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What do you wish for?


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What is your most heartfelt wish for yourself (be selfish!) right now? The first one that comes to your mind, no matter how silly it seems!

My overwhelming wish right now is to keep my boobs like they are in this very moment (really selfish, am I not?).



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What is your most heartfelt wish for yourself (be selfish!) right now? The first one that comes to your mind, no matter how silly it seems!

My overwhelming wish right now is to keep my boobs like they are in this very moment (really selfish, am I not?).

[ATTACH=full]32065[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]32066[/ATTACH]

I think your boobs are just perfect,and youre very pretty.(Vikka,looking at your lovely pictures,you dont want to know MY wish right now sweetheart!!)Seriously though,i guess im not the kind of person who spends time wishing for things i dont have.Im not really a materialistic person,im glad for my health,and all my family and friends etc.Maybe a new Ferrari,and the ability to go invisible at will would be cool for obvious reasons.XXX

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I have stated a number of times on this forum that I think that small boobs are nicer looking than large ones.

BTW who took your pictures, Vikka?

I think they are actually very nice size,just right.Nice handful for some lucky girl!(i cant help wondering if shes weeing in the bath..)

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I have stated a number of times on this forum that I think that small boobs are nicer looking than large ones.

BTW who took your pictures, Vikka?

It was a former girlfriend, who I lived together with for a period. But she moved to Canada, which almost broke my heart. She was twelve years older than I and I used to call her my mistress! We still have Contact, e-mailing at least once a week. She used to take photos of me, when I didn't know!

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I think they are actually very nice size,just right.Nice handful for some lucky girl!(i cant help wondering if shes weeing in the bath..)

Was I weeing in the bath? Hmm... I don't remember *giggle*

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Bob :)

Of course I don't mind you saying that! On the contrary, I really appreciate your nice words:)! Btw, very welcome to WGP!

No, I haven't a gallery for my pics here. But I have a couple of times posted some. And to welcome you to WGP; here are some more :):

I hope you like them!






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Hi Bob :)

Of course I don't mind you saying that! On the contrary, I really appreciate your nice words:)! Btw, very welcome to WGP!

No, I haven't a gallery for my pics here. But I have a couple of times posted some. And to welcome you to WGP; here are some more :):

[ATTACH=full]52641[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]52643[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]52644[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]52645[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]52646[/ATTACH]

I hope you like them!

Vikka,as a man,i know you like girls,but may i say youre beautiful,and thank you for those lovely pictures.:)

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I think they are actually very nice size,just right.Nice handful for some lucky girl!(i cant help wondering if shes weeing in the bath..)

I do believe she is weeing in the bath,the water seems "discoloured" somehow....:redface:

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Hi Bob :)

Of course I don't mind you saying that! On the contrary, I really appreciate your nice words:)! Btw, very welcome to WGP!

No, I haven't a gallery for my pics here. But I have a couple of times posted some. And to welcome you to WGP; here are some more :):

[ATTACH=full]52641[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]52643[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]52644[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]52645[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]52646[/ATTACH]

I hope you like them!

Have I told you, you truly are a very beautiful woman. Those pics are lovely, you're figure is really cute.

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Yep, matey!

Thank you. Are you on any other web based whatsit, like Facebook or Twitter? On Twitter I'm Noughty Nigel (sadly I missed out the 'h', and now I am stuck with it), and on FB I am Nigel Mathews (Robert is my middle name). BobsFullBladder was a username I came up with because of an old school friend called Bobbi who let me watch her pee in her knickers during break.

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Wonderful pictures as always, Vikka.

@BobsFullBladder, welcome to the site! :)

Now, as for my wish - assuming we're not being cocky and wishing for more wishes - I would definitely wish for money. People always say that money can't buy happiness, but I think having a very large amount of money would help me do all the things I want:

  • Not worry about having to work - you'd be free to do what you like
  • Travel the world (an expensive goal I've always had)
  • Help friends and family - well, for that matter, help everyone. Money can make a huge difference to those in need.

I mean, if I had an unlimited supply of money, not only could I potentially solve world hunger, I could afford to produce amazing pee clips and post them for you guys on the forum! ;)

I'll keep wishing...

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Well yeah, if I had the loadsa money wish, I could help my Mum, she has cancer, or I'd wish her to be younger and healthy again because now she is stuck in bed and can't get out into the garden anymore. I mostly spend the time now making her happy whenever I can and hopefully that will put her mind off it, but sadly wishes don't come true

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I wish I was a decent photographer lol :)

Yeah me too, I see so many lovely images online and I think if only I had done that course at College (that and Media Studies), but if I had not done Care or Retail, I would have missed out on so much. It is times like this I wished I had a Time Machine like The Tardis (but a more reliable one, lol).

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Thank you. Are you on any other web based whatsit, like Facebook or Twitter? On Twitter I'm Noughty Nigel (sadly I missed out the 'h', and now I am stuck with it), and on FB I am Nigel Mathews (Robert is my middle name). BobsFullBladder was a username I came up with because of an old school friend called Bobbi who let me watch her pee in her knickers during break.

Nice one Bob..did your sexy friend actually show you her pussy,as well as piss her knickers?I bet you walked round feeling like you had a brick in your pants all day..

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Nice one Bob..did your sexy friend actually show you her pussy,as well as piss her knickers?I bet you walked round feeling like you had a brick in your pants all day..

Ya know, in school, it was always fun to find a girl who was up for 'you show me yours, and I'll show you mine'.

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Ya know, in school, it was always fun to find a girl who was up for 'you show me yours, and I'll show you mine'.

Ya know, in school, it was always fun to find a girl who was up for 'you show me yours, and I'll show you mine'.

My fave game when i was younger.I was lucky to live on a street with mainly girls,that were as curious of mine as i theirs...:wink:

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