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Sharing single use bathrooms with opposite sex (toilet/urinal)

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Have you ever used a single use bathroom with a member of the opposite sex? I'm not talking about gender neutral public bathrooms that anyone can walk into. I'm talking about bathrooms that have a door that locks, meant for one person at a time typically with a toilet, a urinal, or sometimes both, usually without any dividers. These seem cheaper to build depending on the establishment, and can be found in certain bars, clubs, restaurants, at beaches and so on.

I've read some stories on here and in other forums about this, but definitely not enough so I'm asking anyone to share their experiences. The though of a man and woman going into one of these together and and openly peeing in front of one another, or just having someone watch is so hot to me. I've never had the luck to do so yet, but would love to hear anyone who has!

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I have only done that as a small child with a neighbor girl. At that time, it was kinda interesting, but I did not have any thoughts behind that

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