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Naughty pissing: the pros and cons

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I'd not thought of that, but yeah, guys who are turned-on by this type of peeing have to make similar moral compromises.  Must admit I enjoy re-telling of naughty things I've done, partly for the possible positive comments I'll get from guys on here.  It's kinda like when I was encouraged to pee in the pool as a kid and told "Good girl, in the pool is the right place" by my parents when I did.  I'd realised it was something you're not supposed to do and yet I was being praised for doing it.  An odd twist!

Ha Ha, no way I'd persuade my hubby to be happy with me accepting your offer Steve! :5_smiley:  I love the fantasy though... with you encouraging me to pee on your carpet and praising me for ruining it. :11_blush:     

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On 09/10/2016 at 10:41 PM, Maggie_555 said:

I'd not thought of that, but yeah, guys who are turned-on by this type of peeing have to make similar moral compromises.  Must admit I enjoy re-telling of naughty things I've done, partly for the possible positive comments I'll get from guys on here.  It's kinda like when I was encouraged to pee in the pool as a kid and told "Good girl, in the pool is the right place" by my parents when I did.  I'd realised it was something you're not supposed to do and yet I was being praised for doing it.  An odd twist!

Ha Ha, no way I'd persuade my hubby to be happy with me accepting your offer Steve! :5_smiley:  I love the fantasy though... with you encouraging me to pee on your carpet and praising me for ruining it. :11_blush:     

That's ok. Just share all the little tales you have about being a naughty lady in the past. :12_slight_smile:

We'll appreciate them all around these parts, lol


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  • 2 weeks later...

Some here have pointed out that naughty peeing often involves leaving a mess for others to clean. I'll address this in particular. While this is true, I don't know that it should be singled out in relation to a pee fetish. Most people have left a mess in some way for another person to clean. At my job, for example, the smokers always throw their butts on the ground for our cleaning crew instead of the garbage can 3 feet away. People leave sodas on the ground in the Walmart parking lot, as well as shopping carts rolling around for employees to chase because they're too lazy to return them to the bin. My point is that even non-pee fetishists often have no concern for any burdens they create on others. To take this to a massive scale, we all use things that are made in 3rd world country slave labor conditions but is that stopping any of us from buying smart phones, TV's or nice clothes? Not at all, we love our luxuries. Most women love diamonds but do they care that children die mining them under the barrel of a gun in Africa? Not at all, they want shiny jewels.

The desire to please ourselves is usually stronger than the misery it will create for others, especially if we don't have to confront these people. Maggie_555's post backs this up. The cognitive dissonance is in all of us. As someone said here, its a balancing act. For me, seeing women peeing in a naughty way, in or on something that they shouldn't be is a huge turn on to me. It's something about pee specifically. Seeing a woman spit or pour her drink in a similar naughty way does nothing for me to cause arousal. First, It's the fact that her pee is from her private area, that alone adds a sexual element. Second, urine inherently has no value to us, it is literally waste material the body is getting rid of. Because of this, whatever is a receptacle for urine is automatically in a position of inferiority, which places the woman taking a piss in a position of superiority over it and power is sexy. Pee is sort of a display of power, which is why a woman taking a standing piss is hugely erotic to most men. Additionally, a urination gives you a lot to see. A big stream, the puddle it creates, its really the only thing that comes out of that part of her in such a bold and stimulating visual way. It's an ultimate power display through her genitals. It is as if she is implying that whatever she is pissing on has no worth to her other than collecting what her sexy parts spit out.

So for those who have moral qualms about naughty peeing as a burden to others, I'm just trying to explain all the elements at play here that cause many of us to enjoy it anyway. The urethra being in a woman's sexual area, the weak position of whatever is peed on, seeing her legs spread or ass bent over makes it a highly arousing sexual display, at least to heterosexual men. Add in the fact that for me, there is nothing sexy about watching myself pee. It's just me and I'm not attracted to me. But watching a hot woman do it, totally different arena. Very difficult to object to that many arousing elements. Hope this helped. :12_slight_smile:

Edited by Brutus
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I guess it all depends upon your definition of naughty peeing. Some would consider it to be anywhere but in a toilet or urinal, but many otherwise normal people pee in at least some other places, are those naughty too. Somewhere around 75% of people pee in showers, Some 43% pee in pools and 38% on restroom, locker room floors. I don't consider these places to be naughty, since many normal people do so.

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7 hours ago, beachmom said:

I guess it all depends upon your definition of naughty peeing. Some would consider it to be anywhere but in a toilet or urinal, but many otherwise normal people pee in at least some other places, are those naughty too. Somewhere around 75% of people pee in showers, Some 43% pee in pools and 38% on restroom, locker room floors. I don't consider these places to be naughty, since many normal people do so.

