions? She enables us to step outside our surface character and it's constraints to understand who we really are? And to understand ourselves fully, without being encumbered by our sense of identity? Which allows us to see and understand things as they really are, even about ourselves, free of all psychological hang ups and insecurities? And that this can free us to truly realise our full potential?

all true, but non only

She is ALSO the Goddess of EXTERNAL question

She helped me a lot in discovering the answer to some scientfical (quantistic, thus occult-related) questions

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2 hours ago, spywareonya said:

They do not have a real corrispective in world religion pantheons, though the most ancient like Sumerian and Indians are really close to Them

They got a name in Their own non-human Language but not even we Witches knows them


all true, but non only

She is ALSO the Goddess of EXTERNAL question

She helped me a lot in discovering the answer to some scientfical (quantistic, thus occult-related) questions

Ok, thanks for that clarification.

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2 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Ok, thanks for that clarification.

"clarification" is indeed what She is about!!!!

next Gods and Goddesses are entities I came in direct and frequent contact with so I'll soon write some more stuff

this week will be quite a problem because I will have relatives at home, but will be the last time it is gonna happen during all summer, so after this week is gone, I'll have much more time to write

likely I'll also continue my fictional installment

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So this god of spring is also a god of autumn and winter. Can I call Him Pan?

As you describe Him He is fierce but just, a terror to evil spirits and evil doers, but a fierce defender of all things good and righteous. He is the one who most fiercely protects your back as a witch? Your most loyal guardian and protector god?

And if ever I reached a point where I wanted to summon or connect with the gods in addition to learning about them, He is likely to be the first one I meet? 

And you mention a war between good and evil. Was there actually a terrible war in which the gods themselves fought as well as good and evil sprits and men and women?

I know the Christian bible foretells a terrible war between good and evil, invoking the coming of Christ and the Anti-Christ and all that. I understand that the Anti-Christ is nonsense. And I personally believe that Jesus was just a very deeply spiritual human being who once walked amongst us and not anything divine like a god. But was there ever a great war between good and evil in the past, involving also the gods?

And if we are at peace with the gods and honour and respect them, Pan will protect us and bring harm down upon evil doers wishing to harm us for lowly reasons? He will prevent evil spirits from harming us or ruining our lives? That He is a slayer of evil spirits? I think I might have had an evil influence in my life for a time after stupidly messing with Ouija boards when a lot younger. Could have done with His help then, lol. Sadly I did not know of Him then. You have said to me privately that the gods have noticed me. I suppose that must mean that He has noticed me? Would that be enough for Him to seek to protect me from such evil now, or would I be required to connect with the gods in some way, to serve them?

Pan sounds like a fierce but loyal warrior god on the side of all that is good, slayer of evil. Is that why He is the one who answers the call of exorcisms? Because he is a fierce enemy of all malignant or evil spirits? And does this mean that when Christian churches perform exorcisms, they are summoning Him without knowing it? Or are their exorcisms actually ineffective because they reject Him?

I think I like this god a lot and would love to have Him as a guardian and protector for me. But there is always quid pro quo. What might He want from me? Just pondering really. Not committing to anything. Not yet, anyway.

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13 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

Thanks @spywareonya

You mentioned Him being called for an Exorcism, what other things may He be used for?

everytime you feel you are being powerless because you are immature in balancing good heart and strong will, fearing of being weak or on the opposite degrade yourself to be a brute, and thus failing to reach self confidence and assertiveness, He can gives advices

Also, if somebody is doing something dangerous, a strong ritual with Him can stop the fucker

He is a father, He motivates you when you can win on your own, and steps in (quite destructively) when you really need His help against something evil

Also, but this is a kind of magick that can be misunderstood so I talk less happily about it, He can also help you in sending a powerful unconscious compulsion in the mind of another person, if He endorses the results you plan about it, mainly in order to make this person think twice about something which implies responsibilities (like discouraging a powerful person from acting immaturely) bu also, though this is almost a joke compared to His main office, look more interesting in the eyes of the person you are hexing, some kind of sex spell. He embodies manliness so all men working with Him learn both submission and dominance, when to be silent and careful and obedient, and when to be stern and unstoppable; while all women, working with Him, discover their lesbian and dominating side, so to say, they become mistresses. That for example, and here I am serious and technical and not joking, is the reason why Witches are all bisexual and with a dominating attitude.

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4 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Can I call Him Pan?

As you describe Him He is fierce but just, a terror to evil spirits and evil doers, but a fierce defender of all things good and righteous

Absolutely yes, all of the things you said

4 hours ago, steve25805 said:

He is the one who most fiercely protects your back as a witch? Your most loyal guardian and protector god?

Yes and no. I obtained something no Witches usually ever obtain, and is all thank to the instructions of Alex. Alex is somekind of sex-toy to the firstborn daughter of Pan, the most terrible of all Gods, so much I am preparing Her description since months for how afraid am I to fail in describing how much Good She is regardless of how much fearful She appears. No Witches usually work with Her because though absolutely correct and just like all the Gods, She embodies all fringes situations between good and evil, and is actually the entity a Witch should call for a Death-curse about somebody really deserving it. She embodies the very moral dilemma you felt about sacrifices, She is the point where the Cosmical Good proves so different than our current concept of Human Good that it almost looks evil. She is the mother who guides you there avoiding pitfalls, building a non-human-anymore war machine who can substain any offence without ever stop smiling, who can risk his life to stop a knife-fight bare hand to protect a stranger, or that can kill (I mean actually) without allowing remorses (mandatorily present in a good heart) to stop him. Alex is all of this, he wanted to demonstrate that the Cosmical Good has a plan for all behaviours except the most evil one, so to erode the charisma of evil in the eyes of the world, turning both heroes and anti-heroes to the Cosmical Good and defeat dualism between acceptable and naughty once and for all. So he trained under Her, and She set him in terrible dangers to really test him, level of dangers which She would never do unless you actually asked for a real challenge, but that indeed can be deadly. He is Her most devoted servant in this world, some kind of vermin accepted in the private bedchambers of the Goddess, a privilege She said was given unto no more than FIVE humans throughout ALL HISTORY. Through him, I learnt of the absolute service to Goodness She requires, the absolute lack of insolence and fear She wants, though not judging, just ignoring, those who are not ready for Her in their current re-incarnation.

Through him I gained Her favour. SHE is my bouncer. SHE is the ultimate darkness. No demon, not even a Prince, would wanna problems with Her. Because She is the "Let him live and nobody will ever consider you seriously again". She actually IS DEATH. She is my real, actual defender. A complicated one since She usually tells me what to do in order to win rather than protecting me on Herself. But was I ever in real danger, She would take things in Her hand. And this could be a problem because She got not exactly a this-life perspective when dealing punishment. She pulls the trigger. Indeed, the fact that you must actually petition Her not to kill is the ultimate test She make you pass through.


