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Walking in on the opposite sex peeing

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On modern trains you can be confused by all the buttons & fail to lock the door that way. If this is a rail tour with an old train, no such excuse, but, yeah, I’d expect this was just unfamiliar locking arrangement & failed to lock it adequately

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2 hours ago, Alfresco said:

A few weeks ago, I went on a rail tour in the UK.   It was a day trip which travelled for several hours to a large town, spent a few hours there and then returned. Not something that I do very often but a good few of our friends were doing the trip and my wife and I agreed to go.  We had originally declined but changed our minds last minute so as we booked late so we weren't sitting with them but we did spend time with them during the trip and also at the destination.     I walked in on one of the ladies that I knew, peeing in the train toilet.  Let's call her Carol here.  Here is how it happened.

There were two toilets at one end of the carriage that we were in, we were sitting 3/4 of the way down the carriage from the toilets and the others we knew were in the same carriage but only about 1/4 of the way down from the toilets.  They came past us several times to get tea and other drinks from the buffet carriage.  We chatted to them each time.   I had an aisle seat and at one point I noted that Carol had stood up and walked through to the toilet in the vestibule at the end of the carriage.   I also needed to pee and I headed that way, thinking that if she was queuing I would chat to her while we waited.  As it turned out, there was no queue and when I got there I found that the toilet on the right was locked with the engaged symbol showing and the toilet on the left showed "Vacant"  I naturally assumed Carol had gone into the the toilet on the right and the toilet on the left was empty.   So I opened the door to the toilet on the left.   It opened inwards (away from me) and it only went a short way and stopped.   I was presented with a side view of a lady's bottom hovered over the toilet and realised that what had stopped the door opening was that it hit the legs of this lady.   (the door only just cleared the front of the toilet so hit her legs).  I was obviously viewing from a standing position so I was above and could clearly see her bum cheeks.   Because she was hovering, she was above the toilet seat and I could also see the pee falling from beneath her.  As the door hit her legs she made a slight shriek as she realised the door opened and she pushed the door shut again and then I saw the engaged symbol appear.  Her head was beyond the door so she didn't see who was opening the door and I didn't see her head, but I thought from the colour of her top (pink) and trousers (blue) and her general size and shape that it was probably Carol.

This is a rough sketch of what I saw:


The fact that it was Carol was shortly confirmed as I waited outside the two toilets for one to become free and the door of the toilet on the right opened.  A different lady came out, so I went in there.  Obviously as it was a different girl who came out, it must have been Carol on the left.   Also, when I did come out and returned to my seat, Carol was back at her seat.  

So, she knows someone walked in on her, but didn't see who it was.  However, she also knows that I returned from the toilet after she went, so did she suspect it was me?  Even if she did think it was me, she probably thought that it was unlikely that I would have realised that it was her bum that I saw.   Her boyfriend and the rest of the group was with her at the seats - did she tell them what happened?   Did her boyfriend twig that it was me that walked in on her?  He would have seen me walk past them to get the toilet (in fact I said hello briefly as I passed the group).    I stopped again to chat on the way back and I didn't mention it and neither did she or anyone else.

I have seen them several times since and nothing has been said.  I'm happy to remember the view and think of her bare arse every time I see her.  I think she would probably laugh it off if I told her that it was me, but I really don't want to embarrass her any further.  She might think that it was me that saw her but prefers not mention it, thinking that it is better that I don't realise it was her bum I saw.

No Happy End after admition later? Not ever wet trousers? Might be door was left vacant for you...?

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On 5/31/2024 at 1:05 PM, KP-has2P said:

Cool story @Alfresco.  I guess if they did bring it up you could have said the door wasn’t locked and it said “vacant” so you didn’t know it was occupied.  It’s not like you deliberately snuck a peek.


Absolutely.  If she had brought it up then  I would happily have brushed it off as an accident and no big deal but as I know her I would have also complemented her cute bum though.   It wouldn’t have caused any upset but as it seems she probably either doesn’t know it was me or assumes I don’t know it was her, then I don’t want to cause her any unnecessary embarrassment. 

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On 5/31/2024 at 1:06 PM, oliver2 said:

On modern trains you can be confused by all the buttons & fail to lock the door that way. If this is a rail tour with an old train, no such excuse, but, yeah, I’d expect this was just unfamiliar locking arrangement & failed to lock it adequately

Yes this is very true.  it was an old train with a simple slide bolt so I have no idea why she didn’t slide the bolt when she went in. 

Newer trains definitely can be confusing with the buttons. They have got more clearly signed with the later models but I have had some cases before now where I have opened an electrically controlled train toilet and seen a lady peeing because they only pressed the close button and not the lock button or quite possibly didn’t even see the buttons and the door closed behind them so they assumed it was locked.   The best ones are the toilets with the electrically driven sliding doors that go round on a curved track.  If you press the button and someone is in there without it being locked then they can’t do anything about it until it has slid all the way open, then they have to press the button to close it and wait whilst it slides slowly all the way back. 

I believe I have written about it somewhere else on the site but I caught a lady like that once she was in a hover position over the toilet.  When the door started opening she panicked and reached forward to press the buttons, arse on full show and trying to cut her stream that was now missing the toilet as she reached forward.  All I could do was apologise as she frantically pressed the buttons but the door continued to slide slowly open and then closed again equally slowly. 

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On 5/31/2024 at 2:51 PM, A_AShes said:

No Happy End after admition later? Not ever wet trousers? Might be door was left vacant for you...?

No she has never mentioned it since. 
No she didn’t leave the door for me as she would have had no idea that I would choose that time to also go to the toilet and based on her reaction when the door opened, she really was not expecting to be walked in on. 
No there were no wet trousers.  Not really sure why there would be unless you mean due to her jumping, missing the toilet and hitting her trousers.  No that didn’t happen. 

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9 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Yes this is very true.  it was an old train with a simple slide bolt so I have no idea why she didn’t slide the bolt when she went in. 

Newer trains definitely can be confusing with the buttons. They have got more clearly signed with the later models but I have had some cases before now where I have opened an electrically controlled train toilet and seen a lady peeing because they only pressed the close button and not the lock button or quite possibly didn’t even see the buttons and the door closed behind them so they assumed it was locked.   The best ones are the toilets with the electrically driven sliding doors that go round on a curved track.  If you press the button and someone is in there without it being locked then they can’t do anything about it until it has slid all the way open, then they have to press the button to close it and wait whilst it slides slowly all the way back. 

I believe I have written about it somewhere else on the site but I caught a lady like that once she was in a hover position over the toilet.  When the door started opening she panicked and reached forward to press the buttons, arse on full show and trying to cut her stream that was now missing the toilet as she reached forward.  All I could do was apologise as she frantically pressed the buttons but the door continued to slide slowly open and then closed again equally slowly. 

I would love to read your post on the lady in the toilet with the electric sliding door. If you can please share a link.

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One of my brother’s friends left the door open once. He was hidden by a half wall. I saw a guy peeing at a lake. I only saw his stream from my angle.

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16 hours ago, Kirby23 said:

OMG @Alfresco, I love the drawing!

Well they say a picture says a thousand words and whilst I am not an artist, especially on a computer, I thought it would do a better job of showing the situation than I could describe in words.

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15 hours ago, MRJH22 said:

I would love to read your post on the lady in the toilet with the electric sliding door. If you can please share a link.

Here you go:




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4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Here you go:





4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Here you go:





4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Here you go:




Thanks for sharing the link. Will check it out.

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