Indeed. And what is "normal" anyway?

Here in the UK most people pee in showers. I suspect that the number who pee in pools is vastly larger than 43%. They just wouldn't all admit it. Yet pissing on restroom or locker room floors is not considered normal here at all, but would indeed be considered very naughty and dirty. Disgustingly so by those definitely not into it, but very erotically so by those who are. The thought of ladies peeing on restroom or locker room floors does it for me, for sure. I love the thought of them doing that, especially like as if it is normal.

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On 25/10/2016 at 2:30 PM, steve25805 said:

Indeed. And what is "normal" anyway?

Here in the UK most people pee in showers. I suspect that the number who pee in pools is vastly larger than 43%. They just wouldn't all admit it. Yet pissing on restroom or locker room floors is not considered normal here at all, but would indeed be considered very naughty and dirty. Disgustingly so by those definitely not into it, but very erotically so by those who are. The thought of ladies peeing on restroom or locker room floors does it for me, for sure. I love the thought of them doing that, especially like as if it is normal.

Same as Steve I suspect that vastly more than 43% of people pee in pools, here in UK anyway.  My hubby would always visit the toilets before swimming, until I asked him not to, but if he needed to pee while in the pool he'd do it in the water without giving it a second thought.  One of my friends is an avid pool-pisser but I've also seen 2 others sometimes peeing in the pool as soon as they get in.  When I broached the subject gently afterwards they admitted to getting a little rush from peeing in the water because it's something you're not supposed to do.

Steve has mentioned loving the thought of ladies peeing on restroom or locker room floors and I can understand that. :12_slight_smile:  Strangely though I always focus on peeing as much as I can while in the pool, and if I'm honest it is something of an obsession for me.  Not sure why but I've always found it really important to pee in the pool as much as possible and to try and make sure my kids and other family members did too.  Perhaps it was the influence of my parents but I'm not sure.  Back in days when filtration systems were less efficient (when I was a young kid) I remember a strong 'chlorine' smell from the pool and a few swimmers with red stinging eyes.  When I asked my dad he said it was because a lot of swimmers had peed into the water, and I clearly remember the devilish grin on his face after he'd told me that.

Hey, I'll get back 'on topic' for this thread in my next post... :11_blush:


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On 10/25/2016 at 8:30 AM, steve25805 said:

Indeed. And what is "normal" anyway?

Here in the UK most people pee in showers. I suspect that the number who pee in pools is vastly larger than 43%. They just wouldn't all admit it. Yet pissing on restroom or locker room floors is not considered normal here at all, but would indeed be considered very naughty and dirty. Disgustingly so by those definitely not into it, but very erotically so by those who are. The thought of ladies peeing on restroom or locker room floors does it for me, for sure. I love the thought of them doing that, especially like as if it is normal.

Actually, around here Chicago, it's quite common, so much so that when taking our little boy to swimming lessons and another mom asked the coach were the restrooms where, the female coach replied, "back at the entrance, but I think all the boys pee over the drains, so unless you're really squeamish about it you may as well just let him go here, he's gonna do it eventually anyway."

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2 hours ago, beachmom said:

Actually, around here Chicago, it's quite common, so much so that when taking our little boy to swimming lessons and another mom asked the coach were the restrooms where, the female coach replied, "back at the entrance, but I think all the boys pee over the drains, so unless you're really squeamish about it you may as well just let him go here, he's gonna do it eventually anyway."

That's an interesting cultural difference. I definitely prefer you guys' easy acceptance of such things.

If I ever hear of a place where it is considered culturally normal for ladies to pee on carpets, I'll emigrate there as soon as I can, lol.

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On 10/31/2016 at 10:37 PM, steve25805 said:

That's an interesting cultural difference. I definitely prefer you guys' easy acceptance of such things.

If I ever hear of a place where it is considered culturally normal for ladies to pee on carpets, I'll emigrate there as soon as I can, lol.

I don't know if we're more naughty than Brits or just more open about doing so, but I know that moms around here aren't a bit embarrassed to admit we pee in pools and I found an interesting poll on travelzoo on the subject. http://metro.co.uk/2015/06/17/americans-most-likely-to-pee-in-the-pool-and-steal-toiletries-on-holiday-says-poll-5249484/

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Naughty pee is always pros.... let me tell you one of my favourite experience... Once i was with my GF and we have some bet for song artiest and i won that bet. so I told her to be with me for whole day on tomorrow from morning 9 to night 11. as we both are living in PG and far from our home town. So we always have time even after collage. at that time there was a traditional day in collage so she wear saree.