I'll talk of Her later.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And if ever I reached a point where I wanted to summon or connect with the gods in addition to learning about them, He is likely to be the first one I meet? 

Exactly, because He is a balancing point between Them all, and very patient





5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I know the Christian bible foretells a terrible war between good and evil, invoking the coming of Christ and the Anti-Christ and all that. I understand that the Anti-Christ is nonsense. And I personally believe that Jesus was just a very deeply spiritual human being who once walked amongst us and not anything divine like a god. But was there ever a great war between good and evil in the past, involving also the gods?


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And you mention a war between good and evil. Was there actually a terrible war in which the gods themselves fought as well as good and evil sprits and men and women?


Since the demons were born, and the tulpa-god of religions stepped in, there is a three-side war between ruin and destruction (demons), moralistic totalitarism (gods of world religions), and freedom and mental sanity (The Gods). This war is actually in process. The most real magicians for example knows that some entities described in medieval grimoires had indeed been killed and this is the reason why they look so "difficult to summon" (actual quote from a black magician I met while under-cover): obviously they are hard to summons, they are dead! ahahahahaah! The Gods cannot control directly 8 billions of people but are slowly winning the war!!!!

Men and women can partecipate, by giving power to the Gods through actions which feed Them, like for example indulging their sexual fetishes, which demons would ridicolize (they despise everything) and world religions would forbid (a happy man is hard to be brainwashed), and now guess why I am here on this forum, you are already an army, you just don't know. Also, personal devotion to the gods feeds Them, but the greatest feeding comes from being happy thanks to Their infos about Balance, fixing your lives, and then impress less happy people who will ask you your secret, and you will tell them as I told  you, spreading a Word of hope and possibility, eroding the negativity of demons and the heartless dominance of religions


about the Apocalypse in the Bible, the truth is more complicated. If we fail to help the Gods win this battle, World War III will broke out before 2200. Read the Bible carefully: Apocalypse is all about a nuclear war.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And if we are at peace with the gods and honour and respect them, Pan will protect us and bring harm down upon evil doers wishing to harm us for lowly reasons?

We are too many, that's why indeed They are very positive about adopting parentless children and/or making new babies only if absolutely sure of what you are doing. This way, without problems, we will reduce numbers in  pain-less way. Pan is an actual entity, measurable in feet and joules, theorically killable (though nothing on Earth could defeat a God), and He even (don't forget spirits are made of energy but are living beings) have to eat and sleep, and can actually grow tired after too much labour. He can protects only those who pray to Him directly. When we were less on Earth and all gathered in a same spot, His work was easier and He could protect everybody. The legendary King Arthur, Scot leader who vanquished the Saxons forcing them to a truce from which great power came to England, had His patronage. He has a indeed a powerful link to UK


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Could have done with His help then, lol.

The evil spirit, an incubus, would have fled away on America crossing the Atlantic surfing his own shit out of fear. Pan knows where to stick his enormous cock and Incubus are strictly hetero ahahaha


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Would that be enough for Him to seek to protect me from such evil now, or would I be required to connect with the gods in some way, to serve them?

Serving Them is not necessary, even simply knowing They exists and coping with that in your personal view of the world will be enough. Anyway, praying to Him to guide your steps, helping you building a stronger and more serene character, could help you. There is not need to work for Them if it do not sticks the right way in your life. For example, Scarlet of my fictional installment is NOT a Witch, unless she should have no reason to do all she does, she could have just sat in her bedroom, fall to deep trance, and ask the Gods about all the secrets she should discover during my plot: the very novel would have been ruined ahahahaah!!! But she does anyway good because she will stop the bad guys. No need to work for Them if it fits not : but private devotion helps Them to locate and protect you, indeed.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Pan sounds like a fierce but loyal warrior god on the side of all that is good, slayer of evil. Is that why He is the one who answers the call of exorcisms?

yes, exactly!!!!!


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And does this mean that when Christian churches perform exorcisms, they are summoning Him without knowing it? Or are their exorcisms actually ineffective because they reject Him?

terribly complicated and marvellous question

Christian exorcisms are not christian at all. I had a friend who studied to become exorcist I met while under-cover in a christian Group. They summon Archangel Michael, which is indeed the son of Pan, and the most luminous, kind, and incredibly marvellous of all Gods, and one of the most powerful of Them all. No words on Earth could describe Him: recovering from terminal illness due to a miracle than stepping outside the hospital and have a 100-millions lottery winning ticket to fly on your face could maybe describe a bit of the sheer LIGHT He convey. Thus He is also good in exorcisms, though maybe His Father Pan could be crudely a bit more effective.

Another truth but is really ugly, is that demons and world gods hate each other, Demons hate everything, quite simple, and eggregore-gods hate all that defy their omnipotence on Earth, like demons indeed. So sometimes being bothered with all "christian" energy expell a weak demon even if the exorcist (maybe a priest doing it without training) fails to actually summon Archangel Michael


hidden in the Church there are two shadow governments, one follower of "Saint" Peter, betrayer of Jesus, forever un-hallowed be his shitty name, and one ispired to Saint Paul, who tried to re-insert the teaching of Christ in the Church (failing). The first one is the one in command, who wants to obey the eggregore-god of christians and eliminate free-will and all other religions (those who killed the Pope some decades ago as he was too open to new stuff, guess why autopsy on the Pope is forbidden by Law). The second one follow the Gods in secret, they help people and teach many exorcists about magick


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I think I like this god a lot and would love to have Him as a guardian and protector for me

Quite funny starsign Cancer is one of His main core of manifestation and sympathy


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

But there is always quid pro quo

Not with Them , all comes natural with Them. Infos I already written in this long post will guide you a bit, to start!

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Thank you, @spywareonya. I look forward to hearing about the first born of Pan. Your protector?

When it comes to praying to Pan, speaking to him, communicating with him, getting his attention willingly, how exactly does one do that?

Just curious. And would it be wise to try?

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3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

first born of Pan. Your protector?

She is, yet She will come later. Next, I'll describe Crio's and Inari's THIRDBORN, only female of the generation, and wife to Pan. Later, I'll talk about Crio's and Inari's secondborn, Young Brother to Pan, and husband to her own niece, my protector, Pan's firstborn daughter. At that point, I'll talk about Her. In the end, I'll describe the last two, married and twins, son and daughter of Pan, which are the ones I called Archangel Michael, and my actual patroness, his twin sister and wife,  the Goddess of Sex, Fetishes, unpredictability, and Mastering of the unconscious.


