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Roskilde Festival - the peeing paradise for outside peeing

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So I take it both the concrete slab with the groove and the metal railing, and the wooden pallets with the plastic gutter in the middle, are two different kinds of squat urinals? For the slab with the groove, the orange pipe at one end explains how the pee drains away, but what is the orange rubber "bucket" thing at the other end? Is that a tank full of water that can be used to flush it? 

You say you "walked in on someone"--so did each of these urinals have a privacy wall around it? 

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24 minutes ago, Carb0nBased said:

So I take it both the concrete slab with the groove and the metal railing, and the wooden pallets with the plastic gutter in the middle, are two different kinds of squat urinals? For the slab with the groove, the orange pipe at one end explains how the pee drains away, but what is the orange rubber "bucket" thing at the other end? Is that a tank full of water that can be used to flush it? 

You say you "walked in on someone"--so did each of these urinals have a privacy wall around it? 

Just guessing but I would say the rubber bucket thing is just a stopper.  It look like you could chain several of these together with a pipe to join them so pee flows from one to the other and onwards eventually to the drain.  The first in the chain needs the stopper to stop pee simply falling out to the ground.   So the person using the downstream facility would possibly have pee already flowing through their trough as they add theirs to it.   

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On 7/14/2024 at 10:48 PM, Alfresco said:

Just guessing but I would say the rubber bucket thing is just a stopper.  It look like you could chain several of these together with a pipe to join them so pee flows from one to the other and onwards eventually to the drain.  The first in the chain needs the stopper to stop pee simply falling out to the ground.   So the person using the downstream facility would possibly have pee already flowing through their trough as they add theirs to it.   

Seems plausible.


On 7/14/2024 at 10:50 PM, vanessa9 said:

Yes, it was different kinds of urinals. I am not very much into plumbing and I didn't follow the pipes at the places there were installed, but obviously there is potential for improvement there. Most of the time, there was already some pee standing on the "half pipe", at least for the "pallet and plastic gutter" model, the ones that were most frequent. The vacuum trucks had to flush and clean them regularly.

It sounds like there is room for improvement indeed. I was wondering if the pee would pool up in the channel, particularly for the concrete ones since rain water has difficulty draining off concrete patios and paths a lot of the time. Even with standing pee though I bet they're a big improvement over porta-potties as far as grossness is concerned.

On 7/14/2024 at 10:50 PM, vanessa9 said:

The urinals were enclosed by three fences, to shield (somehow) from the view of passers-by, but they were intended to be used by two or three, possibly even four people at a time, just squatting in line behind each other. So, not much privacy, but hell... it's a festival after all 🙂

Well it sounds like the fences provided some privacy from guys, and even from other women who weren't also peeing at the same time. Not that I think you really cared too much either way yourself, but for a lot of other women that could make a big difference.

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On 6/28/2024 at 7:20 AM, vanessa9 said:


It looks like a gents urinal room, because actually it is one. Two years ago, somebody put signs on the wall, reading "this is a unisex room - ladies, please pee in the urinal or on the floor corner". I couldn't believe my eyes, but I swear it is real. At first, I thought it was an idea from the organizers, to help reduce the queue for the stalls, but another forum member once told us that he printed and attached the signs on the first day. Still not sure about the truth behind these signs, but definitely a great thing. Unfortunately, it is well known that many stolen videos were taken in this room and posted to porn sites. For that reason, many women now fear to use the urinals, I was often the only one to use them.

Are there any pictures of these mythical unisex urinal rooms? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/23/2024 at 10:51 PM, ChrisS said:

Was there a brand or name posted for the urinals? 

No, and I don't think it is a commercial thing, not even at a prototype stage like the "pollee" back 10 years ago.

I believe they were designed and put together by the festival organizers themselves. Squat urinals were presented as an experiment to explore new solutions for women and those who need to squat :



At this year’s festival, we are testing a variety of squat urinals.  

Squat urinals are intended for women and others who need to squat when they pee. 

We wish to have more squat urinals at Roskilde Festival, and therefore this year we are testing different models to find out which ones work best at our festival. 

We have had squat urinals in several places at the festival in previous years, but for the first time, we are testing several designs to find the perfect solution that can be rolled out across the entire festival in the future.


Source : https://www.roskilde-festival.dk/en/press/press-kit/sanitary-conditions-squat-urinals-and-free-menstrual-products

On 7/27/2024 at 7:33 PM, Ms. Tito said:

Are there any pictures of these mythical unisex urinal rooms? 

I once came across a couple of videos of women and men peeing together on the urinals, or women peeing on the floor... that's it.

Otherwise, they are just rooms with four long wall urinals, on either side of the toilet buildings.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/14/2024 at 7:55 AM, vanessa9 said:

Yes, this is a yearly event, taking place every late June / early July. And it looks like nobody from the forum attended, or everybody is just too shy to be the first to recount something here, so let me start.

This year again, I never used a toilet stall to pee. I basically tried everything else : grass, bushes, showers, male urinals, squat urinals (see below).

There was a sign asking not to pee in or around the lake, and I tried to comply... except one particular afternoon, where I challenged myself to go for a swim despite the cloudy and windy weather, but I was specially cold, and swimming naked I just couldn't hold it. But I drank a lot of water, so it was probably very diluted. No harm done.

Despite the famous pirate signs about the urinal rooms being unisex, I saw very few women using them. On one day, I saw three girls taking turns to squat on the floor, over the drain between the urinals and the sinks (I used the urinal just in front of them) and another day one woman was sitting on the urinal when I entered (I joined her, of course). Women seem to be more comfortable peeing on the ground outside the toilet shelter than inside the urinal room, even in full daylight. I prefer the urinal, it is more... special.

There were squat urinals in several places around the many stages. I attach a few pictures, I still don't know how the fuck I can properly attach a picture to a post, but I post links to pictures below. They were probably taken before the festival in a demo area, because during the festival they were installed in fenced areas, with signs reading "squat urinal - quick peeing for women or those who need to squat". This was a good idea, a nice replacement for the Lapee urinal (I think there were only two or three of them this year). This was apparently considered an experiment, and there was an online feedback poll. This was a great idea, and I hope the festival organizers keep on setting up this kind of innovative peeing solutions.





I once walked in on somebody using the squat urinal. To be politically correct, I don't know if I should call her a trans woman or call him a cross-dresser. This person had a male face and body, wore a long skirt and knickers and obviously had to squat to pee. We peed together facing each other. S/He seemed to be a little uncomfortable with it, so I did my best to look as natural as possible, no big deal, we are just peeing. This made me realize once again that in an attendance of 100'000 visitors, you can't assume that everybody is happy with the male / female alternative.

I have already related on another thread how I was complimented for being a "lovely pee partner".

Wait so if they're a crossdresser then wouldn't they be able to stand? Or are they just choosing to squat?

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10 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

Wait so if they're a crossdresser then wouldn't they be able to stand?

Yes, obviously! This world needs rules, unless you’re some kinda anarchist /s

(Feminine attire might make it hard to whip it out?)

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9 hours ago, oliver2 said:

Yes, obviously! This world needs rules, unless you’re some kinda anarchist /s

(Feminine attire might make it hard to whip it out?)

It's actually quite easy if you're wearing just a skirt/dress and panties.

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