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Chistmas or Holidays ?


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What's the go with the world, seems people cant say Happy Christmas anymore, it's now all Happy Holidays, or Holiday Season. One of the biggest nations in the world, 3rd or 4th most religious (not sure here) per capita, and they cant say "Christmas".

Is there some underlying reason for this?

What do you people say, just interested in responses, The Land of Aus is all about Christmas, joy and celebration, things that are starting to disappear. The world is slowly becoming a sad dreary place.

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What's the go with the world, seems people cant say Happy Christmas anymore, it's now all Happy Holidays, or Holiday Season. One of the biggest nations in the world, 3rd or 4th most religious (not sure here) per capita, and they cant say "Christmas".

Is there some underlying reason for this?

What do you people say, just interested in responses, The Land of Aus is all about Christmas, joy and celebration, things that are starting to disappear. The world is slowly becoming a sad dreary place.

Hi!Its definitly HAPPY CHRISTMAS as far as IM concerned..All this "Happy Holidays" is a bunch of crap!Im not Muslim,so if a Muslim were to say to me,"Happy Ramadan"or something-id just shrug my shoulders,whatever.But it wouldnt "offend" me.The trouble with the world today,is everyones so worried about causing "offence",its becoming the basis of entire legal systems in the west..In schools they say"chalkboard".When i was at school it was a "blackboard",i.e it was a board and it happened to be black.If it had been blue,i dare say we would have called it a "blueboard".It never entered our heads that the term was "offensive".It was an inanimate object for writing on.I will be here Xmas day wishing everyone the seasons greetings.Rant over,have a nice day y'all!:thumbsup:

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What's the go with the world, seems people cant say Happy Christmas anymore, it's now all Happy Holidays, or Holiday Season. One of the biggest nations in the world, 3rd or 4th most religious (not sure here) per capita, and they cant say "Christmas".

Is there some underlying reason for this?

What do you people say, just interested in responses, The Land of Aus is all about Christmas, joy and celebration, things that are starting to disappear. The world is slowly becoming a sad dreary place.

With all due respect, I think that this type of response is a bit overblown.

No one has said that someone can't say "Happy Christmas" and even if they did there's nothing that says you have to listen to them. This is just a conservative, right wing, response to the fact that we (in America) have a more secular government and the idea of a default state religion is growing less popular by the day. The conservatives make a big stink out of, and dramatically over-exaggerate, the whole deal in a pathetic attempt to say that Christianity is being attacked. The fact is that we, as a country, have been oppressive towards other religions when we claim to be founded for religious freedom. The same people that make a big deal about this are the same that would be deeply offended if someone were to wish them well in a way that is consistent with another religion.

Religion belongs in the home, the church, even in public, but not as part of government or schools. That's what the conservative argument is all about. It isn't about "Merry Christmas." It's about having a defacto state religion, a privilege that they have enjoyed since the birth of the country. Those who make this argument aren't satisfied with having their own beliefs, they want to shove it down the throats of others and expect to be able to use the government as a tool to do the same. If you truly are strong in your beliefs the simple words "Merry Christmas" or the lack of should not matter to you.

But, hey, that's fine by me. As long as these folks exists, tea-baggers will never win a national election. The days of the deeply conservatives are numbered. Angry, affluent, overly conservative, white, males, are numbered. They keep dying of old age.

Why can't people just get along? If someone wishes me well in any manner, that's fine. I don't care what your religion is. But, it's these sorts of people that make it so that you can't drag me into a church. Everyone has their own agenda and it's not for the benefit of society in general.

There's your response. Probably not the rally to support the cause you wanted, but a response none-the-less. Also probably why most forums don't allow these sort of loaded questions.

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I dont care about other religions,Christianity is under threat,by a kind of insidious "political correctness"..I agree,people should get along.In UK,many schools kind of deny that Christmas is a Christian festival,traditional nativity plays,are now "inclusive",often omitting any reference to Jesus at all.But during Ramadan,kids are encouraged to learn all about it,yet Muslim kids can be taken out of school during Christian prayers.Nice to have fairness.Unfortunately,certain minority groups seem to want to tell the majority how to live their lives,and if you dont,they threaten you with beheading.Or they would give you 50 lashes if you said Happy Xmas.It takes 2 to get along nicely doesnt it?Everyone everywhere should shout Happy Xmas from the roof-tops!

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I am perfectly happy with people saying either, although I have noticed the rise in 'Happy Holidays' too. I still wish people a 'Merry Christmas' unless I know they don't celebrate it (and I'm struggling to think of anyone I know who doesn't). Now, when I say celebrate it, I'm actually an atheist. And I'm also very against a lot of political correctness. However, I don't really see the harm in this as it's just a brief polite greeting/comment people say. One might be declining in popularity a little, but I still know a lot of people who say 'Christmas' and not 'holidays' (myself included), and nobody can really stop you using whichever you prefer.

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people get offended about everything. whites, blacks, mexican, space pugs,, you name it. the usa has had a long tradition of celebrating chrismas, flying the american flag but you can't anymore becuase it will offend someone when they come here and move in. I say if you don't agree with our traditions, go home! I don't bitch about your beliefs and traditions, don't bitch about mine... :grumpy:

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Thanks guys, this whole thing started with a discussion on Ellen DeGeneres holiday cd, ironically full of Christmas songs, stupid thing to have a conversation about, I know.

It's just getting out of hand, no carols in supermarket, kids get in the shit for saying Christmas time, latest thing here is kids getting pics taken, no longer allowed to sit on Santa's knee. They've been relegated to a wee chair in front of him because some political do gooder thought it was bad.

Sorry if I offended anyone.


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I am pretty much region natural, I would not mind people wishing me happy "other holiday around this time". It just would be nice to experience different foods from different cultures. Over the years I have found after you turn eighteen (at least in the usa) your family stops putting effort into asking what you want for the holidays. The thing that irks me is that people will only be kind to you or what have you around the holidays.

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