3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

When it comes to praying to Pan, speaking to him, communicating with him, getting his attention willingly, how exactly does one do that?

The ritual I posted for the Spring Equinox was meant to be a funny, harmless rite to drag people into the light and friendly side of magick. He popped up forcing me to utterly re-write it in His image. So it hold a terribly powerful efficacy.

Milder contacts are not a problem, it's just that they are good to befriend Them, if somebody wants effects in his/her own life, a most powerful rite is necessary, almost to clarify the levels of intensity that their life will reach afterwards! Spirits can REALLY make our daily life to change!

The ritual is not a Pact, in anyway. It just helps people to have a powerful, good time. Milder contacts make sense only if our heart is free from the hypothetical fear to play hard like at least the ritual posted by me. That is some kind of common misconceptions about the Gods: They are fond of mild and tranquil contacts, but only if they come AFTER the performing people learn who he/she is through something much more powerful.

Do you remember when I wrote about pee in details in magick? I said that urine brings along the same power of the most extreme actions performed insofar: here, THIS is the same thing. They want us to discover and eliminate our fears. To a totally not-blasphemous joke, we could say They are the Patrons of the events of Home Alone, if you get my point. The protagonist is still a child needing the love of his parents, and getting scared by the ugly taxi driver in the sequel, yet he is almost "exorcised" from his previous character.


So, if mild stuff is done by somebody full of fear, it is pointless because They cannot help somebody who wants to hide. While if somebody is humile and brave enough to fight, and this is shown by a most bold attitude toward the ritual I posted for example/test, then also a milder contact can be a starting point, reaching most powerful stuff only later.

One good way is to deeply imagine Him, while meditating in a natural surrounding, theorically speaking better at night near the ocean, but also in full daylight in a field can be enough, in theory even your own chamber, what it means is that you have to meditate upon His character, allowing the mind to rest, focusing only on His way of doing things, until it stirs for similarity the same traits in you. After a few days of doing this, the character changes. Actual summoning, even to just know each other, cannot be milder than the rite I posted, since it is already mild in comparison to a true ritual. A true ritual requires an altar with candles inscribed with simbols carved with a needle which spilled your own blood, using sigils drawn with inks prepared by distilling roots over a period of months, and a cauldron filled with dirt taken from various parts of the World, and Soul-offering Covenant, so unbreakable that They clearly told me that it was so easy for me to meet Them because They manipulated my life in order to meet Them unavoidably, since I offered Them my soul about ten lives ago, in the Sumerian age, and They re-claimed me in each rebirth since that. Also, whipping, hours of magickal chants in non-human languages,  incenses from the furthest fringes of the planet, and maybe a devotional altar made of human bones, are all needed, until candles start to flicker like in a strong wind, and objects starts to fall down from shelves in a room with no Windows open.

Comparing to this, the rite I posted is MILD, isn't it? Even milder would project a weak Outlook about how strong They are, and how useful They could be to us in situations of actual problems! Why worshipping something unable to change the world, starting from your daily life? The world is full of useless, powerless, maybe-eve-unexisting gods! I want to save the world, I want to rule my life, all of this needs POWER!!! 


So, if milder contacts are done just to avoid being rushy, like in your case, a meditation on His character could be a starting point, I'll write a separate thread about it soon. For other people who read this but lack your guts, I would lie telling them there is an easy way to my Path. In my Path, people die and kill since the dawn of History. Hitler was a madman but a madman doesnt't build an empire, he got the Thule Society, a Group of black magicians, as a backup. Aleister Crowley, a naugthy White magician, helped Churchill in defeating the Nazi and winning World War II. I don't even understand why so many people fail to realize that 30 years before, Gavrilo Princip was actually brainwashed into doing what he did (for those who don't know, he was the student who, among the crowd, murdered the Austrian Archduke starting World War I). The Iron Curtain was an excusation to avoid russian psychic spies to enter America and Europe. And the French Revolution started as the result of a war in the ranks of the secret sect of Saint Vehme.


All important human events had been due to Witchcraft, since the origins of Civilizations...

Edited by spywareonya
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Ok, @steve25805 and @Scot_Lover,  a bit of a new infos

This time about Pan's Wife, "Blue".

Blue is a problem. No entities of any pantheon is similar to Her. No entities ever perceived by the human mind is similar to Her. Blue is a state of mind. An enhanced perception of things. Yet, also a deprivation of sensations. Tagging which to enhance and which to temporarily cut down. She teaches people how to detach from the facet of our personality which are born from encrusted habits.

But She goes much Beyond.

She is a deprivation chamber. She is the Patroness of the hallucinatory trips of Native Americans used both to heal and to test. She is dreams, memories of other lives, and even of disembodied life between reincarnations.

Thanks to this, we expand our Conception of ourselves and of life itself much Beyond a this-life POV, though keeping the good portions of such a philosophy. We start to remember who we were, thus understanding much better why we are what we are in this life.

I, personally, know exactly why I am born where I was, and why all that happened to me went the way it did. Meeting Alex, falling in inhuman love with him, meeting the Gods, ALL falls in lines, all fits in, all sticks together.

Blue is a complicated entity, never forcing you to anything, but on a deepr stance, She is the ultimate tester of your determination, because while Inari gives you all the infos you want about all you need to know, also guiding you to people giving you answers on a scientifical and precise stance, Blue indeed do something more subtle. She brings you to cope with not only the emotional, but the overall sensation of discovering that everything, from Galaxys to Atoms, vibrates and exists alongside the same guidelines the Gods teaches to humans.

It is all we will ever need to know, the Ultimate Truth. Movies, fantasies, philosophies, people Killing and dieing for ages in the past, we all have been fascinated by the hypothesis of discovering the Absolute Truth. But people do not image what it feels to actually know it. It is like something dies in you. Mystery. And all longing connected to it. You do not know single strange situations, but all big mysteries of existence are solved. I know which way do think a ten-dimensional overGod, able to create or destroy a univers by the blinking of an eye. Beware, I do not know what he will do or come up with, but I have an overall understanding of its guidelines. ALL History, Genetic, Archeology, religions and phylosophies, ALL unveils and sticks together before my eyes. I feel like I am outside of time. I know about aliens, and of the destiny of mankind for centuries ahead of us. I actually live to alter it to an even better end (future will not be easy but will be good, yet we can make it less hard and even better). 

The Death of Mystery doesn't mean the Death of Marvel and surprise. Indeed, direct experience of something already known thanks to magick is exactly the difference between seeing a pic of a girl naked, and actually meeting one willing to have piss sex. So, Marvel and surprise will never die. But this all make you more... ancient. Alien. Aloof.

