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Camping with my girlfriend

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The first time that I went camping was just over forty years ago, a group of us were to go camping on the moors, myself, my girlfriend and three or four other lads with there girlfriends. We went up onto the moors on foot with our ex-army tent and all the heavier things like the Primus stove and its fuel oil. We found a spot we all liked and stuffed our gear into the bushes over night to return the next day with our food and bedding.

The next day me and my girlfriend went to the meeting spot, after a hour of waiting we walked onto the camping spot. We got busy putting the tent up, still waiting for the others to arrive. (this was years before cell phones and not every on even had land lines.)

Time went on and we had some food and drink, as day turned to night we got into our sleeping bags and tried to get to sleep. At sometime in the night I needed a pee and as it was so cold and damp outside I peed into one off our empty glass lemonade bottles, we had picked a spot in the bushes to use as a toilet but that was in the day light, it was now pitch black and we only had a small touch, the sound of me peeing awoke my girlfriend and we both said about the cold, and so after I had peed we pushed one sleeping bag into the other.

At this point she to needed to pee, I had got into the bags and she too did not want to go out into the dark, I said just pee in the corner to the tent as our ground sheet was only under the sleeping bag area, she said what if the other's came in the morning they would see the wet spot and know she had done it, she then saw the bottle that I had used and said if only she could use that, I said there is the funnel I used to fill the stove with oil.

So with me laying on my side facing her and holing the torch, she pulled her knickers down to her feet, then kneeling with she knees wide apart and her back up straight, and with the funnel in the bottle standing on the ground below her pussy, all in the beam of the light she started to pee as I watched the bottle to see the pee level, I was also having a good look at her bush and pussy, the bottle was filling fast all her piss on top of mine, but she dribbled to a stop just as the bottle became full, she screwed the top onto the bottle and placed it with the funnel by the stove out of the way, and bent over and pulled up her knickers giving me a greater view of her pussy and her nice bum.

She then crawled into the sleeping bag with me, her feet were like ice. As I was laying on my side she laid on her side with her back to me, as she snuggled her bum into my crotch she said you liked that didn't you, I said how did you know that and we laughed and went back to sleep.

In the morning we waited but the others still did not arrive so we packed our things and walked home. When we did see our other friends they said that they had got the use of a caravan down in Cornwall and so had gone to it by bus. I said well if you want your tent it is were we left it. I wonder if it is still there 40+years on.

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I once went and visited two female friends of mine who were camping at a park near where I lived. At the time one of them knew of my fetish the other didn't (But she found out later) They were drinking beer and when they had to pee they went right outside the tent and peed on the ground...I could hear it all. Really turned me on.


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I once went and visited two female friends of mine who were camping at a park near where I lived. At the time one of them knew of my fetish the other didn't (But she found out later) They were drinking beer and when they had to pee they went right outside the tent and peed on the ground...I could hear it all. Really turned me on.


I hope you joined right in their fun.
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Blob, your friends sound a bit selfish not letting you know.

But, hot story about your girlfriend peeing in the tent. I think I would have encouraged her to pee into the grass inside the tent, and told her it would not be seen in the morning, that would have been horny to watch!

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Blob, your friends sound a bit selfish not letting you know.

But, hot story about your girlfriend peeing in the tent. I think I would have encouraged her to pee into the grass inside the tent, and told her it would not be seen in the morning, that would have been horny to watch!

When on honeymoon, my wife and I toured France with a small tent. It had a small 2 man inner that left a bare grass floor near the entrance. She never used a proper toilet, often peeing in empty juice containers. Eventually when we didn't have one to hand first thing in the morning, she weed on the grass, she had not wanted to because she thought it would make the tent smell but it never did as the ground soaked it up very nicely. Also a treat on a French campsite was other women peeing in camping toilets/buckets that were very easy to hear from outside their tents.

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I was staying with my wife at a camping site on holiday in the South of France once a few years ago, and as the days went by we got to know loads of other people camping there too. One night we were all sat round drinking heavily, everyone was getting a bit pissed. There was a lesbian girl with us, quite attractive, but she had told us she was only into girls, so off limits to the guys. She was pretty merry and announced she needed to pee. She walked off behind where I was sat. I assumed at first she had gone out of site, or where it was a bit darker, then I could hear her giggling from close behind me and some of the others had turned to look in that direction too. Imagine my delight when I saw she had only gone away about five feet, pulled her jeans and panties down and was squatting facing us. She could have put her back to us but it was obvious in her drunk state, with her inhibitions down, she wanted us to see, or most likely the girls to see!!

