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Favorite Music.

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I was just curious what everyone's favorite music is. I listen to most anything from 1964-Now. Hate country, classical,. blues and jazz. My favorite is 90's alternative. I grew up listening to it and I'm a super nostalgic person. My second tape I bought was Siamese Dream by Smashing pumpkins I was six lol. I like Depeche Mode, Seven Mary Three, Our Lady Peace, Garbage, Bush. I like Classic Bowie, Zeppelin, Stones, Animals, and Pink Floyd. I also like some of the new indie rock like Mother Mother, The Black Keys, Warpaint, Modest Mouse, Chaos Chaos, and Penedlum.

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I like a pretty wide variety of music. But like the main stuff I listen to is a lot of classic rock, classic metal, riot grrl, dream pop and indie stuff. Like my sorta top favourite bands in no real order are:

The Frogs (Billy Corgan was a huge fan of them. They're personally my favourite band to ever record music. I LOOOOVE The Frogs.)

Mazzy Star


Judas Priest




GG Allin

The Ramones

Pink Floyd


Guns N' Roses

Type O Negative

Neutral Milk Hotel

Tons of other stuff too, but those are like some of my personal favs. I like a lot of that stuff you mentioned as well! Bowie, Zeppelin, Floyd, The Animals, Garbage. And Siamese Dream is totally my favourite Pumpkins album. Lots of good memories from that album.

I've been really liking Skating Polly and Terrible Tim as far as more obscure newer artists go. I really, really, REALLY HAAAAATE the trash sounds that passes for mainstream music these days. Like all that god awful fuckin dance music, rap and pop that's forced down everyone's throats. Uck, modern mainstream just makes me sick.

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Here's some of my favourite songs recently. I'll post like some of my "all time" favs after this too but this is the stuff I've been listening to a lot the passed year or so.






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I like a pretty wide variety of music. But like the main stuff I listen to is a lot of classic rock, classic metal, riot grrl, dream pop and indie stuff. Like my sorta top favourite bands in no real order are:

The Frogs (Billy Corgan was a huge fan of them. They're personally my favourite band to ever record music. I LOOOOVE The Frogs.)

Mazzy Star


Judas Priest




GG Allin

The Ramones

Pink Floyd


Guns N' Roses

Type O Negative

Neutral Milk Hotel

Tons of other stuff too, but those are like some of my personal favs. I like a lot of that stuff you mentioned as well! Bowie, Zeppelin, Floyd, The Animals, Garbage. And Siamese Dream is totally my favourite Pumpkins album. Lots of good memories from that album.

I've been really liking Skating Polly and Terrible Tim as far as more obscure newer artists go. I really, really, REALLY HAAAAATE the trash sounds that passes for mainstream music these days. Like all that god awful fuckin dance music, rap and pop that's forced down everyone's throats. Uck, modern mainstream just makes me sick.

All Great Choices, and I really think GG Allin was more a statement than a musican. Also I adore Mazzy Star. The Areoplane Over the sky album is a soild like a top 500 in my book. Guns and Roses was the first tape I got. Smashing Pumpkins being the second. I used to be a huge fan of tG&R but, moved onto more alt stuff.

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I like a wide variety of music from the 60s right up to the present day. My favourite group of all time is definitely Pink Floyd. But other stuff I like includes Bowie, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zep, the Stones, the Beatles, Dire Straits, Kate Bush, Radiohead, the Cranberries, Kraftwerk, Soft Cell, Jean Michelle Jarre, Adele, Coldplay, Robert Miles, Sinnead O'Connor, Talking Heads.......I could go on and on.

Tastes range from progressive rock to synthi-pop, from soft metal to blues, from dance music to ballads.

I do like a little classical as well, eg Gustav Holst's The Planets.

I generally hate rap - just strikes me as being too monotonously unmelodic, more like rapid fire poetry than actual music. Though the best rappers like Eminem are artists whom I can see have great talent and are very accomplished at what they do.

Also not keen on opera.

With Jazz and Country, it varies. Some of it is ok but I rarely like any of it quite enough to want it in my music collection.

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Just noticed that I named no American singers or bands (though in their late 70s heyday Fleetwood Mac included two Americans whose contributions were massive)....an oversight because I like quite a lot of stuff from across the pond. This includes Guns n' Roses, Aerosmith, Meatloaf and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Also Simon and Garfunkel. And in my early teenage years I was quite heavily into Blondie. Debbie Harry was quite an attraction back in those days to a young teenage male. :wink:

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Hehe, pee fans seem to have better taste in music than other people I've talked to online.