With time, more calm, and more merciful. But also a bit gloomy, between dreamy and anguished.

Blue is not a dark entity, in any way. She is more like a pic designed by somebody who loves flashy colours and impossible geometries. Blue demolish all we consider possible and impossible, expanding our perceptions and more than anything the portions of our character based upon them. What if we could for example see in the dark, or 360°: wouldn't our interpretation of life be different?

What if we were unable to get pleasure from unjust vengeance, nor to feel pain neither anguish upon Death?

Who would we be if we were all destined to find guaranteed our soul mate? Who would we be having six eyes? Or eight hands?

People do not even imagine how much our perceptions are important: sunlight affects the mood, all knows this, I am just telling you this is true for everything. When we like or dislike something is because our unconscious is sending us a fax with a bad or a good sensation. Clearing the unconscious is the work of Lilith, Her daughter, Blue extends this thing to the gates of what is commonly kept away from people. If Inari teaches you ALL, Blue make you feel like living it actually. Imagine to have a LSD trip in a futuristic world ruled by the Gods: who would you be upon awakening next morning?

She is this. Expansion. The convergence point of fantasy, memory, hallucination, and revelation.

She is so alien that usually Initiation with her is underwent as the last before the final triad of Gaia, Satan, and Kali, AFTER all other Gods because unless you actually go mad with Her.

People says that having loved and lost love is the worst of all curses, but it is not true. It is terrible, indeed, but if you ever placed your flag somewhere, you will be able to return there, because it means that you overcame all the obstacles along that particular road. Maybe you still got flaws, but somewhere else; not there, there you won. So, having had experiences of beautiful things makes you sad for not having them anymore, but also make you a person whose soul is already partially built by that good experience.

It is different than longing, I am talking of having ALREADY being there. The price is the melancholy coming from the perceived difference between that perfect experience, and your daily life.

Blue is this. She makes you perceive existence as They live it daily. This way, you can actually build all your choices upon that inspiration, instead of simply knowing things on a technical stance. But this also comes with a price, in this case the ultimate one, because after having being Her for a while, being human stops being pleasurable for you. Only being a safe human is good for you: but you become utterly unable to substain the kind of life modern people do, taking medics and drugs to work 14 hours per day so to have money to buy medics and drugs.

You become, indeed, the very mythological embodied of Merlin: a man who was said to be born in the future, but then sent to the past, so able to alter and manipulate it. This is the real myth of Merlin (oh what a coincidence, a Druid, scottish priests of the Gods, LOL). A man who ruled "present" because shaped by the future, so not only wise about all that is to come, but inherently "from another place".

In the distant future, the Good will definitely win the War. The wolrd will be perfect. Blue makes you live that moment through hallucinatory trips, yet much more in a deeper and subtler way, i.e. making you perceive the already present trails of Light embued in the world, those that one day will expand to overcome this world and build a utopy. In little doses they are already here, fringe situations where all is perfect and marvellous. She expand your ability to locate and feed on them, modifying yourself to get more in tune with Good. She makes you spot situations already great and much more aligned to Good than the rest of the world and teaches you how to turn them into strongholds (in my case, this forum for example), and living like you were born in that luminous future, then sent back to this awful present  so to make those things already beautiful to expand and overwhelm negativity. We could say, if you really get my point, that while Gaia is the Patroness of the pics in "The awsome grandeur of Nature", Blue is yet the soul of the "teaching" of that thread, which could be summed up as "What a marvellous world do we live in: let's ignore the negative part and rebuke it, sticking to marvellous things and never get clogged in pessimism"


It could anyway be an subtle error from me to say She is hope and happiness: Her son Michael is these. She is them too but on a subtler way: She is the hope and happiness coming from forever defeating the very concept of "unknown". But meanwhile you have to cope with all that comes to be known!!!

What is the truth about that POV you got? Or about that philosophy? Or about that scientifical doubt, obviously having implications for you on the emotional stance? Inari tells you the answer. Blue makes you feel like that Truth has ever been your only one. To know, Inari is better, so you don't get overwhelmed by a feeling you know nothing about. But later, Blue takes you there, where you stop being human, and become what we should have never stopped being, a living being which knows all the secrets of the Gods and of the Cosmical Good, and not only choose, but live, thinks, FEELS, according to it.

Edited by spywareonya
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2 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

Wow, I'll get back to you on this. 

Do you think the Gods are the reason we have LSD, peyote (mescaline) and other mind altering chemicals?


Oh, no, Nature hadn't in any way built by Them, I call Them "Gods" because compared to us, They are, but They are born just a few millennia ago and Their power can affect reality (modifying destiny, or applying telekinesis) but cannot actually warp it

Nature went they way it went, and They teach us how to master it

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Wow, there is a lot there and difficult to grasp it all accurately without further clarification.

So Blue is the goddess of all reality beyond this reality? All deeper truths beyond this life? The goddess of mind and soul expansion and all deeper and wider realities? Is that it? 

And when we use hallucinogenic drugs like LSD or magic mushrooms, or allow our minds to explore deeper realities when stoned on pot - yes I have a more youthful past which included such pastimes, lol - the glimpses of deeper realities and deeper meanings are actually things that Blue helps us with or is the guardian of?

I well remember first having the realisation that the purpose of life is to be the meeting point of matter and spirit, the means by which both evolve together in tandem, when actually thinking deeply when stoned. Of course - as I think is always wise - I ran it though my head in quiet meditative moments when not under the influence of anything, but it felt right. It seemed true. It is as if the cannabis - a very mild halluninogen and deep thought enhancer and mind expander - opened my mind to another more fundamental aspect of reality, a revelation at the time that left me awestruck. And it made sense when I was no longer stoned, and had the feel of my mind being opened to a deeper truth. I also whilst under the influence got a glimpse of what I believe to be another aspect of our reason for being here. It is so that our souls - exploiting matter in the form of flesh and blood and bones as vessels to inhabit in successive incarnations - can evolve into ever higher beings until at some far distant point into the future, billions, perhaps even trillions, of years hence, we would have developed into such powerful spiritual beings that we'd each have become almost gods, each creating our own new universe in another big bang. How much of this revelation, that occurred to me in almost a europhic flash of realisation, an "ahh, so THATS how it is!" moment is true, perhaps you can tell me. Because of course halluninogens can lead our minds to false "truths" too. But it was like something really deep about the meaning of life had occurred to me, or been revealed to me.

And Blue is the goddess of such experiences, of such glimpses of deeper realities aided by halluninogens and mind expanding substances?