She wasn't shaved down there, and there was a fair amount of light about, I could see the piss gushing out of her hairy lips quite clearly. She didn't seem to mind so I stayed turned round and enjoyed the whole piss.

Unfortunately none of the other girls felt inclined to do the same, but it was a great sexy experience I will remember forever.

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Egwalrus what a great experience. I have probably seen 100 women pee but never over the space of one weekend (I realise there weren't 100 women but 100 sightings). There are somethings I never get bored of, and women peeing is one of them.

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Wow Eg what an unbelievable experience, I guess the lack of light must have been a bit frustrating though. You don't say how far above you they were, or how close you could get but it must have been awesome! I bet you were hoping they left on the same day as you, to lessen the blow of having to leave something good behind!

It does seem surprising that they couldn't see that you where camped just below, with their bare bums in full sight.

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I guess when youre camping or whatever with a girlfriend or wife etc,its not really as horny as when you see a stranger peeing,a girl whos pussy you will probably never see again,or were even supposed to see,is what makes it horny that way..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another time that we went camping, we borrowed a caravan at a coastal campsite off a friend. This caravan was lit by gas lights from bottles stored outside at the back end of the caravan, there was no water you had to go to a standpipe along the row, and no toilet, but there was a small sink to wash cups etc., this sink was about 10 inch across and the waste piped outside to a soak-away not to a drain.

Over the weekend we sat or walked on the beach, and in the evenings went to the campsite clubhouse for a meal and a drink, one evening there was a sing-along.

The toilets were beside the clubhouse and this was about 4 rows down from our row and our caravan was about two thirds from that end of the row, so as we left the club we both went to the loos. But on this night we had drunk more then the night before. As we walked (staggered) back to our caravan we had seen one or two males peeing on there gas bottles on the row below ours, and so on to bed we went.

I awoke at about three and got out of the bed to go for a pee, I opened the door to go to our gas bottle but it was pitch black and pissing with rain, so I closed the door and turned and peed into the little sink, (the relief) as I returned to bed I woke-up my girlfriend who asked about the weather so that she could walk to the loos for a pee, I said it was pissing down and that I had just peed into the sink.

So we both got out of the bed, (the bed was across the back of the caravan so she would have had to climb over me) now this sink was opposite the caravan door and by a window with a blind that was closed, as there was no water supply there were no tapes on the sink, so she removed her knickers and with my help sat up on the sink and wriggled back so that her pussy was over the sink bowl. With her legs open and her hairy pussy on show she started to pee, a strong clear hissy piss that seemed to go on and on, as I watched I said good job that I had pissed before you as I would not be able to pee into that bowl now, after she was done she wiped with her knickers and jumped down and ran to the bed, I throw some water down the sink and also ran to the bed. I did not get any more sleep that night.

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Another time that we went camping, we borrowed a caravan at a coastal campsite off a friend. This caravan was lit by gas lights from bottles stored outside at the back end of the caravan, there was no water you had to go to a standpipe along the row, and no toilet, but there was a small sink to wash cups etc., this sink was about 10 inch across and the waste piped outside to a soak-away not to a drain.

Over the weekend we sat or walked on the beach, and in the evenings went to the campsite clubhouse for a meal and a drink, one evening there was a sing-along.

The toilets were beside the clubhouse and this was about 4 rows down from our row and our caravan was about two thirds from that end of the row, so as we left the club we both went to the loos. But on this night we had drunk more then the night before. As we walked (staggered) back to our caravan we had seen one or two males peeing on there gas bottles on the row below ours, and so on to bed we went.

I awoke at about three and got out of the bed to go for a pee, I opened the door to go to our gas bottle but it was pitch black and pissing with rain, so I closed the door and turned and peed into the little sink, (the relief) as I returned to bed I woke-up my girlfriend who asked about the weather so that she could walk to the loos for a pee, I said it was pissing down and that I had just peed into the sink.

So we both got out of the bed, (the bed was across the back of the caravan so she would have had to climb over me) now this sink was opposite the caravan door and by a window with a blind that was closed, as there was no water supply there were no tapes on the sink, so she removed her knickers and with my help sat up on the sink and wriggled back so that her pussy was over the sink bowl. With her legs open and her hairy pussy on show she started to pee, a strong clear hissy piss that seemed to go on and on, as I watched I said good job that I had pissed before you as I would not be able to pee into that bowl now, after she was done she wiped with her knickers and jumped down and ran to the bed, I throw some water down the sink and also ran to the bed. I did not get any more sleep that night.

Blob, great story, I love stuff like that.

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