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Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change

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@Bacardi Thanks for sharing your story as well! I feel you about the love/hate relationship with the scale and the feeling of despair when the weight goes up a little.

But that's when I come back to the idea of a "lifestyle change" vs. a "diet." A lifestyle change has to be sustainable. It has to be something I can realistically stick with for the rest of my life. So should I beat myself up over gaining a few pounds after going on vacation and eating out every night? Should I NEVER have a cheeseburger, or ice cream again? Of course not. For me that's neither realistic nor sustainable. 

For me it's all about moderation. Making healthier choices, not extreme choices.

Keep up the good work! Stick with it, you're doing great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

That sounds amazing! I am having the same problems as you to be honest, always struggling with weight and always been too heavy. A combination of side effects of my heavy asthma medication, the love of food and the fact that I have been struggling mentally for a big part of my life and used food as a coping mechanism. I always loved hitting the gym so my weight stayed somewhat under control and at least I had great stamina, but when covid lockdowns hit and gyms had to close down I completely lost the love for working out. It's been years now since I went to the gym and my weight has gotten ridiculously out of hand. 

I'm not struggling mentally anymore but a lot of the eating habits stayed and I just love cooking and eating. Also my girlfriend and I are very complementary to each other but when it comes to food we are exactly the same so we don't really put a halt on each other on that front. Since 6 months we have a baby and I really don't want to struggle with running after her and stuff like that when she starts walking, so I really need to find the love for working out again and stop snacking as often but it's hard.. 

Edited by JDG
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  • 3 weeks later...

Great to see you people are pulling it off! And it is smart not to look too much at the scales, as muscles are important to increase average calorie burn yet they are much heavier than fat. So a good workout will help you reduce fat and slim down, but may not so much reduce your weight. Some diets may be good of draining your body of water, quickly bringing weight down but without any long-term benefits.

Keep it up, you are inspiring others!

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On 9/6/2024 at 4:10 AM, JDG said:

. I always loved hitting the gym so my weight stayed somewhat under control and at least I had great stamina, but when covid lockdowns hit and gyms had to close down I completely lost the love for working out. It's been years now since I went to the gym and my weight has gotten ridiculously out of hand. 

I am a loner and hate to be around other people, so the gym was out of the question for me. Once I got my eating under control I basically created a gym in the corner of my bedroom. They make small treadmills and stationary bikes, of which I have two lol. I have a set of weights too that I tuck behind everything. It was expensive (I got them for Christmas) but it really has changed my life. If you have the room in your home and can spare the expense, it's worth it to look into. Plus it'll be hours of entertainment for your kiddo once they get older. Trust me. My little son climbs all over my bike like a jungle gym every day lol.

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