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27 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

So Blue is the goddess of all reality beyond this reality? All deeper truths beyond this life? The goddess of mind and soul expansion and all deeper and wider realities? Is that it?


28 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

And when we use hallucinogenic drugs like LSD or magic mushrooms, or allow our minds to explore deeper realities when stoned on pot - yes I have a more youthful past which included such pastimes, lol - the glimpses of deeper realities and deeper meanings are actually things that Blue helps us with or is the guardian of?

Theorically speaking, She is the Patroness of that typology of experience, yet obviously a lot of what you see is simply your uconscious emerging. It is important for me to clarify that She is not simply the emerging of it, She is actually the emerging of those hidden TRUTHS than links your individual experience to trans-individual things in the universe, or to feelings which are your indeed, but of a particular kind: those who are like they should be.

We are usually what life turned us into, what our mistakes turned us into: but we should not be that. We should be the marvellous heroes we were programmed to be. She helps remembering who we really are. Who we should be.


33 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Of course - as I think is always wise - I ran it though my head in quiet meditative moments when not under the influence of anything, but it felt right. It seemed true. It is as if the cannabis - a very mild halluninogen and deep thought enhancer and mind expander - opened my mind to another more fundamental aspect of reality, a revelation at the time that left me awestruck. And it made sense when I was no longer stoned, and had the feel of my mind being opened to a deeper truth. I also whilst under the influence got a glimpse of what I believe to be another aspect of our reason for being here. It is so that our souls - exploiting matter in the form of flesh and blood and bones as vessels to inhabit in successive incarnations - can evolve into ever higher beings until at some far distant point into the future, billions, perhaps even trillions, of years hence, we would have developed into such powerful spiritual beings that we'd each have become almost gods, each creating our own new universe in another big bang. How much of this revelation, that occurred to me in almost a europhic flash of realisation, an "ahh, so THATS how it is!" moment is true, perhaps you can tell me.


34 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Because of course halluninogens can lead our minds to false "truths" too.

yes, it is a risk with unconscious emerging wildly!

34 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

And Blue is the goddess of such experiences, of such glimpses of deeper realities aided by halluninogens and mind expanding substances?


Yes and no. ALL Gods are like this. She is more linked to the sensations permanently changing in you after those esperiences. if the little changes occurred in your own mind after that revelation would become so overwhelming to delete the remaining of your character, who would you become (or much more fitting, "who would you return to be")???

She is THAT

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Ok, Now heading toward the last stances

Seven Gods described, four to describe


Abaddon, Pan's younger brother


This man is complicated

There is a legend in Sumerian mythology, utterly un-true on the realistic stance but useful as a metaphor to know Him, which tells He was born out of a rape so violent His mother fell to coma, and got pulled out of her only seven months when she eventually died

During those seven months, he absorbed all the love of the soul of her mother, focusing pure light on her child though conceived through violence, but he also absorbed her dispair and pain

When he was born, the highest of all gods recognized Him as a "blessed by scars" and appointed Him god of pestilences, drought, and mindless destruction. He later found his "father" and murdered him, substituting him as the Right Hand of the highest god.

Later, His rage unsatiated, He waged war against the sinful human and swept away the human race, until the goddess of Death complained hell was too full and put a price on His head. Thus, He demolished the Gates of the Underworld by angrily kicking them, raped her so strong she fell in love with Him, and become ruler of the underworld. Upon the Death of the highest god, all other gods struggled for supremacy, until He got fed up of their immaturity and killed them all, until the goddess of love chosed to become His second wife to calm Him down.

Thus, He became the Absolute ruler of the universe, and made peace with humans, becoming a just yet terrible god, also easing the quarrel between the goddess of love and the goddess of Death, now both His wives, learning to sapphicly love each other in His bed, and you can see an enormous symbolical meaning in this.


This story is made up and symbolical, but quite describes Him. He is determination, respect for pain. He is the "hard truths of life", but it is also self-overcome. A seven months foetus born of the rape becoming sovereing of existence, easing all quarrel between various opposites forces in the meanwhile.

Abaddon is the God of self mastery through pure and simple discipline. Is the ability to keep oneself calm and devoted to what we know to be right even when emotions overwhelm us.

His Initiations also include a temporarily relinquishment from the Occult so to eliminate all remaining arrogance a Witch could feel toward mundanes, and avoiding using special and cultured things as a hideout from crude life; the Witch is required to focus on money, base need, and maybe help Others in conditions of necessity. It is all to avoid to see spirituality as something cool and aloof from problems, like a rich fat priest happy of his richness that prays for for the poor but wouldn't detach from single penny of his.

Spirituality must not be a mental masturbation made for rich people who love to hear their voices, it must be a crude and effective set of good advices for daily life.


Also, he has respect for scorned and downtrodden, but only if really undeserved: unless, He sternly notify you it is only your fault. Much differently from all other Gods, He is not kind, nor gentle. I was petrified by His attitude when I underwent His Initiation, I asked why He despised me so much, and was told by my Patroness that "He Always looks like that".


All my interest in mundane affairs, like Politic and Justice, is under His patronage. He is the stern but just God nobody could manipulate, never moved to, nor by, anything. His main office is to transmit this moral strenght and inflexibility, through a series of passages, mainly doing things which are the opposite of what would come spontaneous from us.

He teaches that spontaneity is greatly overrated, and that only because something is sincere (which means that you feel it indeed) doesn't necessarily mean it is the MOST sincere thing you feel/think, the one which is endorsed by the core of your Soul.

And this is a marvellous teaching, because it clarify the awful situation when we think we hate something and we see no way out beside acting alongside that hatred. Indeed we feel it, but the most sincere of all sentiments remain the hope to clarify and ease the thing. But sometimes, we have to step back a little, to realize we were blinded by anxiety and thus on blindly defensive stance...


Working with Him can be a bit complicated because He really gives few advices, and much more transform our lives through happenings, rocking our unconscious, and can be felt as pushy if we impair the purification by refusing to let old habits go. Usually, He is not contacted that much, yet He is the holder and keeper of a great vitality, which can transform the emotional and even hormonal undertone we feel in life to such an extent that really we could recover from depression, or re-discover our love for life after years of gray existence and gloominess.

He teaches us how many resources we have, thus how resourceful we can be, and though stressful, working with Him reall demolish all inner fear and lack of selfconfience, pushing us to look for things we thought we renounced, even facing failure on that road, not like "Just once more, if fail again I quit forever", no no, just like we were actually restarting from the very beginning, full of chances and the ability to withstand life.

He is the actual "heir" to Crio, because Pan embody Crio's justice, but His sheer power and fury is handled by Abaddon. I chose this name for Him because in the Apocalypse Abaddon is the angel of the Bottmless Pit, unleashing the armies of destruction on Earth, yet not a demon at all, indeed a servant of God.