After collage we went to garden... I took a car as she wear saree. when we about to reach and i am finding parking at that time she told me she want to go to washroom as she want to pee. i remember her challenge and according to condition she was beeing with me all time So she cant leave. She was like this is not fare and I replied everything is fare. then while i find a place of parking then suddenly she is adjusting her saree while sitting on sit and suddenly she removes her pantie,,, I ask the reason about doing that so she told me she is not comfortable with this new pantpeeie and itching it.

then we move to garden and we are roaming in the garden and she is really bit depreciated but i want to tease her more. So i dint tell her anything and then we move to children's zone where there was send area... At that time she again tell me are you sure you would not give me to go and i replied what if I told No..???  but my ans is no

then standing exactly opposite to me and come closer more closer that my eye sight is only up to her west then she put her hand to my sholder and chick the same time i hared some water driping like sound for 4-5 second and then stop for 5 second then again i hared the same sound for 5 second and again stop for 5 second. this is repeted up to 4-5 times and on 5th time i ask her what are you doing dear you are too close to me and i can fill some sound... then she looks me naughty and and hike her saree about ankles  and move back side.. I saw a big wet round patch on sand... 

she was peeing right in front of me while some public in garden but no one has idea about her peeing...


it was truly fantastic

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On 6/29/2016 at 6:14 PM, steve25805 said:

Thanks for your thoughts.

Fact is, there have always been morally questionable aspects involved with naughty pissing which just add to the naughtiness.

I have always been torn. Whilst of course able to understand the moral questionability of, for example, pissing on someone else's carpet, imagery or tales of girls doing this seriously turn me on and I cannot help that. That's just me.

And naughty pissing is a definite niche interest amongst substantial numbers of our members. It is in order to be as welcoming as possible to such people and to provide a friendly and welcoming forum for them, that we have rules against derailing such threads with moral criticisms or personal attacks on members and their confessions.

Bottom line is that the main reason people come to places like this is to talk about, share in, and enjoy their love of various forms of pee fun. People don't come here to be judged and preached at.

But threads like this which involve no criticism of individuals or their confessions are fine for discussing all such issues. :thumbsup:

Steve, you seem to understand me on some kind of cosmic level here. There's this sort of mental dissonance with enjoying something specifically because it's naughty. Pissing on carpets is great, the carpet soaks it up and the puddle can't be just wiped away and it's a bit of a subtly damaging thing to do to the floor. And if it's someone else's floor, that means you're doing something bad to their property, and we all know that's wrong. But what if the wrongness is exactly what makes it stand out as attractive? Is it okay to even enjoy the idea of it then?

Or, rather, is it okay to enjoy the idea of making such a purposeful transgression? Of breaking sensible rules and being a deliberate nuisance, all in the name of personal pleasure?

I'd like to hope it is. Because I've certainly been enjoying it a lot. I just try and make my peace with the fact that my sexual interests aren't morally perfect, and I try and settle for not actually hurting anyone with whatever I do.

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1 hour ago, Spectacle said:

Steve, you seem to understand me on some kind of cosmic level here. There's this sort of mental dissonance with enjoying something specifically because it's naughty. Pissing on carpets is great, the carpet soaks it up and the puddle can't be just wiped away and it's a bit of a subtly damaging thing to do to the floor. And if it's someone else's floor, that means you're doing something bad to their property, and we all know that's wrong. But what if the wrongness is exactly what makes it stand out as attractive? Is it okay to even enjoy the idea of it then?

Or, rather, is it okay to enjoy the idea of making such a purposeful transgression? Of breaking sensible rules and being a deliberate nuisance, all in the name of personal pleasure?

I'd like to hope it is. Because I've certainly been enjoying it a lot. I just try and make my peace with the fact that my sexual interests aren't morally perfect, and I try and settle for not actually hurting anyone with whatever I do.

I think it is the taboo naughtiness of it - the complete disregard of all the rules of toilet training just for fun - that in many ways does it for naughty peeing enthusiasts. The more wrong and naughty it is, the greater the attraction. Yet most of us are not entirely immoral either and often strive in real life to be good people. So a kind of moral compartmentalising occurs, with moral compromises manifesting themselves in all sorts of ways.

For example, whilst I'd gleefully piss on my own carpet in front of a lady if she wanted to watch me do it, the pleasure would be so much greater if I were doing it on her carpet in front of her instead, because then it is not my property and hence even naughtier. Yet I'd only be happy doing that for real if she were a fellow enthusiast who wanted me to do it, her consent thus absolving me of all moral qualms.

And that is an example of moral compromise in action.