Maybe it's cause the only other forums I mess around on are like silly avatar sites where most people are like 15 years younger than me so everyone is all into like dubstep or vaporwave or whatever trash these kids listen to these days.

All Great Choices, and I really think GG Allin was more a statement than a musican. Also I adore Mazzy Star. The Areoplane Over the sky album is a soild like a top 500 in my book. Guns and Roses was the first tape I got. Smashing Pumpkins being the second. I used to be a huge fan of tG&R but, moved onto more alt stuff.

I think the first cassette I ever bought myself was the soundtrack to Little Shop Of Horrors. I was obsessed with that movie as a kid and it's still one of my favs of all time.

Heh, as ostentatious as the great GG Allin might have been. I do think he had some seriously great music. Like check out some of these tunes.







I feel a real connection to GG. He just seemed like a really amazing person IMO. We both dressed in drag through high school, we both love girls pissing and shitting, we both love drugs probably a lil too much. I actually think there's a lot of heart in his music. He's one of my idols.

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I like a wide variety of music from the 60s right up to the present day. My favourite group of all time is definitely Pink Floyd. But other stuff I like includes Bowie, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zep, the Stones, the Beatles, Dire Straits, Kate Bush, Radiohead, the Cranberries, Kraftwerk, Soft Cell, Jean Michelle Jarre, Adele, Coldplay, Robert Miles, Sinnead O'Connor, Talking Heads.......I could go on and on.

Tastes range from progressive rock to synthi-pop, from soft metal to blues, from dance music to ballads.

I do like a little classical as well, eg Gustav Holst's The Planets.

I generally hate rap - just strikes me as being too monotonously unmelodic, more like rapid fire poetry than actual music. Though the best rappers like Eminem are artists whom I can see have great talent and are very accomplished at what they do.

Also not keen on opera.

With Jazz and Country, it varies. Some of it is ok but I rarely like any of it quite enough to want it in my music collection.

Absolutely LOVE Floyd as well. I know it's kind of a typical pick but Darkside is still one of the best albums ever recorded IMO.

And I'm pretty much with you on the rap. I like some of the early 90s stuff and I actually love Dr.Dre's "The Chronic". But aside from that, it's pretty much all complete trash imo. I mean today's rap is some of the worst music I've ever heard in my life. It's barely even music. Just like generic bass beats and grunting.

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Whilst we are on the subject of music, it has long been acknowledged that the 60s was a great decade for musical development and indeed it was. Much of what came after ultimately had it's roots in that decade. A real trail-blazing musical decade.

But I have often thought that the late 70s was similarly transformative, which fact has been greatly under-estimated. Because this saw the explosion of new wave, synthi-pop -often known in the UK at the time as futurist - and punk rock. Disco music was popular too, beckoning in musical genres specifically for dance. Dance music later got synthed up to produce a range of synthesised dance sounds. That time also saw a flowering of Reggae in the UK, of black derivation but ultimately also merging with white working class angst to create two tone. The best such band in the UK at that time was probably the Specials.

The late 70s generally was a time when all styles, old and new, were prominent and bouncing off each other. As well as punk, new wave, reggae, synthi-pop and disco, there were still echoes of rock n roll, plenty of heavy metal, and progressive rock was still going strong.

Sad really that within a decade - by the late 80s - musical innovation had almost ceased except for things like rap which I hated. Music reached a low point for me then, at least in terms of the charts. By then you had to leave the mainstream to find good sounds most of the time.

But the rise of the internet and resulting democratisation of music again, seems to have wrested control back from the record labels and main broadcasters, and allowed real talent to rise freely to the top again. Music has definitely improved again since the internet took off, I feel.

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Absolutely LOVE Floyd as well. I know it's kind of a typical pick but Darkside is still one of the best albums ever recorded IMO.

And I'm pretty much with you on the rap. I like some of the early 90s stuff and I actually love Dr.Dre's "The Chronic". But aside from that, it's pretty much all complete trash imo. I mean today's rap is some of the worst music I've ever heard in my life. It's barely even music. Just like generic bass beats and grunting.

We are in danger of sounding like grumpy old men here, lol. But yes. Some of the earliest rap that appeared over here seemed to consist of little more than a bunch of black American dudes shouting into microphones in a loud monotone, with virtually no musical accompaniment at all. Had most of us reaching for the "off" buttons.