Also, He is husband to Lilith's terrible elder sister, the only one She respect enough to marry with.

Edited by spywareonya
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Thanks for that.

Have visitors due in 15 mins so can't read it thoughtfully enough or respond just yet due to lack of time. Will get back to you on this later.

I meanwhile probably have just enough time to find a couple of nature pics to bump my pics of nature thread.

Back later.


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2 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

I meanwhile probably have just enough time to find a couple of nature pics to bump my pics of nature thread

oh this would be marvellous!!!

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So Abaddon is full of controlled rage that he directs in the cause of justice, and also is god of all those things that form part of everyday life?

He is a champion of underdogs unless people have brought themselves into that position?

And he helps witches by ensuring that they remain grounded without becoming egotistic or arrogant with their knowledge, so that their hearts remain pure?

He comes across in your description as a god who will not suffer fools gladly. If you are being an ass he will treat you like one. 

Stern but fair?

And all these Gods you say teach you this or that. But you are thinking of them teaching witches, yes? Because they do not really interact with the rest of us do they? Although they might perhaps notice us. You have said they have noticed me before.

How do the gods affect the lives of the rest of us who do not use witchcraft to commune with them?

Do they teach us anything subconsciously?

Do they interact with us? Even without us knowing?

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6 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

So Abaddon is full of controlled rage that he directs in the cause of justice, and also is god of all those things that form part of everyday life?

He is a champion of underdogs unless people have brought themselves into that position?

And he helps witches by ensuring that they remain grounded without becoming egotistic or arrogant with their knowledge, so that their hearts remain pure?

He comes across in your description as a god who will not suffer fools gladly. If you are being an ass he will treat you like one. 

Stern but fair?

And all these Gods you say teach you this or that. But you are thinking of them teaching witches, yes? Because they do not really interact with the rest of us do they? Although they might perhaps notice us. You have said they have noticed me before.

All absolutely correct


6 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

How do the gods affect the lives of the rest of us who do not use witchcraft to commune with them?

Do they teach us anything subconsciously?

Do they interact with us? Even without us knowing?

This is a marvellous question

The Gods helps us in a complicated way, but is NOT DIRECT

I will explain you

Imagine all souls like living a chamber with a toy water-gun: it is filled with a substance which is the overall PH of all the partecipants emotional condition, and it fires blidly hitting people

If it is loaded with acid or liquid shit, the people will get angry if hit, then their emotional state will deplet and next firing will shoot out something even worse because the PH will be even less good

if theorically people could refuse to react angrily and strive for a better way, next firing round will be less dirty, and one day, striding along this road, the toy-gun will shit pure water or delicious Scotch, or liquid gold.

The Gods secretely manipulate the gun to embetter its PH beside our Mathematical deserving. Like the collective unconscious being a forum filled with spam and They eiminate spam.

But They do not contact people directly unless called because it would be pointless to teach to somebody who for some reason do not wanna summon Them. On the logical-deductive stance indeed

If summoned, They answer, if not, They don't push, and help on a more indirect stance


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2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

All absolutely correct


This is a marvellous question

The Gods helps us in a complicated way, but is NOT DIRECT

I will explain you

Imagine all souls like living a chamber with a toy water-gun: it is filled with a substance which is the overall PH of all the partecipants emotional condition, and it fires blidly hitting people

If it is loaded with acid or liquid shit, the people will get angry if hit, then their emotional state will deplet and next firing will shoot out something even worse because the PH will be even less good

if theorically people could refuse to react angrily and strive for a better way, next firing round will be less dirty, and one day, striding along this road, the toy-gun will shit pure water or delicious Scotch, or liquid gold.

The Gods secretely manipulate the gun to embetter its PH beside our Mathematical deserving. Like the collective unconscious being a forum filled with spam and They eiminate spam.

But They do not contact people directly unless called because it would be pointless to teach to somebody who for some reason do not wanna summon Them. On the logical-deductive stance indeed

If summoned, They answer, if not, They don't push, and help on a more indirect stance


Ok, so they don't interact with most of us directly, but they do "nudge" the natural realm - and the spirit realm? - in directions that help us on our collective journeys, helping to smooth the way for those of us heading along the right path?

Do they help to ensure Karma? So that we develop and learn the right spiritual lessons through successive incarnations? 

You may have told me this before but if so I need reminding. What is their end goal? What do they stand to gain from helping us reach our goals many billions of years hence? What is in it for them in regards to our destiny? Why do they want to help us - even indirectly - in any way?

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1 minute ago, steve25805 said:

Ok, so they don't interact with most of us directly, but they do "nudge" the natural realm - and the spirit realm? - in directions that help us on our collective journeys, helping to smooth the way for those of us heading along the right path?




1 minute ago, steve25805 said:

Do they help to ensure Karma? So that we develop and learn the right spiritual lessons through successive incarnations? 


Karma do not works like people think, it is much more friendly and scientifical

Karma means that if you are psychologically vulnerable to a flaw, sooner or later you will cause to stir that same flaws in the situations around you. They do not administer Karma, because Karma for what is considered by people do not exist. It is more a inner-karma, we got weak spots and living life sometimes they felt hit and hurt, and this can be interpreted like a "punishment for a flaw" but indeed is all in itself, a flaw is a weakspot of the soul and if deluded or angered we suffer like immature and powerless children, thus making evil a punishment to itself, in the stance of  depletion of our natural defenses against bad luck

The Gods help only, though they are not merciful in the standard concept of the word They see no point in punishing: depleting somebody's condition can only envenom him, and since the goal is to save everybody, why envenoming somebody?

But They can apport damages to people to prevent them from evil actions. Where there no other way to stop somebody from Killing me, that one will surely got hit by a car dodging, or will break an ankle and stumble on the sidewalk breaking his neck.


1 minute ago, steve25805 said:

You may have told me this before but if so I need reminding. What is their end goal? What do they stand to gain from helping us reach our goals many billions of years hence? What is in it for them in regards to our destiny? Why do they want to help us - even indirectly - in any way?

Their final goal is to turn Humanity in a space-faring race of conquerors. Earth-form planet and meet aliens to build a galactic empire, ruled by the Gods. They don't get anything from it (when you have no EGO you almost have no desires), but helping people is like that sparkling sensation we feel when we post on this forum, is marvellous and exciting to a compulsive level, and as long there will be a job to be done They will help us.

