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1 hour ago, Grizzly Man said:

I worked at a bbq restaurant and on fathers day we were always ridiculously busy. Well i go out to our back dock to get another pallet of wood and as im uncovering it one of our cashiers walked right past me in a hurry! I asked what she was doing  and she said desperatly that she had to pee so bad and the line was to long. Our bathrooms only had 2 stals so ya the line could get long. I watched her walk to the corner and drop her pants and started to pee all over the back dock! Her face of relief was super arousing and this girl was a looker! She peed for probably 2 minutes and i staryed the whole time. The sound of her peeing made me need to piss. As she finished up i told her i need to go now. She looked at me and said "good now i get to stare at you now." So i went over to her puddle unzipped my pants and started peeing over her spot. She watched and giggled as i went, which was turning me on. I told her i was marking my territory! She laughed and said "thats kind of sexy actually." After i finished i zipped up and grabbed the pallet jack and she went back inside. The rest of the day she would look over at me and blush evert time. 

I really want to have an experience like that now.

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  • 2 months later...

I have pee fun at work quite regularly.   I spend 90% of my working time at home and maybe 10% or around 2 working days a month out on the road.   When I'm working at home, I often have peeing videos or forums open on my personal computer next to my work computer.   I drink a lot and if I'm on long conference calls, I regularly pee in glasses or mugs or my bin so that I can pee without leaving the call.   Sometimes I decide to sit on a towel and pee into the towel.  I love doing that while I'm on a call with people and they don't have a clue that I'm doing it.   I did it this morning on a call with several other companies.

When I'm out visiting sites for work, I always take tea and water with me in the car and I always make a point of peeing somewhere outside before I arrive at whatever site I'm attending.   Often the other people I'm meeting arrive on the site and their first question is "Where's the toilet?".   I wonder if they have noticed that I never ask that unless I'm there for several hours.   Usually I manage to pee before arrival and then after departure.  

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  • 2 years later...

I love to pee anywhere at work. Most of the time I'll just let out a full bladder full..... 

But at times I'll be working somewhere else (do security, some times I'm posted at a different location) and all I can get away with is a little bit here and there till I'm empty 

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