And I guess my favourite Floyd album is the double album, The Wall. In my youthful, pot-smoking days, watching The Wall video whilst totally shitfaced on cannabis was a rite of passage, lol

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We are in danger of sounding like grumpy old men here, lol. But yes. Some of the earliest rap that appeared over here seemed to consist of little more than a bunch of black American dudes shouting into microphones in a loud monotone, with virtually no musical accompaniment at all. Had most of us reaching for the "off" buttons.

And I guess my favourite Floyd album is the double album, The Wall. In my youthful, pot-smoking days, watching The Wall video whilst totally shitfaced on cannabis was a rite of passage, lol

Definately not grumpy old men here dude. I hated most bands post 2000 and I was 13 in the year 2000. I can recognize the corporate crap that was pumped at us was BS, and I choose to listen to Indie stuff, 90s, new wave and 60's psyc and 70s prog. A bit of classic 90s rap. I think we can all say we digged the herb a bit here and there. I mean we weren't the geeky kids in HS. I mean I did that whole fem goth thing too. Mishu did some clothing rebellion.

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Here's some of my favourite songs recently. I'll post like some of my "all time" favs after this too but this is the stuff I've been listening to a lot the passed year or so.







That girl in the Amanda video. Would sure love to see her pissing all over the place, lol.

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Whilst we are on the subject of music, it has long been acknowledged that the 60s was a great decade for musical development and indeed it was. Much of what came after ultimately had it's roots in that decade. A real trail-blazing musical decade.

But I have often thought that the late 70s was similarly transformative, which fact has been greatly under-estimated. Because this saw the explosion of new wave, synthi-pop -often known in the UK at the time as futurist - and punk rock. Disco music was popular too, beckoning in musical genres specifically for dance. Dance music later got synthed up to produce a range of synthesised dance sounds. That time also saw a flowering of Reggae in the UK, of black derivation but ultimately also merging with white working class angst to create two tone. The best such band in the UK at that time was probably the Specials.

The late 70s generally was a time when all styles, old and new, were prominent and bouncing off each other. As well as punk, new wave, reggae, synthi-pop and disco, there were still echoes of rock n roll, plenty of heavy metal, and progressive rock was still going strong.

Sad really that within a decade - by the late 80s - musical innovation had almost ceased except for things like rap which I hated. Music reached a low point for me then, at least in terms of the charts. By then you had to leave the mainstream to find good sounds most of the time.

But the rise of the internet and resulting democratisation of music again, seems to have wrested control back from the record labels and main broadcasters, and allowed real talent to rise freely to the top again. Music has definitely improved again since the internet took off, I feel.

Totally agree that the 60s were pretty much the best decade for music in history. I'd give ANYTHING to have been born in like the early 50s and have been able to be part of the hippie scene, with the music, the people, the vibe, the drugs, and everyone being all for love and peace. I mean, I know there was definitely shitty stuff going on too like Vietnam and the draft (although I always figured back then you could get away with just pretending to be gay and maybe get out of it). But the youth culture at the time seemed so much more free and rebellious and united against all that nasty stuff.

Then there's still (for me at least)prog rock, the punk scene and the 80s metal scene to look forward too as well as the riot grrl and dream pop of the 90s although while I like a lot of early 90s bands I agree nothing could ever touch the stuff from the 60s/70s. But after like 96ish or so, I think everything just went to complete shit and hasn't ever been good again. The music sucks, the culture sucks, the politics suck, the general vibe is just so cold and fake and corporate. I'd honestly be fine with being born like 1952 and dead by 96. That'd be good enough for me.

I mean I agree there's definitely been some cool stuff too that's happened since then. But for me at least, nothing work sticking around for. I admit though, I tend to have a sort of pessimistic and depressive view on life so that might just be me.

Hehe, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the girl in the Amanda video was super cute. I'd love to watch her pee anywhere.

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Have to agree re 80's point. I was born in 84 so obviously didn't hear any 80's music growing up. For what it's worth I have, like most people here it seems, a very eclectic mix when it comes to taste. I have many good memories of music from the mid to late 90's but a lot of it is because it's a reminder of the time not so much the music. I also though, appreciate and enjoy a lot of music from the 60's onwards. I also have always enjoyed country music and was surprised when I did some research a few years back and discovered just how big it still is in America and I've discovered a few new , younger artists whose albums I've subsequently gone on to buy. Bob Harris' radio 2 show a good starting point for people in the UK.

Lot of friends of mine a few years older than me so for them 80's music holds their memories but for me the decade as a whole (with exceptions of course) was probably the worst in living memory. Can't say as I've fallen in love with many tracks from the last ten years, few good ones pop up now and again but nothing anybody likely to still be talking about in 20 years time I don't think.

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