In the distant future They will be blessed by limitlessly more powerful entities for doing a good job, and turned into REAL gods, creating universes and the like, but it is so distant nobody (not even Them) think about it

By now, Galactic Alliance, ruled by Them

Gods of the Universal Religion/Society

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Ok. The time has come. Please, PLEASE take what you are gonna read with incredible cautiousness. But I cannot proceed unless I talk about Her! She is the next in the list...


I have no name for Her. We could call Her Sekhmet because this is the name under which She was known to the Egyptians. In India, Tibet and China She is known as Baghala. But I have no name for Her.

Sekhmet was a war goddess so Dangerous that Ra Himself had concerns in unleashing her against demons and sinners, because she could not be controlled. Baghala is the assistant of Kali, sometimes one of Her embodiement indeed, that oversees all those practices usually deemed "evil", when performed in service of Good. But maybe the most correct name for Her is Ammut: this name was used in Ancient Egypt to refer to a female monstruous divinity who ate the souls of those sinners which were so evil, that not even punishment could have rectified them.

Ammut, let's call Her this way, is the first born of Pan and Blue, and elder sister to Lilith. Ammut is very probably the most complicated of Them all, because if properly understood She completely changes the mind of he who is initiated under Her. if misunderstood, the mental habits of people become even tighter so to withstand the embarass and crisis unleashed by the knowledge of Her.


She is the removal of the concept that some portions of character are indeed so frequently used by evil,and associated to emotions so nasty and mean, that our mind RATIFY they are evil, and sometimes they can be unleashed against somebody who deserves that.


Ok, this thought MUST GO. If you cannot relinquish it, I sincerely suggest you stop reading. It would not be a dishonour: I needed years to properly understand Her. Well, my explaination will sum up those years in a useful and easy way, but there is nothing strange if you actually cannot grasp Her truth.


To understand why I said elsewhere She is the Guardian of the Graal, we must now talk about what the Graal is. And this will be fucking serious so put all of yourself into this. The Graal, the Cup of Divinity, the magickal item who grants eternal life and heal all wounds, is a concept, but so powerful, that can shape people's hormonality and actually transform us.

The Graal is obviously the pussy. But is much, much more complex than this. I risked my life to obtain these informations.

How are the pussy, Ammut, and the definitive eradication of evil linked?

Here it is.

The Graal, the pussy, the Love of Divinity, is Eternal Life, but what does it mean? Physical life cannot be eternal. Even multidimensional entities who never grow old can be killed by even powerful deities. So, what is Life Eternal? Life Eternal is nothing but the capability to live every second of one's existence, conscious of his eternal portion. Imagine if you could remember all your past lives, till the times when you were a bacteria. And imagine you could foresee your next life so clearly that your unconscious reach the point of NOT transmitting you any fear of Death on the hormonal stance. Death like changing a dress. Imagine what if this was possible.


Theorically speaking, if one is really willing to destroy is character by walking my Path for thirty years, got tortured and risk insanity and suicide, it IS possible. I am heading there indeed. But the Graal can help incredibly even without my Path.

The Graal has two faces:

The first, linked to the pussy, is the (careful now, I will never revel anybody anything holier than this: no more than fifty to one hundred persons on Earth know this) "Kilana", which means "anchoring". By living life to its fullest, and I really mean it, you anchor yourself to life, surpassing the traumas of your past lives (the world was not a happy place!!!) and see Beyond time. Sex is the main device, but indeed is the erotism, the Life Pulse, the essence of pleasure and happiness but in a strong, powerful stance.

The second face of the Graal, and here is where Ammut steps in, is the "Amrita", which means "Un-touched by evil", and a bit superficially translated as "immortality", but the concept is wider and subtler, it actually means "Immune to be spoiled". The Amrita is not a substance, is a revelation. This revelation eradicates evil from existence.


The Amrita is the back-ground of all the things She doesn, and all that Ammut does is done simply because needed, it is no need to focus on it, all Gods can be violent and cruel, She imply is the most violent and cruel of Them all, but the point is not that fact that She apparently kills easily and without a thought.

The point is what She wants to teach us through Her behaviour. And this teaching is Amrita.

Amrita means the broadness and firmness of heart and mind necessary to fully convince ourselves that, beside the emotions it stirs in us, violence on an archetypical stance is only "stuff", is neither good nor evil.

Simply is.

In ourselves, the drive to kill another life-form is usually associated with thoughts about Death, and the overall negativity we feel when thinking about Death. We fear Death, then we empathize with the other's fear of Death. But Her stern truth is that empathy can also backfire, creating something which indeed is thought by us to be highest peak of Mercy, while indeed is subtly a weak spot.

The truth is that empathyzing with the other's fear of Death is not good enough if you have a friend standing in front of you, and utterly un-fitting if you are facing an opponent.

The deepest truth is that in every human lies the desire to end fights even before they start by simply kill everybody who gives us concerns. Then, we tell ourselves "Oh shut up, people are much more worthy than the tw-seconds needed to pull a trigger, no matter how bad they are, they got a life, they got dignity".

Upon saying this to ourselves, we use an over-stressing of people's value to prevent our cinical part from surfacing.

Ammut teaches people to erase this hypocrisy and master violence once and for all. She teaches that ALL is evolving toward the condition of a God, and the soul of ALL is untouchable, the only thing Death can disturb, beside our fear of the unknown, is what we are up to in this life.

If somebody deserves not to die, then our inner push to violence must fuck itself and shut up. And if someone deserves to die, reproach toward our instinct to brutally murder him, is pointless.

We feel that the kill-drive is negative or embarassing because everytime we think about it, we (WITHOUT KNOWING!!!) imagine a certain action and setting, and 101% of the times we add in this scene some flaw, that could turn us indeed in an entity unworthy of administrating the Death-energy.

We human are not enough devoid of personal flaws to got the right to kill. Some humans are getting near to that right, AND some humans deserves to die, put the two things together, and you understand why many Witches works as undercover agents and kill criminals.

Beside that, we should indeed refrain from such a powerful and terrible action. But not because it is evil. Only because it is unfitting.

If we realy refuse to perceive the killdrive as something bad and understand it was simply there because in the past it was useful, and sometimes it still is, and realize humans are evil only when they misuse it, we will feel incredibly atoned and cleansed: looking at our instinct to do horrible things, we just tell it "ok, sleep by now" without judging ourselves.

This emotional firmness also gives us the capability to unconsciously stop fearing Others, on which we unconsciously project all that our dark side could do, thus fearing they will do the same unto us.

When we understand that it is our EGO that whispers us to use that destroying energy to protect the EGO itself, we subsequently got enlightened by the fact that upon giving up the EGO, our capabilities have no moral traits in themselves: an EGO-less person will never use violence beside when considered-by-everybody absolutely necessary, and in that case, why fear our capability to do horrible things?

