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Food & Beverage preference?

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Hello All Peefans

Been wondering....

Pee, being a savoury thing by nature, is there general preference or inclination for food & beverage wise for  for sweet or savoury?

Me personally, I am inclined toward savoury food & beverage .... Quite like sweet in the right place and time, but, slightly bitter-savoury-round is my thing... Mostly.


Anyone have comments. Just interesting to know what Y'all like?

Euro xx .... ?


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Savory food for me for sure. Prefer to drink water.

I'm not really into sweets as I've reached my big age. Cake, candy, ice cream, etc. Sugar just doesn't really appeal to me anymore. The only exceptions I have to this are sugary drinks like iced coffee (of which I prefer a little coffee with my creamer lmao) and coke. If you told me I could drink coke for the rest of my life and my teeth would never fall out and I'd never gain any weight I'd easily make the switch. But alas sugar is bad for you lol. The second exception is when I get my period. Then I want all the sugar. I'll eat anything sweet that I can find because #hormones lol.

But other than that I love to cook and watch cooking videos and savory dishes are my favorite. My all time favorite food is Mac and cheese 😍 

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Similar here. I don't really have a sweet tooth, though I will eat chocolate and sweet biscuits (cookies) and cakes/muffin and puddings (desserts). I often choose cheese, or just a black coffee, over a dessert if I'm eating out. I don't drink sweet fizzy drinks at all. Don't have sugar in tea or coffee (but an occasional sweet hot chocolate is a treat).

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When it is cold weather I crave chocolate, biscuits and coffee with sugar. In warm weather I crave ice cream / fruity ice blocks but also chips (crisps) especially at night time. Or hot chips on the beach. Vegemite is good too for its saltiness on a cracker. Cheeeeeeese makes me happy. I drink sugar free lemonade. Sometimes I crave Indian food or Asian food with chilli. I eat lots of mints in the car! 

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