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Eroprofile video download trick


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Thank you!


Hope you don't mind me messing with the code a little bit.

This works on mobile browsers should you enable the desktop mode and paste it into the URL bar. Or you can make a bookmarklet to make things simple.

If everything works correctly, the download button below the video becomes green and redirects to the downloadable video.

javascript:(function(){let a=document.getElementsByClassName('la-download')[0].parentElement;a.onclick='';a.setAttribute('href',$('.pageContentLeftWide source').get()[0].src);a.setAttribute('style','filter:invert(100%)')})()


Edited by Gin
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8 hours ago, pguy2981 said:

Y'all need to teach me your ways. Happy hacktober lol


Can we get a code explanation though? I would love a detailed overview of each piece of the original code since I don't code in...JavaScript right?

Yeah sure
The first line creates an HTML 'a' (anchor) element, which you can think of as a link, and gives it the name a (which is used to refer to that element in the rest of the code)

The second line gets a list of 'source' elements under elements with the 'pageContentLeftWide' class (there is only one, and it's the source for the main video), and gets the 'src' atribute of that element, which is the address of the video. It then sets the 'href' (destination) of our a element to that address, so that when it is clicked on, it leads to the video. This line uses jQuery, not pure vanilla JavaScript, but Eroprofile does too. 

The third line is just some styling. position: fixed makes it always in the same place regardless of scrolling, z-index: 1000 puts it on top of everything else (z-index is like 'height'), left and top of 0 put it in the top left, font-size: 10rem makes it big, and color: black makes it black (the default link color can blend into the header)

The fourth line sets the text of the link to 'link!'

The last line adds the link to the page, making it visible.

happy hacktober!

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4 hours ago, this is interesting said:

Now can that be applied to thisvid?

The various methods quoted do depend on which browser you're using in some cases - like the 'shift-right-click'.

But I have found that Thisvid have many, if not most of their clips in simple mp4 format.  Super easy to save, rather than other sites that have them hidden away and an online player.


I'm sure I've already posted my technique somewhere using Chrome without the need for any add-ins.  But only works for sites with mp4 clips or similar:

  1. If it's a site that plays an advert first, then skip past that so you've got the actual clip showing on screen (it being paused is fine).
  2. Open 'More Tools > Developer Tools'
  3. Click on the first (top right icon) in the Developer Tools pane.  Like an arrow pointing into a box. That icon becomes highlighted.
  4. Click on the video itself.
  5. In the console, the html source including that clip will be shown.  Right click and 'open in new tab' or '...window'
  6. Then you can right click and 'save as...'


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On 12/20/2023 at 9:36 AM, this is interesting said:

Cool....now how about on a phone 🤔

The 'Soul' browser also works on phones. Automatically offers you a download button for any video except yt. Thisvid etc. Almost anything. Even tiktoks once you open them in the browser. 

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52 minutes ago, this is interesting said:

I'm looking to see about watching the videos that are private on thisvids. Would it work for that?


Like I said before, if it is private, the only way you can view it is either become friends with the user, hope they make it public, or find it elsewhere. There is no getting around a video being private.

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