We needed them in the past. Maybe we will need tem in the future. But if we control them, not with morality but by simply demolishing the EGO so to become really and fully rational, why fearing them, beside the embarass of the imaginative thoughts of inflicting them (we should not, we are not pure enough, thus imagining it would mean imagining it in its worse form) or receiving them (which will not happen unless we become evil)?


The demolishing of the judgement we pass against ourselves for being capable of anything, THIS is the Amrita. It engenders the Complete Love, and is the key to live life on a completely new stance, allowing the peak of inner happiness necessary to reach the capability to live life to the fullest, enacting the Kilana, hormonal and genetical transformation of the human brain, awakening psychic powers and becoming conscious of the eternity of existence.

And beware: I am not saying "keeping it in store until somebody deserves it". Because this way it would KEEP THE NEGATIVE UNDERTONE we unconsciously attribute to it, and this way our unconscious could never completely de-mistify it. We need to remove all moralistic adds to the capability to murder. THEN we will be enlightened by a total uninterest in it, to the point of finding villains in movies boring because you actually have no more that drive in you to be exorcised!

And you will never feel the drive to act that way, because drives in themselves do not exist, or better they DO exist, but are gentle enough when popping up in us, that they never cloud our judgement, UNLESS WE HAVE AN UN-SETTLED UNCONSCIOUS problem about one these drives: in that case, that very drives presents itself with a power capable of canceling our mind, engendering the sadly re-known "raptus", blind homicidal rage.

A Witch could never feel that way because She have a good, un-emotional relationship with every behavioural model Nature put in her, so she will never be caught guard-down by an instinct.

But to reah this calm and purity, we need to de-censor those energies, NOT by endorsing their utilization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But by understanding, lik at school, how they come into being. For example, we could ask ourselves "Ok Killing an opponent, but why this portion of me also suggest me to kill his family too?". 99% is because, as I said, we are not pure enough to use that portion of us, and likely vengeful thoughts propose us to complete the butchering.

But on a "natural" stance, there hypothetical "good" resons are many: What are his sons gonna do when grown up? Avenge a father who was evil, as they could never cope with the fact his Death was mandatory, thus siding with him, becoming evil themselves, maybe Killing your innocent son in retaliation.

A really good leader, who wanna built a life, must consider this. Since it engenders situations with suffering and blood everywhere, INDEED we human should MANDATORILY use peaceful ways!!!

But on the theorical stance, after Killing an Alien from the movie, we also should burn his eggs, to prevent him from threatening us again. Isn't it like Killing his sons? But in the movie the hero does it and we are happy because the enemy is defeated.

Understanding a broader interpretation of life, helps us de-mistifying things, and once brought out of the unconscious, believe me they feel surpassed and get down to sleep.

This is the only way to remove unnecessary violence form our society.

This is the way to remove doubts about our inner goodness, stopping perceiving our depths like a place where "pointless (thus evil) sadism" resides.

We are not half angels half demons. How many horror movies starts with a woman giving Birth to the Antichrist and then got tricked into "loving it since it still is her child" thus failing to kill him, engendering the End of the World and the defeat of Goodness.

We are able to both love and murder, but loving is not Always right, and Killing is not Always wrong. Amrita is detaching from considering ourselves "capable of both good and bad things", and starting to consider us simply "capable of many various different things", BAD only when driven by EGO and its pointless crusade against all Others.


Because of this, Ammut, is capable of anything. To make me stop being judgemental, she trapped me in an hallucinatory dream where I was a serial killer heartlessly luring my innocent prey into Death.Not to talk about what happend to Alex and me with criminals years ago.

When really necessary, Ammut can kill humans. Her favourite way is chlorine leaking, but also food poisoning, car accidents, and other "incidents".

She Always appear dressed in an armour, or like a rotten but living body enwrapped in a casket sudary, also hiding Her face, floating and completely enwrapped in barbed wire over the sudary, extending like tentacles or wipes at Her command.

She also, but this happened only a few times in the Whole Human History, can appear naked, and is said to be of Paramount perfection, identical to Her sister Lilith but much more stern and Majestic, sharing the same inner glory of Her ancestor Kali.

She reigns in a labyrinth made of red thorns, where a single, blue-White flower is eternally blooming, representing the Purity of those who fully mastered, not only in their minds but also on the instinctual stance, the absolute difference between Good and Evil. All Others who try to steal that Flower, are drained of their blood  by the countless hurts delivered by the red thorns.


I contacted Her, and can tell you that I never felt an entity who was as pure and as devoid of any shadow was Her. She is stern, but not even that much. What She absolutely requires, to prevent people from emotional outbursts while coping with these dark facets of themselve, is the MOST ABSOLUTE OBEISANCE.

I really mean, you have to relinquish yourself unto Her like during an hypnothic therapy, all your thoughts and adoration should be for Her, and whatever emotion explodes, to use Her words, "WATCH IT FROM A DISTANCE AND KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS UNTO ME".

Those who fail with Her usually go mad and ends up Killing themselves, sometimes after Killing somebody else first. This is the reason why She accepts so few people and is so stern: powerful emotions connected to fear, pain, and the desire to destroy what we deem responsible, all surfaces with Her.

But after that, if you really walk the tunnel of darkness, I can tell you that in the end there is Light.

She protects me from any bad force, both human and spiritual. She is never emotional and often scolds me for creating situations where people are angry with me, since as already explained She doesn't like any violence to be used in a bad way, and angering people is a mild act of violence indeed. 99% of the times She just tells me what to do to defeat a problem, and never helps me apparently, but She can be sensed manipulating things from an unseen spot.

Was I ever to be in danger, well... She said I am useful to Good. They need me happy and safe to keep up the good work. Now imagine what could happen to somebody really wanting to deprive the Gods of such a useful mortal instrument like me...

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Wow, I'm starting to understand the world you are living in, well, understanding how it affects you in this world. I will heed your words, believe me. 

Is this the same Ammit as the one at the 'scales of justice'? 

The eternal restlessness 'to die a second time' that was heaped upon the unworthy sounds dreadful.

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2 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:


Wow, I'm starting to understand the world you are living in, well, understanding how it affects you in this world. I will heed your words, believe me. 

Is this the same Ammit as the one at the 'scales of justice'? 

The eternal restlessness 'to die a second time' that was heaped upon the unworthy sounds dreadful.

I used the name of Ammit to describe Her, and yes, Ammit of the Scales of Justice, yes.

Obviously She doesn't devour souls, I chose to use the name of Ammit simply because Ammit was the ultimate filthgrinder of the Egyptian mythology

For what concerns my world... yes... thank you from the heart...

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