When it comes to peeing in hotels and stuff I tend to compartmentalise by disassociating morality from the sheer pleasure of ladies doing this. Morality gets shut away in a box in the corner of my brain, as I tell myself that it's only pee, and if it gets noticed it will be dealt with. I shut in that box all potential moral qualms. It is hard to explain it any better than that. A kind of "mental dissonance" as you put it, if you like. A separation of morality from pleasure, justified to ourselves  by underplaying it as hardly the crime of the century and believing that there are far worse things to be into doing.

We also tend to intellectualise our way out of potential moral questionability that might make us feel bad, by for example dismissing peeing in hotel rooms as a collateral business cost and no more, and not equating it with doing it in someone else's house without their consent. We also tend to tell ourselves that we are far from the only people doing - or encouraging the ladies in our life to do - questionable things in hotel rooms. The fact that we are not alone in this also helps us to dismiss it as a legitimate business risk made when anyone lets out temporary living space to anyone.

In fact, you can see my attempts to downplay the moral questionability of such pleasures to myself in this very post, lol.

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1 minute ago, steve25805 said:

I think it is the taboo naughtiness of it - the complete disregard of all the rules of toilet training just for fun - that in many ways does it for naughty peeing enthusiasts. The more wrong and naughty it is, the greater the attraction. Yet most of us are not entirely immoral either and often strive in real life to be good people. So a kind of moral compartmentalising occurs, with moral compromises manifesting themselves in all sorts of ways.

For example, whilst I'd gleefully piss on my own carpet in front of a lady if she wanted to watch me do it, the pleasure would be so much greater if I were doing it on her carpet in front of her instead, because then it is not my property and hence even naughtier. Yet I'd only be happy doing that for real if she were a fellow enthusiast who wanted me to do it, her consent thus absolving me of all moral qualms.

And that is an example of moral compromise in action.

When it comes to peeing in hotels and stuff I tend to compartmentalise by disassociating morality from the sheer pleasure of ladies doing this. Morality gets shut away in a box in the corner of my brain, as I tell myself that it's only pee, and if it gets noticed it will be dealt with, and I shut in that box all potential moral qualms. It is hard to explain it any better than that. A kind of "mental dissonance" as you put it, if you like. A separation of morality from pleasure, justified to ourselves  by underplaying it as hardly the crime of the century and believing that there are far worse things to be into doing.

We also tend to intellectualise our way out of potential moral questionability that might make us feel bad, by for example dismissing peeing in hotel rooms as a collateral business cost and no more, and not equating it with doing it in someone else's house without their consent. We also tend to tell ourselves that we are far from the only people doing - or encouraging the ladies in our life to do - questionable things in hotel rooms. The fact that we are not alone in this also helps us to dismiss it as a legitimate business risk made when anyone lets out temporary living space to anyone.

In fact, you can see my attempts to downplay the moral questionability of such pleasures to myself in this very post, lol.

Again with that cosmic level of understanding. Have you just been looking over my shoulder my entire life? :8_laughing:

I've spent a long time agonizing over this whole thing. In general, my conscience is very difficult for me to ignore -- which, incidentally, sometimes leads to me being perhaps a little more generous and yielding than would be healthy. That's its own work in progress. But I have these really deep-seated turn-ons regarding peeing, and pretty much all of them involve some degree of moral infraction. If someone's peeing in a place that's pretty much okay to pee in or on -- anything with a drain, anything outdoors -- that's not very meaningfully attractive. It only counts if it incurs an expense for someone somewhere.

And that's not a very nice thing to be thinking at all. It's led to me wanting to reject those desires, to just... attend to them whenever the urge arises, and then wash my hands of it the next minute, and try and move on with my life. In fact, I think that's a big reason why I've only lurked around on sites like these, rather than contributing actively. I haven't wanted to validate my desires by giving them that much attention. I'd rather satisfy them and then put them right back away.

And peeing in hotel rooms is super hot. I love when someone just pees on a spot like it's a regular urinal, a whole bladderful in one place, and you get a big dark puddle that soaks in and stays there. Not very innocuous at all! And that's what makes it great.

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I don't know about you but there is a very different kind of naughty peeing that also floats my boat, again because of the very wrongness of it.

I am talking about ladies peeing brazenly in full public view, which breaks all kind of taboos.

This kind of thing......


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  • 4 weeks later...

There is certainly still some sexual discrimination in our society. If a boy or even a man where to take a piss at a bus stop, few people would notice, but if a woman does so, even discreetly, everyone is shocked. Lately several prominent young celebrities have been making a habit of urinating publicly in parking lots, street side and such, maybe in time women will become more at ease with the idea.  Myself I'd love to be able to pee in public, our boys do so all the time and I'm always extremely jealous of them.

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