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Yes, I probably peed on the playground more times than I can recall. In Europe this is a rather normal practice. In Spain and France my cousins and I often spent time in Playground at the parks with the nannies. Even before I could go on my own I remember them asking me if I had to pipi and pulling down my pants so I could make a puddle, wet a tree or a wall. For my female cousins they would hold them up in a squat so they could pee at the playground. It was considered pretty normal and all the other kids nannies or parents did the same. Once we got older we would pee on our own around the playground in various places and on various things. The nannies would also occasionally remind us to pee or prompt us when arriving or leaving. This pretty much continued up until the age that we stopped going to playgrounds. I've posted here before that one playground we went to had a paved corner that was sloped and my cousins would squat on it and have pee races to see whose stream made it down the slope first. So peeing was definitely a part of almost every playground trip.

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I remember at the one I used to frequent as a kid, there was this concrete tunnel thing, I'm not sure what the point of it was but I know it was frequently used to pee in.

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Here, in Italy, it is very common for babies to pee in the playgrounds, both for boys and girls (despite the fact that it is illegal). Several times, as a kid, I have peed against a tree or a bush and so hace done my siblings. I have also encouraged my baby sister and brother to do the same, when they were little.

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